Illegal invasion down 40% in Trumps first month!

40% is huge, that show's you what a lying punk Obama was on border security and proves that the border patrol was correct when they said Obama tied their hands and wouldn't let them do their job. Eat it libs there's a new sheriff in charge of border security.
Maybe you can direct us to those comments of the border patrol? I doubt it, cause they never said that

I posted it when it was widely reported in the news, do you live under a rock or something you have to be one of the worst informed libs I ever met.
Post it again, obviously you can't

You are too dumb to even speak too, that's a first. Be gone from my sight idiot. :eusa_hand:
40% is huge, that show's you what a lying punk Obama was on border security and proves that the border patrol was correct when they said Obama tied their hands and wouldn't let them do their job. Eat it libs there's a new sheriff in charge of border security.
Maybe you can direct us to those comments of the border patrol? I doubt it, cause they never said that

I posted it when it was widely reported in the news, do you live under a rock or something you have to be one of the worst informed libs I ever met.
Post it again, obviously you can't

You are too dumb to even speak too, that's a first. Be gone from my sight idiot. :eusa_hand:
If there really was such an article you would be able to google it, and post in minutes. Obviouslyiously there isn't
Record Stock Market numbers
Monster Job Growth in 1 Month
More secure as Illegal Immigration drops 40% ...

No, he had it right.
You can thank Obama for the job growth. Even Trump cannot create 280,000 jobs in 2 weeks

Yes Trump can and he did, Obama gets no credit suck it.
In two weeks he got corporations to post employment ads, interview potential applicants, and hire 280,000 people. I think you are a bit unstable

Unlike lazy Obama Trump has been working on the jobs problem for months before the election. Trump is kicking ass on jobs, eat it.
People hire employees because of a demand for their product, not because of Rump. You are FOS

Ah yes, another liberal who doesn't have a clue about how businesses function! Businesses don't high more employees because of demand for a product, Brummelben...they hire additional employees when they see the opportunity to earn and keep profits. What you on the left can never seem to get through your heads is that every time you threaten profit threaten job creation.
How do you facilitate illegal immigration?

Well, for starters, you don't crack down on sanctuary cities. You allow them to exist and you give them federal funding. You give illegal scumbag aliens public assistance paid for by good Americans. You don't vigorouosly enforce our immigration laws. Instead of locking up or executing the most severe of that criminal element, you allow them to be released in the hopes they'll show up to be deported.

In short, you act as Barack Obama did for eight years.

The illegal scumbag joy ride is over...
Illegal border crossings decrease by 40 percent in Trump's first month, report says

"The number of people illegally crossing the U.S. southern border has dropped 40 percent in President Trump’s first full month in office, Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly said Wednesday."

It's not that Obama could not secure our borders and reduce the number of criminals flowing across our borders, it was the fact that he was working FOR them, helping them to do so...

“The drop in apprehensions shows a marked change in trends,” Kelly said. “Since the administration’s implementation of executive orders to enforce immigration laws, apprehensions and inadmissible activity is trending toward the lowest monthly total in at least the last five years.”

It's amazing what happens when you actually ENFORCE the law.... :p
Obama: "There goes a shitload of DEM voters!!!!!!!!!!!".
You can thank Obama for the job growth. Even Trump cannot create 280,000 jobs in 2 weeks

Yes Trump can and he did, Obama gets no credit suck it.
In two weeks he got corporations to post employment ads, interview potential applicants, and hire 280,000 people. I think you are a bit unstable

Unlike lazy Obama Trump has been working on the jobs problem for months before the election. Trump is kicking ass on jobs, eat it.
People hire employees because of a demand for their product, not because of Rump. You are FOS

Ah yes, another liberal who doesn't have a clue about how businesses function! Businesses don't high more employees because of demand for a product, Brummelben...they hire additional employees when they see the opportunity to earn and keep profits. What you on the left can never seem to get through your heads is that every time you threaten profit threaten job creation.
you dont hire employees that you dont need, if you are concerned about profits
How do you facilitate illegal immigration?

Well, for starters, you don't crack down on sanctuary cities. You allow them to exist and you give them federal funding. You give illegal scumbag aliens public assistance paid for by good Americans. You don't vigorouosly enforce our immigration laws. Instead of locking up or executing the most severe of that criminal element, you allow them to be released in the hopes they'll show up to be deported.

