Illegal alien kids are unhappy having to recite the Pledge of Allegiance

Not a day goes by without some headline about the suffering of illegal alien kids, nearly all of whom are eating and living better than they ever have in their lives, courtesy of the U.S. taxpayer. Most of them were sent to America unaccompanied by adults, so our tax dollars could take care of them. But apparently, some kids are unhappy.
Well the least that can be done is " respect our country and do it" . If you don' tlike our flag gtf out of our country. If your country is so fkn great wth did you leave it for go back buuuuuye.

Maybe they just have no experience with forced fetishism. Or maybe unlike you they see that forced fetishism for what it is.

Democratic morons have no common sense, no logic, no respect for others they are greedy selfish pigs of society.
Because taking into consideration when an American goes to another Country they are expect to abide by that Country's laws, rights, and their freedoms, not what some dumb fk american thinks it should or shouldn't be. They worship THEIR FLAG! For example why would CHINA gloathe our American flag in their own Country you fkrs are pure gawd dam retarded fkn morons.

I promise you, nobody anywhere "worships" THEIR FLAG except here. In the rest of the world there's no such thing as a frickin' "pledge of allegiance". It's kinky shit.

You're not really pledging allegiance to the flag, you're pledging allegiance to America. Do you have some other country you want to pledge allegiance to, Pogo? If you're a Russian troll, you have some decent English skills. So what's up? You're not down with supporting the US and its ideals, er wut? If it's the "One nation, under God" thing you don't like...:dunno: too bad.
Not a day goes by without some headline about the suffering of illegal alien kids, nearly all of whom are eating and living better than they ever have in their lives, courtesy of the U.S. taxpayer. Most of them were sent to America unaccompanied by adults, so our tax dollars could take care of them. But apparently, some kids are unhappy.
Well the least that can be done is " respect our country and do it" . If you don' tlike our flag gtf out of our country. If your country is so fkn great wth did you leave it for go back buuuuuye.

Maybe they just have no experience with forced fetishism. Or maybe unlike you they see that forced fetishism for what it is.

Democratic morons have no common sense, no logic, no respect for others they are greedy selfish pigs of society.
Because taking into consideration when an American goes to another Country they are expect to abide by that Country's laws, rights, and their freedoms, not what some dumb fk american thinks it should or shouldn't be. They worship THEIR FLAG! For example why would CHINA gloathe our American flag in their own Country you fkrs are pure gawd dam retarded fkn morons.

I promise you, nobody anywhere "worships" THEIR FLAG except here. In the rest of the world there's no such thing as a frickin' "pledge of allegiance". It's kinky shit.

You're not really pledging allegiance to the flag, you're pledging allegiance to America.

Think so huh?

Read me the first sentence. Then tell me what the object of that sentence is. "I pledge allegiance to" .... what?

As I said --- not familiar with the reading thing.

Once again --- it's specifically written as an advertising hook to sell flags. That's its whole purpose.
Not a day goes by without some headline about the suffering of illegal alien kids, nearly all of whom are eating and living better than they ever have in their lives, courtesy of the U.S. taxpayer. Most of them were sent to America unaccompanied by adults, so our tax dollars could take care of them. But apparently, some kids are unhappy.
Well the least that can be done is " respect our country and do it" . If you don' tlike our flag gtf out of our country. If your country is so fkn great wth did you leave it for go back buuuuuye.

Maybe they just have no experience with forced fetishism. Or maybe unlike you they see that forced fetishism for what it is.

Democratic morons have no common sense, no logic, no respect for others they are greedy selfish pigs of society.
Because taking into consideration when an American goes to another Country they are expect to abide by that Country's laws, rights, and their freedoms, not what some dumb fk american thinks it should or shouldn't be. They worship THEIR FLAG! For example why would CHINA gloathe our American flag in their own Country you fkrs are pure gawd dam retarded fkn morons.

I promise you, nobody anywhere "worships" THEIR FLAG except here. In the rest of the world there's no such thing as a frickin' "pledge of allegiance". It's kinky shit.

You're not really pledging allegiance to the flag, you're pledging allegiance to America.

Think so huh?

Read me the first sentence. Then tell me what the object of that sentence is. "I pledge allegiance to" .... what?

As I said --- not familiar with the reading thing.

Once again --- it's specifically written as an advertising hook to sell flags. That's its whole purpose.

Tell that to some Marines, raising the flag on a hill after some of their friends got blown to bits.

