Illegal invasion down 40% in Trumps first month!

From south of the border, the perspective is why should they invest pretty much their life savings in a coyote to get them up if they're going to be deported shortly after they arrive? And now that they know the majority of Americans no longer want them here, they won't be happy even if they don't get caught (but they will).
do you still think Trump is going to build a wall?

Of course, but it's design is more to stop drugs than human smuggling....any wall can be defeated but it's tougher when you're talking about 140 degrees out of the shade and you're fat and out of shape. If I were a Mehican I'd be up here's not that they're any different than we are. But the reality is they were allowed in by Republicans for cheap labor to keep companies from fleeing to China, and democrats for votes....both sides exploit them. There was also a fear of communism spreading up from central America, so the young hotheads were encouraged to go norte to prevent a revolution.
2/3 of the land needed to build the wall is privately owned. It could take more than a decade alone, to acquire the property needed
Care to prove him wrong, rather than just make silly fairy accusations back?
Illegal border crossings decrease by 40 percent in Trump's first month, report says

"The number of people illegally crossing the U.S. southern border has dropped 40 percent in President Trump’s first full month in office, Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly said Wednesday."

It's not that Obama could not secure our borders and reduce the number of criminals flowing across our borders, it was the fact that he was working FOR them, helping them to do so...

“The drop in apprehensions shows a marked change in trends,” Kelly said. “Since the administration’s implementation of executive orders to enforce immigration laws, apprehensions and inadmissible activity is trending toward the lowest monthly total in at least the last five years.”

It's amazing what happens when you actually ENFORCE the law.... :p

President Trump has done more for the American people in less than 2 months than Obama did in 8 years. Is it any wonder the American people love President Trump? He is a man of his word!
President Trump has done more for the American people in less than 2 months than Obama did in 8 years.
Well, trump & Co. have produced more Whitehouse scandals in the last 2 months that Obama did in 8 years. If trump is doing so much for the People, where is the Deputy Sec. State for just one of the MANY HUNDREDS of important presidential positions left unfilled because trump is too damn busy tweeting at zero-dark thirty or spending 3 days a week in Florida pretending he's unencumbered with responsibilities?

And in those two months, trump has create more fear and uncertainty in this Nation and around the world than any other POTUS EVER! Drink his piss if you wish and will, but don't peddle his propaganda as if it has come down from on High!
The LIB MSM have 'created' the fucking FAKE scandals you asshole! Only an asshole like you would think President Trump isn't working in Florida.
You're experiencing the Humiliation of Hillary being defeated at the same time being Embarrassed at the same time Angry! How many Hillary asslickers have screamed: "I want my fucking donation back!!!!" and now you're in a state of Rage.
You poor baby.
You're a clueless troll based on the totality of that fully erroneous post cobbled together from used fairy dust, shit for brains! But you go ahead and have another shit & piss sundae from the 'bowl' to celebrate your fantasy.
From south of the border, the perspective is why should they invest pretty much their life savings in a coyote to get them up if they're going to be deported shortly after they arrive? And now that they know the majority of Americans no longer want them here, they won't be happy even if they don't get caught (but they will).
do you still think Trump is going to build a wall?

Of course, but it's design is more to stop drugs than human smuggling....any wall can be defeated but it's tougher when you're talking about 140 degrees out of the shade and you're fat and out of shape. If I were a Mehican I'd be up here's not that they're any different than we are. But the reality is they were allowed in by Republicans for cheap labor to keep companies from fleeing to China, and democrats for votes....both sides exploit them. There was also a fear of communism spreading up from central America, so the young hotheads were encouraged to go norte to prevent a revolution.
2/3 of the land needed to build the wall is privately owned. It could take more than a decade alone, to acquire the property needed

Ridiculous.....the United States OWNS a strip of land 30 yards wide along the entire border. There is already 600 miles of fencing that Chertoff got built. The problem areas are the urban areas and that's easily solved. The wall will be completed before the 2018 on it.
2/3 of the land needed to build the wall is privately owned. It could take more than a decade alone, to acquire the property needed
The govt has never had a problem, acquiring...public land when they really want / need it before.... :p
How do you facilitate illegal immigration?

Well, for starters, you don't crack down on sanctuary cities. You allow them to exist and you give them federal funding. You give illegal scumbag aliens public assistance paid for by good Americans. You don't vigorouosly enforce our immigration laws. Instead of locking up or executing the most severe of that criminal element, you allow them to be released in the hopes they'll show up to be deported.

