Manafort really has nothing to do with Trump except for his helping to organize Electoral Delegates during the short 4 months of a two year campaign.

He was then fired by Trump over questions about his dealings in the Ukraine over 12 years ago far before he had ever met Donald Trump.

At any rate Manafort is probably going to get everything overturned and just be another victim of Mueller’s who will sue Mueller and The US Government and be awarded Millions.
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Manafort really has nothing to do with Trump except for his helping to organize Electoral Delegates during the short 4 months of a two year campaign.

He was then fired by Trump over questions about his dealings in the Ukraine over 12 years ago far before he had ever met Donald Trump.

At any rate Manafort is probably going to get everything overturned and just be another victim of Mueller’s who will sue Mueller and The US Government and be awarded Millions.
Trump hires only the best alligators for his swamp. His vetting process is amazing. Terrific. There has never been as good a vetting process in the history of America.

And yes, Manafort will be given a lifetime free pass to Disneyland and a Medal of Honor by the time this is all over. I'm sure of it. That's why you and Trump are pretending he barely knew Manafort. You just threw him under the bus because you know he's totally innocent.
Manafort really has nothing to do with Trump except for his helping to organize Electoral Delegates during the short 4 months of a two year campaign.

He was then fired by Trump over questions about his dealings in the Ukraine over 12 years ago far before he had ever met Donald Trump.

At any rate Manafort is probably going to get everything overturned and just be another victim of Mueller’s who will sue Mueller and The US Government and be awarded Millions.
Trump's Republican Campaign Chairman Paul Manafort was jailed for "Witness Tampering" which is another new crime he recently committed to cover for Trump!!!

Trump's people are the worst corrupt swamp sleaze trying to destroy this country!
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Mueller like Comey is a notorious leaker.

All of these leaks are timed to always attempt to counteract good news or accomplishments of The Trump Administration.

I wish he’d get called on it.

Trump's Republican campaign advisor Paul Manafort is now in JAIL!!!
Certainly this is due to the IG report. This is Mueller's method of diverting attention from the Report back to him.

This really is a meltdown of epic proportions.

It's fascinating to watch for sure.
It will be fascinating to watch election returns in November. American people are not stupid. They can see the “get Trump at all cost” politics in the upper echelon of FBI.

They're certainly smart enough to read the very plain conclusions drawn by the IG.

Optics are for the less capable. Generally Trump supporters.
If there was no wrong doing...why are people in FBI going to be disciplined? What was the wrong doing? Injection of political bias into investigation.

The discipline comes from the way they used their devices not from how they conducted the investigations.

⏬This is all you need to know.

"We analyzed the Department’s declination decision according to the same analytical standard that we applied to other decisions made during the investigation. We did not substitute the OIG’s judgment for the judgments made by the Department, but rather sought to determine whether the decision was based on improper considerations, including political bias. We found no evidence that the conclusions by the prosecutors were affected by bias or other improper considerations; rather, we determined that they were based on the prosecutors’ assessment of the facts, the law, and past Department practice."
Note the language of the report, it says "there is no testimonial or documentary evidence of political bias" they did not say there wasn't any political bias at all, nor that it hadn't occurred. It would be a major presumption on the OIG's part to say that no political bias existed in the enactment of this investigation.

Loving how everyone is taking this report at face value.

Love how you're reading conclusions in the report that were not made.

This is the conclusion of the report.

"We analyzed the Department’s declination decision according to the same analytical standard that we applied to other decisions made during the investigation. We did not substitute the OIG’s judgment for the judgments made by the Department, but rather sought to determine whether the decision was based on improper considerations, including political bias. We found no evidence that the conclusions by the prosecutors were affected by bias or other improper considerations; rather, we determined that they were based on the prosecutors’ assessment of the facts, the law, and past Department practice."

Gee. The excitement over this report seems to have waned a bit.

No bias from Comey when handling the Clinton investigation.

A couple of FBI agents flapped their gums to each other using govt issue phones. This talk did not influence their actions. They were critical of people in both parties. They will be dealt with.

Comey mishandled the way the Clinton I nvestigation was announced to the public, helping Trump.
time to let this go. we need to stop fighting until we get our way. both sides are horrible at that right now.

Both sides aren't fighting the same fight.

One is fighting over contrived conspiracies for purely political motives while the other is pushing back with the truth.

This report is just another example of how the RWers live in perpetual self delusion.
Their views on the IG report before and since it's release were 180 degrees wrong as is the case with most things. When it doesn't go their way, it becomes another log on the conspiracy bonfire.

Aaaaaand what did Strzok DO?

IG report found that Hillary got screwed by Comey's inappropriate public comments but that the actual investigation came to a correct conclusion that no charges are to be brought.

Strzok was removed from Mueller investigation a YEAR AGO.

General Flynn - PLED GUILTY, because he was on tape talking to Kysliak and then lying about it to FBI.

Finally, IG report found NO BIASED DECISION MAKING.

Yep. This report puts at least a half dozen kooky conspiracies to bed. They aren't taking it well.
Manafort really has nothing to do with Trump except for his helping to organize Electoral Delegates during the short 4 months of a two year campaign.

He was then fired by Trump over questions about his dealings in the Ukraine over 12 years ago far before he had ever met Donald Trump.

At any rate Manafort is probably going to get everything overturned and just be another victim of Mueller’s who will sue Mueller and The US Government and be awarded Millions.

Manafort really has nothing to do with Trump except for

Being his campaign chairman.