Prove to me that it was written in order to sell flags. You made the claim, back it up.

Did you miss the: "and to the Republic, for which it stands" part, or just conveniently forget it?
Not a day goes by without some headline about the suffering of illegal alien kids, nearly all of whom are eating and living better than they ever have in their lives, courtesy of the U.S. taxpayer. Most of them were sent to America unaccompanied by adults, so our tax dollars could take care of them. But apparently, some kids are unhappy.
Well the least that can be done is " respect our country and do it" . If you don' tlike our flag gtf out of our country. If your country is so fkn great wth did you leave it for go back buuuuuye.

Maybe they just have no experience with forced fetishism. Or maybe unlike you they see that forced fetishism for what it is.

Democratic morons have no common sense, no logic, no respect for others they are greedy selfish pigs of society.
Because taking into consideration when an American goes to another Country they are expect to abide by that Country's laws, rights, and their freedoms, not what some dumb fk american thinks it should or shouldn't be. They worship THEIR FLAG! For example why would CHINA gloathe our American flag in their own Country you fkrs are pure gawd dam retarded fkn morons.

I promise you, nobody anywhere "worships" THEIR FLAG except here. In the rest of the world there's no such thing as a frickin' "pledge of allegiance". It's kinky shit.

You're not really pledging allegiance to the flag, you're pledging allegiance to America.

Think so huh?

Read me the first sentence. Then tell me what the object of that sentence is. "I pledge allegiance to" .... what?

As I said --- not familiar with the reading thing.

Once again --- it's specifically written as an advertising hook to sell flags. That's its whole purpose.
Must be selling republics for which it stands, as well.
Illegal alien kids are unhappy having to recite the Pledge of Allegiance

Hey, SOMEBODY's got to do it! It's not like we have NFL players or public school kids to do it anymore! Beside, its only fair payback for all the times the schools have tried to make their students chant the Koran.
Not a day goes by without some headline about the suffering of illegal alien kids, nearly all of whom are eating and living better than they ever have in their lives, courtesy of the U.S. taxpayer. Most of them were sent to America unaccompanied by adults, so our tax dollars could take care of them. But apparently, some kids are unhappy.
Well the least that can be done is " respect our country and do it" . If you don' tlike our flag gtf out of our country. If your country is so fkn great wth did you leave it for go back buuuuuye.

Maybe they just have no experience with forced fetishism. Or maybe unlike you they see that forced fetishism for what it is.

Democratic morons have no common sense, no logic, no respect for others they are greedy selfish pigs of society.
Because taking into consideration when an American goes to another Country they are expect to abide by that Country's laws, rights, and their freedoms, not what some dumb fk american thinks it should or shouldn't be. They worship THEIR FLAG! For example why would CHINA gloathe our American flag in their own Country you fkrs are pure gawd dam retarded fkn morons.

I promise you, nobody anywhere "worships" THEIR FLAG except here. In the rest of the world there's no such thing as a frickin' "pledge of allegiance". It's kinky shit.

You're not really pledging allegiance to the flag, you're pledging allegiance to America.

Think so huh?

Read me the first sentence. Then tell me what the object of that sentence is. "I pledge allegiance to" .... what?

As I said --- not familiar with the reading thing.

Once again --- it's specifically written as an advertising hook to sell flags. That's its whole purpose.

Tell that to some Marines, raising the flag on a hill after some of their friends got blown to bits.

This may come as a revelation to the intellectually somnabulistic but emotionally-driven threats-of-violence coercion arguments have never impressed me, ever. The fact that they impress you is (a) not surprising and (b) your problem. Marines --- or anyone else --- do what they do for a country, not for a fucking flag. A public official takes their oath to preserve the Constitution --- not a fucking flag.

Prove to me that it was written in order to sell flags. You made the claim, back it up.

Did you miss the: "and to the Republic, for which it stands" part, or just conveniently forget it?

Exactly --- second billing, as an afterthought. The flag is the direct object, right at the outset. It was written in 1892 by Francis Bellamy as a scheme to sell flags to schools. I NEVER come to these batttlegrounds unarmed, Spunky.

>> In 1827, a young publisher founded The Youth’s Companion, an American children’s publication that focused on “virtue and piety” and “warned against the ways of transgression.” By the late 1880s, it had become the country’s most circulated weekly magazine, with some 475,000 readers. Some of the greatest voices of the time -- Mark Twain, Booker T. Washington, Emily Dickinson, and Jack London -- regularly contributed, and the Companion gained a reputation for high quality writing.