In short, you act as Barack Obama did for eight years.

The illegal scumbag joy ride is over...

Did you know that for the last fews years more immigrants returned to their countries, than came here.
Actually fox news forgot to mention that it dropped 40% also in December. And hence it did we may not give all credit to what Trump did since the number was already down.

Besides Trump is scaring the immigrants away in a way that calls for racism. For instance he created a new federal office that will record all crimes committed by immigrants. And the number of crimes committed by immigrants have in fact lessened recently a lot. Most crimes are done by America's very own "great" citizens.
Illegal border crossings decrease by 40 percent in Trump's first month, report says

"The number of people illegally crossing the U.S. southern border has dropped 40 percent in President Trump’s first full month in office, Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly said Wednesday."

It's not that Obama could not secure our borders and reduce the number of criminals flowing across our borders, it was the fact that he was working FOR them, helping them to do so...

“The drop in apprehensions shows a marked change in trends,” Kelly said. “Since the administration’s implementation of executive orders to enforce immigration laws, apprehensions and inadmissible activity is trending toward the lowest monthly total in at least the last five years.”

It's amazing what happens when you actually ENFORCE the law.... :p

President Trump has done more for the American people in less than 2 months than Obama did in 8 years. Is it any wonder the American people love President Trump? He is a man of his word!
President Trump has done more for the American people in less than 2 months than Obama did in 8 years.
Well, trump & Co. have produced more Whitehouse scandals in the last 2 months that Obama did in 8 years. If trump is doing so much for the People, where is the Deputy Sec. State for just one of the MANY HUNDREDS of important presidential positions left unfilled because trump is too damn busy tweeting at zero-dark thirty or spending 3 days a week in Florida pretending he's unencumbered with responsibilities?

And in those two months, trump has create more fear and uncertainty in this Nation and around the world than any other POTUS EVER! Drink his piss if you wish and will, but don't peddle his propaganda as if it has come down from on High!
The LIB MSM have 'created' the fucking FAKE scandals you asshole! Only an asshole like you would think President Trump isn't working in Florida.
You're experiencing the Humiliation of Hillary being defeated at the same time being Embarrassed at the same time Angry! How many Hillary asslickers have screamed: "I want my fucking donation back!!!!" and now you're in a state of Rage.
You poor baby.
Hawaii' DEM government is going to make Hawaii a 'sanctuary state'.
If I were President Trump I'd sign an EO ordering EVERY FUCKING federal border security and ICE employee to stand down!
ZERO federal border security in Hawaii. ZERO ICE officers.
Let the fucking state deal with a million sand monkeys with no paperwork!
Let's see what the 'Aloha State' looks like in a couple of years.
I bet you won't see anymore women in bikinis on the beaches.
Actually fox news forgot to mention that it dropped 40% also in December. And hence it did we may not give all credit to what Trump did since the number was already down.

Besides Trump is scaring the immigrants away in a way that calls for racism. For instance he created a new federal office that will record all crimes committed by immigrants. And the number of crimes committed by immigrants have in fact lessened recently a lot. Most crimes are done by America's very own "great" citizens.
They are not "immigrants' you asshole! They are ILLEGAL!!!!! immigrants!
Hawaii' DEM government is going to make Hawaii a 'sanctuary state'.
If I were President Trump I'd sign an EO ordering EVERY FUCKING federal border security and ICE employee to stand down!
ZERO federal border security in Hawaii. ZERO ICE officers.
Let the fucking state deal with a million sand monkeys with no paperwork!
Let's see what the 'Aloha State' looks like in a couple of years.
I bet you won't see anymore women in bikinis on the beaches.
Are these "sand monkeys" going to swim across the border to Hawaiiii?
Illegal border crossings decrease by 40 percent in Trump's first month, report says

"The number of people illegally crossing the U.S. southern border has dropped 40 percent in President Trump’s first full month in office, Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly said Wednesday."

It's not that Obama could not secure our borders and reduce the number of criminals flowing across our borders, it was the fact that he was working FOR them, helping them to do so...