You can never minimize that fact no matter how hard you try.

His crime..............shared it with one person who he was sleeping with............ hacked.............shared it to the world.................

Double Standards.......................

Do you seriously not understand the difference between willingly making classified material available to your un-cleared lover and getting hacked?

Come on buddy, this is not rocket science. Intent was WELL ESTABLISHED in Petraeus case and he didn't even go to jail, got 2 year probation and a fine.

His crime..............shared it with one person who he was sleeping with............ hacked.............shared it to the world.................

Double Standards.......................

Do you seriously not understand the difference between willingly making classified material available to your un-cleared lover and getting hacked?

Come on buddy, this is not rocket science. Intent was WELL ESTABLISHED in Petraeus case and he didn't even go to jail, got 2 year probation and a fine.

Negligence of a Crime doesn't mean you are not guilty of a crime........Recklessness requires some intent but not the standards of Section F. Her being in the Gov't for so long...........doesn't pass the she didn't know it was classified innocent routine.
Repubtards attack truth tellers & witness tamper. It is rot from the top cult leader. Just like Bush's Karl Rove blew the famous dog whistle saying “Valerie Plame is fair game.” Now Trump pardons Libby!

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There are several quotes in the reports where the filthy ass government officials say they want to stop Trump but yet the conclusion of the report is that there was nothing partisan.

That shoots down the credibility of the report. Looks like more deep state cover up.

They have the right to participate in our system of government so they have every right to talk about stopping Trump. The question was whether they used their official position to do so. There is no evidence of that. Comey's decision to not recommend a prosecution of Clinton may have helped her but his telling Congress he was opening the case back up helped Trump.
There are several quotes in the reports where the filthy ass government officials say they want to stop Trump but yet the conclusion of the report is that there was nothing partisan.

That shoots down the credibility of the report. Looks like more deep state cover up.

They have the right to participate in our system of government so they have every right to talk about stopping Trump. The question was whether they used their official position to do so. There is no evidence of that. Comey's decision to not recommend a prosecution of Clinton may have helped her but his telling Congress he was opening the case back up helped Trump.

Not in their official capacity. They were working in their job to undermine our Democracy. Typical for filthy ass Liberals.
/——-/ Obviously “we’re” not in charge of who is prosecuted other wise they would all be in court.

You're in charge now... Oh, that's right. Even your own IG says there isn't a criminal case here.
He found more than enough political bias, but "THOUGHT" it was not enough. Kind of like Comey and "HIS" report. Give it to a lawyer, A REAL LAWYER and let him/her try. You afraid?

The IG is an obama minion.....that is why this report is so weak.... this goes to show that anyone with a link to a clinton or an obama is completely compromised as a human being....

The truth is not weak. You are the one who is weak minded. It goes to show that Trump supporters are more likely to be victims of attacks of stupidity and insanity.
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There are several quotes in the reports where the filthy ass government officials say they want to stop Trump but yet the conclusion of the report is that there was nothing partisan.

That shoots down the credibility of the report. Looks like more deep state cover up.

They have the right to participate in our system of government so they have every right to talk about stopping Trump. The question was whether they used their official position to do so. There is no evidence of that. Comey's decision to not recommend a prosecution of Clinton may have helped her but his telling Congress he was opening the case back up helped Trump.

Not in their official capacity. They were working in their job to undermine our Democracy. Typical for filthy ass Liberals.

Oh bullcrap. They were hurting Trump by NOT leaking the fact his campaign was being investigated. By telling Congress publicly that they had re-opened the investigation of Clinton's e-mails the week BEFORE the election. You and Trump are doing everything you can to undermine this country. Cheapening the flag and anthem by turning it into a political weapon. Typical for filthy ass alt-right types like you.
There are several quotes in the reports where the filthy ass government officials say they want to stop Trump but yet the conclusion of the report is that there was nothing partisan.

That shoots down the credibility of the report. Looks like more deep state cover up.

They have the right to participate in our system of government so they have every right to talk about stopping Trump. The question was whether they used their official position to do so. There is no evidence of that. Comey's decision to not recommend a prosecution of Clinton may have helped her but his telling Congress he was opening the case back up helped Trump.

Not in their official capacity. They were working in their job to undermine our Democracy. Typical for filthy ass Liberals.

Oh bullcrap. They were hurting Trump by NOT leaking the fact his campaign was being investigated. By telling Congress publicly that they had re-opened the investigation of Clinton's e-mails the week BEFORE the election. You and Trump are doing everything you can to undermine this country. Cheapening the flag and anthem by turning it into a political weapon. Typical for filthy ass alt-right types like you.
/——/ you just opened a fresh can of Strawman arguments
Manafort really has nothing to do with Trump except for his helping to organize Electoral Delegates during the short 4 months of a two year campaign.

He was then fired by Trump over questions about his dealings in the Ukraine over 12 years ago far before he had ever met Donald Trump.

At any rate Manafort is probably going to get everything overturned and just be another victim of Mueller’s who will sue Mueller and The US Government and be awarded Millions.
Trump hires only the best alligators for his swamp. His vetting process is amazing. Terrific. There has never been as good a vetting process in the history of America.

And yes, Manafort will be given a lifetime free pass to Disneyland and a Medal of Honor by the time this is all over. I'm sure of it. That's why you and Trump are pretending he barely knew Manafort. You just threw him under the bus because you know he's totally innocent.
/——/ Like Muller, you got nothing

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