Illegal invasion down 40% in Trumps first month!

In 1 MONTH Trump has decreased illegal immigration by 40%!
It's WINTER numb nuts and it is cold on the southern border this time of year! Ever been in these climes in Jan or Feb? Plus, how is that percentage being calculated? Cite the methodology from the source!
Ah, dude? It's the freaking desert! The best time to cross a desert isn't the middle of's Jan. or Feb.! Have you ever even BEEN to the South West United States?
Ah, dude? It's the freaking desert!
DUDE? Grow the fuck up, kid! I'm a man grown!
The best time to cross a desert isn't the middle of's Jan. or Feb.! Have you ever even BEEN to the South West United States?
You're full of shit!

First I live in the Sonoran Desert near Pheonix, AZ, USA. That's in the 'South West United States', shit for brains! Second, the average low temps in Jan & Feb are ranging between 28 & 35deg F along the AZ southern border. That's why this chart displays such low activity by ICE during the winter months you bloody fool!


That's your average temperature at night. During the daytime the average temps are high 50's low 60's...perfect hiking weather. What your chart shows is basically flat lines except for the one year that our border got inundated by illegals crossing and turning themselves in because word had gotten out that they wouldn't be deported back to where they came from because Obama had used an executive order to prevent ICE from doing so.
That's your average temperature at night. During the daytime the average temps are high 50's low 60's...perfect hiking weather.
Damn you're playing stupid! It's the long winter night that must be survived on the desert fool. You're being intentionally, obtuse, asshole!
What your chart shows is basically flat lines except for the one year...
That chart is not mine, fool. It was created using ICE data! Don't use the scaling on the chart as an idiot's excuse. When the chart created from the ICE data shows an increase in arrests over the warmer months of up to three time than the base reference of winter, that is a statistically significant increase that repeats each year of the graph. Or are you too fucking impaired to comprehend that significance and its relation to real world circumstances?

Bottom line is that trump is taking credit for the Jan/Feb drop in ICE arrests! In essence, that fucking fool, DJT, is taking credit for the weather! Jesus, Mary and Joseph, you trump bots are too fucking gullible and the damnedest rubes on the planet!
In 1 MONTH Trump has decreased illegal immigration by 40%!
It's WINTER numb nuts and it is cold on the southern border this time of year! Ever been in these climes in Jan or Feb? Plus, how is that percentage being calculated? Cite the methodology from the source!
Ah, dude? It's the freaking desert! The best time to cross a desert isn't the middle of's Jan. or Feb.! Have you ever even BEEN to the South West United States?
Ah, dude? It's the freaking desert!
DUDE? Grow the fuck up, kid! I'm a man grown!
The best time to cross a desert isn't the middle of's Jan. or Feb.! Have you ever even BEEN to the South West United States?
You're full of shit!

First I live in the Sonoran Desert near Pheonix, AZ, USA. That's in the 'South West United States', shit for brains! Second, the average low temps in Jan & Feb are ranging between 28 & 35deg F along the AZ southern border. That's why this chart displays such low activity by ICE during the winter months you bloody fool!


That's your average temperature at night. During the daytime the average temps are high 50's low 60's...perfect hiking weather. What your chart shows is basically flat lines except for the one year that our border got inundated by illegals crossing and turning themselves in because word had gotten out that they wouldn't be deported back to where they came from because Obama had used an executive order to prevent ICE from doing so.
That's your average temperature at night. During the daytime the average temps are high 50's low 60's...perfect hiking weather.
Damn you're playing stupid! It's the long winter night that must be survived on the desert fool. You're being intentionally, obtuse, asshole!
What your chart shows is basically flat lines except for the one year...
That chart is not mine, fool. It was created using ICE data! Don't use the scaling on the chart as an idiot's excuse. When the chart created from the ICE data shows an increase in arrests over the warmer months of up to three time than the base reference of winter, that is a statistically significant increase that repeats each year of the graph. Or are you too fucking impaired to comprehend that significance and its relation to real world circumstances?

