Ilhan Omar Calls for Dismantling "The Entire System" aka The Constitution

Yes we hate the USA enough to want the pathetic liar out of office.
He termed out in 2016. Do try to keep up.

I'm talking about tramp, do try to keep up.

But obummer was a bigger liar, catch up little loser.
Not even close to the lying of the orange buffoon in the oval office.

Proving how utterly stupid you are.

Trumps lies hurt Trump. Obummers lies hurt tens of millions of Americans.
The right wing loves their cancel culture.

Except instead of deplatforming Omar, they want to kill her.
Holy Hyperbole. I suppose you are right, though. Treason and violation of the congressional oath of office is a capital offense.

Tell us again how your party is not overrun by commies.

Where is violation of the congressional oath of office a capital offense?

There's no treason here, that's just a made up excuse to justify your party's violent fantasies. Your party is overrun by disturbed individuals. Or at the very least, this thread is overrun by them.
Yes we hate the USA enough to want the pathetic liar out of office.
He termed out in 2016. Do try to keep up.

I'm talking about tramp, do try to keep up.

But obummer was a bigger liar, catch up little loser.
Not even close to the lying of the orange buffoon in the oval office.
Proving how utterly stupid you are.

Trumps lies hurt Trump. Obummers lies hurt tens of millions of Americans.
I've yet to see any of Trump's lies hurt him. That's why he keeps doing it.
Yes we hate the USA enough to want the pathetic liar out of office.
He termed out in 2016. Do try to keep up.

I'm talking about tramp, do try to keep up.

But obummer was a bigger liar, catch up little loser.
Not even close to the lying of the orange buffoon in the oval office.
Proving how utterly stupid you are.

Trumps lies hurt Trump. Obummers lies hurt tens of millions of Americans.
I've yet to see any of Trump's lies hurt him. That's why he keeps doing it.

His lies are hyperbole and basic nonsense. Obummer cost tens of millions Americans thousands of dollars.
Yes we hate the USA enough to want the pathetic liar out of office.
He termed out in 2016. Do try to keep up.

I'm talking about tramp, do try to keep up.

But obummer was a bigger liar, catch up little loser.
Not even close to the lying of the orange buffoon in the oval office.
Proving how utterly stupid you are.

Trumps lies hurt Trump. Obummers lies hurt tens of millions of Americans.
I've yet to see any of Trump's lies hurt him. That's why he keeps doing it.

His lies are hyperbole and basic nonsense. Obummer cost tens of millions Americans thousands of dollars.

He lied constantly about COVID and I guess that's turned out to not harm anyone.
Yes we hate the USA enough to want the pathetic liar out of office.
He termed out in 2016. Do try to keep up.

I'm talking about tramp, do try to keep up.

But obummer was a bigger liar, catch up little loser.
Not even close to the lying of the orange buffoon in the oval office.
Proving how utterly stupid you are.

Trumps lies hurt Trump. Obummers lies hurt tens of millions of Americans.
I've yet to see any of Trump's lies hurt him. That's why he keeps doing it.

His lies are hyperbole and basic nonsense. Obummer cost tens of millions Americans thousands of dollars.

He lied constantly about COVID and I guess that's turned out to not harm anyone.

No, he hasn't. He stopped travel from China while your heroes told people to go to Chinatown.

I know your head is so far up your ass you can't see anything but poo, but truly, try and educate yourself.
Yes we hate the USA enough to want the pathetic liar out of office.
He termed out in 2016. Do try to keep up.

I'm talking about tramp, do try to keep up.

But obummer was a bigger liar, catch up little loser.
Not even close to the lying of the orange buffoon in the oval office.

Proving how utterly stupid you are.

Trumps lies hurt Trump. Obummers lies hurt tens of millions of Americans.
Obummer lied about Benghazi.
It was to cover up his sale of surface to air missiles in Libya which were used to shoot down our own aircraft in Afghanistan.
If this is not wholesale TREASON, is it at least a violation of her oath of office?
I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.

