In one year 23 members of Trump's swamp have already been Jailed, Indicted or Charged!!!

In 33 years of fantasy investigating Hillary, you got Nothing!!!
In one year 23 members of Trump's swamp have already been Jailed, Indicted or Charged!!!

In 33 years of fantasy investigating Hillary, you got Nothing!!!
Got a lot of dead people which is a great way to end up with “nothing”
In one year 23 members of Trump's swamp have already been Jailed, Indicted or Charged!!!

In 33 years of fantasy investigating Hillary, you got Nothing!!!
i'm sorry - i couldn't hear you - who did you say was president again?

Okay, you love the gay guy.

What the FUCK does that have to do with the thread? :dunno:


It's ok. I know you're upset. All your hopes and dreams for the IG report, smashed and tattered at your feet.

Breath deeply. You'll get through this.

What would I have to be upset about Comrade?

The flaccid belief by you Stalinists that you can lie this all into the cornfield?

{FBI Attorney 2 sent an instant message to FBI Attorney 1 commenting on the amount of money the subject of an FBI investigation had been paid while working on the Trump campaign. FBI Attorney 1 responded, “Is it making you rethink your commitment to the Trump administration?” FBI Attorney 2 replied, “Hell no.” and then added, “Viva le resistance.”}

Clearly, there is no bias problem at the FBI

Even the Goebbels of your press don't have enough lies to make this go away.
One word describes the report from Horowitz (an Obama appointee)...Whitewash. Just as I predicted. It should come as no surprise to anyone.

Not so fast. Don't fall into the trap the Stalinists have set.

Always remember, virtually anything said by the left is a lie. That which is not a flat out lie is a distortion.


The IQ crafted a report from a legal perspective. No where and in no way does Horowitz deny that the FBI acted in a biased manner, quite the opposite.

Horowitz reported;

A computer specialist who deleted Hillary Clinton’s emails despite orders from Congress to preserve them was given immunity by the Justice Department during its investigation into her personal email account, according to a law enforcement official and others briefed on the investigation.


Mr. Combetta is one of at least two people who were given immunity by the Justice Department as part of the investigation. The other was Bryan Pagliano, a former campaign staff member for Mrs. Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign, who was granted immunity in exchange for answering questions about how he set up a server in Mrs. Clinton’s home in Chappaqua, N.Y., around the time she became secretary of state in 2009.


According to the F.B.I. documents, Mr. Combetta told the bureau in February that he did not recall deleting the emails. But in May, he told a different story.

In the days after Mrs. Clinton’s staffers called Platte River Networks in March 2015, Mr. Combetta said realized that he had not followed a December 2014 order from Mrs. Clinton’s lawyers to have the emails deleted. Mr. Combetta then used a program called BleachBit to delete the messages, the bureau said.

In Mr. Combetta’s first interview with the F.B.I. in February, he said he did not recall seeing the preservation order from the Benghazi committee, which Mrs. Clinton’s lawyer, Cheryl D. Mills, had sent to Platte River. But in his May interview, he said that at the time he made the deletions “he was aware of the existence of the preservation request and the fact that it meant he should not disturb Clinton’s email data” on the Platte River server.}

WSJ Columnist: Hey, The ‘No Bias’ Claim In DOJ IG Report Is Not What It Seems

This is highly damning, regardless of whether criminal charges will be filed directly as a result.

Further, this ONLY deals with the Hillary email investigation that the FSB corrupted.

Hints that Strzok engaged in treason in the Russia probe are clear. What exactly does the FSB thug mean with "We'll Stop' Donald Trump From Becoming President"

One word describes the report from Horowitz (an Obama appointee)...Whitewash. Just as I predicted. It should come as no surprise to anyone.
Just as predicted? For the past two days you were predicting they would be throw in jail.

Horowitz and Obama appointee? Trump admin has had 1.5 years to replace him. If they had doubts about him, somebody else would have taken the inspector general role.

McCabe will go to jail, as will Strzok and Page.

I get it, you Communists see perception as reality, You think if the corrupt press can simply lie enough, you can spin this so it isn't the disaster that it so clearly is.

We'll Stop' Donald Trump From Becoming President

That's treason, Comrade.

If you think this was neutral or a win for your filthy party, you need to cut back on the crack.
One word describes the report from Horowitz (an Obama appointee)...Whitewash. Just as I predicted. It should come as no surprise to anyone.

Not so fast. Don't fall into the trap the Stalinists have set.

Always remember, virtually anything said by the left is a lie. That which is not a flat out lie is a distortion.

