Illegal invasion down 40% in Trumps first month!

Now how the fuck did trump lower the illegal immigration rate that much in January before he was even sworn in on the 20th? Explain that shit Svengali!!!!

Just by winning the election....

what? you don't think Mexicans can read papers or see tv? They know his stance on immigration and fewer are willing to chance it.

trump won the election and all the Mexican nationals who would have otherwise attempted to enter the US undocumented were too fucking fearful of trump? The odds were the same as getting caught during the last two months were roughly equal because all other factors re: CBP and ICE are roughly the same as in Nov and Dec, the two preceding months. That bullshit don't fucking fly, Bubba! How fucking lame!

Present your data to back that bullshit up!

Lame, fucking lame! :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Well this kinda stumps both of our arguments......

Homeland chief: Illegal border crossings dip 40%

The nation's Homeland Security chief said late Wednesday that illegal crossings at the U.S. southern border have seen "an unprecedented decline in traffic" that he says coincide with the president's new executive orders focusing on immigration laws.

Secretary of Homeland Security John F. Kelly said the drop -- as measured by arrests and people halted from entering the country at the border -- is around 40% for the first two months of the year. Typically, January and February are busy months for illegal border crossings.

Kelly, nominated by Trump in December to take over homeland security, said the decline "is trending toward the lowest monthly total in at least the last five years." People apprehended at the border dropped from 31,578 to 18,762, Kelly said.

"Since President Trump took office on January 20, we have seen a dramatic drop in numbers," Kelly said. "This trend is encouraging because it means many fewer people are putting themselves and their families at risk of exploitation, assault and injury by human traffickers and the physical dangers of the treacherous journey north.

Kelly said the department is also seeing an increase in the fees charged by human smugglers along the southwest border. Since Nov. 2016, “coyotes” have hiked their fees in some areas by roughly 130 percent - from $3,500 to $8,000 in certain mountainous regions. Changes in U.S. policy, including the detention of apprehended aliens, drive up the smuggling fees, Kelly said.

Trump's immigration policy has been the source of contentious debate ever since he hit the campaign trail. Trump has regularly highlighted crimes committed by undocumented immigrants and embraced the families of the victims of those crimes.

His new directives allow Customs agents to send some people directly back to Mexico, whether they’re Mexican or not. Under previous administrations, people from Mexico and Canada could be deported directly back home. But people from all other countries, such as from Central America, had to be detained until they could be flown back to their country of origin.

Mexico has vowed to vigorously fight U.S. mass deportations of undocumented immigrants back to Mexico and refuse to accept any non-Mexicans expelled across the border.
This notion that we don't have the capabilities to build a wall that will control illegal entry into the US on our southern border is laughable. The only thing that has been stopping us from securing our southern border is political will power.
The engineering required to put a major highway like I-70 through the Rockies makes what's required to create a secure border look like child's play!
Illegal immigration down 40% on southern US border – DHS

Oh democrats are gonna hate hearing that! 39% less voters for 2018! Oh! I will be happier when its 100%! :) Imagine what we can do WITH a wall if 40% is happening without one and with just enforcement and deportation!

When the hell is the construction going to start? I am getting impatient. He said within months back in Dec. It has been a few months and you hear nothing!

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Congress is the purse string holder, and they are not going to approve a 23 billion dollar USELESS wall.

Trump is not a KING.


The ins and outs of U.S.-Mexico border tunnels
Border patrol agent explores newly discovered US-Mexico drug tunnel with GoPro camera



This is why congress will not appropriate money for a wall. The other problem is--that TRUMP never told you is that most of this land is Indian Reservation land and PRIVATE PROPERTY. This is why Bush stopped his fence 700 miles short.
Here's another....

Illegal crossing arrests at Mexico border drop 40%

.......January’s border-crossing arrests were up from the last two years, when just north of 20,000 people were stopped trying to cross into the U.S.

February’s decrease comes as the Trump administration clamps down on undocumented immigrants.

“The early results show that enforcement matters, deterrence matters, and that comprehensive immigration enforcement can make an impact,” Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly said.

Typically, the number of migrants trying to cross the U.S.-Mexico border will increase by 10% to 20% in January and February, according to CBP figures over the past two decades.....

I can post more if necessary, but the point is that immigration has dropped under Trump....and apparently weather has nothing to do with it. WOW, who knew? :badgrin:
Illegal immigration down 40% on southern US border – DHS

Oh democrats are gonna hate hearing that! 39% less voters for 2018! Oh! I will be happier when its 100%! :) Imagine what we can do WITH a wall if 40% is happening without one and with just enforcement and deportation!

When the hell is the construction going to start? I am getting impatient. He said within months back in Dec. It has been a few months and you hear nothing!

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Congress is the purse string holder, and they are not going to approve a 23 billion dollar USELESS wall.

Trump is not a KING.


The ins and outs of U.S.-Mexico border tunnels
Border patrol agent explores newly discovered US-Mexico drug tunnel with GoPro camera



This is why congress will not appropriate money for a wall. The other problem is--that TRUMP never told you is that most of this land is Indian Reservation land and PRIVATE PROPERTY. This is why Bush stopped his fence 700 miles short.

