Ignoring the Blue Wall Collapse.

william the wie

Gold Member
Nov 18, 2009
This past week CalPers collapsed (Zander) even created a thread about it. And now IL has become the source of the greatest exodus from D politics. The Ds have become a regional party and have been in the process of collapsing since at least 2000. No one knows what will replace them, when it will hit rock bottom but why does everyone ignore the elephant in the room? Federal taxes will apply nationally no matter what form of tax reform comes out of the congress but blue wall taxes will increase until chapter three filings wipe out the homelands of D policy. Why is this problem ignored?
This past week CalPers collapsed (Zander) even created a thread about it. And now IL has become the source of the greatest exodus from D politics. The Ds have become a regional party and have been in the process of collapsing since at least 2000. No one knows what will replace them, when it will hit rock bottom but why does everyone ignore the elephant in the room? Federal taxes will apply nationally no matter what form of tax reform comes out of the congress but blue wall taxes will increase until chapter three filings wipe out the homelands of D policy. Why is this problem ignored?
Regional party? I'd say the GOP is a regional party. They're all in that gigantic middle region that's full of nothing.
The Democrats thought that deliberately bringing in immigrants from non-white nations would permanently tilt the electorate Democratic and guarantee them power forever.

Plan has backfired.
Leftism is a failure in every place it is tried.

Look at California. We are literally broke. The CALPERS retirement program has been mismanaged for decades by Democrats. They promised 7.5% annual returns and used that figure to "balance the books"....:rofl: The math challenged LWNJ's that dominate the state political system bought it hook,line and sinker! 7.5%?! that is ridiculously overblown. Charitable trusts and Foundations base their plans on 4% growth or less! But we are dealing with LWNJ's that never saw a tax or spending program they didn't embrace. So....

Now their chickens have come home to roost. Retirees who were promised pensions of $48k per year are now cut back to $19K per year. The "little people" that the "Democrats" promised to protect are the ones getting fucked over and will have their lives devastated. . Can you imagine working 40 years for the government and planning on a certain pension, only to have it cut by 60% without warning?

But do not fret!! The wonderfully myopic Democrats in California have a solution!! Raise income taxes!! Raise property taxes and eliminate Proposition 13!! Increase fees for all government services!! Woohoo!! They want to stuff the body and keep the party rolling!!

So what will happen to the Democrat party on a national levrel? Nothing. They'll be back in 2-4 years. They'll "rebrand". They'll find a new boogeyman to blame for the failures of their ideology and policy prescriptions. People are stupid. They fell for "hope and change" once....they'll fall for it again.

This past week CalPers collapsed (Zander) even created a thread about it. And now IL has become the source of the greatest exodus from D politics. The Ds have become a regional party and have been in the process of collapsing since at least 2000. No one knows what will replace them, when it will hit rock bottom but why does everyone ignore the elephant in the room? Federal taxes will apply nationally no matter what form of tax reform comes out of the congress but blue wall taxes will increase until chapter three filings wipe out the homelands of D policy. Why is this problem ignored?
Traditional blue states like CA might be up for grabs in four years, depending on what happens. Who knows.
This past week CalPers collapsed (Zander) even created a thread about it. And now IL has become the source of the greatest exodus from D politics. The Ds have become a regional party and have been in the process of collapsing since at least 2000. No one knows what will replace them, when it will hit rock bottom but why does everyone ignore the elephant in the room? Federal taxes will apply nationally no matter what form of tax reform comes out of the congress but blue wall taxes will increase until chapter three filings wipe out the homelands of D policy. Why is this problem ignored?
Regional party? I'd say the GOP is a regional party. They're all in that gigantic middle region that's full of nothing.
Yeah, regional you moron. Regional when it comes to what counts, power. Or lack thereof for dimocrats.

Nationally you're nothing in either the executive or legislative branches of government. Total Republican control of the White House, Senate, House.

At the state level, 31 Republican governors, only 18 dimocrats. But it's actually worse for the jackass party than those numbers show.

21 Republican governors with Republican controlled legislatures. 4 governors with legislatures split between Republicans and dimocrats. 6 governors with dimocrat controlled legislatures.

7 dimocrat governors with dimocrat controlled legislatures. 4 governors with legislatures split between Republicans and dimocrats. 7 governors with Republican controlled legislatures.

So of 50 states, dimocrats have total control of only 7. Which is about as "regional" as you can get until perhaps it shrinks more in '18 elections, a very real possibility since roughly 900 state legislature seats switched to Republican during Barry's White House reign and then Trump's subsequent election.

The DNCs new slogan should be: When it rains, it friggin' pours!!!

Note: One state has an independent governor whose legislature is Republican controlled.
The key point is that the people who cannot afford to get out will be the ones that get stuck with the bill. However if CA gets hit with a takings clause lawsuit, say Jan 22, then their industrial base will vanish fast.

The cost of a bailout by the federal government will run mid-single digits so that is not on.

Since infrastructure spending is a state-federal deal. the states that can't afford much improvement will lag the nation.
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i wised up and left....unless you are wealthy or want to live in the middle of no where, you cant retire there....when i was delivering mail i dont know how many people who were retiring gave me a change of address for out of state....and some of them were well off....

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