View attachment 199002

The IQ crafted a report from a legal perspective. No where and in no way does Horowitz deny that the FBI acted in a biased manner, quite the opposite.

Horowitz reported;

A computer specialist who deleted Hillary Clinton’s emails despite orders from Congress to preserve them was given immunity by the Justice Department during its investigation into her personal email account, according to a law enforcement official and others briefed on the investigation.


Mr. Combetta is one of at least two people who were given immunity by the Justice Department as part of the investigation. The other was Bryan Pagliano, a former campaign staff member for Mrs. Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign, who was granted immunity in exchange for answering questions about how he set up a server in Mrs. Clinton’s home in Chappaqua, N.Y., around the time she became secretary of state in 2009.


According to the F.B.I. documents, Mr. Combetta told the bureau in February that he did not recall deleting the emails. But in May, he told a different story.

In the days after Mrs. Clinton’s staffers called Platte River Networks in March 2015, Mr. Combetta said realized that he had not followed a December 2014 order from Mrs. Clinton’s lawyers to have the emails deleted. Mr. Combetta then used a program called BleachBit to delete the messages, the bureau said.

In Mr. Combetta’s first interview with the F.B.I. in February, he said he did not recall seeing the preservation order from the Benghazi committee, which Mrs. Clinton’s lawyer, Cheryl D. Mills, had sent to Platte River. But in his May interview, he said that at the time he made the deletions “he was aware of the existence of the preservation request and the fact that it meant he should not disturb Clinton’s email data” on the Platte River server.}

WSJ Columnist: Hey, The ‘No Bias’ Claim In DOJ IG Report Is Not What It Seems

This is highly damning, regardless of whether criminal charges will be filed directly as a result.

Further, this ONLY deals with the Hillary email investigation that the FSB corrupted.

Hints that Strzok engaged in treason in the Russia probe are clear. What exactly does the FSB thug mean with "We'll Stop' Donald Trump From Becoming President"
No proof FBI officials Trump criticisms impacted probes. Also, a week before the 2016 vote, Comey announced re-opening of Hillary email investigation, helping Trump win. Strzok assisted in re-opening the Hillary investagtion at that time. FBI agents are allowed to have political opinions, but it cant impact their work.
One word describes the report from Horowitz (an Obama appointee)...Whitewash. Just as I predicted. It should come as no surprise to anyone.

Not so fast. Don't fall into the trap the Stalinists have set.

Always remember, virtually anything said by the left is a lie. That which is not a flat out lie is a distortion.

View attachment 199002

The IQ crafted a report from a legal perspective. No where and in no way does Horowitz deny that the FBI acted in a biased manner, quite the opposite.

Horowitz reported;

A computer specialist who deleted Hillary Clinton’s emails despite orders from Congress to preserve them was given immunity by the Justice Department during its investigation into her personal email account, according to a law enforcement official and others briefed on the investigation.


Mr. Combetta is one of at least two people who were given immunity by the Justice Department as part of the investigation. The other was Bryan Pagliano, a former campaign staff member for Mrs. Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign, who was granted immunity in exchange for answering questions about how he set up a server in Mrs. Clinton’s home in Chappaqua, N.Y., around the time she became secretary of state in 2009.


According to the F.B.I. documents, Mr. Combetta told the bureau in February that he did not recall deleting the emails. But in May, he told a different story.

In the days after Mrs. Clinton’s staffers called Platte River Networks in March 2015, Mr. Combetta said realized that he had not followed a December 2014 order from Mrs. Clinton’s lawyers to have the emails deleted. Mr. Combetta then used a program called BleachBit to delete the messages, the bureau said.

In Mr. Combetta’s first interview with the F.B.I. in February, he said he did not recall seeing the preservation order from the Benghazi committee, which Mrs. Clinton’s lawyer, Cheryl D. Mills, had sent to Platte River. But in his May interview, he said that at the time he made the deletions “he was aware of the existence of the preservation request and the fact that it meant he should not disturb Clinton’s email data” on the Platte River server.}

WSJ Columnist: Hey, The ‘No Bias’ Claim In DOJ IG Report Is Not What It Seems

This is highly damning, regardless of whether criminal charges will be filed directly as a result.

Further, this ONLY deals with the Hillary email investigation that the FSB corrupted.