Bottom line is that trump is taking credit for the Jan/Feb drop in ICE arrests! In essence, that fucking fool, DJT, is taking credit for the weather! Jesus, Mary and Joseph, you trump bots are too fucking gullible and the damnedest rubes on the planet!

that same chart/graph shows 'Illegal Minors', not adults
"Illegals" would have never been an issue without the urging and lobbying of the "job creator" class for them to be here. americans are a more expensive property to to leverage labor from.

Your semantic game of referring to American workers as "property" is dismissed.

Your attempt to muddle the issue by use of the "Blame game" is noted.

The fact remains, this is a HUGE blow to the lefty Myth that we cannot control our border, and it is very good news for America and Americans.

Why are you not celebrating this massive drop in crime?

Are the numbers real? My understanding is that cross border illegal immigration ended when the recession started and has that more Mexicans have been leaving ever since. Millions of illegals pouring across the border is a Republican myth.

So if there is no illegal immigration, how can it be down 40%? 40% of 0 is still 0.

Your understanding that cross border immigration ended with the recession is wrong.

THe reports were that the outflow was slightly larger or equal to the inflow, thus the problem was... "better"..
ccording to your own links, those are the low temps that are usually around 2-4 am....and during the day the temps are in the 60's.
Yup and BINGO! During the 13-14 hours the sun is below the horizon in Jan an Feb down here around the border, what are those families doing to keep warm out in the open exposed to the environment doing? Do you think being cold and miserable for weeks on end might explain why the fuck only the most desperate might be trying to escape and improve their lives along with those of their loved ones THEN. Do you think that the data in the chart you were provided prepared from ICE data doesn't show a significant seasonal difference re: the waning and waxing of the numbers fleeing North.

trump's numbers appear to be 'adjusted' given no methodology is disclosed, and trump is a known liar in chief!
Here, since I can't get the pic to copy over, check the site itself Winter Temperature Averages for Each USA State - Current Results

New Mexico, which only shares a small border with Mexico is the coldest average here at 35-40 degrees. Arizona comes in at 40-45 degrees......but don't forget both Cali & Texas also share the border and are at 45-50. Your own links in post #78 are only for the 2 coldest states

Your own graph in post #78 is titled 'Monthly Total of Illegal Alien MINORS booked into ICE Custody'. It doesn't say a damn thing about adults. And I have NO doubt there are many older teens (minors) that come here without their parents. Kids aren't as likely to move around in the cold.

If you leave stuff out of the equation, you get a false count
Yup and BINGO! During the 13-14 hours the sun is below the horizon in Jan an Feb down here around the border, what are those families doing to keep warm out in the open exposed to the environment doing? Do you think being cold and miserable for weeks on end might explain why the fuck only the most desperate might be trying to escape and improve their lives along with those of their loved ones THEN. Do you think that the data in the chart you were provided prepared from ICE data doesn't show a significant seasonal difference re: the waning and waxing of the numbers fleeing North.

trump's numbers appear to be 'adjusted' given no methodology is disclosed, and trump is a known liar in chief!

^^^^look up to previous post #127^^^^
"Illegals" would have never been an issue without the urging and lobbying of the "job creator" class for them to be here. americans are a more expensive property to to leverage labor from.

So, as a lib, do you want $15 an hour minimum wage or slave wages from illegals? It was the availability of illegals offering cheap labor that drove down wages. Jobs that illegals do cheap used to be decent paying jobs, with benefits, when Americans did them.
Illegal immigration down 40% on southern US border – DHS

Oh democrats are gonna hate hearing that! 39% less voters for 2018! Oh! I will be happier when its 100%! :) Imagine what we can do WITH a wall if 40% is happening without one and with just enforcement and deportation!
It's one thing this liberal commends him for. It's why trump beat rubio and Cruz. Do you think they'd be tough on immigration?
Here, since I can't get the pic to copy over, check the site itself Winter Temperature Averages for Each USA State - Current Results

New Mexico, which only shares a small border with Mexico is the coldest average here at 35-40 degrees. Arizona comes in at 40-45 degrees...
Damn but you are dumb as a fucking stump! New Mexico and Arizona may or may not have higher AVERAGE WINTER temps, but that doesn't mean the entire square area of those States are located proximate to the fucking border, or that they are the AVERAGE WINTER LOW temps, shit for brains. There is a difference, so don't try that slight of hand crap on me.

