Peter Strzok (headed Clinton and Russia investigations)
Case closed. Trump vindicated.

Strzok also supported re-opening the Clinton e-mail investigation. He was also aware of the FBI investigation of the Trump campaign and it was never leaked.

Aaaaaand what did Strzok DO?

IG report found that Hillary got screwed by Comey's inappropriate public comments but that the actual investigation came to a correct conclusion that no charges are to be brought.

Strzok was removed from Mueller investigation a YEAR AGO.

General Flynn - PLED GUILTY, because he was on tape talking to Kysliak and then lying about it to FBI.

Finally, IG report found NO BIASED DECISION MAKING.

Yet, Strzok is still on the payroll.

No reason he should not be.
Peter Strzok was the one that changed the language in the Comey statement on Hillarys email from grossly negligent to extremely careless. He was considered the top Russia expert on the Mueller team.
When even small fish are lamenting that they did not do enough to get someone elected, when someone that can change language in a major statement and is considered a major expert on an investigation, when FBI members either heads or the guy in the trenches is accepting bribes for leaking information, when the head of the FBI feels that he can do whatever he wants, even being investigator, prosecutor and judge there might just be a small problem with the management of the organization.

Strzok also supported re-opening the investigation that was revealed by Comey. HE also was aware of the investigation of the Trump campaign which was never revealed publicly until after the election. What Comey did was right. Voters had a right to know what his recommendation was and it became more important when Loretta Lynch essentially recused herself by saying she would accept whatever recommendation Comey made.
There are several quotes in the reports where the filthy ass government officials say they want to stop Trump but yet the conclusion of the report is that there was nothing partisan.

That shoots down the credibility of the report. Looks like more deep state cover up.

They have the right to participate in our system of government so they have every right to talk about stopping Trump. The question was whether they used their official position to do so. There is no evidence of that. Comey's decision to not recommend a prosecution of Clinton may have helped her but his telling Congress he was opening the case back up helped Trump.

Not in their official capacity. They were working in their job to undermine our Democracy. Typical for filthy ass Liberals.

Oh bullcrap. They were hurting Trump by NOT leaking the fact his campaign was being investigated. By telling Congress publicly that they had re-opened the investigation of Clinton's e-mails the week BEFORE the election. You and Trump are doing everything you can to undermine this country. Cheapening the flag and anthem by turning it into a political weapon. Typical for filthy ass alt-right types like you.
/——/ you just opened a fresh can of Strawman arguments

You are the Strawman who needs a brain.
Trump's Republican campaign advisor Paul Manafort is now in JAIL!!!
If there was Justice in Washington...........Clinton and many FBI agents would be too..........

You have no clue what Justice means. You want to turn this country into a banana republic.
I posted volumes of posted one sentence.

Because that is what it amounts to. There is no reason for any criminal prosecutions in the IG report.
Trump's Republican campaign advisor Paul Manafort is now in JAIL!!!
If there was Justice in Washington...........Clinton and many FBI agents would be too..........

You have no clue what Justice means. You want to turn this country into a banana republic.
I posted volumes of posted one sentence.

Because that is what it amounts to. There is no reason for any criminal prosecutions in the IG report.
You didn't read what I posted.................Show me why she was investigated under Section F...........and not Section D and E........You already know the answer....................and so do they.

His crime..............shared it with one person who he was sleeping with............ hacked.............shared it to the world.................

Double Standards.......................

Do you seriously not understand the difference between willingly making classified material available to your un-cleared lover and getting hacked?

Come on buddy, this is not rocket science. Intent was WELL ESTABLISHED in Petraeus case and he didn't even go to jail, got 2 year probation and a fine.

So that's how Hillary's classified documents wound up on Weiners lap
Repubtards attack truth tellers & witness tamper. It is rot from the top cult leader. Just like Bush's Karl Rove blew the famous dog whistle saying “Valerie Plame is fair game.” Now Trump pardons Libby!

Richard Armitage outed Val "I'm a desk jockey, not a spy" Plame
Repubtards attack truth tellers & witness tamper. It is rot from the top cult leader. Just like Bush's Karl Rove blew the famous dog whistle saying “Valerie Plame is fair game.” Now Trump pardons Libby!

Richard Armitage outed Val "I'm a desk jockey, not a spy" Plame

Plame was a covert operative when outed by Bush Administration, Richard Armitage was Bush's Deputy Secretary of State. Most of Bush's administration was on the phones leaking to media soon after Wilson told the truth.

Valerie Plame Wilson she was in the Counter Proliferation Division (CPD’s) modest Iraq branch. But that summer–before 9/11–word came down from the brass: We’re ramping up on Iraq. Her unit was expanded and renamed the Joint Task Force on Iraq. Within months of 9/11, the JTFI grew to fifty or so employees. Valerie Wilson recruited Iraqi spies & was placed in charge of its operations group.

JTFI primary target was Iraqi scientists. JTFI officers, under Wilson’s supervision, tracked down relatives, students and associates of Iraqi scientists–in America and abroad–looking for potential sources. They encouraged Iraqi émigrés to visit Iraq and put questions to relatives of interest to the CIA. The JTFI was also handling walk-ins around the world. Increasingly, Iraqi defectors were showing up at Western embassies claiming they had information on Saddam’s WMDs. JTFI officers traveled throughout the world to debrief them. Often it would take a JTFI officer only a few minutes to conclude someone was pulling a con. Yet every lead had to be checked.

“We knew nothing about what was going on in Iraq,” a CIA official recalled. “We were way behind the eight ball. We had to look under every rock.” Valerie Plame Wilson, too, occasionally flew overseas to monitor operations. She also went to Jordan to work with Jordanian intelligence officials who had intercepted a shipment of aluminum tubes heading to Iraq that CIA analysts were claiming–wrongly–were for a nuclear weapons program. (The analysts rolled over the government’s top nuclear experts, who had concluded the tubes were not destined for a nuclear program.)

The JTFI found nothing. The few scientists it managed to reach insisted Saddam had no WMD programs. Task force officers sent reports detailing the denials into the CIA bureaucracy. The defectors were duds–fabricators and embellishers. (JTFI officials came to suspect that some had been sent their way by Ahmad Chalabi’s Iraqi National Congress, an exile group that desired a US invasion of Iraq.) The results were frustrating for the officers. Were they not doing their job well enough–or did Saddam not have an arsenal of unconventional weapons? Valerie Wilson and other JTFI officers were almost too overwhelmed to consider the possibility that their small number of operations was, in a way, coming up with the correct answer: There was no intelligence to find on Saddam’s WMDs because the weapons did not exist. Still, she and her colleagues kept looking. (She also assisted operations involving Iran and WMDs.)
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Lots of wrongdoings of a morally corrupt and politically damaging nature BUT(always that big but in these cya announcements) we don’t want to get anyone in trouble
That’s the summary

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