“The drop in apprehensions shows a marked change in trends,” Kelly said. “Since the administration’s implementation of executive orders to enforce immigration laws, apprehensions and inadmissible activity is trending toward the lowest monthly total in at least the last five years.”

It's amazing what happens when you actually ENFORCE the law.... :p

Good argument against wasting billions on a wall.
Good argument against wasting billions on a wall.
Sounds like a snowflake argument - "We haven't eliminated all crime - that's good enough.'

Hundreds of thousands of illegals cross the border every year...40% is eliminated, and you think 'that's enough - we don't need to protect Americans from the rest of them that are coming across'?

Good argument against wasting billions on a wall.
Sounds like a snowflake argument - "We haven't eliminated all crime - that's good enough.'

Hundreds of thousands of illegals cross the border every year...40% is eliminated, and you think 'that's enough - we don't need to protect Americans from the rest of them that are coming across'?

View attachment 116127
There will NEVER be a wall built. You are a fool to think otherwise
It ain't cold this year
Nogales, AZ, right on the US Mexico border, is just about 200 mi. SSE of where I live. The average Jan and Feb lows are 28 & 30 deg F.
~~ Climate Nogales - Arizona and Weather averages Nogales ~~

Ever been in the desert at night during the winter? Your 'excuse' to support trump and sip his piss is duly noted and your toady status preserved!
New Mexico's average winter temp is 35-40 and it goes up from there. Cali & Texas averages's not that cold
In Las Cruces, NM, just 36 miles due North of the US/MX border, the average Jan and Feb lows are 29 & 33 deg F.
~~ Climate Las Cruces - New Mexico and Weather averages Las Cruces ~~

For Both of Ya!
There are reasons for the dips and peaks in this graph below. Can you guess what the major factor is for the variations? One doesn't have to be a rocket scientist to figure it out. but you go on and slurp your shit sundae and wash it down with your tribe's piss propaganda. Bon appetite!
As you can see, Trump had nothing to do with any of these scandals even though he was falsely accused of almost all of them.
All I can see is that you are just a trump ass kisser and useful idiot. Your list of 'scandals' is nothing but an empty trash can full of 'trumped' up deflections for the faithful of the new leader of the 4th Reich. But you keep at those yummy shit sundaes you enjoy so much!

DAMN but you are gullible!
Illegal immigration down 40% on southern US border – DHS

Oh democrats are gonna hate hearing that! 39% less voters for 2018! Oh! I will be happier when its 100%! :) Imagine what we can do WITH a wall if 40% is happening without one and with just enforcement and deportation!

When the hell is the construction going to start? I am getting impatient. He said within months back in Dec. It has been a few months and you hear nothing!

Sent from my iPhone using
What will President Donald Trump's border wall look like? Agency wants ideas
Nonetheless, private contractors will have five days from Monday to draw up and submit electronically their proposals: renderings of what the wall or physical barrier would look like.
By March 20, the CBP will have evaluated the applications and narrowed the field to proposals they are interested in, according to the notice.

A mere four days later, the remaining contractors will have to submit a full proposal, including estimates on how much it would cost to build the prototypes.

"An option for additional miles may be included in each contract award," the notice states.

With two months to receive and review proposals, award the contracts and begin construction, the timeline is moving surprisingly fast, said Paul Malyszek, chief operating officer for M3 Federal Contract Practice Group. The New York-based firm provides consulting services to private contractors interested in bidding on federal government projects.
Illegal immigration down 40% on southern US border – DHS

Oh democrats are gonna hate hearing that! 39% less voters for 2018! Oh! I will be happier when its 100%! :) Imagine what we can do WITH a wall if 40% is happening without one and with just enforcement and deportation!

Wow, maybe you can now get a job.
Told yall the democraps were gonna start whining! Their biggest voting bloc is getting cut off! OH NOES! They might actually have to come up with REAL solutions!
I'm hiring if you need a job Odium. Wry seems to have the inside scoop on you.
Appreciate it! I am disabled and a stay at home father right now. I have a CDL B but have never used it. It would cost a good bit to put our 2 year old in day care so wife and I have decided to just keep things the way they are. My disability check pays the rent which is fine with us. I would LOVE to go back to work and certainly would if I was offered enough in a job I could do physically AND my wife could afford to stay home with our daughter who actually will start school in September with the other 3.

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