IIhan Omar: This is not goinng to be the country of white people

Don't let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya.

You have been full of it this week , actually cracking me . LOL

You cracked years ago

No I woke up to reality your still in your own world known as the fkd matrix. half way out not as bad as the other full blown tard, but you aren't far from their stupidity.

You throw hints of being half awake then you turn and act like a pathetic stupid fk Trump hater ................

SO when truth is beyond your capability to comprehend whats right in front of you , it is you who prove who the real cracked loons are,

we all see it who or what the problems is, the loons Can't. SO you see that's why you see what you do.

Such a shame for the world to have the largest library ever in the history of humanity and yet we have fkrs so dumb it's mind blowing.

Thanks for being another living example of pathetic stupidity when you have to feel SUPERIOR TO OTHERS just attack someone else coward pussy men often do that best!!. lol.
What's racist about what she said? She said this isn't going to be a country of white people which is factually correct based on demographic trends. Sometime between 2040 and 2050 whites will be less than 50% of the population. They will be a plurality, but no longer a majority.

And if you went to her country and said what she did------------ your ass would be hung, shot, killed, if you were a female like this dumb bitch is, she would never ever have the right to open her mouth nor dress the way she is in her OWN COUNTRY stupid ass.

None of that is true

Clashes after Somali ex-militant held
I'm black?

I don't know, are you?

I'm being as pragmatic as possible. I just calls balls and strikes.

If you can't see that what I'm saying is true, then no amount of reason can convince you.

Again, I don't care what 'color' America is. Just so long as whoever controls it maintains American values.

Otherwise, w're just not going to survive. We will descend into constant War, one warlord fighting another until the end of time.

And, OBTW, our values are a direct reflection of the enlightenment from Northern Europe. NOT from Spain, Venezuela, Africa or China.

Northern Europe.

It isn't because those people had a particular skin color, it is because of the ideas that we adopted, through them, that have made us what we are.

You don't like them? Start your own Country because this one isn't going to reflect non-enlightenment European values without a fight.

BTW, Europe is toast. They had good ideas in the past. But now, they're just being stupid -- Again. We're better than they are in ever way and it drives them crazy

Ilhan Omar is a douchebag. A perfect representative of the most evil, the most corrupt, the most criminal political party in human history. She perfectly represents dimocrap scum. All talk, no ass. While leftists are talking shit out their asses, we're making things work.

We are the most free people in history. We have brought the most prosperity to the most people in history. We are the most peaceful empire in history. And, most importantly, we are capable of great change.

But big changes take time. dimocrap scum are like children that can't wait for Christmas Morning, that are asking, "Are we there yet?" Like the teenage girl that can't wait to start her own family so she won't have to listen to Mom (or Dad, if there's one in the house)

Mature Conservatives undestand that changes happen. All the time. We understand that we're not perfect.

But we don't want to make the incredibly STUPID mistakes that Europe made.....

The French Revolution. That pile of shit that gave us Marx, socialism, fascism and nazism.

Russian communism was a mistake, no? How about German National Socialism? How about Italian and Spanish Fascism?

Do you think Venezuela got what they thought they were gonna get? How about the 1917 Russians or the 1940's Chinese or the 1950's Cubans or the 1970's Cambodians or....... etc, ad nauseam

Didja know about the forced sterilization programs in Sweden for decades??

We haven't made those mistakes and we don't want to.

dimocrap scum want to rush into something without taking the time to consider the consequences.

children That's all most of them are.

irreverent children.
I'm black?

I don't know, are you?

I'm being as pragmatic as possible. I just calls balls and strikes.

If you can't see that what I'm saying is true, then no amount of reason can convince you.

Again, I don't care what 'color' America is. Just so long as whoever controls it maintains American values.

Otherwise, w're just not going to survive. We will descend into constant War, one warlord fighting another until the end of time.

And, OBTW, our values are a direct reflection of the enlightenment from Northern Europe. NOT from Spain, Venezuela, Africa or China.

Northern Europe.

It isn't because those people had a particular skin color, it is because of the ideas that we adopted, through them, that have made us what we are.

You don't like them? Start your own Country because this one isn't going to reflect non-enlightenment European values without a fight.