My post #78 gave SPECIFIC locations and SPECIFIC temps for SPECIFIC periods from a reliable source close to the border. You don't like it because it deflates your broad and generic bullshit position.

If the ~145 mile New Mexico/Mexico border is small as you claim, does that influence the topic at hand to any fucking degree? If you didn't employ convoluted logic in your argument you'd have no fucking logic at all!
Your own graph in post #78 is titled 'Monthly Total of Illegal Alien MINORS booked into ICE Custody'. It doesn't say a damn thing about adults.
Are you really that fucking STUPID? Yeah dummy, all those minors were unaccompanied or their parents abandoned them and the fucking number of arrests over the periods noted had nothing to do with the weather conditions. And what difference does any of that make? You're grasping at straws!

The initial point was to show that trump's boast that he had cut illegal entry along the southern border by 40% was bullshit! It showed that over a number of years illegal immigration from the South was lower than the yearly average and was normal due to specific factors not within his control AND he supplied NO SPECIFICS how this was accomplished. Now how the fuck did trump lower the illegal immigration rate that much in January before he was even sworn in on the 20th? Explain that shit Svengali!!!!

You can drink his piss and slurp on his shit sundaes, but that doesn't change the facts, dipstick! And at least try to stick to the topic of the OP in the future.
In 1 MONTH Trump has decreased illegal immigration by 40%!
It's WINTER numb nuts and it is cold on the southern border this time of year! Ever been in these climes in Jan or Feb? Plus, how is that percentage being calculated? Cite the methodology from the source!
Ah, dude? It's the freaking desert! The best time to cross a desert isn't the middle of's Jan. or Feb.! Have you ever even BEEN to the South West United States?
Ah, dude? It's the freaking desert!
DUDE? Grow the fuck up, kid! I'm a man grown!
The best time to cross a desert isn't the middle of's Jan. or Feb.! Have you ever even BEEN to the South West United States?
You're full of shit!

First I live in the Sonoran Desert near Pheonix, AZ, USA. That's in the 'South West United States', shit for brains! Second, the average low temps in Jan & Feb are ranging between 28 & 35deg F along the AZ southern border. That's why this chart displays such low activity by ICE during the winter months you bloody fool!


That's your average temperature at night. During the daytime the average temps are high 50's low 60's...perfect hiking weather. What your chart shows is basically flat lines except for the one year that our border got inundated by illegals crossing and turning themselves in because word had gotten out that they wouldn't be deported back to where they came from because Obama had used an executive order to prevent ICE from doing so.
That's your average temperature at night. During the daytime the average temps are high 50's low 60's...perfect hiking weather.
Damn you're playing stupid! It's the long winter night that must be survived on the desert fool. You're being intentionally, obtuse, asshole!
What your chart shows is basically flat lines except for the one year...
That chart is not mine, fool. It was created using ICE data! Don't use the scaling on the chart as an idiot's excuse. When the chart created from the ICE data shows an increase in arrests over the warmer months of up to three time than the base reference of winter, that is a statistically significant increase that repeats each year of the graph. Or are you too fucking impaired to comprehend that significance and its relation to real world circumstances?

Bottom line is that trump is taking credit for the Jan/Feb drop in ICE arrests! In essence, that fucking fool, DJT, is taking credit for the weather! Jesus, Mary and Joseph, you trump bots are too fucking gullible and the damnedest rubes on the planet!

Do you always get so abusive when people point out why your points are wrong? Your chart shows the number of illegal MINORS that are booked. Why have you shown that and not a chart that shows all illegals?
Now how the fuck did trump lower the illegal immigration rate that much in January before he was even sworn in on the 20th? Explain that shit Svengali!!!!

