IIhan Omar laughs and jokes around as her colleague discusses US casualties in Iraq

Democratic Congresswoman Ilhan Omar was seen laughing and joking around while her colleague discussed US casualties in Iraq, during a House Progressive Caucus press conference on Iran on 1/8/2020.

These cold-blooded pukes DO NOT GIVE A DAM ABOUT YOU !! Tell yourself they do all you want moronns they put on a good show in order to infiltrate from within. This is so disrespectful it's pathetic these savages should be sent packing!!

But fat donnie told us there were no casualties. Did he lie? Again?

/——/ She’s talking about the Iraq war. Trump was talking about the missiles Iran fired off the other day. Like Joe Biteme, you cant keep your countries straight.
How can she laugh about non-existent casualties?

Because they wished and planned for American deaths!

More lies from Trump Humpers.

The far left just showed you they were wanting dead Americans, but they still ran with it as a joke!

Bullshit, there is no limit to the lies you Trump Humpers will spew.
There were a couple of smirks behind her. The part I saw when she spouted she had PTSD as our fight is in lands she is familiar with. We have fought around the world unfortunately. In WW 1 and WW 2 we were in Europe with our soldiers original roots from there. When you spout lies, it goes back so long. Oh so long with Progs. Trump was elected because of you. And Repubs also.
How can she laugh about non-existent casualties?

Because they wished and planned for American deaths!

More lies from Trump Humpers.

The far left just showed you they were wanting dead Americans, but they still ran with it as a joke!

Bullshit, there is no limit to the lies you Trump Humpers will spew.
There were a couple of smirks behind her. The part I saw when she spouted she had PTSD as our fight is in lands she is familiar with. We have fought around the world unfortunately. In WW 1 and WW 2 we were in Europe with our soldiers original roots from there. When you spout lies, it goes back so long. Oh so long with Progs. Trump was elected because of you. And Repubs also.

Really classy woman. Hood worthy.

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Yeah, but your failing to realize that it was Trump who gave the order, therefore its bad. I wish Obama had done it, then no one would be angry.
the die hard republicans would be .....
Obama killed a lot of terrorists. Can you name one that republicans were angry about?
not what i was saying.....just like the die hard left wont give a republican president credit for doing something beneficial,they will turn it into a negative....the die hard right,just like their lefty kin, will find some way to discredit a democrat president in the same situation....
When did Obama get shit for killing a terrorist? If you cant find an example, then no, both parties DONT act the same.
still not what i was saying....you dont want to agree with me because you just might be one of those i am talking about....
You still havent supported your claim. Show us where republicans EVER got mad because Obama wacked a terrorist. If you cant do that, then both parties arent the same.
This coming from a Jackass that praises Trump. You stinking Trump Humpers can't criticize anyone with all the lying and defending of lies that you do.

She’s garbage. Just like AOC. Only in because of her race. And that’s the only reason she gets away with it. A disgrace. Good luck with your choices for 2020. That’s if you even vote.

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…...but you think Trump is the second coming of the messiah. Smfh.

No one ever said that. Your feelings are obviously still hurt [emoji22]. Having child like imbeciles like Omar, AOC, and racheed in office is not the answer. They are trash.

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.....but Trump is the answer or the cowards in the Republican party.

He has has class and education about him. He’s not street trash [emoji1005].

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Trump and Class damn sure don't go together.
How can she laugh about non-existent casualties?
No one died in the Iraq war? Do you dummies even understand the threads you are commenting on? :cuckoo:

Idiot how many American casualties did we have in the last Iranian missile attack?

The point is, she is a Congress woman, not a street trick. Maybe she should act like one. Or maybe you were just raised without class. Maybe she should have taken a knee? That would be fly.

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Well you should start telling Trump to act like a President.
the die hard republicans would be .....
Obama killed a lot of terrorists. Can you name one that republicans were angry about?
not what i was saying.....just like the die hard left wont give a republican president credit for doing something beneficial,they will turn it into a negative....the die hard right,just like their lefty kin, will find some way to discredit a democrat president in the same situation....
When did Obama get shit for killing a terrorist? If you cant find an example, then no, both parties DONT act the same.
still not what i was saying....you dont want to agree with me because you just might be one of those i am talking about....
You still havent supported your claim. Show us where republicans EVER got mad because Obama wacked a terrorist. If you cant do that, then both parties arent the same.
still not what i was talking about....yep you are one of them.....
How can she laugh about non-existent casualties?
No one died in the Iraq war? Do you dummies even understand the threads you are commenting on? :cuckoo:

Idiot how many American casualties did we have in the last Iranian missile attack?

The point is, she is a Congress woman, not a street trick. Maybe she should act like one. Or maybe you were just raised without class. Maybe she should have taken a knee? That would be fly.

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Well you should start telling Trump to act like a President.

D.A . lol
How can she laugh about non-existent casualties?
No one died in the Iraq war? Do you dummies even understand the threads you are commenting on? :cuckoo:

Idiot how many American casualties did we have in the last Iranian missile attack?

The point is, she is a Congress woman, not a street trick. Maybe she should act like one. Or maybe you were just raised without class. Maybe she should have taken a knee? That would be fly.

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Well you should start telling Trump to act like a President.

Like that punk oboe maybe, nah.

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How can she laugh about non-existent casualties?
No one died in the Iraq war? Do you dummies even understand the threads you are commenting on? :cuckoo:

Idiot how many American casualties did we have in the last Iranian missile attack?