Hints that Strzok engaged in treason in the Russia probe are clear. What exactly does the FSB thug mean with "We'll Stop' Donald Trump From Becoming President"
No proof FBI officials Trump criticisms impacted probes. Also, a week before the 2016 vote, Comey announced re-opening of Hillary email investigation, helping Trump win. Strzok assisted in re-opening the Hillary investagtion at that time. FBI agents are allowed to have political opinions, but it cant impact their work.
Oh, bullshit. Comey reopened the investigation because everybody knew the fix was in. He was pretending to be impartial because his credibility (and possible prosecution) was on the line. A few days after reopening it he announced he found nothing. Gee, big surprise, huh? The only reason these creeps were in the FBI to begin with was to use their positions to advance their political agenda. They ARE traitors and they ARE Obama puppets. You know it, and the American people are starting to know it, which is why you hacks are so desperate to distract, divert, and muddy waters as much as possible so your idols don't end up in prison where they belong.
One word describes the report from Horowitz (an Obama appointee)...Whitewash. Just as I predicted. It should come as no surprise to anyone.
Just as predicted? For the past two days you were predicting they would be throw in jail.

Horowitz and Obama appointee? Trump admin has had 1.5 years to replace him. If they had doubts about him, somebody else would have taken the inspector general role.

McCabe will go to jail, as will Strzok and Page.

When? Give us a when it hits you'll know exactly how big of an idiot you are to talk out of your ass like that.
I'm thinking NOT. That IG report comes out and they will be running for cover. Give it 2 or 3 days and the finger pointing will begin. Give it a week and the rats will be jumping ship. There is simply NO WAY that report is bad for the GOP because it's NOT a report on them.

But Shit Stain, Comey and Clinton? Could be VERY VERY bad news. And given the IG WAS a Shit Stain pick? Kind of hard to spin that crap eh Libtardo's? A short bus full of lying bickering finger pointing rats headed for a cliff.

Just another gift from the people who brought you MAGA.


You have some selective reading comprehension skills---:auiqs.jpg: There is no doubt that James Comey's name is MUDD on both sides of the isle. He broke DOJ protocol with Hillary Clinton on 3 different ocassions. 1. Comey knowingly used a Russian alterated email to skirt around the DOJ to 2. get in front of congress to give a daming speech about Hillary Clinton, that set off the arm chair legal team on FOX NEWS, to really breaking long standing DOJ protocol by releasing information within 60 days of an election.Comey as warned many not to do it, did it 11 days before an election, and 7 days later after millions of Americans voted believing charges were imminent against Hillary Clinton gave birth to his nothing burger. Had it not been for James Comey, Hillary Clinton would be the POTUS today. There is no doubt about that.
'None of it makes much sense': Experts are baffled by Comey's use of a fake Russian document to skirt the DOJ
Eric Holder and 100 other former Justice officials sign letter blasting Comey's 'breach of protocol'
Harry Reid: Comey may have violated the Hatch Act - CNNPolitics


While Comey was more than vocal about Hillary Clinton's investigation, he didn't breath a word about the Russian investigation he started in late July 2016. And he was getting information on Trump surrogates contacts with Russian intelligence agents since 2015, that was coming in from daily routine spying operations from several foreign countries that share intelligence with us and didn't breath a word about it. When he was asked about this during a senate hearing while under oath he stated it was because Hillary Clinton's email investigation was public knowledge and the Russian investigation wasn't. Now you have to wonder if Americans knew about that investigation about Trump & his surrogates, would they have still voted for him? This article was confirmed over a year ago during a senate hearing, under direct testimony between Diane Fienstein and James Clapper.
British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia
Full transcript: Sally Yates and James Clapper testify on Russian election interference

I don't believe that 2 lower level FBI agents that were communicating about Trump are in any way responsible for Trump being investigated. Over half the country can't stand Donald Trump and I am certain there were comments like this going on all over. Trump is his own worst enemy and it didn't help that he admitted to Obstruction of Justice on National T.V.


It's more than clear now that the goal posts were moved on Hillary Clinton's side of the field not only with James Comey but with Vladimir Putin's interference into the election.
James Clapper book (Facts & Fears) Russia was successful in getting Trump elected.

For pictures of the Russian facebook adds go to this link. Vladimir Putin was very busy insuring that Donald Trump won. Vladimir Putin inundated adds on Facebook, Twitter, Google & Youtube and they were shared and seen by over 180 million Americans.
pictures of russian facebook ads - Google Search

Regardless 19 Federal Grand Jury indictments, 5 guilty plea's, and another 90 plus criminal charges that are certain to produce more aren't going to disappear over this IG report. Trump is DONE.

