Ilhan Omar claims Lauren Boebert 'defecates' Congress after Boebert's 'brother-husband' dig

I have just read an article about Mrs Boebert. It claims that her restaurant was failing so , like all Christian women, she sought work as an "escort".

It then goes on to claim that while "escorting" a john she made the acquaintance of Ted Cruz who later donated $100k to her campaign fund.

It all looks a bit suspicious to me. Am I being unkind in thinking this may be the reason she has progressed in the party of God ?
I have just read an article about Mrs Boebert. It claims that her restaurant was failing so , like all Christian women, she sought work as an "escort".

It then goes on to claim that while "escorting" a john she made the acquaintance of Ted Cruz who later donated $100k to her campaign fund.

It all looks a bit suspicious to me. Am I being unkind in thinking this may be the reason she has progressed in the party of God ?

Has she instructed Mlearned friends yet ?

I have just read an article about Mrs Boebert. It claims that her restaurant was failing so , like all Christian women, she sought work as an "escort".

It then goes on to claim that while "escorting" a john she made the acquaintance of Ted Cruz who later donated $100k to her campaign fund.

It all looks a bit suspicious to me. Am I being unkind in thinking this may be the reason she has progressed in the party of God ?
And, of course, you ate it all up with your greedy little fascist teeth.
And demons like you have to be able to spout bullshit about Christ and Christians. It's in the job description.
So the GOP is now the party of prostitutiion. OK, I get that.
I suspect that you would approve of anything if your own side did it. That is why your opinion is worthless.
Which husband her brother....She fucks her own brother moron

She lied to get citizenship, she is a skank and a fraud

Any fake Muslime skinny ugly bitch who wears that make up should have her head chopped off per Sharia law

She'll get hers for what she did to this country

Now go take care and raise your black fucking bastards as they run the streets like zoo amimls

Muslim women wear makeup and are quite stylish under their abayas. You just don't know any Muslim women.
Imagine if Ilhan's husband was arrested for exposing himself to minors....or that she herself got arrested for drunk and disorderly conduct...or police obstruction......doubt she would have ever made it to Congress....


Progressive Muslims. Accepting of all ways of living....bwhahaaaaa! You do know that they are scamming Progs until enough power is acquired.

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