Ignorant Homophobes fined $13,000 for refusing to host wedding

If the Civil Rights Act protects religion, then forcing someone to act in defiance of their religion is breaking the law, is it not?

Yes...if someone of a certain religion seeks to be served in a business and that business refuses them, that business can be fined. You need to brush up on the DIFFERENCE between the rights of a business vs. the rights of a customer.

The right to freedom or religion recognizes that all people have the same right to it. The rights of a customer does not trump the rights of the business owner, nor should they.

So...Woolworth's had the right to refuse service to black customers at their lunch counters?

When it comes to the constitution, no.

But show me in the Bible where it says blacks can't be served.
It's probably in the same verse where it says gays can't be served.

Who said gays shouldn't be served? The reason for not serving is what falls under freedom of religion.

A gay walks into a bar, and the bar refuses service because it doesn't like gays, sue their asses off. A bar doesn't want to host a gay wedding on religious grounds is an entirely different can of worms.

Even gays discriminate. Transgender folks were treated like poor stepchildren in some circles in the gay community. Pedophilia is not acceptable. Bestiality. Necrophilia. The list goes on and on. They're just as full of bigotry as anyone.

That standard would make everyone of us a hypocritical bigot, except the moral nihilists.
Any gay couple got the balls to ask to get married in a Mosque? I haven't heard of one lesbian or homosexual couple demanding to be married in a Mosque.

Any one?

A mosque is a religious place of worship which is exempt from public accommodation laws.

No church has ever been forced to perform a wedding that goes against the tenants of their faith. Churches were never forced to perform marriages for interracial couples but they certainly do have public accommodation protections. Do you resent those?

Nope. I just wouldn't be a member in a church I'm not welcome in.

Simple as that.


That has what to do with what? Churches are not subject to PA laws. Non sequitur much?

Yet. you are going after the low hanging fruit first.
Just like minorities eventually went after churches for refusing to marry interracial couples or interfaith couples or previously divorced couples.

They were not as litigious as gays seem to be.

Even after government discrimination ended blacks had their own community, whites theirs. they shared some things, but kept others separate. What gays want is to get in on the straight society of their social level/ethnicity, which blacks and whites never did to each other.
The only time you see conservatives go this mental over an issue such as this is when you see some protest against a conservative speaking at a university,

then all of the sudden the RWnuts throw a fit over the idea that the university might have the right to choose not to bring that person on campus.


1st, its often student groups that try to bring a speaker onsite, only to be threatened by other student groups. The schools knuckle under to the progressives under the threat of violence.

It seems only conservative speakers have this issue. Can you find a progressive speaker on a campus that has cancelled because a conservative group threatened to disrupt their speech?


Mob Rule on College Campuses - SFGate

The fact that the rioting students could be heard yelling, "He has no right to speak!" was telling. Apparently, in their minds, neither Gilchrist nor anyone else with whom they disagree has a right to express their viewpoints. In any other setting this would be called exactly what it is -- totalitarianism. But in the untouchable Ivy League world of Columbia, it was chalked up to student activism gone awry. While condemning the incident, Columbia University President Lee Bollingerhas yet to apologize to Gilchrist or to conclude the supposed investigation into the affair. In other words, mob rule won the day.

Boise State University Unconstitutional Security Fees for Gun Rights Activist s Speech FIRE

In May 2014, the Young Americans for Liberty (YAL) chapter at Boise State University co-sponsored an event focusing on gun rights with two off-campus groups, featuring a speech by activist and former Supreme Court litigant Dick Heller. Less than 24 hours before the event, Boise State demanded that YAL pay $465 in security fees, or have their event cancelled, due to the perception that some non-campus community members had encouraged people to carry firearms at the event—despite YAL’s public statements that Boise State rules prohibiting firearms would be in effect. On July 3, 2014, FIRE wrote to Boise State, explaining that the school’s application of its “Event Security” policy affixed an unconstitutional price tag to YAL’s expression. FIRE demanded that Boise State return the $465 fee to YAL, and revise its Event Security policy to include objective and viewpoint-neutral criteria so that student groups at Boise State are not threatened with similar unconstitutional fees in the future.
Ask the Civil Rights Act that protects race, religion, country of origin, etc. You're asking why we have PA laws. I'm sure you can find the answer if you try really, really hard.

If the Civil Rights Act protects religion, then forcing someone to act in defiance of their religion is breaking the law, is it not?

Yes...if someone of a certain religion seeks to be served in a business and that business refuses them, that business can be fined. You need to brush up on the DIFFERENCE between the rights of a business vs. the rights of a customer.

The right to freedom or religion recognizes that all people have the same right to it. The rights of a customer does not trump the rights of the business owner, nor should they.

So...Woolworth's had the right to refuse service to black customers at their lunch counters?

Nope. Not even close to what I said.

You said "the rights of a customer does not trump the rights of the business owner"...did you not? What if the business owner (Woolworths) does not wish to serve blacks at their lunch counters? Doesn't Woolworth's rights to NOT serve blacks trump the rights of black customers to be served there? If not, why not?
Any gay couple got the balls to ask to get married in a Mosque? I haven't heard of one lesbian or homosexual couple demanding to be married in a Mosque.

Any one?

A mosque is a religious place of worship which is exempt from public accommodation laws.

No church has ever been forced to perform a wedding that goes against the tenants of their faith. Churches were never forced to perform marriages for interracial couples but they certainly do have public accommodation protections. Do you resent those?