A good book to read that will prepare you for the open, public hearings & testimony that will begin in January 2019 when Democrats are sworn in as majority leaders in one or both houses of congress is this. At that point NO ONE is going to be able to save Trump and the impeachment proceedings will begin. Even Republicans and Trump have admitted that, which is basically an admittance of guilt.
Trump: If Dems win in 2018 midterms, they'll impeach me
Republicans warn Trump could be impeached if Democrats win the midterm elections


It's coming.
Blue wave coming this November 2018

Last edited:
I'm thinking NOT. That IG report comes out and they will be running for cover. Give it 2 or 3 days and the finger pointing will begin. Give it a week and the rats will be jumping ship. There is simply NO WAY that report is bad for the GOP because it's NOT a report on them.

But Shit Stain, Comey and Clinton? Could be VERY VERY bad news. And given the IG WAS a Shit Stain pick? Kind of hard to spin that crap eh Libtardo's? A short bus full of lying bickering finger pointing rats headed for a cliff.

Just another gift from the people who brought you MAGA.


You have some selective reading comprehension skills---:auiqs.jpg: There is no doubt that James Comey's name is MUDD on both sides of the isle. He broke DOJ protocol with Hillary Clinton on 3 different ocassions. 1. Comey knowingly used a Russian alterated email to skirt around the DOJ to 2. get in front of congress to give a daming speech about Hillary Clinton, that set off the arm chair legal team on FOX NEWS, to really breaking long standing DOJ protocol by releasing information within 60 days of an election.Comey as warned many not to do it, did it 11 days before an election, and 7 days later after millions of Americans voted believing charges were imminent against Hillary Clinton gave birth to his nothing burger. Had it not been for James Comey, Hillary Clinton would be the POTUS today. There is no doubt about that.
'None of it makes much sense': Experts are baffled by Comey's use of a fake Russian document to skirt the DOJ
Eric Holder and 100 other former Justice officials sign letter blasting Comey's 'breach of protocol'
Harry Reid: Comey may have violated the Hatch Act - CNNPolitics


While Comey was more than vocal about Hillary Clinton's investigation, he didn't breath a word about the Russian investigation he started in late July 2016. And he was getting information on Trump surrogates contacts with Russian intelligence agents since 2015, that was coming in from daily routine spying operations from several foreign countries that share intelligence with us and didn't breath a word about it. When he was asked about this during a senate hearing while under oath he stated it was because Hillary Clinton's email investigation was public knowledge and the Russian investigation wasn't. Now you have to wonder if Americans knew about that investigation about Trump & his surrogates, would they have still voted for him? This article was confirmed over a year ago during a senate hearing, under direct testimony between Diane Fienstein and James Clapper.
British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia
Full transcript: Sally Yates and James Clapper testify on Russian election interference

I don't believe that 2 lower level FBI agents that were communicating about Trump are in any way responsible for Trump being investigated. Over half the country can't stand Donald Trump and I am certain there were comments like this going on all over. Trump is his own worst enemy and it didn't help that he admitted to Obstruction of Justice on National T.V.


It's more than clear now that the goal posts were moved on Hillary Clinton's side of the field not only with James Comey but with Vladimir Putin's interference into the election.
James Clapper book (Facts & Fears) Russia was successful in getting Trump elected.

For pictures of the Russian facebook adds go to this link. Vladimir Putin was very busy insuring that Donald Trump won. Vladimir Putin inundated adds on Facebook, Twitter, Google & Youtube and they were shared and seen by over 180 million Americans.
pictures of russian facebook ads - Google Search

Regardless 19 Federal Grand Jury indictments, 5 guilty plea's, and another 90 plus criminal charges that are certain to produce more aren't going to disappear over this IG report. Trump is DONE.

A good book to read that will prepare you for the open, public hearings & testimony that will begin in January 2019 when Democrats are sworn in as majority leaders in one or both houses of congress is this. At that point NO ONE is going to be able to save Trump and the impeachment proceedings will begin. Even Republicans and Trump have admitted that, which is basically an admittance of guilt.
Trump: If Dems win in 2018 midterms, they'll impeach me
Republicans warn Trump could be impeached if Democrats win the midterm elections


It's coming.
Blue wave coming this November 2018

I'm thinking NOT. That IG report comes out and they will be running for cover. Give it 2 or 3 days and the finger pointing will begin. Give it a week and the rats will be jumping ship. There is simply NO WAY that report is bad for the GOP because it's NOT a report on them.