To the best of my knowledge there is only one Indian reservation that's on our southern border and it's not a very large one. Where have you gotten the idea THAT is what stopped construction of a wall?
The engineering required to put a major highway like I-70 through the Rockies makes what's required to create a secure border look like child's play!

Do you people EVER think on your OWN. Or are you just always fascinated with all the blather. A 1000 mile wall will produce a 1000 holes and tunnels underneath it as soon as it's built.


Mexican drug lords have no problems what-so-ever spending millions on TUNNELS. They have found 80 of these in the San Diego Region alone and know that there are more, that they haven't found.
The ins and outs of U.S.-Mexico border tunnels

They have no problems getting over walls either.


Anything that an illegal can SEE, can and will always be compromised. High tech motion detectors, (that they can't see) more border patrol stations are the only solution to effectively controlling the border.

Most of this land is on Indian Reservation land and Private property rights come into play, and that is why G.W Bush stopped the fence 700 miles short.
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Illegal immigration down 40% on southern US border – DHS

Oh democrats are gonna hate hearing that! 39% less voters for 2018! Oh! I will be happier when its 100%! :) Imagine what we can do WITH a wall if 40% is happening without one and with just enforcement and deportation!

When the hell is the construction going to start? I am getting impatient. He said within months back in Dec. It has been a few months and you hear nothing!

Sent from my iPhone using

Congress is the purse string holder, and they are not going to approve a 23 billion dollar USELESS wall.

Trump is not a KING.


The ins and outs of U.S.-Mexico border tunnels
Border patrol agent explores newly discovered US-Mexico drug tunnel with GoPro camera



This is why congress will not appropriate money for a wall. The other problem is--that TRUMP never told you is that most of this land is Indian Reservation land and PRIVATE PROPERTY. This is why Bush stopped his fence 700 miles short.

To the best of my knowledge there is only one Indian reservation that's on our southern border and it's not a very large one. Where have you gotten the idea THAT is what stopped construction of a wall?

The Mexico–United States barrier is a series of walls and fences along the Mexico–United States border aimed at preventing illegal crossings from Mexico into the United States and vice versa.[1] The barrier is not one continuous structure, but a grouping of relatively short physical walls, secured in between with a "virtual fence" which includes a system of sensors and cameras monitored by the United States Border Patrol.[2] As of January 2009, U.S. Customs and Border Protection reported that it had more than 580 miles (930 km) of barriers in place.[3] The total length of the continental border is 1,989 miles

The 1,954-mile (3,145 km) border between the United States and Mexico traverses a variety of terrains, including urban areas and deserts. The barrier is located on both urban and uninhabited sections of the border, areas where the most concentrated numbers of illegal crossings and drug trafficking have been observed in the past. These urban areas include San Diego, California and El Paso, Texas. As of August 29, 2008, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security had built 190 miles (310 km) of pedestrian border fence and 154.3 miles (248.3 km) of vehicle border fence, for a total of 344.3 miles (554.1 km) of fence. The completed fence is mainly in New Mexico, Arizona, and California, with construction underway in Texas.[7]

U.S. Customs and Border Protection reported that it had more than 580 miles (930 km) of fence in place by the second week of January 2009.[3] Work is still under way on fence segments in Texas and on the Border Infrastructure System in California.

The border fence is not one continuous structure and is actually a grouping of short physical walls that stop and start, secured in between with "virtual fence" which includes a system of sensors and cameras monitored by Border Patrol Agents.[2]

As a result of the effect of the barrier, there has been a marked increase in the number of people trying to illegally cross the Sonoran Desert and crossing over the Baboquivari Mountain in Arizona.[8] Such illegal immigrants must cross 50 miles (80 km) of inhospitable terrain to reach the first road, which is located in the Tohono O'odham Indian Reservation.[8][9]
Mexico–United States barrier - Wikipedia

And as we see here--there are two climbing over G.W. Bush's fence.


If fences and walls could keep illegals out of this country, there wouldn't be any here today.
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If you REALLY want to stop the digging of tunnels you can install the same technology that Israel is using to detect tunnels being dug under walls protecting them from the Palestinians.
If you REALLY want to stop the digging of tunnels you can install the same technology that Israel is using to detect tunnels being dug under walls protecting them from the Palestinians.

The most cost effective and efficient way to manage our borders is with high tech motion detectors and more border patrol stations. Our best success was when G.W. Bush sent the National Guard to the border. Attempted crossings dropped by a whopping 67%.
Border Enforcement Works - Judicial Watch

Now you think we would learn something from that. But No, we have an orange headed dud talking about wasting 23 billion dollars on a useless wall, that will have a 1000 holes and tunnels underneath it as soon as it's built.




I am just curious how much we've wasted on walls and fences already?
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If you REALLY want to stop the digging of tunnels you can install the same technology that Israel is using to detect tunnels being dug under walls protecting them from the Palestinians.