But the owner at the time, Daniel Sharp Ford, felt the publication wasn't realizing its full potential. In 1888, as a premium to solicit subscriptions, he launched a campaign to sell American flags to public schools. At the time, a schoolhouse flag movement sought to “place a flag above every school in the nation.” The Youth’s Companion quickly became its most ardent supporter.

In 1892, Ford’s right-hand marketing man, James B. Upham, was tasked with coining a marketing gimmick that would inspire schools to buy more flags. Upham, in a spurt of genius, decided to monetize patriotism by creating a “pledge” in which children would declare their undying love for America. He hired Francis Bellamy, a Baptist minister, to write something that could easily be recited in “15 seconds or less.”

A socialist, Bellamy wanted to include the words “equality” and “fraternity” in the pledge, but his editors rejected the idea on the basis that state superintendents opposed the idea of equality for women and African Americans. Bellamy acquiesced, and on September 9, 1892, the original version of the Pledge of Allegiance made its debut in The Youth’s Companion:

"I pledge allegiance to my Flag and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all"

.... Bellamy subsequently spoke at a national convention for school superintendents, where he sold the idea that his pledge should be instituted as a part of this “official Columbus Day program.” He was ultimately elected chair of the committee, and formulated the entire holiday around an elaborate flag-raising ceremony and his pledge.

The campaign was massively successful. By the end of the year, the magazine had sold American flags to more than 26,000 schools across the nation -- at a hefty profit for The Youth’s Companion. The pledge became a fixture in public schools; to this day, it is recited in tens of thousands of classrooms.

... Today, there are many objections to the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance. Opponents argue that their First Amendment rights grant them the agency to decide whether or not to participate -- or whether or not their children should be forced to participate. Others argue that the pledge goes against the tenets of democracy and diversity. But for those who are wholly aware of the pledge’s origins, there is another reason to reject the pledge: it was born not out of a desire to commemorate our nation, but as a clever ploy to get us to buy a product.<< --- The Marketing of the Pledge of Allegiance
And this is how the children were ordered to posture themselves:


--- And as already noted, nowhere else in the world does a country genuflect and pray to a flag, except for the colony we were strongarming and decimating at the same time this marketing gimmick came up, the Philippines. That's the entire list.

Learn your own history, Doodles.
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Not a day goes by without some headline about the suffering of illegal alien kids, nearly all of whom are eating and living better than they ever have in their lives, courtesy of the U.S. taxpayer. Most of them were sent to America unaccompanied by adults, so our tax dollars could take care of them. But apparently, some kids are unhappy.
Well the least that can be done is " respect our country and do it" . If you don' tlike our flag gtf out of our country. If your country is so fkn great wth did you leave it for go back buuuuuye.

Maybe they just have no experience with forced fetishism. Or maybe unlike you they see that forced fetishism for what it is.

Democratic morons have no common sense, no logic, no respect for others they are greedy selfish pigs of society.
Because taking into consideration when an American goes to another Country they are expect to abide by that Country's laws, rights, and their freedoms, not what some dumb fk american thinks it should or shouldn't be. They worship THEIR FLAG! For example why would CHINA gloathe our American flag in their own Country you fkrs are pure gawd dam retarded fkn morons.

I promise you, nobody anywhere "worships" THEIR FLAG except here. In the rest of the world there's no such thing as a frickin' "pledge of allegiance". It's kinky shit.

You're not really pledging allegiance to the flag, you're pledging allegiance to America.

Think so huh?

Read me the first sentence. Then tell me what the object of that sentence is. "I pledge allegiance to" .... what?

As I said --- not familiar with the reading thing.

Once again --- it's specifically written as an advertising hook to sell flags. That's its whole purpose.

Tell that to some Marines, raising the flag on a hill after some of their friends got blown to bits.

This may come as a revelation to the intellectually somnabulistic but emotionally-driven threats-of-violence coercion arguments have never impressed me, ever. The fact that they impress you is (a) not surprising and (b) your problem. Marines --- or anyone else --- do what they do for a country, not for a fucking flag. A public official takes their oath to preserve the Constitution --- not a fucking flag.

Prove to me that it was written in order to sell flags. You made the claim, back it up.

Did you miss the: "and to the Republic, for which it stands" part, or just conveniently forget it?