In short, you act as Barack Obama did for eight years.

The illegal scumbag joy ride is over...

Did you know that for the last fews years more immigrants returned to their countries, than came here.

That's fabulous, but it doesn't mean there's not a lot more to be done.

Did you know that Barack Obama allowed federal funds to go to sanctuary cities which flagrantly ignored federal law?

Those funds should've been cut off and the Mayors of those cities jailed...
"Did you know that Barack Obama allowed federal funds to go to sanctuary cities which flagrantly ignored federal law?"

You just noticed?

No, but it would appear as though you think deportations of illegal scumbags is more important than us pissing money and resources away on scumbags who don't belong here in the first place...
Last edited:
How do you facilitate illegal immigration?

Well, for starters, you don't crack down on sanctuary cities. You allow them to exist and you give them federal funding. You give illegal scumbag aliens public assistance paid for by good Americans. You don't vigorouosly enforce our immigration laws. Instead of locking up or executing the most severe of that criminal element, you allow them to be released in the hopes they'll show up to be deported.

In short, you act as Barack Obama did for eight years.

The illegal scumbag joy ride is over...

Did you know that for the last fews years more immigrants returned to their countries, than came here.

That's fabulous, but it doesn't mean there's not a lot more to be done.

Did you know that Barack Obama allowed federal funds to go to sanctuary cities which flagrantly ignored federal law?

Those funds should've been cut off and the Mayors of those cities jailed...
"Did you know that Barack Obama allowed federal funds to go to sanctuary cities which flagrantly ignored federal law?"

You just noticed?

No, but it would appear as though you think deportations illegal scumbags is more important than us pissing money and resources away on scumbags who don't belong here in the first place...
These people are anything but scumbags. They are hardworking people who just want a better like for their families
What reaonoable, intelligent argument is there for allowing people to come here illegally, remain here illegally and then avail themselves of our services and resources, especially when you consider that GOOD people are trying to come here through proper channels?
Well, for starters, you don't crack down on sanctuary cities. You allow them to exist and you give them federal funding. You give illegal scumbag aliens public assistance paid for by good Americans. You don't vigorouosly enforce our immigration laws. Instead of locking up or executing the most severe of that criminal element, you allow them to be released in the hopes they'll show up to be deported.

In short, you act as Barack Obama did for eight years.

The illegal scumbag joy ride is over...

Did you know that for the last fews years more immigrants returned to their countries, than came here.

That's fabulous, but it doesn't mean there's not a lot more to be done.

Did you know that Barack Obama allowed federal funds to go to sanctuary cities which flagrantly ignored federal law?

Those funds should've been cut off and the Mayors of those cities jailed...
"Did you know that Barack Obama allowed federal funds to go to sanctuary cities which flagrantly ignored federal law?"

You just noticed?

No, but it would appear as though you think deportations illegal scumbags is more important than us pissing money and resources away on scumbags who don't belong here in the first place...
These people are anything but scumbags. They are hardworking people who just want a better like for their families

I agree for the most part. I don't hate them. But we are a nation of laws. Immigration has to be done in an organized legal fashion. I welcome folks to my country, but it has to be done the right way.
Wrong. They have been acquiring that land for years. How much is left? We can't say for sure, but I know much of Tx land has already been purchased.
Regarding Az-
Arizona ranchers want border wall, worry about more Border Patrol agents on their land | Cronkite News
From south of the border, the perspective is why should they invest pretty much their life savings in a coyote to get them up if they're going to be deported shortly after they arrive? And now that they know the majority of Americans no longer want them here, they won't be happy even if they don't get caught (but they will).
do you still think Trump is going to build a wall?

Of course, but it's design is more to stop drugs than human smuggling....any wall can be defeated but it's tougher when you're talking about 140 degrees out of the shade and you're fat and out of shape. If I were a Mehican I'd be up here's not that they're any different than we are. But the reality is they were allowed in by Republicans for cheap labor to keep companies from fleeing to China, and democrats for votes....both sides exploit them. There was also a fear of communism spreading up from central America, so the young hotheads were encouraged to go norte to prevent a revolution.
2/3 of the land needed to build the wall is privately owned. It could take more than a decade alone, to acquire the property needed
No, it's not. Trump was elected in Nov. and showed immediately in Jan he was going to keep his promises.
Only 100,00 more jobs than analysts predicted for Feb. right...
"Illegals" would have never been an issue without the urging and lobbying of the "job creator" class for them to be here. americans are a more expensive property to to leverage labor from.

