illegal aliens and Selective Services


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Illegal aliens and Selective Services

Biden’s self-created Border crisis and long-term impact of his malicious negligence is now become a national nightmare.
According to the Selective Service System Web site, undocumented aliens, asylum seekers, etc., are required by law to register with Selective Service:
The penalty for not registering is severe and would appear to be a Felony:
“Failure to register with Selective Service is a violation of the Military Selective Service Act. Conviction for such a violation may result in imprisonment for up to five years and/or a fine of not more than $250,000.”​
It looks like you need a Social Security number to register. Are all border crossers being issued SSN’s? If not, can they comply with this law? If so, what further benefits are they becoming eligible for?
Obviously, this law is not being enforced by Baghdad Bob Mayorkas and his DHS management or is this just another example of our two-tiered justice system?
Maoist/DSA Democrats continue telling us that “No One Is Above The Law”.
Well, some US citizens the Bidens, Clintons, Comey, Strzok, McCabe, Baker et al., are exempt and above the law. Now all illegal immigrants are included in that elite group too. They’re special.
OTOH, this is Just what Maoist/DSA Democrat need. An army of invaders trained and equipped by a tyrannical government that hates her citizens led by trannies and AA degenerates who hate the nation. What could go wrong with well-armed violent third world imports who have ZERO loyalty or pride in America, are put into the military.
In the event of a resumption of the draft, Maoist/DSA Democrats and Biden would have created a “Foreign Legion” on American soil to violently put down any disturbances in America by its citizens.
Illegal aliens and Selective Services

Biden’s self-created Border crisis and long-term impact of his malicious negligence is now become a national nightmare.
According to the Selective Service System Web site, undocumented aliens, asylum seekers, etc., are required by law to register with Selective Service:
The penalty for not registering is severe and would appear to be a Felony:
“Failure to register with Selective Service is a violation of the Military Selective Service Act. Conviction for such a violation may result in imprisonment for up to five years and/or a fine of not more than $250,000.”​
It looks like you need a Social Security number to register. Are all border crossers being issued SSN’s? If not, can they comply with this law? If so, what further benefits are they becoming eligible for?
Obviously, this law is not being enforced by Baghdad Bob Mayorkas and his DHS management or is this just another example of our two-tiered justice system?
Maoist/DSA Democrats continue telling us that “No One Is Above The Law”.
Well, some US citizens the Bidens, Clintons, Comey, Strzok, McCabe, Baker et al., are exempt and above the law. Now all illegal immigrants are included in that elite group too. They’re special.
OTOH, this is Just what Maoist/DSA Democrat need. An army of invaders trained and equipped by a tyrannical government that hates her citizens led by trannies and AA degenerates who hate the nation. What could go wrong with well-armed violent third world imports who have ZERO loyalty or pride in America, are put into the military.
In the event of a resumption of the draft, Maoist/DSA Democrats and Biden would have created a “Foreign Legion” on American soil to violently put down any disturbances in America by its citizens.
Glad to see a republican has learned that the government showering money on illegal immigrants is a fabrication of their thought leaders
A funny thing is beginning to happen... long time migrants in my area are protesting the arrival of new illegals that are taking their jobs and services away.... the dems didn't think this out very well.....
Glad to see a republican has learned that the government showering money on illegal immigrants is a fabrication of their thought leaders
Thanks to the poor recordkeeping of the Bai-Dung administration there are few to no records of military aged illegal alien men registering with the Selective Service or with Social Services. Therefore, not only have illegal aliens committed a felony entering the U.S. illegally. They have also violated the Selective Service laws too.


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