But Shit Stain, Comey and Clinton? Could be VERY VERY bad news. And given the IG WAS a Shit Stain pick? Kind of hard to spin that crap eh Libtardo's? A short bus full of lying bickering finger pointing rats headed for a cliff.

Just another gift from the people who brought you MAGA.


You have some selective reading comprehension skills---:auiqs.jpg: There is no doubt that James Comey's name is MUDD on both sides of the isle. He broke DOJ protocol with Hillary Clinton on 3 different ocassions. 1. Comey knowingly used a Russian alterated email to skirt around the DOJ to 2. get in front of congress to give a daming speech about Hillary Clinton, that set off the arm chair legal team on FOX NEWS, to really breaking long standing DOJ protocol by releasing information within 60 days of an election.Comey as warned many not to do it, did it 11 days before an election, and 7 days later after millions of Americans voted believing charges were imminent against Hillary Clinton gave birth to his nothing burger. Had it not been for James Comey, Hillary Clinton would be the POTUS today. There is no doubt about that.
'None of it makes much sense': Experts are baffled by Comey's use of a fake Russian document to skirt the DOJ
Eric Holder and 100 other former Justice officials sign letter blasting Comey's 'breach of protocol'
Harry Reid: Comey may have violated the Hatch Act - CNNPolitics


While Comey was more than vocal about Hillary Clinton's investigation, he didn't breath a word about the Russian investigation he started in late July 2016. And he was getting information on Trump surrogates contacts with Russian intelligence agents since 2015, that was coming in from daily routine spying operations from several foreign countries that share intelligence with us and didn't breath a word about it. When he was asked about this during a senate hearing while under oath he stated it was because Hillary Clinton's email investigation was public knowledge and the Russian investigation wasn't. Now you have to wonder if Americans knew about that investigation about Trump & his surrogates, would they have still voted for him? This article was confirmed over a year ago during a senate hearing, under direct testimony between Diane Fienstein and James Clapper.
British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia
Full transcript: Sally Yates and James Clapper testify on Russian election interference

I don't believe that 2 lower level FBI agents that were communicating about Trump are in any way responsible for Trump being investigated. Over half the country can't stand Donald Trump and I am certain there were comments like this going on all over. Trump is his own worst enemy and it didn't help that he admitted to Obstruction of Justice on National T.V.


It's more than clear now that the goal posts were moved on Hillary Clinton's side of the field not only with James Comey but with Vladimir Putin's interference into the election.
James Clapper book (Facts & Fears) Russia was successful in getting Trump elected.

For pictures of the Russian facebook adds go to this link. Vladimir Putin was very busy insuring that Donald Trump won. Vladimir Putin inundated adds on Facebook, Twitter, Google & Youtube and they were shared and seen by over 180 million Americans.
pictures of russian facebook ads - Google Search

Regardless 19 Federal Grand Jury indictments, 5 guilty plea's, and another 90 plus criminal charges that are certain to produce more aren't going to disappear over this IG report. Trump is DONE.

A good book to read that will prepare you for the open, public hearings & testimony that will begin in January 2019 when Democrats are sworn in as majority leaders in one or both houses of congress is this. At that point NO ONE is going to be able to save Trump and the impeachment proceedings will begin. Even Republicans and Trump have admitted that, which is basically an admittance of guilt.
Trump: If Dems win in 2018 midterms, they'll impeach me
Republicans warn Trump could be impeached if Democrats win the midterm elections


It's coming.
Blue wave coming this November 2018

3 former judges and 6 current lawyers is hardly "arm chair" idiot.
The IG is an obama minion.....that is why this report is so weak.... this goes to show that anyone with a link to a clinton or an obama is completely compromised as a human being....

Right.... The IG was going to blow the doors off the Deep State Conspiracy that protected Hillary, and you'd see all these people going to jail.

Until he actually published his report, which said, um, yeah, some things happened that werent' terribly professional, but at the end of the day, there was no case against Mrs. Clinton.

The real FBI scandal is that we knew all about the email non-issue, but weren't warned that Trump was playing footsie with the Russians until AFTER the election.
Big whoopee, Google Earth serves up satellite images of everything & none of it's classified top secret!!!

However Valerie Plame was was a covert top secret CIA spy when the Bush administration outed her on purpose!!!

she was hardly covert behind her desk...and her outing was one big anti-war circle jerk.

The real scandal was the war happened at all, not the pretty blonde lady got "outed".
I'm thinking NOT. That IG report comes out and they will be running for cover. Give it 2 or 3 days and the finger pointing will begin. Give it a week and the rats will be jumping ship. There is simply NO WAY that report is bad for the GOP because it's NOT a report on them.

