IIhan Omar: This is not goinng to be the country of white people

We see something similar in Alaska. Lots of people move up to be close to the wilderness. They build homes, tear out the forest, plant lawns. Then, when the wilderness strikes back, they want blood. It is not uncommon that bears will come to home to eat dog food and then eat the dogs. Not uncommon that moose, so cute and cuddly, will attack the people who have been hand feeding them carrots. Eagles will take little Fee-Fee or Kitty and haul that tiny pooch off to the nest for the eaglets.
eagles feed chicks cats - Bing video
eagles feed chicks cats - Bing video
Yeah and all the Pacfic NW. The idiots found that we had a beautiful, beautifully maintained Eden, where the quality of life was great and everybody worked.

So they moved here and took over management of our resources..and now our resources are gone, or ruined, and our culture is devastated, and our economy destroyed.
“This is not going to be the country of the xenophobics. This is not going to be the country of white people. This is not going to be the country of the few. This is going to be the country of the many.”

She's correct. The U.S. is a constantly changing melting pot and the traditional minorities are growing in numbers. If white people have a problem with that maybe you all should start having more children because that's the primary reason for it, not just here, but in Europe as well.

You're right but (don't you hate those?)

#1 I don't care what color Americans are. I only care that they adhere, as closely as possible, to our founding values. One of which is self-reliance.

Most normal people don't get married and/or squirt out kids until or unless they can afford them.

Non whites just simply don't bother with that. They don't care. Not interested.

They'll have kid after kid, let them wander the streets aimlessly until they either end up dead or one of them becomes successful.

They're playing the lottery and every kid they squirt out is just another ticket.

So, what's going on is the feeders and breeders have found that there's politicians more than willing to steal money from those of you/us that want to do things the right way and not squirt out kids until we can support them.

And too many people are stupidly going along with the program. Because that's what the DISGUSTING FILTH has them trained to do.

Seen the Ads on TV about some EMT that happens to be Hispanic that dramatically saves some white guy's life?

They don't mention the THOUSANDS of people murdered by illegals every year.

And you Black People that think you're such fucking victims? You think you're the ONLY people that have ever been enslaved?

How incredibly dimocrap of you. For every enslaved Black person in history, there were THOUSANDS of whites that have been enslaved. thousands

Who came to our aid? Who rose up and fought the Romans when they were taking thousands upon thousands of British, French and German slaves?

Who fought the Greeks to stop slavery?

Who fought the most slaving slavers in human history..... Muslims? Who rose up against them just to free their slaves.

We fought a War to end slavery. I have yet to hear Blacks say a simple 'Thank You'

Look at that piece of shit whore that we rescued from HER OWN PEOPLE. Has that piece of shit thanked anybody yet?

All that piece of fucking FILTH has done since she's been here is bad-mouth America. So what does it tell you when she's the daring of the dimocrap scum party?

Have you thought about that??

At all??
No. Actually the general consensus is that we despise tyrants, whether they be foreign or those within our own government.

The stupid bitch should be tarred, feathered, and ridden on a rail all the way back to whatever shithole country she represents.
For what?!?? To appease your white nationalist snowflake ass?

ur such a dufis. I wish u knew why Malcom was really killed......... then you'd wake up.
We see something similar in Alaska. Lots of people move up to be close to the wilderness. They build homes, tear out the forest, plant lawns. Then, when the wilderness strikes back, they want blood. It is not uncommon that bears will come to home to eat dog food and then eat the dogs. Not uncommon that moose, so cute and cuddly, will attack the people who have been hand feeding them carrots. Eagles will take little Fee-Fee or Kitty and haul that tiny pooch off to the nest for the eaglets.
eagles feed chicks cats - Bing video
eagles feed chicks cats - Bing video
Yeah and all the Pacfic NW. The idiots found that we had a beautiful, beautifully maintained Eden, where the quality of life was great and everybody worked.

