Illegals heading for the border.

They think the spread of covid is bad now.

Just think what it will do to our economy.

Just look what a flood of Illegals did to the California economy. They now lead the US in the most poverty, worst schools, most homeless, highest taxes and most debt.

The Democrats have stolen this country from us. They are giving it away to foreign interest and third world trash.

However, Hunter Biden's cocaine dealer will be living well.
and Cali is one of the most expensive places to live--high prices-low wages
We don't need a wall.

We need a moat...

BEFORE TRUMP, I proposed we dig a YUUUUGE trench from ocean to ocean, below San DeEggo to Brownsville Tx 300 yds wide and 300 yds deep … and fill it with ….. SHARKS. And make a reality tv show.
This is what you stupid Useful idiots got with your Democrat voter corruption. All these third world shitheads will come here and sign up for welfare. On top of this there will be hundreds of thousands of filthy ass Muslim refugees coming from places like Syria and Somalia.

How could you Moon Bats be so stupid? You don't one ounce of brains in your body, do you?

Two ruinous hurricanes that wrecked and flooded swathes of Central America last month have increased the number of families planning a risky journey northward. And after a year of travel bans and soaring unemployment, demand to reach the U.S. was already high.

“There are going to be caravans, and in the coming weeks it will increase,” said Jose Luis Gonzalez, coordinator of the Guatemala Red Jesuita con Migrantes, a non-governmental organization. “People are no longer scared of the coronavirus. They’re going hungry, they’ve lost everything, and some towns are still flooded.”

Joe Biden has pledged to abolish many of the migration policies of Donald Trump, including prolonged detention and separation of families, which were designed to deter illegal migration. This encourages more impoverished Central Americans to make the trip and test the Biden administration, said Gonzalez.

"When there is a change in government in the U.S. or Mexico, caravans start to move because they are testing the waters to see how authorities respond,” he said. “What they see is that the one who said he was going to build a wall and hated Latinos is on his way out.”

Newsmax has not called the election for Biden, citing the numerous legal complaints mounted by the Trump campaign.

On social media, announcements are circulating for caravans, groups of migrants traveling together, leaving San Pedro Sula, Honduras’s second-largest city, which was hit by both storms. The first caravan is scheduled to leave in the coming days and the second in mid-January.
It's not gonna happen. There are now protocols in place to defeat their attempts at claiming amnesty. They have to apply in Mexico and be denied before they can make a claim here. We haven't opened the doors to temporary residents as we did with Haiti, have we?

Why would caravans come? If they want to apply to immigrate, they can do it from home.
Biden has already stated he will open the border and help them when they get here. Obama's attempt to turn us into a third world shithole is starting up again.
Can I have that quote?
Google it, he says he will stop construction of borders wall and open the boarder. You people really don't know anything about your candidates.
When you google that you get some far out right wing wacko sites like inforwars that your source??

It is more accurate than the far Left wacko fake news sites like CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC etc.
More when they reported the Sandy Hook massacre was a hoax..that those dead kids were all actors..

How about when the Left Wing shitheads at CNN claiming that mass murders are done by White men when in reality most mass murders are done by minorities? Why did they lie?

We don't need a wall.
We need a moat...
We need a president that doesn't lure illegals with the promise of free healthcare.

Yeah, but a moat would do in the meantime...

Let people sponsor a moat critter. For a certain amount you can sponsor a:
  • piranha
  • alligator
  • shark
  • crocodile

and you get a picture of them interacting with an illegal?
Open the border to hunting.
Ahh.... you had me at "moat critter"...


I'd like to sponsor a handful of the inanimate variety, and I'll spring for the full picture/video package with critter/victim interaction.

But seriously..........I wish we could stop birth tourism. Apparently pregnant women are being flown in from all over the world now, from Turkey and China as well as all the Mexicans who rush in when labor starts, all to give birth here so baby is American and mom and dad, if there is a dad, can stay too. There is no reason to allow this in the modern era; it should be stopped cold.
We should engage our Commerce Clause for free market capitalism purposes and help them upgrade their economy so there people want to stay there more than they want to come here.
The nation is dying. The nation state is being farmed out. The rich nation is not even with the others being joined that will never be satisfied. We must be lowered. And are for decades. People must die in our nation at some point. The globalists are waiting for the WW 2 people to pass on. As the Baby Boomers and later are spoiled asses and will deserve their fate.
Congress is supposed to do their job.
They think the spread of covid is bad now.