Exactly --- second billing, as an afterthought. The flag is the direct object, right at the outset. It was written in 1892 by Francis Bellamy as a scheme to sell flags to schools. I NEVER come to these batttlegrounds unarmed, Spunky.

>> In 1827, a young publisher founded The Youth’s Companion, an American children’s publication that focused on “virtue and piety” and “warned against the ways of transgression.” By the late 1880s, it had become the country’s most circulated weekly magazine, with some 475,000 readers. Some of the greatest voices of the time -- Mark Twain, Booker T. Washington, Emily Dickinson, and Jack London -- regularly contributed, and the Companion gained a reputation for high quality writing.

But the owner at the time, Daniel Sharp Ford, felt the publication wasn't realizing its full potential. In 1888, as a premium to solicit subscriptions, he launched a campaign to sell American flags to public schools. At the time, a schoolhouse flag movement sought to “place a flag above every school in the nation.” The Youth’s Companion quickly became its most ardent supporter.

In 1892, Ford’s right-hand marketing man, James B. Upham, was tasked with coining a marketing gimmick that would inspire schools to buy more flags. Upham, in a spurt of genius, decided to monetize patriotism by creating a “pledge” in which children would declare their undying love for America. He hired Francis Bellamy, a Baptist minister, to write something that could easily be recited in “15 seconds or less.”

A socialist, Bellamy wanted to include the words “equality” and “fraternity” in the pledge, but his editors rejected the idea on the basis that state superintendents opposed the idea of equality for women and African Americans. Bellamy acquiesced, and on September 9, 1892, the original version of the Pledge of Allegiance made its debut in The Youth’s Companion:

"I pledge allegiance to my Flag and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all"

.... Bellamy subsequently spoke at a national convention for school superintendents, where he sold the idea that his pledge should be instituted as a part of this “official Columbus Day program.” He was ultimately elected chair of the committee, and formulated the entire holiday around an elaborate flag-raising ceremony and his pledge.

The campaign was massively successful. By the end of the year, the magazine had sold American flags to more than 26,000 schools across the nation -- at a hefty profit for The Youth’s Companion. The pledge became a fixture in public schools; to this day, it is recited in tens of thousands of classrooms. << --- The Marketing of the Pledge of Allegiance


--- And as already noted, nowhere else in the world does a country genuflect and pray to a flag, except for the colony we were strongarming and decimating at the same time this marketing gimmick came up, the Philippines. That's the entire list.

Learn your own history, Doodles.

That's not my history, and I had a feeling you were gonna do that. But thanks, there's nothing wrong with being patriotic, and those guys are long dead. It's not praying to the flag. If I had to hazard a guess, I'd say you never pray at all to anything, or any God.

As an aside, apparently Ford/Upham's idea was almost universally received countrywide. Do you not believe in Democracy, Patriotism, and free market capitalism?
Not a day goes by without some headline about the suffering of illegal alien kids, nearly all of whom are eating and living better than they ever have in their lives, courtesy of the U.S. taxpayer. Most of them were sent to America unaccompanied by adults, so our tax dollars could take care of them. But apparently, some kids are unhappy.
Well the least that can be done is " respect our country and do it" . If you don' tlike our flag gtf out of our country. If your country is so fkn great wth did you leave it for go back buuuuuye.

Maybe they just have no experience with forced fetishism. Or maybe unlike you they see that forced fetishism for what it is.
They are getting to experience what forced patriotism under trump is like.
Not a day goes by without some headline about the suffering of illegal alien kids, nearly all of whom are eating and living better than they ever have in their lives, courtesy of the U.S. taxpayer. Most of them were sent to America unaccompanied by adults, so our tax dollars could take care of them. But apparently, some kids are unhappy.
Well the least that can be done is " respect our country and do it" . If you don' tlike our flag gtf out of our country. If your country is so fkn great wth did you leave it for go back buuuuuye.

Maybe they just have no experience with forced fetishism. Or maybe unlike you they see that forced fetishism for what it is.
They are getting to experience what forced patriotism under trump is like.
They've already learned what forced rape is like.
Maybe they just have no experience with forced fetishism. Or maybe unlike you they see that forced fetishism for what it is.

I promise you, nobody anywhere "worships" THEIR FLAG except here. In the rest of the world there's no such thing as a frickin' "pledge of allegiance". It's kinky shit.

You're not really pledging allegiance to the flag, you're pledging allegiance to America.

Think so huh?

Read me the first sentence. Then tell me what the object of that sentence is. "I pledge allegiance to" .... what?

