Ilhan Omar Calls "Pretty Face" Obama A Murderer Who's Hope And Change Was An Illusion

Do Libs THINK Obama was NOT separating moms and children at the border and murdering brown people with drones overseas, or do they just not want to believe it?

Is it untrue and Omar is lying, or is it true and Obama is a racist?

The policy under President Barack Hussein Obama was NOT to seperate children from parents. That was the change the trump administration made.

President Barack Hussein Obama did use drone strikes in other countries supposedly against terrorist facilities. The trump administration has continued thatv policy.

Get your facts straight.
This is the perfect time to encourage AOC and Omar to start attacking democrats more! lol
None of this stops grifter don from being an asshole with a historically horrible approval rating.
What is a “Democratic”? As a Jew please explain to me why I would ever vote Democrat again? I am 100% serious.

MOST Jews seem to worshsip at the Democrat Temple but I sure as hell can't figure out exactly why when overall Dems basically would like to see Israel burn to the ground.
Maybe you can explain whats up with that.

I can, many of the Jews in America came over from Russia and are hardcore secular Marxists.

All the Jews I've ever known went to Synagogue n stuff, but I reckon there's other Jews out there.
What is a “Democratic”? As a Jew please explain to me why I would ever vote Democrat again? I am 100% serious.

MOST Jews seem to worshsip at the Democrat Temple but I sure as hell can't figure out exactly why when overall Dems basically would like to see Israel burn to the ground.
Maybe you can explain whats up with that.

I can, many of the Jews in America came over from Russia and are hardcore secular Marxists.

All the Jews I've ever known went to Synagogue n stuff, but I reckon there's other Jews out there.

Traitors if they still vote Democrat. My parents have converted to full GOP
What is a “Democratic”? As a Jew please explain to me why I would ever vote Democrat again? I am 100% serious.

MOST Jews seem to worshsip at the Democrat Temple but I sure as hell can't figure out exactly why when overall Dems basically would like to see Israel burn to the ground.
Maybe you can explain whats up with that.

I can, many of the Jews in America came over from Russia and are hardcore secular Marxists.

All the Jews I've ever known went to Synagogue n stuff, but I reckon there's other Jews out there.

Traitors if they still vote Democrat. My parents have converted to full GOP

The Jewish kid in my neighborhood regards me as a hero. I stuck up for his friends against some bullies a long time ago and I don't take no shit. I love him and his family. They live The American Dream.
Do Libs THINK Obama was NOT separating moms and children at the border and murdering brown people with drones overseas, or do they just not want to believe it?

Is it untrue and Omar is lying, or is it true and Obama is a racist?

The policy under President Barack Hussein Obama was NOT to seperate children from parents. That was the change the trump administration made.

President Barack Hussein Obama did use drone strikes in other countries supposedly against terrorist facilities. The trump administration has continued thatv policy.

Get your facts straight.

So you are calling Omar a liar. That’s fine.
The new left is even turning on the Mau Mau Muslim Messiah.


How will the Trumpbots vilify and cheer her at the same time? Stupid question. Consistency is never a problem for them

She's still a piece of shit.
Now maybe you'll understand the RINO effect.
I think you would consider me a RINO.

DINO more like it unless you are willing to stop eating meat and pledge that Israel must perish and if so your DINO status will be removed and you will be elevated to nutter status...


I even found one that looks a little light in the loafers just for you Bruce.
Do Libs THINK Obama was NOT separating moms and children at the border and murdering brown people with drones overseas, or do they just not want to believe it?

Is it untrue and Omar is lying, or is it true and Obama is a racist?

The policy under President Barack Hussein Obama was NOT to seperate children from parents. That was the change the trump administration made.

President Barack Hussein Obama did use drone strikes in other countries supposedly against terrorist facilities. The trump administration has continued thatv policy.

Get your facts straight.

So you are calling Omar a liar. That’s fine.

I have my facts correct. You have your opinion set at stupid.
Didnt agree about lot of stuff Obama did...but he is 10 million times a man the orange wish to be.

Obama ain't a man at all. That fucker ain't never done a day of work in his life.

Trump knows what it's about, sorry. He might be "privileged" and all, but he still knows what's what.
He doesnt know jack shit, he doesnt know what normal people go through. He is part of the swamp that we all complain about. Remember he was friends with the Clintons.
What is a “Democratic”? As a Jew please explain to me why I would ever vote Democrat again? I am 100% serious.

MOST Jews seem to worshsip at the Democrat Temple but I sure as hell can't figure out exactly why when overall Dems basically would like to see Israel burn to the ground.
Maybe you can explain whats up with that.

I can, many of the Jews in America came over from Russia and are hardcore secular Marxists.

All the Jews I've ever known went to Synagogue n stuff, but I reckon there's other Jews out there.

Traitors if they still vote Democrat. My parents have converted to full GOP

The Jewish kid in my neighborhood regards me as a hero. I stuck up for his friends against some bullies a long time ago and I don't take no shit. I love him and his family. They live The American Dream.

Awesome. Thank you.
What is a “Democratic”? As a Jew please explain to me why I would ever vote Democrat again? I am 100% serious.

MOST Jews seem to worshsip at the Democrat Temple but I sure as hell can't figure out exactly why when overall Dems basically would like to see Israel burn to the ground.
Maybe you can explain whats up with that.

I can, many of the Jews in America came over from Russia and are hardcore secular Marxists.

All the Jews I've ever known went to Synagogue n stuff, but I reckon there's other Jews out there.

Traitors if they still vote Democrat. My parents have converted to full GOP

The Jewish kid in my neighborhood regards me as a hero. I stuck up for his friends against some bullies a long time ago and I don't take no shit. I love him and his family. They live The American Dream.

Awesome. Thank you.

His sisters were in all my classes. Good American family.
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Obama was the worst President in modern history. He demonstrated his anti-American beliefs every day he was in office. Trump is the polar opposite of Obama which is why he is so great for the country.

His impact on social structure makes Obama the worst POTUS in history. It wasn't just him, the decline was and remains widespread throughout "progressive" interests.

We really saw its true colors the day Trump was elected, and that continues to this day. Mother FK, I'll never forget walking into the office the next morning. Progressive atmosphere and about 40 people in my room alone. You could hear a pin drop. My buddy comes over to my cubicle, and was tamed excited. Not 20 seconds pasts, unwarranted a prog jumped up his ass, and she nearly started to cry. Next thing you know admin. sent out a widespread email stating we were NOT TO DISCUSS THE ELECTION, PERIOD. That's a government entity telling their employees they lost their first amendment rights, simply because progs are too big of pussies. This NEVER happens, it was the first time I'd seen anything like it. Some were literally balling, WTF? If Clinton had won we Trump"ette's" would have taken it like adults, and they'd have been all day celebrating, bragging, slighting, Trump jokes etc. etc.

We're dealing with real assholes. Cry-baby MFing assholes. They're far too emotional to do a gut-check, which is according to plan. The elite with bad intentions are counting on it. We're a dumbed-down, non-gender specific putrid society.
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Now she says her words were taken out of context. This is what you can expect. The chickens in the democrat party have come home to roost.

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