Ilhan Omar claims Lauren Boebert 'defecates' Congress after Boebert's 'brother-husband' dig

She has been accused of marrying her own brother. If she were to be prosecuted for that, her defense could be: “but we didn’t consummate the marriage.” And ya know? That could work (although I would not want to see the evidence of that defense either way).

But it could then raise a bigger problem. For, if she publicly claimed that she wasn’t “really” married to her brother, then her Immigration claim was concededly fraudulent.

What a tangled web ….
"If she were to be prosecuted for that"

I know you folks love to cosplay as "Constitutional Conservatives" -- however, if my understanding of law is be prosecuted, you have to be charged.....let's wait for that to happen before we jump to what her defense will be...let alone, her conviction...seems like you made your mind up without any of that happening...

Now let me remind everyone that all of these comments towards me are triggered by one thing.......

The fact that I said Lauren has more criminal arrests and convictions than Ilhan......a fact that still hasn't been refuted...

I don't get why that triggers you so you live vicariously thru Lauren Boebert or feel personally offended by a fact I stated about her?
Coming from the nastiest shithole in the world, Somalia, I'm pretty sure she knows a lot about poop. They eat poop for breakfast there. They build their houses out of poop. The children make their toys out of poop. They don't give birth to babies, their women just squat down in the dust and poop them out. That US helicopter that was brought down in the movie "Black Hawk Down"? It wasn't shot down. Those skinnys flung their poop at it, and it crashed.

I could go on.
Oh....I'm quite sure you could go keep being you. :heehee:
Well that would mean that she wasn't married to him and committed marital, tax, and immigration fraud and as such should be in prison and then deported.
Yes, if charged in court and convicted..she should face whatever penalty the judge/court sets forth......

Then....that would count as an arrest and a conviction.....

As of now....she has zero......and Lauren has been arrested and convicted more times than Tupac...that last part isn't hyperbole...that is a fact...
this could get interesting

Cat fight.

Omar brings claws and Boebert brings guns. Figuratively and literally. This ought to be good!
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I don’t care if she’s never officially charged or convicted. That legal outcome has nothing to do with whether she married her own brother.

Interesting fact: if some mobster kills some other monster and cleverly disposes of the corpse (perhaps in pieces) and never gets arrested for it, he may literally “get away with murder.” That doesn’t mean he isn’t a murderer. It only means he isn’t a convicted murderer.
"I don't care if she's never officially charged or con-victed"......................this is today's Republican support of the rule of law, folks.
Cat fight.

Omar brings claws and Boebert brings guns. This ought to be good!

Most of us were under the impression we sent Representatives to Congress to pass legislation that benefits the majority of Americans....

It must be quite a privilege to believe Congress is just a place to have "cat fights" for your entertainment...

Maybe that is what explains why Republicans never really run on any legislation...just promises of goofy ass cat fights for your entertainment....

Most of us were under the impression we sent Representatives to Congress to pass legislation that benefits the majority of Americans....

It must be quite a privilege to believe Congress is just a place to have "cat fights" for your entertainment...

Maybe that is what explains why Republicans never really run on any legislation...just promises of goofy ass cat fights for your entertainment....
"Democratic Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar on Wednesday night claimed Republican Colorado Rep. Lauren Boebert "defecates [and] defiles the House of Representatives".

Game on, bitches.
"Democratic Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar on Wednesday night claimed Republican Colorado Rep. Lauren Boebert "defecates [and] defiles the House of Representatives".

Game on, bitches.
I know conservatives hate context...but can you tell me what she was responding to?? Was this just something she said out of the blue??
Screenshot_20210727-184522_A+ Gallery.jpg

I'll wait
I think she didn't like it so much when Boebert questioned her matrimonial relationship with her brother. Hmmmmmmmmmmm.................
Still leaving out context I see....

What made Boebert even bring Ilhan up at all?? The proceedings at hand was Paul Gosar being censured over a dumb ass video he made......something Ilhan had zero to do with....

Furthermore, she went on to characterize Ilhan and 3 other women of color as the "Jihad squad" -- again, ZERO to do with Gosar's censure....

What it seems to me -- is as usual with you fragile insecure weak Conservatives -- yall like to say anything you want to say to people...and when that person claps back at whine like a bitch about it....because most of you folks are cowards at heart...

And Lauren still has more arrests and convictions than Ilhan.....I see you keep dodging that fact
Still leaving out context I see....

What made Boebert even bring Ilhan up at all?? The proceedings at hand was Paul Gosar being censured over a dumb ass video he made......something Ilhan had zero to do with....

Furthermore, she went on to characterize Ilhan and 3 other women of color as the "Jihad squad" -- again, ZERO to do with Gosar's censure....

What it seems to me -- is as usual with you fragile insecure weak Conservatives -- yall like to say anything you want to say to people...and when that person claps back at whine like a bitch about it....because most of you folks are cowards at heart...

And Lauren still has more arrests and convictions than Ilhan.....I see you keep dodging that fact
If you say so, bro.



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