So they moved here and took over management of our resources..and now our resources are gone, or ruined, and our culture is devastated, and our economy destroyed.
We call is "californication". Thankfully, they tend to stay in the "urban" areas and those who move out to the "bush' swiftly become converts to reality.
“This is not going to be the country of the xenophobics. This is not going to be the country of white people. This is not going to be the country of the few. This is going to be the country of the many.”

She's correct. The U.S. is a constantly changing melting pot and the traditional minorities are growing in numbers. If white people have a problem with that maybe you all should start having more children because that's the primary reason for it, not just here, but in Europe as well.

You're right but (don't you hate those?)

#1 I don't care what color Americans are. I only care that they adhere, as closely as possible, to our founding values. One of which is self-reliance.

Most normal people don't get married and/or squirt out kids until or unless they can afford them.

Non whites just simply don't bother with that. They don't care. Not interested.

They'll have kid after kid, let them wander the streets aimlessly until they either end up dead or one of them becomes successful.

They're playing the lottery and every kid they squirt out is just another ticket.

So, what's going on is the feeders and breeders have found that there's politicians more than willing to steal money from those of you/us that want to do things the right way and not squirt out kids until we can support them.

And too many people are stupidly going along with the program. Because that's what the DISGUSTING FILTH has them trained to do.

Seen the Ads on TV about some EMT that happens to be Hispanic that dramatically saves some white guy's life?

They don't mention the THOUSANDS of people murdered by illegals every year.

And you Black People that think you're such fucking victims? You think you're the ONLY people that have ever been enslaved?

How incredibly dimocrap of you. For every enslaved Black person in history, there were THOUSANDS of whites that have been enslaved. thousands

Who came to our aid? Who rose up and fought the Romans when they were taking thousands upon thousands of British, French and German slaves?

Who fought the Greeks to stop slavery?

Who fought the most slaving slavers in human history..... Muslims? Who rose up against them just to free their slaves.

We fought a War to end slavery. I have yet to hear Blacks say a simple 'Thank You'

Look at that piece of shit whore that we rescued from HER OWN PEOPLE. Has that piece of shit thanked anybody yet?

All that piece of fucking FILTH has done since she's been here is bad-mouth America. So what does it tell you when she's the daring of the dimocrap scum party?

Have you thought about that??

At all??


They have it all figured out. lol
We see something similar in Alaska. Lots of people move up to be close to the wilderness. They build homes, tear out the forest, plant lawns. Then, when the wilderness strikes back, they want blood. It is not uncommon that bears will come to home to eat dog food and then eat the dogs. Not uncommon that moose, so cute and cuddly, will attack the people who have been hand feeding them carrots. Eagles will take little Fee-Fee or Kitty and haul that tiny pooch off to the nest for the eaglets.
eagles feed chicks cats - Bing video
eagles feed chicks cats - Bing video
Yeah and all the Pacfic NW. The idiots found that we had a beautiful, beautifully maintained Eden, where the quality of life was great and everybody worked.

So they moved here and took over management of our resources..and now our resources are gone, or ruined, and our culture is devastated, and our economy destroyed.
We call is "californication". Thankfully, they tend to stay in the "urban" areas and those who move out to the "bush' swiftly become converts to reality.
They ultimately overwhelm rural communities because there aren't as many of us. What happens is they destroy the economy, then grow the government agency presence, then all those government dweebs bring their families and thwump, suddenly you're in the middle of a commie shithole where pigs control all the resources and schools.
Rep. Ilhan Omar asserted “This is not going to be the country of white people” during a rally in DC yesterday.
Ilhan Omar: “This is Not Going to be the Country of White People”


It’s not going to be a Sharia Law country either. I never considered US to be a White country; rather, a melting pot. That was the vision of the White Men that founded this Country.
“This is not going to be the country of the xenophobics. This is not going to be the country of white people. This is not going to be the country of the few. This is going to be the country of the many.”

She's correct. The U.S. is a constantly changing melting pot and the traditional minorities are growing in numbers. If white people have a problem with that maybe you all should start having more children because that's the primary reason for it, not just here, but in Europe as well.