No, it is not violation of the irrelevant Oath of Office. If it were, then there would not be any congressional or executive committees commissioned to consider government reform: House Oversight and Reform Committee

Chances are Representative Omar has reviewed my letter to the Congressional Black Caucus requesting the Caucus to do what I requested Colin Kaepernick, Lebron James, and several other Black Americans claiming to be the pivot point for gathering ideas for rectifying the "systemic biases" that they perceive.

I respectfully request the Congressional Black Caucus to lead Black Americans to form exclusive legal firms to submit petitions of practical directive systems to their most trusted court for processing the reordering of their constituent government jurisdictions.

White Americans need to know exactly how Black people would organize just government without the interference of white people intimidating the timid, yet brilliant, Black people who are inherently more just than the evil white devils.

The American legends about justice that have been devised to lead us to believe that true justice is possible, cannot be achieved under the direction of the 18th century three-part model, and the subsequent disordered expansion of security departments and improper reapportioning of faulty representation. The exercise of the 1787 federal Constitution successfully lead to the end of slavery in America, and that was about all it was good for. The design of the government is inherently flawed, and cannot meet the demands of diversity that the nation has evolved to, nor the expectations of a relatively more sophisticated citizenry than the people of the 18th century.

Please be advised that there is no conflict of interest for government employees to support the reordering process and remain faithful to the subsisting charter system. There is only a conflict of interest when the government employee is exploiting the inadequacies of the subsisting system to hide their corruption of the public’s trust. It is an absurd argument to exploit the irrelevant oath of office to delay the reordering for better government and more efficient service of justice. This is all proven by the existence of legislative and executive committees commissioned to consider government reform.



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If this is not wholesale TREASON, is it at least a violation of her oath of office:

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.

Remove her commie ass?

She's going to get dismantled....literally.
Ungrateful Omar seeks 'dismantling' of US political and economic system

8 Jul 2020 ~~ By Monica Showalter
Mogadishu-born Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) has found something new to be ungrateful for: the entire U.S. political and economic system, which she now calls upon to be canceled:
"As long as our economy and political systems prioritize profit without considering who is profiting, who is being shut out, we will perpetuate this inequality," Omar said. "We cannot stop at criminal justice system. We must begin the work of dismantling the whole system of oppression wherever we find it."​
According to the Daily Caller:
Omar held an event Tuesday in her home state of Minnesota with members of the Minnesota People of Color and Indigenous Caucus. Omar tweeted earlier Tuesday that the purpose of the event was to address "racism in policing" in the aftermath of George Floyd's death.​
So abolishing the police is not enough — although it certainly looks as though she's got some impressive bodyguard police protection herself. Rather, the entire economic and political system of her adopted country has got to go, too, in the country that embraced her as a supposedly pitiful Somali refugee who grew up in part in a Kenyan refugee camp. Instead of look on the United States in awe, as normal immigrants do, she stands in judgment, and the U.S. is just not good enough.
It's a hellish vision, and the glints of its inevitable outcome can be seen in the burning embers and people-flight of the Minneapolis she represents. So long as an America-hater like Omar represents this city in Congress, the message sent to the rest of us is that the U.S. has got a lot of rebuilding to do on just the intellectual front.