The point is, she is a Congress woman, not a street trick. Maybe she should act like one. Or maybe you were just raised without class. Maybe she should have taken a knee? That would be fly.

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Well you should start telling Trump to act like a President.

Nope, the reason he was elected was because we KNEW he wouldn't act like a "president."

After all look what "acting like a president" got us. Record food stamps, record high unemployment, zero wage growth.

Oh yea, today all 3 markets hit yet another all time high despite the "war" with Iran and "impeachment."

Kinda stings doesn't it?
How can she laugh about non-existent casualties?
No one died in the Iraq war? Do you dummies even understand the threads you are commenting on? :cuckoo:

Idiot how many American casualties did we have in the last Iranian missile attack?

The point is, she is a Congress woman, not a street trick. Maybe she should act like one. Or maybe you were just raised without class. Maybe she should have taken a knee? That would be fly.

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Well you should start telling Trump to act like a President.

Nope, the reason he was elected was because we KNEW he wouldn't act like a "president."

After all look what "acting like a president" got us. Record food stamps, record high unemployment, zero wage growth.

Oh yea, today all 3 markets hit yet another all time high despite the "war" with Iran and "impeachment."

Kinda stings doesn't it?

Ohhh [emoji50] he’s gonna day you’re racist! [emoji1787]

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I'm sofa king ashamed that my state put that thing in office!

I can't even call her a piece of shit because I wouldn't insult a piece of shit like that!

…….but you are proud they put Trump in the WH. Smfh.

sounds like you are just as dense as him from your avatar which it looks on face value,you are a fan of that war criminal murderer obama? :rolleyes:

Democratic Congresswoman Ilhan Omar was seen laughing and joking around while her colleague discussed US casualties in Iraq, during a House Progressive Caucus press conference on Iran on 1/8/2020.

These cold-blooded pukes DO NOT GIVE A DAM ABOUT YOU !! Tell yourself they do all you want moronns they put on a good show in order to infiltrate from within. This is so disrespectful it's pathetic these savages should be sent packing!!

We were told there were NO causalities, so what the fuck are you babbling about. Why do you guys lie so damn much.

Yeah pretty hard to laugh over casualtys when there were NONE as she was aware.LOL
How can she laugh about non-existent casualties?
No one died in the Iraq war? Do you dummies even understand the threads you are commenting on? :cuckoo:

Idiot how many American casualties did we have in the last Iranian missile attack?

The point is, she is a Congress woman, not a street trick. Maybe she should act like one. Or maybe you were just raised without class. Maybe she should have taken a knee? That would be fly.

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Well you should start telling Trump to act like a President.

Nope, the reason he was elected was because we KNEW he wouldn't act like a "president."

After all look what "acting like a president" got us. Record food stamps, record high unemployment, zero wage growth.

Oh yea, today all 3 markets hit yet another all time high despite the "war" with Iran and "impeachment."

Kinda stings doesn't it?

Talk about spewing the right wing horse shit. How long has unemployment been on the decline in this country? How long has the stock market been thriving and where is ALL this wage growth? You're right all the lies the right is spewing does sting.
No one died in the Iraq war? Do you dummies even understand the threads you are commenting on? :cuckoo:

Idiot how many American casualties did we have in the last Iranian missile attack?

The point is, she is a Congress woman, not a street trick. Maybe she should act like one. Or maybe you were just raised without class. Maybe she should have taken a knee? That would be fly.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Well you should start telling Trump to act like a President.

Nope, the reason he was elected was because we KNEW he wouldn't act like a "president."

After all look what "acting like a president" got us. Record food stamps, record high unemployment, zero wage growth.

Oh yea, today all 3 markets hit yet another all time high despite the "war" with Iran and "impeachment."

Kinda stings doesn't it?

Ohhh [emoji50] he’s gonna day you’re racist! [emoji1787]

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If the hood fits, wear it.
I'm sofa king ashamed that my state put that thing in office!

I can't even call her a piece of shit because I wouldn't insult a piece of shit like that!

…….but you are proud they put Trump in the WH. Smfh.

sounds like you are just as dense as him from your avatar which it looks on face value,you are a fan of that war criminal murderer obama? :rolleyes:

Here is another one coming out the wood work folks.
Idiot how many American casualties did we have in the last Iranian missile attack?

The point is, she is a Congress woman, not a street trick. Maybe she should act like one. Or maybe you were just raised without class. Maybe she should have taken a knee? That would be fly.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Well you should start telling Trump to act like a President.

Nope, the reason he was elected was because we KNEW he wouldn't act like a "president."

After all look what "acting like a president" got us. Record food stamps, record high unemployment, zero wage growth.

Oh yea, today all 3 markets hit yet another all time high despite the "war" with Iran and "impeachment."

Kinda stings doesn't it?

Ohhh [emoji50] he’s gonna day you’re racist! [emoji1787]

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If the hood fits, wear it.

You’re a stereotype of a stereotype. Weak.

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Democratic Congresswoman Ilhan Omar was seen laughing and joking around while her colleague discussed US casualties in Iraq, during a House Progressive Caucus press conference on Iran on 1/8/2020.

These cold-blooded pukes DO NOT GIVE A DAM ABOUT YOU !! Tell yourself they do all you want moronns they put on a good show in order to infiltrate from within. This is so disrespectful it's pathetic these savages should be sent packing!!

Wow, even old bug eye (front left) seems to be annoyed with their joking around. Anyone with half a brain should instinctively know how bad these actions looked. It all comes back to how stupid and disrespectful these Muslim squat members are.

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