The emails show top dogs were corrupt as hell..............aka just confirming what we already knew anyway........

What we KNEW was that Comey broke DOJ protoc to screw Hillary and 2 agents talked on work email about how Trump is an idiot, but never actually did anything (like for exmaple leak that his campaign is under investigation)

And yes, thats what this report have an alternate take?
Well, yes.
Strozk and Page didn't make the decision not to charge Hillary.

You're conflating different issues addressed by the report.
High level FBI...........and attempting to use their position to alter an election..........Pure Bias and hate of Trump................

See it here policies................and no way we are going to let...............kjfkaj;dfkajf......Trump win.


Are you having a stroke?
Not at all just deleted some of the words of Hateful FBI agents.....................

Now do you ever offer an opinion on those issues we address. or will you just sit and spin like normal..............

You know you don't address issues you don't I said are a lawyer....probably a defense lawyer.........suits you.


This thread is about the IG report. Which you've been constantly trying to deflect from, or call into question.

So far, the only cogent point you've been able to make is "Strozk and Page were mean to Trump in text messages!".
Only in your liberal mind...........................but you are tainted..............why you see nothing............

Why you dodge threads when Berkley burns the place when a conservative might talk.............why you pretty much skate the issue of what the IRS did..............

You are useless..................


Weren't you just complaining that I was "diverting" the thread?
The emails show top dogs were corrupt as hell..............aka just confirming what we already knew anyway........

What we KNEW was that Comey broke DOJ protoc to screw Hillary and 2 agents talked on work email about how Trump is an idiot, but never actually did anything (like for exmaple leak that his campaign is under investigation)

And yes, thats what this report have an alternate take?
Comey didn't change the dang election.................Comey is self proclaimed pompus ass.............did you find the bank I mentioned.......

The left was all giddie with him when they thought they could use him to get back under the bus he goes.........

Which ever way the wind blows.
So the IG is part of the DEEP STATE too? Just yesterday, all the RWNJs were bragging on him.
Horowitz did his job...............he stayed within his scope.......and didn't go like another group is going........looking to see if ...........ummmm ......someone stole milk money in kindygarden............

The emails show top dogs were corrupt as hell..............aka just confirming what we already knew anyway..........

But hey..............the entire FBI now gets training on how not to be like the Wankers leading the place.............
Not sure i would trust the current crop of folks to clean it up...
I remember all of the Clinton holdovers in the Bush Administration constantly screwing things up.
Now we have Obama holdovers running all of the investigations.

No problem.
What could go wrong???:dunno:

President Donald Trump nominated Rosenstein to serve as Deputy Attorney General for the United States Department of Justice on February 1, 2017

Rod Rosenstein - Wikipedia

Any other BS?
Comey has never spoken those "words".

But don't let the truth stand in your way
He has been saying it on his book tour really need cable back if you are going to debate here!!!...he says whenever asked that he is a democrat....

This thread is about the IG report. Which you've been constantly trying to deflect from, or call into question.

So far, the only cogent point you've been able to make is "Strozk and Page were mean to Trump in text messages!".

If you're still planning on becoming an ambulance-chaser you better learn to look past the DNC talking points. When Strozk told Page: "we'll (the FBI) stop Trump from becoming president" he entered into a conspiracy to commit treason.
So the IG is part of the DEEP STATE too? Just yesterday, all the RWNJs were bragging on him.
Horowitz did his job...............he stayed within his scope.......and didn't go like another group is going........looking to see if ...........ummmm ......someone stole milk money in kindygarden............

The emails show top dogs were corrupt as hell..............aka just confirming what we already knew anyway..........

But hey..............the entire FBI now gets training on how not to be like the Wankers leading the place.............
Not sure i would trust the current crop of folks to clean it up...
I remember all of the Clinton holdovers in the Bush Administration constantly screwing things up.
Now we have Obama holdovers running all of the investigations.

No problem.
What could go wrong???:dunno:

President Donald Trump nominated Rosenstein to serve as Deputy Attorney General for the United States Department of Justice on February 1, 2017

Rod Rosenstein - Wikipedia

Any other BS?
And now he has grounds to fire him.
So the IG is part of the DEEP STATE too? Just yesterday, all the RWNJs were bragging on him.
Horowitz did his job...............he stayed within his scope.......and didn't go like another group is going........looking to see if ...........ummmm ......someone stole milk money in kindygarden............

The emails show top dogs were corrupt as hell..............aka just confirming what we already knew anyway..........

But hey..............the entire FBI now gets training on how not to be like the Wankers leading the place.............
Not sure i would trust the current crop of folks to clean it up...
I remember all of the Clinton holdovers in the Bush Administration constantly screwing things up.
Now we have Obama holdovers running all of the investigations.

No problem.
What could go wrong???:dunno:

President Donald Trump nominated Rosenstein to serve as Deputy Attorney General for the United States Department of Justice on February 1, 2017

Rod Rosenstein - Wikipedia

Any other BS?
And now he has grounds to fire him.