Just think what it will do to our economy.

Just look what a flood of Illegals did to the California economy. They now lead the US in the most poverty, worst schools, most homeless, highest taxes and most debt.

The Democrats have stolen this country from us. They are giving it away to foreign interest and third world trash.

However, Hunter Biden's cocaine dealer will be living well.
and Cali is one of the most expensive places to live--high prices-low wages

Not only that but almost the hightest taxes in the US. That is why so many people are leaving. Soon it will only be Obama's Illegal buddies and the only people left to pay for their welfare would be the Hollywood Limousine Libtards and the Silicon Valley Moon Bats.
This is what you stupid Useful idiots got with your Democrat voter corruption. All these third world shitheads will come here and sign up for welfare. On top of this there will be hundreds of thousands of filthy ass Muslim refugees coming from places like Syria and Somalia.

How could you Moon Bats be so stupid? You don't one ounce of brains in your body, do you?

Two ruinous hurricanes that wrecked and flooded swathes of Central America last month have increased the number of families planning a risky journey northward. And after a year of travel bans and soaring unemployment, demand to reach the U.S. was already high.

“There are going to be caravans, and in the coming weeks it will increase,” said Jose Luis Gonzalez, coordinator of the Guatemala Red Jesuita con Migrantes, a non-governmental organization. “People are no longer scared of the coronavirus. They’re going hungry, they’ve lost everything, and some towns are still flooded.”

Joe Biden has pledged to abolish many of the migration policies of Donald Trump, including prolonged detention and separation of families, which were designed to deter illegal migration. This encourages more impoverished Central Americans to make the trip and test the Biden administration, said Gonzalez.

"When there is a change in government in the U.S. or Mexico, caravans start to move because they are testing the waters to see how authorities respond,” he said. “What they see is that the one who said he was going to build a wall and hated Latinos is on his way out.”

Newsmax has not called the election for Biden, citing the numerous legal complaints mounted by the Trump campaign.

On social media, announcements are circulating for caravans, groups of migrants traveling together, leaving San Pedro Sula, Honduras’s second-largest city, which was hit by both storms. The first caravan is scheduled to leave in the coming days and the second in mid-January.
It's not gonna happen. There are now protocols in place to defeat their attempts at claiming amnesty. They have to apply in Mexico and be denied before they can make a claim here. We haven't opened the doors to temporary residents as we did with Haiti, have we?

Why would caravans come? If they want to apply to immigrate, they can do it from home.
Biden has already stated he will open the border and help them when they get here. Obama's attempt to turn us into a third world shithole is starting up again.
Can I have that quote?
Google it, he says he will stop construction of borders wall and open the boarder. You people really don't know anything about your candidates.
When you google that you get some far out right wing wacko sites like inforwars that your source??

It is more accurate than the far Left wacko fake news sites like CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC etc.

I know you Moon Bats are dumber than a door knob and naive as hell but are you suggesting that the Illegals are not just waiting for Biden to flood in? Really? LOL!

Because if you are suggesting that given the record of the Obama/Biden administration then that doesn't even pass the snicker test.
I failed to notice this is a Flash thread. I'll leave the Flash Fan Club to its circle jerk.

Couldn't get actual facts out of this crew to save their souls.

Actually facts? Like that the filthy ass Obama/Biden administration allowed million of Illegals to flood into the country and then be put on welfare?

How about the fact that Biden ran on a platform to let the Illegals flood in?

How about the fact that the shithead Biden said just a week or so ago he was going to let hundreds of thousands of that Muslim refugee filth flood into the US every years?
Not enough Americans agree with you.
South Americans, for sure.
Regardless, my opinions are based in logic and integrity, not formed by popularity.