Just by winning the election....

what? you don't think Mexicans can read papers or see tv? They know his stance on immigration and fewer are willing to chance it.
It's WINTER numb nuts and it is cold on the southern border this time of year! Ever been in these climes in Jan or Feb? Plus, how is that percentage being calculated? Cite the methodology from the source!
Ah, dude? It's the freaking desert! The best time to cross a desert isn't the middle of's Jan. or Feb.! Have you ever even BEEN to the South West United States?
Ah, dude? It's the freaking desert!
DUDE? Grow the fuck up, kid! I'm a man grown!
The best time to cross a desert isn't the middle of's Jan. or Feb.! Have you ever even BEEN to the South West United States?
You're full of shit!

First I live in the Sonoran Desert near Pheonix, AZ, USA. That's in the 'South West United States', shit for brains! Second, the average low temps in Jan & Feb are ranging between 28 & 35deg F along the AZ southern border. That's why this chart displays such low activity by ICE during the winter months you bloody fool!


That's your average temperature at night. During the daytime the average temps are high 50's low 60's...perfect hiking weather. What your chart shows is basically flat lines except for the one year that our border got inundated by illegals crossing and turning themselves in because word had gotten out that they wouldn't be deported back to where they came from because Obama had used an executive order to prevent ICE from doing so.
That's your average temperature at night. During the daytime the average temps are high 50's low 60's...perfect hiking weather.
Damn you're playing stupid! It's the long winter night that must be survived on the desert fool. You're being intentionally, obtuse, asshole!
What your chart shows is basically flat lines except for the one year...
That chart is not mine, fool. It was created using ICE data! Don't use the scaling on the chart as an idiot's excuse. When the chart created from the ICE data shows an increase in arrests over the warmer months of up to three time than the base reference of winter, that is a statistically significant increase that repeats each year of the graph. Or are you too fucking impaired to comprehend that significance and its relation to real world circumstances?

Bottom line is that trump is taking credit for the Jan/Feb drop in ICE arrests! In essence, that fucking fool, DJT, is taking credit for the weather! Jesus, Mary and Joseph, you trump bots are too fucking gullible and the damnedest rubes on the planet!

Do you always get so abusive when people point out why your points are wrong? Your chart shows the number of illegal MINORS that are booked. Why have you shown that and not a chart that shows all illegals?
I get agitated when others play stupid over and over again refusing to acknowledge the truth of the valid data presented! You employ a typical dodge to avoid the content and context that defeat your intellect. Damn but you dummies won't even try to speak to the points made as they relate to the OP! You're a waste of oxygen!
Now how the fuck did trump lower the illegal immigration rate that much in January before he was even sworn in on the 20th? Explain that shit Svengali!!!!

Just by winning the election....

what? you don't think Mexicans can read papers or see tv? They know his stance on immigration and fewer are willing to chance it.

trump won the election and all the Mexican nationals who would have otherwise attempted to enter the US undocumented were too fucking fearful of trump? The odds were the same as getting caught during the last two months were roughly equal because all other factors re: CBP and ICE are roughly the same as in Nov and Dec, the two preceding months. That bullshit don't fucking fly, Bubba! How fucking lame!

Present your data to back that bullshit up!

Lame, fucking lame! :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
Ah, dude? It's the freaking desert! The best time to cross a desert isn't the middle of's Jan. or Feb.! Have you ever even BEEN to the South West United States?
Ah, dude? It's the freaking desert!
DUDE? Grow the fuck up, kid! I'm a man grown!
The best time to cross a desert isn't the middle of's Jan. or Feb.! Have you ever even BEEN to the South West United States?
You're full of shit!

First I live in the Sonoran Desert near Pheonix, AZ, USA. That's in the 'South West United States', shit for brains! Second, the average low temps in Jan & Feb are ranging between 28 & 35deg F along the AZ southern border. That's why this chart displays such low activity by ICE during the winter months you bloody fool!


