Illegal invasion down 40% in Trumps first month!

"It's not that Obama could not secure our borders and reduce the number of criminals flowing across our borders"
Do you really believe the garbage you post? In actuality for the past several years we have had a net negative immigration across our southern border.,

Once in office Obama REFUSED to enforce the Immigration laws and reused to allow them to be enforced. He protected illegals, protected human traffickers, protected Sanctuary cities...

In 1 MONTH Trump has decreased illegal immigration by 40%!

If it was not Obama's lack of desire to do as well on securing our borders as Trump is doing, then it MUST mean Obama was just far LESS COMPETENT than Trump at doing it. :p
"It's not that Obama could not secure our borders and reduce the number of criminals flowing across our borders"
Do you really believe the garbage you post? In actuality for the past several years we have had a net negative immigration across our southern border.,

Once in office Obama REFUSED to enforce the Immigration laws and reused to allow them to be enforced. He protected illegals, protected human traffickers, protected Sanctuary cities...

In 1 MONTH Trump has decreased illegal immigration by 40%!

If it was not Obama's lack of desire to do as well on securing our borders as Trump is doing, then it MUST mean Obama was just far LESS COMPETENT than Trump at doing it. :p
Is there some part of net negative immigration that you dont understand? Or maybe its the thousands of new border guards that Obama hired.
Is there some part of net negative immigration that you dont understand? Or maybe its the thousands of new border guards that Obama hired.
Obama facilitated illegal immigration, protected criminal human trafficking, and facilitated illegal Sanctuary cities. You're just butt-hurt that in 1 month Trump can say something Barry never got to in 8 years: Illegal Immigration is down one month!
Is there some part of net negative immigration that you dont understand? Or maybe its the thousands of new border guards that Obama hired.
Obama facilitated illegal immigration, protected criminal human trafficking, and facilitated illegal Sanctuary cities. You're just butt-hurt that in 1 month Trump can say something Barry never got to in 8 years: Illegal Immigration is down one month!
How do you facilitate illegal immigration?
Illegal border crossings decrease by 40 percent in Trump's first month, report says

"The number of people illegally crossing the U.S. southern border has dropped 40 percent in President Trump’s first full month in office, Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly said Wednesday."

It's not that Obama could not secure our borders and reduce the number of criminals flowing across our borders, it was the fact that he was working FOR them, helping them to do so...

“The drop in apprehensions shows a marked change in trends,” Kelly said. “Since the administration’s implementation of executive orders to enforce immigration laws, apprehensions and inadmissible activity is trending toward the lowest monthly total in at least the last five years.”

It's amazing what happens when you actually ENFORCE the law.... :p
President Trump has done more for the American people in less than 2 months than Obama did in 8 years. Is it any wonder the American people love President Trump? He is a man of his word!
Is there some part of net negative immigration that you dont understand? Or maybe its the thousands of new border guards that Obama hired.
Obama facilitated illegal immigration, protected criminal human trafficking, and facilitated illegal Sanctuary cities. You're just butt-hurt that in 1 month Trump can say something Barry never got to in 8 years: Illegal Immigration is down one month!
How do you facilitate illegal immigration?
By being a Law Breaker like Obama.
In 1 MONTH Trump has decreased illegal immigration by 40%!
It's WINTER numb nuts and it is cold on the southern border this time of year! Ever been in these climes in Jan or Feb? Plus, how is that percentage being calculated? Cite the methodology from the source!

New Mexico's average winter temp is 35-40 and it goes up from there. Cali & Texas averages's not that cold

the United States.
New Mexico's average winter temp is 35-40 and it goes up from there. Cali & Texas averages's not that cold

Hmmm...wonder why Illegal Immigration didn't suddenly drop 40% the last 8 winters under Obama but suddenly did THIS winter under Trump?

Illegal border crossings decrease by 40 percent in Trump's first month, report says

"The number of people illegally crossing the U.S. southern border has dropped 40 percent in President Trump’s first full month in office, Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly said Wednesday."

It's not that Obama could not secure our borders and reduce the number of criminals flowing across our borders, it was the fact that he was working FOR them, helping them to do so...

“The drop in apprehensions shows a marked change in trends,” Kelly said. “Since the administration’s implementation of executive orders to enforce immigration laws, apprehensions and inadmissible activity is trending toward the lowest monthly total in at least the last five years.”

It's amazing what happens when you actually ENFORCE the law.... :p

President Trump has done more for the American people in less than 2 months than Obama did in 8 years. Is it any wonder the American people love President Trump? He is a man of his word!
President Trump has done more for the American people in less than 2 months than Obama did in 8 years.
Well, trump & Co. have produced more Whitehouse scandals in the last 2 months that Obama did in 8 years. If trump is doing so much for the People, where is the Deputy Sec. State for just one of the MANY HUNDREDS of important presidential positions left unfilled because trump is too damn busy tweeting at zero-dark thirty or spending 3 days a week in Florida pretending he's unencumbered with responsibilities?

And in those two months, trump has create more fear and uncertainty in this Nation and around the world than any other POTUS EVER! Drink his piss if you wish and will, but don't peddle his propaganda as if it has come down from on High!
Illegal border crossings decrease by 40 percent in Trump's first month, report says

"The number of people illegally crossing the U.S. southern border has dropped 40 percent in President Trump’s first full month in office, Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly said Wednesday."