Your semantic game of referring to American workers as "property" is dismissed.

Your attempt to muddle the issue by use of the "Blame game" is noted.

The fact remains, this is a HUGE blow to the lefty Myth that we cannot control our border, and it is very good news for America and Americans.

Why are you not celebrating this massive drop in crime?

Nothing has changed for the working class in america. Watch son.
The Feb jobs report is all about Obama. Trump doesn't create jobs in 2 weeks.
There are both that cross the border illegally. And females invariably get raped by the time they make it across.

80% Of Central American Women, Girls Are Raped Crossing Into The U.S. | The Huffington Post

Well, for starters, you don't crack down on sanctuary cities. You allow them to exist and you give them federal funding. You give illegal scumbag aliens public assistance paid for by good Americans. You don't vigorouosly enforce our immigration laws. Instead of locking up or executing the most severe of that criminal element, you allow them to be released in the hopes they'll show up to be deported.

In short, you act as Barack Obama did for eight years.

The illegal scumbag joy ride is over...

Did you know that for the last fews years more immigrants returned to their countries, than came here.

That's fabulous, but it doesn't mean there's not a lot more to be done.

Did you know that Barack Obama allowed federal funds to go to sanctuary cities which flagrantly ignored federal law?

Those funds should've been cut off and the Mayors of those cities jailed...
"Did you know that Barack Obama allowed federal funds to go to sanctuary cities which flagrantly ignored federal law?"

You just noticed?

No, but it would appear as though you think deportations illegal scumbags is more important than us pissing money and resources away on scumbags who don't belong here in the first place...
These people are anything but scumbags. They are hardworking people who just want a better like for their families
In 1 MONTH Trump has decreased illegal immigration by 40%!
It's WINTER numb nuts and it is cold on the southern border this time of year! Ever been in these climes in Jan or Feb? Plus, how is that percentage being calculated? Cite the methodology from the source!
Ah, dude? It's the freaking desert! The best time to cross a desert isn't the middle of's Jan. or Feb.! Have you ever even BEEN to the South West United States?
Ah, dude? It's the freaking desert!
DUDE? Grow the fuck up, kid! I'm a man grown!
The best time to cross a desert isn't the middle of's Jan. or Feb.! Have you ever even BEEN to the South West United States?
You're full of shit!

First I live in the Sonoran Desert near Pheonix, AZ, USA. That's in the 'South West United States', shit for brains! Second, the average low temps in Jan & Feb are ranging between 28 & 35deg F along the AZ southern border. That's why this chart displays such low activity by ICE during the winter months you bloody fool!


That's your average temperature at night. During the daytime the average temps are high 50's low 60's...perfect hiking weather. What your chart shows is basically flat lines except for the one year that our border got inundated by illegals crossing and turning themselves in because word had gotten out that they wouldn't be deported back to where they came from because Obama had used an executive order to prevent ICE from doing so.
Border Patrol agents haven't forgotten what happened to Jason Terry, Brummelben! The Obama Administration's decision to let guns "walk" resulted in a border patrol agent being shot by a weapon that Eric Holder's Justice Department provided to Mexican narco gangs as part of Fast & Furious.
Do you remember the program called wide receiver- look it up, son

I remember it well! It was a Bush era program that was halted because of concerns that it wouldn't be possible to keep track of guns. Now would you like to take a crack at explaining why the Obama Administration took that program out of mothballs and reinstated it under the name Fast & Furious?
everything's down ... especially trump supporters IQ's
"Illegals" would have never been an issue without the urging and lobbying of the "job creator" class for them to be here. americans are a more expensive property to to leverage labor from.

Your semantic game of referring to American workers as "property" is dismissed.

Your attempt to muddle the issue by use of the "Blame game" is noted.

The fact remains, this is a HUGE blow to the lefty Myth that we cannot control our border, and it is very good news for America and Americans.

Why are you not celebrating this massive drop in crime?

Are the numbers real? My understanding is that cross border illegal immigration ended when the recession started and has that more Mexicans have been leaving ever since. Millions of illegals pouring across the border is a Republican myth.

