'Illegal' / 'Unsanctioned' Collusion' - Let The 'Equal Justice' Investigations Begin


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

Trump rips Dems over Iran meeting, suggests senator should be prosecuted

"President Trump lashed out Wednesday at Sen. Chris Murphy for meeting with Iran's foreign minister and accused the Democratic senator of "illegally" violating the Logan Act.

The Logan Act, enacted in 1799, bars Americans from conducting rogue negotiations with foreign governments in disputes with the U.S."

President Obama illegally conducted treaty negotiations with Iran.
John Kerry has illegally negotiated with out enemies numerous times.
Diane Feinstein was flat-out facilitating treason / Espionage.
D-Sen Murphy just violated the Logan Act.....

Kerry responded to the President by declaring he has addressed this before, that the President is wrong, and that Democrats can have 'back-channel negotiations' with our enemies......

Uh-huh....we know:



The Democrats always say when THEY get caught doing it 'It's ok / legal'.

Trump takes aim at Dem senator over Iran meeting, suggests he should be prosecuted



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Prosecute him or shut up.
No one is prosecuted under the Logan Act, but that doesn't mean it's ok for Democrats to collude with Iran to undermine US policy.

Probably true. How was anyone undermining anything?
By his own admission, Murphy was trying to open up an alternative channel of communication with Iran giving the Iranian government hope it can avoid US policy. Either Murphy is an idiot or he is purposefully trying to undermine US policy.
Prosecute him or shut up.
No one is prosecuted under the Logan Act, but that doesn't mean it's ok for Democrats to collude with Iran to undermine US policy.

Probably true. How was anyone undermining anything?
By his own admission, Murphy was trying to open up an alternative channel of communication with Iran giving the Iranian government hope it can avoid US policy. Either Murphy is an idiot or he is purposefully trying to undermine US policy.
Communication is just communication, though. How does that affect policy?
Prosecute him or shut up.
No one is prosecuted under the Logan Act, but that doesn't mean it's ok for Democrats to collude with Iran to undermine US policy.

Probably true. How was anyone undermining anything?
By his own admission, Murphy was trying to open up an alternative channel of communication with Iran giving the Iranian government hope it can avoid US policy. Either Murphy is an idiot or he is purposefully trying to undermine US policy.
Communication is just communication, though. How does that affect policy?
Murphy state he wanted to be an alternative to dealing with the administration, and that is clearly undermining US policy.

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