It's not that Obama could not secure our borders and reduce the number of criminals flowing across our borders, it was the fact that he was working FOR them, helping them to do so...

“The drop in apprehensions shows a marked change in trends,” Kelly said. “Since the administration’s implementation of executive orders to enforce immigration laws, apprehensions and inadmissible activity is trending toward the lowest monthly total in at least the last five years.”

It's amazing what happens when you actually ENFORCE the law.... :p

President Trump has done more for the American people in less than 2 months than Obama did in 8 years. Is it any wonder the American people love President Trump? He is a man of his word!
President Trump has done more for the American people in less than 2 months than Obama did in 8 years.
Well, trump & Co. have produced more Whitehouse scandals in the last 2 months that Obama did in 8 years. If trump is doing so much for the People, where is the Deputy Sec. State for just one of the MANY HUNDREDS of important presidential positions left unfilled because trump is too damn busy tweeting at zero-dark thirty or spending 3 days a week in Florida pretending he's unencumbered with responsibilities?

And in those two months, trump has create more fear and uncertainty in this Nation and around the world than any other POTUS EVER! Drink his piss if you wish and will, but don't peddle his propaganda as if it has come down from on High!
Keep reaching. If the media went after Obama the way they are going after Trump. You wouldn't be saying that.
Illegal border crossings decrease by 40 percent in Trump's first month, report says

"The number of people illegally crossing the U.S. southern border has dropped 40 percent in President Trump’s first full month in office, Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly said Wednesday."

It's not that Obama could not secure our borders and reduce the number of criminals flowing across our borders, it was the fact that he was working FOR them, helping them to do so...

“The drop in apprehensions shows a marked change in trends,” Kelly said. “Since the administration’s implementation of executive orders to enforce immigration laws, apprehensions and inadmissible activity is trending toward the lowest monthly total in at least the last five years.”

It's amazing what happens when you actually ENFORCE the law.... :p

President Trump has done more for the American people in less than 2 months than Obama did in 8 years. Is it any wonder the American people love President Trump? He is a man of his word!
President Trump has done more for the American people in less than 2 months than Obama did in 8 years.
Well, trump & Co. have produced more Whitehouse scandals in the last 2 months that Obama did in 8 years. If trump is doing so much for the People, where is the Deputy Sec. State for just one of the MANY HUNDREDS of important presidential positions left unfilled because trump is too damn busy tweeting at zero-dark thirty or spending 3 days a week in Florida pretending he's unencumbered with responsibilities?

And in those two months, trump has create more fear and uncertainty in this Nation and around the world than any other POTUS EVER! Drink his piss if you wish and will, but don't peddle his propaganda as if it has come down from on High!
Keep reaching. If the media went after Obama the way they are going after Trump. You wouldn't be saying that.
The media is going after Trump for a reason. It all begins with his never ending lies
Well, trump & Co. have produced more Whitehouse scandals in the last 2 months that Obama did in 8 years.
Actually, that is a LIE.

The Democrats created the LIE / Scandal about 'The Russians hacked The Election'. BTW, The only ones who tried to hack States' Election Systems was Obama and the DHS.
-- OWNERSHIP: Democrats

Obama used that Lie to conduct his own 'Watergate'
-- OWNERSHIP: Democrats

SCANDAL: Obama illegally collected (according to CNN) personal information on Trump and his team, gave that to holdovers in 16 Intel Agencies, and they later illegally leaked that info after Trump was President...meaning Obama facilitated / made possible the illegal leaks
-- OWNERSHIP: Obama and Democrats

Democrats created the LIE of How 'Trump colluded with Russians' - The FBI declared there was no collusion
--OWNERSHIP: Democrats

SCANDAL: Democrats falsely accused Flynn of having illegal / inappropriate communications with Russians. He didn't - NO CRIME; yet, Democrats still successfully completed the Political Assassination of Flynn
-- OWNERSHIP: Democrats

SCANDAL: Democrats falsely accused Sessions of illegal communications with Russians - his Political Assassination by Democrats FAILED
-- OWNERSHIP: Democrats

SCANDAL: CIA was just bent over, their secrets revealed - this was the same agency and same people who had no problem illegally leaking on Trump
-- OWNERSHIP: I blame the same Democrats and Obama holdovers who did the other leaking

As you can see, Trump had nothing to do with any of these scandals even though he was falsely accused of almost all of them. At the heart of every false allegation and scandal / FAUX-Scandal have been bitter, angry, sour-grapes, butt-hurt, criminal SNOWFLAKES / Democrats...and Obama
Illegal border crossings decrease by 40 percent in Trump's first month, report says

"The number of people illegally crossing the U.S. southern border has dropped 40 percent in President Trump’s first full month in office, Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly said Wednesday."

It's not that Obama could not secure our borders and reduce the number of criminals flowing across our borders, it was the fact that he was working FOR them, helping them to do so...

“The drop in apprehensions shows a marked change in trends,” Kelly said. “Since the administration’s implementation of executive orders to enforce immigration laws, apprehensions and inadmissible activity is trending toward the lowest monthly total in at least the last five years.”

It's amazing what happens when you actually ENFORCE the law.... :p
Cool! No wall needed.

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