As spokeswoman representing "Little Mogadishu" Omar and her Commie friends are making proposals that they will come to regret.
The hatred of this country that gave them sanctuary and freedom is unbelievable unless you understand that as a muslim the koran overrides the constitution. If they cannot defeat a country militarily they will defeat it with immigration and and high birth rate. In Britain Mohammed is already the 8th most popular name. Omar wants sharia law throughout the globe, especially in America.
Oddly Omar pretends to be Muslim because it gets her what she wants in her home state. In Islam she would have been buried to her shoulders and stoned for what she's done to her husband, her incest and her adulterous relationships. She's selfish, she's evil and she's nothing less than self-serving megalomaniac.
We've seen idiots like Omar and her friends in Congress before take power throughout countries in the world, it always ends up with millions dead because they can't think beyond their Utopian dreams.
I keep wondering when the group of four and Pelosi will demand that the "Internationale" be sung at the start of each quorum of Congress.
"Our Founders, in their wisdom, realized that democracies were just another form of tyranny over the individual. It does not matter whether one man, one group of men, or a majority of men enslave you -- you are still a salve. We were founded as a constitutionally protected, democratically elected, representative government with checks and balances to curb the ambitions of those that would lord over us -- whether it be for personal gain or our "own good". That is the Republic that they bequeathed us -- if we can keep it.
There is a reason for the Bill of Rights and a slow and tedious process to amend the Constitution. It was to keep temporary politicians from usurping our functioning Republic and factious mobs from destroying our system of justice. We are a nation of political will and always have been. Do we still have the will to save our Republic." -- I wonder!
Radical Muslims have no place in our government. Omar needs to be removed from Congress and sent back to Somalia where she deserves to live.
Ungrateful Omar seeks 'dismantling' of US political and economic system

8 Jul 2020 ~~ By Monica Showalter
Mogadishu-born Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) has found something new to be ungrateful for: the entire U.S. political and economic system, which she now calls upon to be canceled:
"As long as our economy and political systems prioritize profit without considering who is profiting, who is being shut out, we will perpetuate this inequality," Omar said. "We cannot stop at criminal justice system. We must begin the work of dismantling the whole system of oppression wherever we find it."​
According to the Daily Caller:
Omar held an event Tuesday in her home state of Minnesota with members of the Minnesota People of Color and Indigenous Caucus. Omar tweeted earlier Tuesday that the purpose of the event was to address "racism in policing" in the aftermath of George Floyd's death.​
So abolishing the police is not enough — although it certainly looks as though she's got some impressive bodyguard police protection herself. Rather, the entire economic and political system of her adopted country has got to go, too, in the country that embraced her as a supposedly pitiful Somali refugee who grew up in part in a Kenyan refugee camp. Instead of look on the United States in awe, as normal immigrants do, she stands in judgment, and the U.S. is just not good enough.
It's a hellish vision, and the glints of its inevitable outcome can be seen in the burning embers and people-flight of the Minneapolis she represents. So long as an America-hater like Omar represents this city in Congress, the message sent to the rest of us is that the U.S. has got a lot of rebuilding to do on just the intellectual front.

As spokeswoman representing "Little Mogadishu" Omar and her Commie friends are making proposals that they will come to regret.
The hatred of this country that gave them sanctuary and freedom is unbelievable unless you understand that as a muslim the koran overrides the constitution. If they cannot defeat a country militarily they will defeat it with immigration and and high birth rate. In Britain Mohammed is already the 8th most popular name. Omar wants sharia law throughout the globe, especially in America.
Oddly Omar pretends to be Muslim because it gets her what she wants in her home state. In Islam she would have been buried to her shoulders and stoned for what she's done to her husband, her incest and her adulterous relationships. She's selfish, she's evil and she's nothing less than self-serving megalomaniac.
We've seen idiots like Omar and her friends in Congress before take power throughout countries in the world, it always ends up with millions dead because they can't think beyond their Utopian dreams.
I keep wondering when the group of four and Pelosi will demand that the "Internationale" be sung at the start of each quorum of Congress.
"Our Founders, in their wisdom, realized that democracies were just another form of tyranny over the individual. It does not matter whether one man, one group of men, or a majority of men enslave you -- you are still a salve. We were founded as a constitutionally protected, democratically elected, representative government with checks and balances to curb the ambitions of those that would lord over us -- whether it be for personal gain or our "own good". That is the Republic that they bequeathed us -- if we can keep it.
There is a reason for the Bill of Rights and a slow and tedious process to amend the Constitution. It was to keep temporary politicians from usurping our functioning Republic and factious mobs from destroying our system of justice. We are a nation of political will and always have been. Do we still have the will to save our Republic." -- I wonder!
Minneapolis-St.Paul in love with these fucking savages.

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