...? wtf? what grounds?
So the IG is part of the DEEP STATE too? Just yesterday, all the RWNJs were bragging on him.
Horowitz did his job...............he stayed within his scope.......and didn't go like another group is going........looking to see if ...........ummmm ......someone stole milk money in kindygarden............

The emails show top dogs were corrupt as hell..............aka just confirming what we already knew anyway..........

But hey..............the entire FBI now gets training on how not to be like the Wankers leading the place.............
Not sure i would trust the current crop of folks to clean it up...
I remember all of the Clinton holdovers in the Bush Administration constantly screwing things up.
Now we have Obama holdovers running all of the investigations.

No problem.
What could go wrong???:dunno:

President Donald Trump nominated Rosenstein to serve as Deputy Attorney General for the United States Department of Justice on February 1, 2017

Rod Rosenstein - Wikipedia

Any other BS?
And now he has grounds to fire him.

Does he?

What grounds are those?

This thread is about the IG report. Which you've been constantly trying to deflect from, or call into question.

So far, the only cogent point you've been able to make is "Strozk and Page were mean to Trump in text messages!".

If you're still planning on becoming an ambulance-chaser you better learn to look past the DNC talking points. When Strozk told Page: "we'll (the FBI) stop Trump from becoming president" he entered into a conspiracy to commit treason.


No, he didn't.

This thread is about the IG report. Which you've been constantly trying to deflect from, or call into question.

So far, the only cogent point you've been able to make is "Strozk and Page were mean to Trump in text messages!".

If you're still planning on becoming an ambulance-chaser you better learn to look past the DNC talking points. When Strozk told Page: "we'll (the FBI) stop Trump from becoming president" he entered into a conspiracy to commit treason.


No, he didn't.

Hope I can be at your first trial when it comes time to defend your dirtbag client you say: "LOL no he didn't" and sit down. I give you a month tops before you're disbarred.
Comey kept Trump investigation quiet & broadcast Clinton investigation to derail Clinton campaign to help Trump. Trump had to spin this against Comey making him the fall guy to legitimize his "win" The years of Republican Benghazi investigations had not damaged Clintons poll numbers enough, so Comey had to be sacrificed.
Last edited:
nothing funnny about your retardation.

Comey never said he was a Democrat, you simply made that bs up
Its a well known fact dummy...I heard him say it on his feckless book tour more than once...he switched party's to vote against Trump...because he was "disgusted" go away are not worthy....Buuuuuaaaaahahahahaha!!!!
Horowitz did his job...............he stayed within his scope.......and didn't go like another group is going........looking to see if ...........ummmm ......someone stole milk money in kindygarden............

The emails show top dogs were corrupt as hell..............aka just confirming what we already knew anyway..........

But hey..............the entire FBI now gets training on how not to be like the Wankers leading the place.............
Not sure i would trust the current crop of folks to clean it up...
I remember all of the Clinton holdovers in the Bush Administration constantly screwing things up.
Now we have Obama holdovers running all of the investigations.

No problem.
What could go wrong???:dunno:

President Donald Trump nominated Rosenstein to serve as Deputy Attorney General for the United States Department of Justice on February 1, 2017

Rod Rosenstein - Wikipedia

Any other BS?
And now he has grounds to fire him.

Does he?

What grounds are those?
Democrats have been trying to sell the idea of collusion. And this report shows EXACTLY where it was.
Those ARE the optics.
nothing funnny about your retardation.

Comey never said he was a Democrat, you simply made that bs up
Its a well known fact dummy...I heard him say it on his feckless book tour more than once...he switched party's to vote against Trump...because he was "disgusted" go away are not worthy....Buuuuuaaaaahahahahaha!!!!
liar! liar! panties on fire! :D
Horowitz did his job...............he stayed within his scope.......and didn't go like another group is going........looking to see if ...........ummmm ......someone stole milk money in kindygarden............

The emails show top dogs were corrupt as hell..............aka just confirming what we already knew anyway..........

But hey..............the entire FBI now gets training on how not to be like the Wankers leading the place.............
Not sure i would trust the current crop of folks to clean it up...
I remember all of the Clinton holdovers in the Bush Administration constantly screwing things up.
Now we have Obama holdovers running all of the investigations.

No problem.
What could go wrong???:dunno:

President Donald Trump nominated Rosenstein to serve as Deputy Attorney General for the United States Department of Justice on February 1, 2017

Rod Rosenstein - Wikipedia

Any other BS?
And now he has grounds to fire him.

Does he?

What grounds are those?
He needs no grounds................he can just simply do it.............and watch your liberal heads explode.............stoke up the collusion hysteria again..........

He appointed him on Sessions advice after he bowed out...............I'm actually ashamed of Sessions..........he's from my State........thought better of him........

He has basically not been the AG his entire tenure. Only reason Rosenstein hasn't been removed is because of politics............He should have never been apart of this either.......considering he recommended Comey being fired........then later used it for another investigation.........he's tainted.........but politically kept in place.......

He should have been fired long ago........

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