Nope. I just wouldn't be a member in a church I'm not welcome in.

Simple as that.


That has what to do with what? Churches are not subject to PA laws. Non sequitur much?

Twisted logic doesn't prove your point.
A mosque is a religious place of worship which is exempt from public accommodation laws.

No church has ever been forced to perform a wedding that goes against the tenants of their faith. Churches were never forced to perform marriages for interracial couples but they certainly do have public accommodation protections. Do you resent those?

Nope. I just wouldn't be a member in a church I'm not welcome in.

Simple as that.


That has what to do with what? Churches are not subject to PA laws. Non sequitur much?

Yet. you are going after the low hanging fruit first.
Just like minorities eventually went after churches for refusing to marry interracial couples or interfaith couples or previously divorced couples.

They were not as litigious as gays seem to be.

Even after government discrimination ended blacks had their own community, whites theirs. they shared some things, but kept others separate. What gays want is to get in on the straight society of their social level/ethnicity, which blacks and whites never did to each other.
So...? What exactly is your point with that? Do you have a problem with gay people having the right to use our court system?
You said "the rights of a customer does not trump the rights of the business owner"...did you not? What if the business owner (Woolworths) does not wish to serve blacks at their lunch counters? Doesn't Woolworth's rights to NOT serve blacks trump the rights of black customers to be served there? If not, why not?

Are you suggesting the same sex couple is black ... Or that being a same sex couple is the same as being black? Or are you suggesting eating lunch at Woolworth's is the same as getting married?

Nope. I just wouldn't be a member in a church I'm not welcome in.

Simple as that.


That has what to do with what? Churches are not subject to PA laws. Non sequitur much?

Yet. you are going after the low hanging fruit first.
Just like minorities eventually went after churches for refusing to marry interracial couples or interfaith couples or previously divorced couples.

They were not as litigious as gays seem to be.

Even after government discrimination ended blacks had their own community, whites theirs. they shared some things, but kept others separate. What gays want is to get in on the straight society of their social level/ethnicity, which blacks and whites never did to each other.
So...? What exactly is your point with that? Do you have a problem with gay people having the right to use our court system?

I have a problem with idiots wasting the court system, regardless of color creed, or who they like to bugger.
The only time you see conservatives go this mental over an issue such as this is when you see some protest against a conservative speaking at a university,

then all of the sudden the RWnuts throw a fit over the idea that the university might have the right to choose not to bring that person on campus.


Conservatives don't usually throw a fit. Seems to me you liberals are. If we regularly threw fits we'd constantly be in the news attacking gays. Most of us have much better things to do. Seems to me we're always under attack, playing catcher to your pitching.

Nope, this is about liberals/progressives/statist assholes trying to throw their weight around. These are the idiots that fell for Obamacare. The folks that believed all of the lies coming our of the Whitehouse. The stupid people as they are described by Obama and friends.
Nope. I just wouldn't be a member in a church I'm not welcome in.

Simple as that.


That has what to do with what? Churches are not subject to PA laws. Non sequitur much?

Yet. you are going after the low hanging fruit first.
Just like minorities eventually went after churches for refusing to marry interracial couples or interfaith couples or previously divorced couples.

They were not as litigious as gays seem to be.

Even after government discrimination ended blacks had their own community, whites theirs. they shared some things, but kept others separate. What gays want is to get in on the straight society of their social level/ethnicity, which blacks and whites never did to each other.
So...? What exactly is your point with that? Do you have a problem with gay people having the right to use our court system?

Only when they abuse the privilege.
Yes...if someone of a certain religion seeks to be served in a business and that business refuses them, that business can be fined. You need to brush up on the DIFFERENCE between the rights of a business vs. the rights of a customer.

The right to freedom or religion recognizes that all people have the same right to it. The rights of a customer does not trump the rights of the business owner, nor should they.

So...Woolworth's had the right to refuse service to black customers at their lunch counters?

When it comes to the constitution, no.

But show me in the Bible where it says blacks can't be served.
It's probably in the same verse where it says gays can't be served.

Who said gays shouldn't be served? The reason for not serving is what falls under freedom of religion.

A gay walks into a bar, and the bar refuses service because it doesn't like gays, sue their asses off. A bar doesn't want to host a gay wedding on religious grounds is an entirely different can of worms.

Actually, I'd like to interrupt this right wing whine-fest by pointing out that the gay couples don't sue......the state fines the business. Now we return you back to your right wing religious martyrdom.

The butthurt is strong in republicunts in this thread!
Te frothing foaming fairies aren't content to have "equal rights" but demand everyone approve their choices.

Hell hath no fury like a fairy scorned

Let them get married-just don't force others to approve of it or sponsor it

Like a ni99er and a white girl right? May they be SCORNED TO THE FIRES OF HEEEELLL!

so you are a racist and hate the constitution?

The butthurt is strong in republicunts in this thread!
Te frothing foaming fairies aren't content to have "equal rights" but demand everyone approve their choices.

Hell hath no fury like a fairy scorned

Let them get married-just don't force others to approve of it or sponsor it

Like a ni99er and a white girl right? May they be SCORNED TO THE FIRES OF HEEEELLL!

so you are a racist and hate the constitution?

Nice I'm glad you can identify racism and hatred of the constitution :thup:

My post was satire but good for you. Next time you'll be able to recognize it in real life :clap:

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