So if there is no illegal immigration, how can it be down 40%? 40% of 0 is still 0.
everything's down ... especially trump supporters IQ's

Everything? Economy seems to be up quite a bit. Jobs are coming back to Americans, the Stock Market's doing well. I think you just choose to see everything as being 'down.' I'm sure you're a fanatical Trump-Hater.
"Illegals" would have never been an issue without the urging and lobbying of the "job creator" class for them to be here. americans are a more expensive property to to leverage labor from.

Your semantic game of referring to American workers as "property" is dismissed.

Your attempt to muddle the issue by use of the "Blame game" is noted.

The fact remains, this is a HUGE blow to the lefty Myth that we cannot control our border, and it is very good news for America and Americans.

Why are you not celebrating this massive drop in crime?

Are the numbers real? My understanding is that cross border illegal immigration ended when the recession started and has that more Mexicans have been leaving ever since. Millions of illegals pouring across the border is a Republican myth.

So if there is no illegal immigration, how can it be down 40%? 40% of 0 is still 0.

The Obama Recession made a lot of illegals here go back to Mexico. It hasn't done a thing to stop cross border immigration of drugs and gang members though.
Care to prove him wrong, rather than just make silly fairy accusations back?
Illegal border crossings decrease by 40 percent in Trump's first month, report says

"The number of people illegally crossing the U.S. southern border has dropped 40 percent in President Trump’s first full month in office, Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly said Wednesday."

It's not that Obama could not secure our borders and reduce the number of criminals flowing across our borders, it was the fact that he was working FOR them, helping them to do so...

“The drop in apprehensions shows a marked change in trends,” Kelly said. “Since the administration’s implementation of executive orders to enforce immigration laws, apprehensions and inadmissible activity is trending toward the lowest monthly total in at least the last five years.”

It's amazing what happens when you actually ENFORCE the law.... :p

President Trump has done more for the American people in less than 2 months than Obama did in 8 years. Is it any wonder the American people love President Trump? He is a man of his word!
President Trump has done more for the American people in less than 2 months than Obama did in 8 years.
Well, trump & Co. have produced more Whitehouse scandals in the last 2 months that Obama did in 8 years. If trump is doing so much for the People, where is the Deputy Sec. State for just one of the MANY HUNDREDS of important presidential positions left unfilled because trump is too damn busy tweeting at zero-dark thirty or spending 3 days a week in Florida pretending he's unencumbered with responsibilities?

And in those two months, trump has create more fear and uncertainty in this Nation and around the world than any other POTUS EVER! Drink his piss if you wish and will, but don't peddle his propaganda as if it has come down from on High!
The LIB MSM have 'created' the fucking FAKE scandals you asshole! Only an asshole like you would think President Trump isn't working in Florida.
You're experiencing the Humiliation of Hillary being defeated at the same time being Embarrassed at the same time Angry! How many Hillary asslickers have screamed: "I want my fucking donation back!!!!" and now you're in a state of Rage.
You poor baby.
You're a clueless troll based on the totality of that fully erroneous post cobbled together from used fairy dust, shit for brains! But you go ahead and have another shit & piss sundae from the 'bowl' to celebrate your fantasy.

Care to prove him wrong, rather than just make silly fairy accusations back?
Fuck you very much, asswipe! Who the fuck are you...his fucking sheriff and posse? You're the one who piggybacked, so you are entitled to jack shit!
It ain't cold this year
Nogales, AZ, right on the US Mexico border, is just about 200 mi. SSE of where I live. The average Jan and Feb lows are 28 & 30 deg F.
~~ Climate Nogales - Arizona and Weather averages Nogales ~~

Ever been in the desert at night during the winter? Your 'excuse' to support trump and sip his piss is duly noted and your toady status preserved!
New Mexico's average winter temp is 35-40 and it goes up from there. Cali & Texas averages's not that cold
In Las Cruces, NM, just 36 miles due North of the US/MX border, the average Jan and Feb lows are 29 & 33 deg F.
~~ Climate Las Cruces - New Mexico and Weather averages Las Cruces ~~

For Both of Ya!
There are reasons for the dips and peaks in this graph below. Can you guess what the major factor is for the variations? One doesn't have to be a rocket scientist to figure it out. but you go on and slurp your shit sundae and wash it down with your tribe's piss propaganda. Bon appetite!

According to your own links, those are the low temps that are usually around 2-4 am....and during the day the temps are in the 60's.

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