IIhan Omar: This is not goinng to be the country of white people

It sure as hell isn't going to be the country of rag-headed terrorist-sympathizers.

This bitch, bitches about America , news flash yah ***t if u think it is that bad GTF OUT!!! WE will even move mall of AMerica over there ah bitch!
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“This is not going to be the country of the xenophobics. This is not going to be the country of white people. This is not going to be the country of the few. This is going to be the country of the many.”

Ilhan Omar Accuses Trump 'Goons' Of Stoking Fear - news+ - att.net

It is all identity politics.

Remember when I asked the pathetic gasbags on the left why they ignore black Trump supporters?

Remember when they desperately wanted to call them Uncle Toms like they always do?

Why do liberal losers ignore black Trump supporters?
The democratic party has refused to denounce this creature, so it is becoming increasingly bold in detailing its agenda.
She sure isn't doing herself any favors in America.

Woman is bat shit crazy and proves it each and every time she opens her death cult mouth.
The democratic party has refused to denounce this creature, so it is becoming increasingly bold in detailing its agenda.

There is no Democratic Party. The Democrat Party of the 1980's and 90's that I knew and grew up in does not exist.

This is evidenced by the fact on USMB that I am and always will be:

1: Pro-single payer
2: Pro-amnesty.

But how do you vote Democrat when the party has been hijacked by:

Gun grabbers, LGBTQ Drag Queen Story Hour pedos, Jihadist Sympathizers, Cold War II hawks, No-Border zealots, post birth abortion fanatics, pro-censorship (shadowbanning etc), and American apologists and haters.



you get it.

This Democrat party is not even remotely similar to the Democrat party of the 20th century.
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Rep. Ilhan Omar asserted “This is not going to be the country of white people” during a rally in DC yesterday.
Ilhan Omar: “This is Not Going to be the Country of White People”

Ha I found a nice site that lets me post all the infowars I want now Hooorahhhhh........... I can make my own page it doesn't even have to be put inn some berried fkd up conspiracy yaaay!! want to know where it's at ask me.

She represents a small district of trashy refugees. She has zero power or ability to effect anything. She will most likely be a one term congress animal and then the stupid cow will be forgotten when the next new thing comes along.
And I am labeled a racist. Oh, yeah, that place she hails from is a shithole. If it isn't, why is she here? It has long been prophesized that we will fall from within. Well, she's within now, and lots more like her. How do we excise this rotten cancer from our body politic? How do we purge our culture of these parasites will destroy us by sucking our very lifeblood from us?
Rep. Ilhan Omar asserted “This is not going to be the country of white people” during a rally in DC yesterday.
Ilhan Omar: “This is Not Going to be the Country of White People”

Ha I found a nice site that lets me post all the infowars I want now Hooorahhhhh........... I can make my own page it doesn't even have to be put inn some berried fkd up conspiracy yaaay!! want to know where it's at ask me.

She represents a small district of trashy refugees. She has zero power or ability to effect anything. She will most likely be a one term congress animal and then the stupid cow will be forgotten when the next new thing comes along.
Let us hope, Crixus. And let our hopes be fulfilled.
And I am labeled a racist. Oh, yeah, that place she hails from is a shithole. If it isn't, why is she here? It has long been prophesized that we will fall from within. Well, she's within now, and lots more like her. How do we excise this rotten cancer from our body politic? How do we purge our culture of these parasites will destroy us by sucking our very lifeblood from us?

When the news cycle shifts. The stupid bitch is just a flash in the pan. Wonder why no one ever asks if she had her genitals mutilated when she married her brother?
And I am labeled a racist. Oh, yeah, that place she hails from is a shithole. If it isn't, why is she here? It has long been prophesized that we will fall from within. Well, she's within now, and lots more like her. How do we excise this rotten cancer from our body politic? How do we purge our culture of these parasites will destroy us by sucking our very lifeblood from us?

When the news cycle shifts. The stupid bitch is just a flash in the pan. Wonder why no one ever asks if she had her genitals mutilated when she married her brother?
"Cause that would be too...personal. We don't want her personal details. Congress only wants to continue their deranged pursuit of our President.
The democratic party has refused to denounce this creature, so it is becoming increasingly bold in detailing its agenda.

There is no Democratic Party. The Democrat Party of the 1980's and 90's that I knew and grew up in does not exist.
They have been this for a long long time. They were just a bit more reluctant to allow their true nature to come out.

They have been dedicated communists for a while now. Decades. Really started with woodrow wilson.
Rep. Ilhan Omar asserted “This is not going to be the country of white people” during a rally in DC yesterday.
Ilhan Omar: “This is Not Going to be the Country of White People”


She represents a small district of trashy refugees. She has zero power or ability to effect anything. She will most likely be a one term congress animal and then the stupid cow will be forgotten when the next new thing comes along.
Let us hope, Crixus. And let our hopes be fulfilled.

Think back to 9/11. Remember there was a crazy Muslim chick? Her name escapes me, but she had been in Congress for a term or two. Her career ended as soon as she opened her mouth. Hang in there. It will get close to normalish soon. It will be different, but tolerable.
Rep. Ilhan Omar asserted “This is not going to be the country of white people” during a rally in DC yesterday.
Ilhan Omar: “This is Not Going to be the Country of White People”


She represents a small district of trashy refugees. She has zero power or ability to effect anything. She will most likely be a one term congress animal and then the stupid cow will be forgotten when the next new thing comes along.
Let us hope, Crixus. And let our hopes be fulfilled.

Think back to 9/11. Remember there was a crazy Muslim chick? Her name escapes me, but she had been in Congress for a term or two. Her career ended as soon as she opened her mouth. Hang in there. It will get close to normalish soon. It will be different, but tolerable.
We have to stick together and stand up for ourselves. Being patient and quiet hasn't been working so well lately. My first mission up here after I retire will be to campaign against her majesty, Liza. She basically inherited her seat from Daddy and using that name recognition (and some other clever ploys) has managed to cling to her Senate seat by her fingernails.
Rep. Ilhan Omar asserted “This is not going to be the country of white people” during a rally in DC yesterday.
Ilhan Omar: “This is Not Going to be the Country of White People”


She represents a small district of trashy refugees. She has zero power or ability to effect anything. She will most likely be a one term congress animal and then the stupid cow will be forgotten when the next new thing comes along.
Let us hope, Crixus. And let our hopes be fulfilled.

Think back to 9/11. Remember there was a crazy Muslim chick? Her name escapes me, but she had been in Congress for a term or two. Her career ended as soon as she opened her mouth. Hang in there. It will get close to normalish soon. It will be different, but tolerable.
We have to stick together and stand up for ourselves. Being patient and quiet hasn't been working so well lately. My first mission up here after I retire will be to campaign against her majesty, Liza. She basically inherited her seat from Daddy and using that name recognition (and some other clever ploys) has managed to cling to her Senate seat by her fingernails.

It’s the best way. Don’t let this crap get you to much though. Like I said, she is just there for now.

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