As I said --- not familiar with the reading thing.

Once again --- it's specifically written as an advertising hook to sell flags. That's its whole purpose.

Tell that to some Marines, raising the flag on a hill after some of their friends got blown to bits.

This may come as a revelation to the intellectually somnabulistic but emotionally-driven threats-of-violence coercion arguments have never impressed me, ever. The fact that they impress you is (a) not surprising and (b) your problem. Marines --- or anyone else --- do what they do for a country, not for a fucking flag. A public official takes their oath to preserve the Constitution --- not a fucking flag.

Prove to me that it was written in order to sell flags. You made the claim, back it up.

Did you miss the: "and to the Republic, for which it stands" part, or just conveniently forget it?

Exactly --- second billing, as an afterthought. The flag is the direct object, right at the outset. It was written in 1892 by Francis Bellamy as a scheme to sell flags to schools. I NEVER come to these batttlegrounds unarmed, Spunky.

>> In 1827, a young publisher founded The Youth’s Companion, an American children’s publication that focused on “virtue and piety” and “warned against the ways of transgression.” By the late 1880s, it had become the country’s most circulated weekly magazine, with some 475,000 readers. Some of the greatest voices of the time -- Mark Twain, Booker T. Washington, Emily Dickinson, and Jack London -- regularly contributed, and the Companion gained a reputation for high quality writing.

But the owner at the time, Daniel Sharp Ford, felt the publication wasn't realizing its full potential. In 1888, as a premium to solicit subscriptions, he launched a campaign to sell American flags to public schools. At the time, a schoolhouse flag movement sought to “place a flag above every school in the nation.” The Youth’s Companion quickly became its most ardent supporter.

In 1892, Ford’s right-hand marketing man, James B. Upham, was tasked with coining a marketing gimmick that would inspire schools to buy more flags. Upham, in a spurt of genius, decided to monetize patriotism by creating a “pledge” in which children would declare their undying love for America. He hired Francis Bellamy, a Baptist minister, to write something that could easily be recited in “15 seconds or less.”

A socialist, Bellamy wanted to include the words “equality” and “fraternity” in the pledge, but his editors rejected the idea on the basis that state superintendents opposed the idea of equality for women and African Americans. Bellamy acquiesced, and on September 9, 1892, the original version of the Pledge of Allegiance made its debut in The Youth’s Companion:

"I pledge allegiance to my Flag and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all"

.... Bellamy subsequently spoke at a national convention for school superintendents, where he sold the idea that his pledge should be instituted as a part of this “official Columbus Day program.” He was ultimately elected chair of the committee, and formulated the entire holiday around an elaborate flag-raising ceremony and his pledge.

The campaign was massively successful. By the end of the year, the magazine had sold American flags to more than 26,000 schools across the nation -- at a hefty profit for The Youth’s Companion. The pledge became a fixture in public schools; to this day, it is recited in tens of thousands of classrooms. << --- The Marketing of the Pledge of Allegiance


--- And as already noted, nowhere else in the world does a country genuflect and pray to a flag, except for the colony we were strongarming and decimating at the same time this marketing gimmick came up, the Philippines. That's the entire list.

Learn your own history, Doodles.

That's not my history, and I had a feeling you were gonna do that. But thanks, there's nothing wrong with being patriotic, and those guys are long dead. It's not praying to the flag.

Might want to try to make that case to West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette, 319 U.S. 624 (1943) where Jehovah's Witnesses sued (and won) the right to be free of exactly this forced fetishism, citing Exodus 20 (4-5) to wit: "Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; thou shalt not bow down thyself to them nor serve them."

Might want to note that same religious group who were in Germany were tossed into concentration camps by the Nazis because they wouldn't salute that flag, for the same reason.

So unless "Florida" is some sovereign nation born of a Second Secession we all slept through, it damn well is your history. Learn it, and then learn from it.

If I had to hazard a guess, I'd say you never pray at all to anything, or any God.

That would be exactly zero of your business, now wouldn't it.

As an aside, apparently Ford/Upham's idea was almost universally received countrywide. Do you not believe in Democracy, Patriotism, and free market capitalism?

I don't believe in Mob Mentality, fuck no. Look what it did for Germany. And there was a ton of mob mentality going around at that time. This just in --- mob mentality is NOT mandatory. Grow a pair and stand up to it. Enough of this just rolling over because the mob says "roll over". Just say "no".

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