The most cost effective and efficient way to manage our borders is with high tech motion detectors and more border patrol stations. Our best success was when G.W. Bush sent the National Guard to the border. Attempted crossings dropped by a whopping 67%.
Border Enforcement Works - Judicial Watch

Now you think we would learn something from that. But No, we have an orange headed dud talking about wasting 23 billion dollars on a useless wall, that will have a 1000 holes and tunnels underneath it as soon as it's built.




I am just curious how much we've wasted on walls and fences already?

Bush sending the National Guard was for support purposes to the Border patrol officers already there and his plan was to cost $1.9 billion and that was only a temporary fix.
Bush ordering up to 6,000 in Guard to border

Gov Rick Perry sent 1,000 Guardsmen at a cost of $12 million a month and he sent the bill to the Federal Government.

And Obama sent 1,200 (although this may be tied with Perry's actions) cost $160 million, and was deemed ineffective.
National Guard deployment on U.S.-Mexico border has mixed results

so how much do we have to waste on temporary measures before a more permanent solution is made???? Will it be perfect? no probably not. Will it mean 0 illegals? no probably not. Will the numbers drop even more significantly??? YEP. Not just new immigrants, but those repeat offenders as well.
It's not just building the wall, but to keep it patrolled as well.
If you REALLY want to stop the digging of tunnels you can install the same technology that Israel is using to detect tunnels being dug under walls protecting them from the Palestinians.

The most cost effective and efficient way to manage our borders is with high tech motion detectors and more border patrol stations. Our best success was when G.W. Bush sent the National Guard to the border. Attempted crossings dropped by a whopping 67%.
Border Enforcement Works - Judicial Watch

Now you think we would learn something from that. But No, we have an orange headed dud talking about wasting 23 billion dollars on a useless wall, that will have a 1000 holes and tunnels underneath it as soon as it's built.




I am just curious how much we've wasted on walls and fences already?

If you don't patrol the border it doesn't matter if there is a wall or no wall. If you patrol the border and respond to people attempting to knock holes in it or climb over it...arrest them and deport them...then they aren't going to try any more.

By the'll note that none of those scaling that wall are bringing in hundred pound packs full of drugs to poison our young people. How much is that worth to you? Or do you even care?
Your position that because some people will try to get over or under a wall means we shouldn't have one is akin to someone saying that because people still speed on our highways that we shouldn't have speed limits or highway patrols.
Your position that because some people will try to get over or under a wall means we shouldn't have one is akin to someone saying that because people still speed on our highways that we shouldn't have speed limits or highway patrols.
That position also shows how easy it is for the ruling establishment and their media, to dupe millions of dumb non-thing Americans.
Your position that because some people will try to get over or under a wall means we shouldn't have one is akin to someone saying that because people still speed on our highways that we shouldn't have speed limits or highway patrols.
That position also shows how easy it is for the ruling establishment and their media, to dupe millions of dumb non-thing Americans.

Let's be brutally honest here...the reason that the Democratic Party doesn't want a wall and doesn't want illegals that they're counting on an ever growing Hispanic vote to keep them in power. It's not that it CAN'T be's that liberals need those votes or they're screwed.
Illegal immigration down 40% on southern US border – DHS

Oh democrats are gonna hate hearing that! 39% less voters for 2018! Oh! I will be happier when its 100%! :) Imagine what we can do WITH a wall if 40% is happening without one and with just enforcement and deportation!

Well you might want to consider that BEAUTIFUL tunnel that will be built as soon as the Wall is built.


They have found 80 tunnels in the San Diego region alone, and they know there's more.
The ins and outs of U.S.-Mexico border tunnels
Border patrol agent explores newly discovered US-Mexico drug tunnel with GoPro camera

And they don't have any problems getting over them either.



And with Trump campaigning on a wall for the last 18 months, I would imagine that they came over early--and that's why attempted crossings are down.


Congress will not appropriate 23 BILLION dollars for a worthless wall. The other problem is much of this land is on Indian Reservation land and private property, which is why G.W. Bush stopped 700 miles short.
Ah man will be fun to watch those get flooded or filled with concrete etc. mmmmmm gonna be fun.
Illegal immigration down 40% on southern US border – DHS

Oh democrats are gonna hate hearing that! 39% less voters for 2018! Oh! I will be happier when its 100%! :) Imagine what we can do WITH a wall if 40% is happening without one and with just enforcement and deportation!
and with sharks put in them!

Well you might want to consider that BEAUTIFUL tunnel that will be built as soon as the Wall is built.


They have found 80 tunnels in the San Diego region alone, and they know there's more.
The ins and outs of U.S.-Mexico border tunnels
Border patrol agent explores newly discovered US-Mexico drug tunnel with GoPro camera

And they don't have any problems getting over them either.



And with Trump campaigning on a wall for the last 18 months, I would imagine that they came over early--and that's why attempted crossings are down.


Congress will not appropriate 23 BILLION dollars for a worthless wall. The other problem is much of this land is on Indian Reservation land and private property, which is why G.W. Bush stopped 700 miles short.
Ah man will be fun to watch those get flooded or filled with concrete etc. mmmmmm gonna be fun.

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