I'll bet the idiots who mused on the likelihood of dumb hillbillies murdering the fed

From the article linked to in the opening post:

Instead, it took considerably more investigation to rule out homicide. Investigators even analyzed the writing on Sparkman's chest to see how the letters were applied and determine whether he wrote on himself or someone else wrote on him.

Forensic tests showed that the letters were applied from the bottom to the top — not the way an assailant facing Sparkman would write them. Police concluded that Sparkman wrote on himself, Rudzinski said.

Authorities cited a number of reasons supporting the conclusion that Sparkman killed himself.

For instance, there was no evidence that Sparkman had struggled with anyone. There were no defensive wounds on his body and no trauma such as a blow to the head, authorities said.

Tests ruled out any theory that he was drugged and unconscious when he was tied to the tree, making the lack of signs of a struggle more significant.

Sparkman's glasses were taped to his head with duct tape. The question that raises is why a killer would care whether Sparkman, who had poor vision, could see what was going on.

Police say Sparkman taped the glasses to his head to make sure he could see as he prepared to kill himself, Rudzinski said.

Also, Sparkman was not dangling from the tree the way people commonly perceive hanging.

His legs were bent at the knees and his knees were less than six inches off the ground, authorities said.

The rope was thrown over a limb and tied off to another tree. Sparkman leaned forward, which would have put the weight of his body on his neck and caused him to lose consciousness, authorities said.

Sparkman's hands were bound by duct tape, but loosely, allowing him to move them shoulder-width apart, Rolf said.

The significance of that is that Sparkman, acting alone, could have created all the conditions found at the scene, Rudzinski said.

"We do not believe he was placed in that position" by someone else, Rudzinski said.

The final piece of evidence police wanted in order to reach a conclusion in the case were the results of DNA testing. The results, received last week, showed there was no DNA other than Sparkman's on the rope, the rag in his mouth or a similar rag found near his body.
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Why on earth would I apologize? I told you guys you were dimwits for assuming that rightwing hatred had anything to do with this bizarro death. And for saying retarded things like "this is what happens when tea party participants" blah blah blah.
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The prior Saturday, he had told a friend, whom police did not name, of his plan to hang himself near a cemetery in Clay County.

This tells me he didn't buy the insurance with the intention of faking his murder.

Good Lord.

Too late for this poor soul, but if someone tells you of a plan to kill themselves, please take it seriously.
The guy apparently set it up pretty well because he wanted it to look like he had been murdered by the townspeople. And it was accepted by most who read the facts as they were presented by the authorities.

Did anyone on here suggest that it was probably a suicide? Who would have guessed suicide when they said he had been duct taped and hung?

It is sad that his family will suffer from the outcome of this. Obviously he was trying to leave some sort of security for them.
Who would have guessed suicide when they said he had been duct taped and hung?

It would have been obvious had officials described the position and condition of the body in initial reports, though I can understand why they couldn't.
You should be ashamed.

Unfortunately, your apology was not abject enough and shall be rejected and filed with the other rejected apologies that have accumulated since the beginning of time.

Luke 6:37 said:
Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.

Looks like AllieBaba's goin' to HELL!!!

Tsk, tsk, as most of the pinheads who take this biblical quote out of context, so have you.

I forgive you. I just don't accept your apology. There's a difference.

One makes me feel good. The other makes you feel good. I'm all for making myself feel good, but I see no reason to make YOU feel good!

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