But Shit Stain, Comey and Clinton? Could be VERY VERY bad news. And given the IG WAS a Shit Stain pick? Kind of hard to spin that crap eh Libtardo's? A short bus full of lying bickering finger pointing rats headed for a cliff.

Just another gift from the people who brought you MAGA.


You have some selective reading comprehension skills---:auiqs.jpg: There is no doubt that James Comey's name is MUDD on both sides of the isle. He broke DOJ protocol with Hillary Clinton on 3 different ocassions. 1. Comey knowingly used a Russian alterated email to skirt around the DOJ to 2. get in front of congress to give a daming speech about Hillary Clinton, that set off the arm chair legal team on FOX NEWS, to really breaking long standing DOJ protocol by releasing information within 60 days of an election.Comey as warned many not to do it, did it 11 days before an election, and 7 days later after millions of Americans voted believing charges were imminent against Hillary Clinton gave birth to his nothing burger. Had it not been for James Comey, Hillary Clinton would be the POTUS today. There is no doubt about that.
'None of it makes much sense': Experts are baffled by Comey's use of a fake Russian document to skirt the DOJ
Eric Holder and 100 other former Justice officials sign letter blasting Comey's 'breach of protocol'
Harry Reid: Comey may have violated the Hatch Act - CNNPolitics


While Comey was more than vocal about Hillary Clinton's investigation, he didn't breath a word about the Russian investigation he started in late July 2016. And he was getting information on Trump surrogates contacts with Russian intelligence agents since 2015, that was coming in from daily routine spying operations from several foreign countries that share intelligence with us and didn't breath a word about it. When he was asked about this during a senate hearing while under oath he stated it was because Hillary Clinton's email investigation was public knowledge and the Russian investigation wasn't. Now you have to wonder if Americans knew about that investigation about Trump & his surrogates, would they have still voted for him? This article was confirmed over a year ago during a senate hearing, under direct testimony between Diane Fienstein and James Clapper.
British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia
Full transcript: Sally Yates and James Clapper testify on Russian election interference

I don't believe that 2 lower level FBI agents that were communicating about Trump are in any way responsible for Trump being investigated. Over half the country can't stand Donald Trump and I am certain there were comments like this going on all over. Trump is his own worst enemy and it didn't help that he admitted to Obstruction of Justice on National T.V.


It's more than clear now that the goal posts were moved on Hillary Clinton's side of the field not only with James Comey but with Vladimir Putin's interference into the election.
James Clapper book (Facts & Fears) Russia was successful in getting Trump elected.

For pictures of the Russian facebook adds go to this link. Vladimir Putin was very busy insuring that Donald Trump won. Vladimir Putin inundated adds on Facebook, Twitter, Google & Youtube and they were shared and seen by over 180 million Americans.
pictures of russian facebook ads - Google Search

Regardless 19 Federal Grand Jury indictments, 5 guilty plea's, and another 90 plus criminal charges that are certain to produce more aren't going to disappear over this IG report. Trump is DONE.

A good book to read that will prepare you for the open, public hearings & testimony that will begin in January 2019 when Democrats are sworn in as majority leaders in one or both houses of congress is this. At that point NO ONE is going to be able to save Trump and the impeachment proceedings will begin. Even Republicans and Trump have admitted that, which is basically an admittance of guilt.
Trump: If Dems win in 2018 midterms, they'll impeach me
Republicans warn Trump could be impeached if Democrats win the midterm elections


It's coming.
Blue wave coming this November 2018

You really are funny. The DNC puts up the worst candidate in modern history and you think that Comey had an effect. Those that were going to vote for her still voted for her. Those that would never have voted for the walking garbage pile voted for someone else. Yes the Russians played a part in the election, they are still playing a part. Their whole purpose was to sow disharmony and malcontent. They have done a very good job of it.
If you look at most of the indictments they all deal with things almost twelve years ago. They had nothing to do with the campaign or the election. Yet those that have an irrational hate try and make it about the campaign.
Posting books as some type of rationalization? Why not just post your favorite aunts ideas, would be just as pertinent. I could post references to just as many books that would counter everything they state.
The blue wave. What are Dems planing to point to? Showing up? The Republicans are going to point to taxes, high employment, higher GDP, jobs coming back into the country. They will, as you pointed out, also state that the Dems will try and empeach Trump even if they have to break with the rules of law to do it. They will also point out that the Dems closed down the government for three days yet did nothing about the oh so important issue of immigration and DACA.

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