BTW, Europe is toast. They had good ideas in the past. But now, they're just being stupid -- Again. We're better than they are in ever way and it drives them crazy

Ilhan Omar is a douchebag. A perfect representative of the most evil, the most corrupt, the most criminal political party in human history. She perfectly represents dimocrap scum. All talk, no ass. While leftists are talking shit out their asses, we're making things work.

We are the most free people in history. We have brought the most prosperity to the most people in history. We are the most peaceful empire in history. And, most importantly, we are capable of great change.

But big changes take time. dimocrap scum are like children that can't wait for Christmas Morning, that are asking, "Are we there yet?" Like the teenage girl that can't wait to start her own family so she won't have to listen to Mom (or Dad, if there's one in the house)

Mature Conservatives undestand that changes happen. All the time. We understand that we're not perfect.

But we don't want to make the incredibly STUPID mistakes that Europe made.....

The French Revolution. That pile of shit that gave us Marx, socialism, fascism and nazism.

Russian communism was a mistake, no? How about German National Socialism? How about Italian and Spanish Fascism?

Didja know about the forced sterilization programs in Sweden for decades??

We haven't made those mistakes and we don't want to.

dimocrap scum want to rush into something without taking the time to consider the consequences.

children That's all most of them are.

irreverent children.
The guy lost the debate and he should know it. He now responds with 3 or 4 word sentences. He has nothing.

He should avoid this thread now, but he won't.
I'd say the primary reason is 20-40 million illegal aliens and some, twisted, weird, fucked up desire to be suckered into fostering the worlds filth.

Still peddling that lie, huh?
It's absolutely true.

There is no truth to it whatsoever

First Somali Muslim on Minneapolis Force Convicted of Murder

What does that have to do with what I said?
I'm black?

I don't know, are you?

I'm being as pragmatic as possible. I just calls balls and strikes.

If you can't see that what I'm saying is true, then no amount of reason can convince you.

Again, I don't care what 'color' America is. Just so long as whoever controls it maintains American values.

Otherwise, w're just not going to survive. We will descend into constant War, one warlord fighting another until the end of time.

And, OBTW, our values are a direct reflection of the enlightenment from Northern Europe. NOT from Spain, Venezuela, Africa or China.

Northern Europe.

It isn't because those people had a particular skin color, it is because of the ideas that we adopted, through them, that have made us what we are.

You don't like them? Start your own Country because this one isn't going to reflect non-enlightenment European values without a fight.

BTW, Europe is toast. They had good ideas in the past. But now, they're just being stupid -- Again. We're better than they are in ever way and it drives them crazy

Ilhan Omar is a douchebag. A perfect representative of the most evil, the most corrupt, the most criminal political party in human history. She perfectly represents dimocrap scum. All talk, no ass. While leftists are talking shit out their asses, we're making things work.

We are the most free people in history. We have brought the most prosperity to the most people in history. We are the most peaceful empire in history. And, most importantly, we are capable of great change.

But big changes take time. dimocrap scum are like children that can't wait for Christmas Morning, that are asking, "Are we there yet?" Like the teenage girl that can't wait to start her own family so she won't have to listen to Mom (or Dad, if there's one in the house)

Mature Conservatives undestand that changes happen. All the time. We understand that we're not perfect.

But we don't want to make the incredibly STUPID mistakes that Europe made.....

The French Revolution. That pile of shit that gave us Marx, socialism, fascism and nazism.

Russian communism was a mistake, no? How about German National Socialism? How about Italian and Spanish Fascism?

Do you think Venezuela got what they thought they were gonna get? How about the 1917 Russians or the 1940's Chinese or the 1950's Cubans or the 1970's Cambodians or....... etc, ad nauseam

Didja know about the forced sterilization programs in Sweden for decades??

We haven't made those mistakes and we don't want to.

dimocrap scum want to rush into something without taking the time to consider the consequences.

children That's all most of them are.

irreverent children.

I don't see what any of this has to do with what Omar said.
I don't see what any of this has to do with what Omar said.

Of course not......

For the record, I didn't spend all that time typing that post for you to ignore it like I knew you would.

