IIhan Omar and the Corbynization of the Democratic Party.


Diamond Member
Sep 5, 2014
Don’t be surprised if any time soon, members of the Democratic Party start speaking with British accents. Yes, that’s right: Bernie Sanders drops his Brooklynese for something akin to British brogue. And when that happens, the final Corbynization of the halls of Congress will be complete.

Yes, by that I mean the leader of the UK’s Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn, who in his nearly four years at the helm, has taken an extreme left turn along the progressive highway. At times, Labour has bizarrely become apologist for Hamas and shown a shameless acceptance of antisemitism within its ranks. With the recent midterm elections in the United States, an American analogy has been discovered within the Democratic Party.

Corbyn has countenanced, if not directly infected, Labour with old-school antisemitism, deploying modern-day anti-Zionism as a pretext for a more acceptable form of Jew-hatred that plays well at fashionable parties and governs like a twisted parliamentary parlor game.

Congress took an ominous step in the same direction this past week.

Ilhan Omar and the Corbynization of the Democratic Party
The Progressives are Coming! The Progressives are Coming! Paul Revere, the author of “Common Sense,” would have surely taken to his horse to deliver the warning that a new British import was arriving, if it hasn’t already been dangerously underway.

Democrats are about to confront their very own Darkest Hour. It started with what to do with Ilhan Omar, a freshly minted Minnesota lawmaker whose views about Israel, and American Jewry, are medieval in outlook and antisemitic at its core. She’s also among the new wave of progressive candidates that now have seats in Congress.

Does this variant of progressivism, inspired by income equality and the demand for free tuition and universal healthcare, also include yet another plank—an antisemitic agenda masked, hypocritically, as anti-colonialism directed solely at the State of Israel.
The Progressives are Coming! The Progressives are Coming! Paul Revere, the author of “Common Sense,” would have surely taken to his horse to deliver the warning that a new British import was arriving, if it hasn’t already been dangerously underway.

Democrats are about to confront their very own Darkest Hour. It started with what to do with Ilhan Omar, a freshly minted Minnesota lawmaker whose views about Israel, and American Jewry, are medieval in outlook and antisemitic at its core. She’s also among the new wave of progressive candidates that now have seats in Congress.

Does this variant of progressivism, inspired by income equality and the demand for free tuition and universal healthcare, also include yet another plank—an antisemitic agenda masked, hypocritically, as anti-colonialism directed solely at the State of Israel.
we need better infrastructure not more gossip.
anybody can gossip.

Better solutions at lower cost!

I guess they finally got tired of being obsessed with AOC so now we will have dozens of threads about this person now.
they seem sort of young and somewhat clueless and Causeless.

Why not have a Cause to go along with any political Passion of the moment.

Maybe you should take it seriously, and pay attention to what's going on in Great Britain, politically. It could set a precedent.
With the English?

We can merely gainsay their contention and ask them if they want to argue about it.
With the English?

We can merely gainsay their contention and ask them if they want to argue about it.

Never mind. :itsok:
The Point is, our Congress is delegated the Power to Tax, to promote and provide for the general welfare, not the general malfare. We have it in Writing.

Is that what Ms Omar is doing?
I would like to hear all about our capitally fine and capitally wonderful, infrastructure upgrade that will help green our economy.
Tariffs to equalize wages!

It will put an upward pressure on wages in less developed economies as well.
Signs of the End Times:

A Prevalence of Lies

A Lack of Respect For Life

Slander becomes a Norm


Rejection of God & The Christian Judeo Ethic


Hostility towards Christianity
Constant Immigration and movement of peoples.

Wars & Rumors of Wars

People Demanding Peace and Safety because of continual violence and instability in the world.

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