That's your average temperature at night. During the daytime the average temps are high 50's low 60's...perfect hiking weather. What your chart shows is basically flat lines except for the one year that our border got inundated by illegals crossing and turning themselves in because word had gotten out that they wouldn't be deported back to where they came from because Obama had used an executive order to prevent ICE from doing so.
That's your average temperature at night. During the daytime the average temps are high 50's low 60's...perfect hiking weather.
Damn you're playing stupid! It's the long winter night that must be survived on the desert fool. You're being intentionally, obtuse, asshole!
What your chart shows is basically flat lines except for the one year...
That chart is not mine, fool. It was created using ICE data! Don't use the scaling on the chart as an idiot's excuse. When the chart created from the ICE data shows an increase in arrests over the warmer months of up to three time than the base reference of winter, that is a statistically significant increase that repeats each year of the graph. Or are you too fucking impaired to comprehend that significance and its relation to real world circumstances?

Bottom line is that trump is taking credit for the Jan/Feb drop in ICE arrests! In essence, that fucking fool, DJT, is taking credit for the weather! Jesus, Mary and Joseph, you trump bots are too fucking gullible and the damnedest rubes on the planet!

Do you always get so abusive when people point out why your points are wrong? Your chart shows the number of illegal MINORS that are booked. Why have you shown that and not a chart that shows all illegals?
I get agitated when others play stupid over and over again refusing to acknowledge the truth of the valid data presented! You employ a typical dodge to avoid the content and context that defeat your intellect. Damn but you dummies won't even try to speak to the points made as they relate to the OP! You're a waste of oxygen!

Your chart shows how many MINORS were booked during those months and those years, dumbass! You're too stupid to understand what it is that YOU'RE posting!
And you get "agitated" whenever anyone doesn't accept YOUR version of what is truth!

Stop being so thin skinned and simply defend your position!
Now how the fuck did trump lower the illegal immigration rate that much in January before he was even sworn in on the 20th? Explain that shit Svengali!!!!

Just by winning the election....

what? you don't think Mexicans can read papers or see tv? They know his stance on immigration and fewer are willing to chance it.

trump won the election and all the Mexican nationals who would have otherwise attempted to enter the US undocumented were too fucking fearful of trump? The odds were the same as getting caught during the last two months were roughly equal because all other factors re: CBP and ICE are roughly the same as in Nov and Dec, the two preceding months. That bullshit don't fucking fly, Bubba! How fucking lame!

Present your data to back that bullshit up!

Lame, fucking lame! :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

As your chart CLEARLY shows...when it became common knowledge in Mexico and Central America that the Obama Administration would not deport minors it caught crossing the border there was a stampede of minors coming across the border. They aren't coming now because Obama is no longer in power and they know that under THIS administration our immigration laws will be enforced.
I visited a Immigration office years ago. The guys there then placed this at Regan's feet, the whole lackadaisical mess, because a bunch of well-meaning but other wise rich white Conservatives want to help business. like we wanted the BANKS to make money screwing with mortgages, that all worked out well for middle America, didn't it?
Illegal immigration down 40% on southern US border – DHS

Oh democrats are gonna hate hearing that! 39% less voters for 2018! Oh! I will be happier when its 100%! :) Imagine what we can do WITH a wall if 40% is happening without one and with just enforcement and deportation!

Well you might want to consider that BEAUTIFUL tunnel that will be built as soon as the Wall is built.


They have found 80 tunnels in the San Diego region alone, and they know there's more.
The ins and outs of U.S.-Mexico border tunnels
Border patrol agent explores newly discovered US-Mexico drug tunnel with GoPro camera

And they don't have any problems getting over them either.



And with Trump campaigning on a wall for the last 18 months, I would imagine that they came over early--and that's why attempted crossings are down.


Congress will not appropriate 23 BILLION dollars for a worthless wall. The other problem is much of this land is on Indian Reservation land and private property, which is why G.W. Bush stopped 700 miles short.

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