I posted it for other people in here that might accidentally take you serious.
This is Not Going to be the Country of White People

Has always been, is now, and will always be, the country of white people. (by 75 %). Can you not count? Can you not see? Can you not hear? Whites aren't going away any time soon. Maybe you should go...
There is no Democratic Party. The Democrat Party of the 1980's and 90's that I knew and grew up in does not exist.

This is evidenced by the fact on USMB that I am and always will be:

1: Pro-single payer
2: Pro-amnesty.

But how do you vote Democrat when the party has been hijacked by:

Gun grabbers, LGBTQ Drag Queen Story Hour pedos, Jihadist Sympathizers, Cold War II hawks, No-Border zealots, post birth abortion fanatics, pro-censorship (shadowbanning etc), and American apologists and haters.



you get it.

This Democrat party is not even remotely similar to the Democrat party of the 20th century.

Tell me about it!

When I was a teen, I watched a filthy Arab terrorist murder Bobby Kennedy for supporting the right of Jewish self- determination.

Today's democrats would hail Sirhan Sirhan as a hero.

Heck, is there a single leftist on this board who DOESNT share the same views towards Jewish issues as the terrorist in question?
This is a thread of triggered USMB White Nationalists...

You assume that others are just like you, but in reverse.

Rejecting your racism against whites does not make one a white nationalist.
She's just like Typhoid Barry: an overlap of black crybaby shit and muslim crybaby shit. Always such poor little perpetually offended "victims" of everything, awww, bless their oh-so-pwecious wittle hearts.
I don't see what any of this has to do with what Omar said.

Of course not......

For the record, I didn't spend all that time typing that post for you to ignore it like I knew you would.

I posted it for other people in here that might accidentally take you serious.

I didn't ignore it. I simply don't see what any of that has to do with her comments.
There is no Democratic Party. The Democrat Party of the 1980's and 90's that I knew and grew up in does not exist.

This is evidenced by the fact on USMB that I am and always will be:

1: Pro-single payer
2: Pro-amnesty.

But how do you vote Democrat when the party has been hijacked by:

Gun grabbers, LGBTQ Drag Queen Story Hour pedos, Jihadist Sympathizers, Cold War II hawks, No-Border zealots, post birth abortion fanatics, pro-censorship (shadowbanning etc), and American apologists and haters.



you get it.

This Democrat party is not even remotely similar to the Democrat party of the 20th century.

Tell me about it!

When I was a teen, I watched a filthy Arab terrorist murder Bobby Kennedy for supporting the right of Jewish self- determination.

Today's democrats would hail Sirhan Sirhan as a hero.

Heck, is there a single leftist on this board who DOESNT share the same views towards Jewish issues as the terrorist in question?

Why is it that people can so easily spout pro-Israel rhetoric but shy away from Pro-white nationalism?

Israel's immigration policies are largely based on ethnicity in order to preserve the Jewish majority.
“This is not going to be the country of the xenophobics. This is not going to be the country of white people. This is not going to be the country of the few. This is going to be the country of the many.”

She's correct. The U.S. is a constantly changing melting pot and the traditional minorities are growing in numbers. If white people have a problem with that maybe you all should start having more children because that's the primary reason for it, not just here, but in Europe as well.

Whites having less children causes adult brown people to sprout up out of the ground?

Ilhan Omar’s Full Speech: Trump’s Attacks on Me Target Women, People of Color & Immigrants Everywhere | Democracy Now!

"Congresswoman Ilhan Omar addressed a crowd of black women leaders from around the country in front of the Capitol building Tuesday at a rally in her defense, following a series of right-wing attacks against her.

"Death threats against Omar have spiked in recent months after President Trump tweeted a video juxtaposing her image with footage of the 9/11 attacks.

"Congresswoman Omar is one of the first two Muslim congresswomen in history and the first member of Congress to wear a hijab.

"She has repeatedly been accused of being anti-Semitic for criticizing the power of the Israeli lobby in Washington and questioning U.S.-Israeli relations.

"Despite the threats, she has refused to be silent, continuing to speak out against racism, Islamophobia, right-wing violence and anti-Semitism.

"Omar—who was born in Somalia and came to the United States as a refugee—said on Tuesday, 'I’m a survivor of war. And if I survived militia, I certainly can survive these people.'"

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