You're right but (don't you hate those?)

#1 I don't care what color Americans are. I only care that they adhere, as closely as possible, to our founding values. One of which is self-reliance.

Most normal people don't get married and/or squirt out kids until or unless they can afford them.

Non whites just simply don't bother with that. They don't care. Not interested.

They'll have kid after kid, let them wander the streets aimlessly until they either end up dead or one of them becomes successful.

They're playing the lottery and every kid they squirt out is just another ticket.

So, what's going on is the feeders and breeders have found that there's politicians more than willing to steal money from those of you/us that want to do things the right way and not squirt out kids until we can support them.

And too many people are stupidly going along with the program. Because that's what the DISGUSTING FILTH has them trained to do.

Seen the Ads on TV about some EMT that happens to be Hispanic that dramatically saves some white guy's life?

They don't mention the THOUSANDS of people murdered by illegals every year.

And you Black People that think you're such fucking victims? You think you're the ONLY people that have ever been enslaved?

How incredibly dimocrap of you. For every enslaved Black person in history, there were THOUSANDS of whites that have been enslaved. thousands

Who came to our aid? Who rose up and fought the Romans when they were taking thousands upon thousands of British, French and German slaves?

Who fought the Greeks to stop slavery?

Who fought the most slaving slavers in human history..... Muslims? Who rose up against them just to free their slaves.

We fought a War to end slavery. I have yet to hear Blacks say a simple 'Thank You'

Look at that piece of shit whore that we rescued from HER OWN PEOPLE. Has that piece of shit thanked anybody yet?

All that piece of fucking FILTH has done since she's been here is bad-mouth America. So what does it tell you when she's the daring of the dimocrap scum party?

Have you thought about that??

At all??


They have it all figured out. lol

Because there is no race, racism is everywhere.
Then get the fuq out and head back to your cuntry where they stone bitches like you! And why is this terrorist on any committee representing Americans?! Send.... Her.... Home

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
What's racist about what she said? She said this isn't going to be a country of white people which is factually correct based on demographic trends. Sometime between 2040 and 2050 whites will be less than 50% of the population. They will be a plurality, but no longer a majority.

And if you went to her country and said what she did------------ your ass would be hung, shot, killed, if you were a female like this dumb bitch is, she would never ever have the right to open her mouth nor dress the way she is in her OWN COUNTRY stupid ass.

None of that is true
She's correct. The U.S. is a constantly changing melting pot and the traditional minorities are growing in numbers. If white people have a problem with that maybe you all should start having more children because that's the primary reason for it, not just here, but in Europe as well.
And you Black People that think you're such fucking victims? You think you're the ONLY people that have ever been enslaved?

I'm black?
We see something similar in Alaska. Lots of people move up to be close to the wilderness. They build homes, tear out the forest, plant lawns. Then, when the wilderness strikes back, they want blood. It is not uncommon that bears will come to home to eat dog food and then eat the dogs. Not uncommon that moose, so cute and cuddly, will attack the people who have been hand feeding them carrots. Eagles will take little Fee-Fee or Kitty and haul that tiny pooch off to the nest for the eaglets.
eagles feed chicks cats - Bing video
eagles feed chicks cats - Bing video
Yeah and all the Pacfic NW. The idiots found that we had a beautiful, beautifully maintained Eden, where the quality of life was great and everybody worked.

So they moved here and took over management of our resources..and now our resources are gone, or ruined, and our culture is devastated, and our economy destroyed.
We call is "californication". Thankfully, they tend to stay in the "urban" areas and those who move out to the "bush' swiftly become converts to reality.
They ultimately overwhelm rural communities because there aren't as many of us. What happens is they destroy the economy, then grow the government agency presence, then all those government dweebs bring their families and thwump, suddenly you're in the middle of a commie shithole where pigs control all the resources and schools.
Only in Native Villages here. The "white" off-grid areas are pretty solidly red. Alaskan Natives have always sold themselves cheaply.

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