I agree with what you're saying, I'm just pointing out that in America 2020 not an overwhelming # of Americans are against illegal immigration. It's disgusting, but it's true.
There was a time for instance, that ALL politicians would publicly denounce illegal immigration, and would be in favor of stopping it. Today, that's definitely not true. Dimocrats for interest will now NEVER publicly denounce illegal immigration.
This is what you stupid Useful idiots got with your Democrat voter corruption. All these .... will come here and sign up for welfare. On top of this there will be hundreds of thousands of... refugees coming from places like Syria and Somalia.

How about we do a 1-to-1 exchange of eager immigrants for each brainless bigot like the ones who start troll threads like this? When we run out of hateful, cowardly idiots, everyone left has to go back home. No change in net population, but the country gets less stupid.
This is what you stupid Useful idiots got with your Democrat voter corruption. All these third world shitheads will come here and sign up for welfare. On top of this there will be hundreds of thousands of filthy ass Muslim refugees coming from places like Syria and Somalia.

How could you Moon Bats be so stupid? You don't one ounce of brains in your body, do you?

Two ruinous hurricanes that wrecked and flooded swathes of Central America last month have increased the number of families planning a risky journey northward. And after a year of travel bans and soaring unemployment, demand to reach the U.S. was already high.

“There are going to be caravans, and in the coming weeks it will increase,” said Jose Luis Gonzalez, coordinator of the Guatemala Red Jesuita con Migrantes, a non-governmental organization. “People are no longer scared of the coronavirus. They’re going hungry, they’ve lost everything, and some towns are still flooded.”

Joe Biden has pledged to abolish many of the migration policies of Donald Trump, including prolonged detention and separation of families, which were designed to deter illegal migration. This encourages more impoverished Central Americans to make the trip and test the Biden administration, said Gonzalez.

"When there is a change in government in the U.S. or Mexico, caravans start to move because they are testing the waters to see how authorities respond,” he said. “What they see is that the one who said he was going to build a wall and hated Latinos is on his way out.”

Newsmax has not called the election for Biden, citing the numerous legal complaints mounted by the Trump campaign.

On social media, announcements are circulating for caravans, groups of migrants traveling together, leaving San Pedro Sula, Honduras’s second-largest city, which was hit by both storms. The first caravan is scheduled to leave in the coming days and the second in mid-January.

I have read that one reason for President Trump's loss is that many people in the so-called "suburbs" voted for Mr. Biden.

Okey dokey!

I assume that they will have the class not to complain if some of the Dems' policies eventually bite them or their loved ones in the posterior.

You are confused.

Trump didn't lose.

The Democrats used fraud to give that shithead Biden more votes.

Fuck the Illegals. Fuck the welfare queens. Fuck the stupid uneducated Useful Idiot Moon Bats. Fuck the Democrats that stole the election from the American people.


I bet that in 2024, many Biden voters in the suburbs will regret voting for him and look back on the Trump years as those halcyon days!
This is what you stupid Useful idiots got with your Democrat voter corruption. All these third world shitheads will come here and sign up for welfare. On top of this there will be hundreds of thousands of filthy ass Muslim refugees coming from places like Syria and Somalia.

How could you Moon Bats be so stupid? You don't one ounce of brains in your body, do you?

Two ruinous hurricanes that wrecked and flooded swathes of Central America last month have increased the number of families planning a risky journey northward. And after a year of travel bans and soaring unemployment, demand to reach the U.S. was already high.

“There are going to be caravans, and in the coming weeks it will increase,” said Jose Luis Gonzalez, coordinator of the Guatemala Red Jesuita con Migrantes, a non-governmental organization. “People are no longer scared of the coronavirus. They’re going hungry, they’ve lost everything, and some towns are still flooded.”

Joe Biden has pledged to abolish many of the migration policies of Donald Trump, including prolonged detention and separation of families, which were designed to deter illegal migration. This encourages more impoverished Central Americans to make the trip and test the Biden administration, said Gonzalez.

"When there is a change in government in the U.S. or Mexico, caravans start to move because they are testing the waters to see how authorities respond,” he said. “What they see is that the one who said he was going to build a wall and hated Latinos is on his way out.”

Newsmax has not called the election for Biden, citing the numerous legal complaints mounted by the Trump campaign.

On social media, announcements are circulating for caravans, groups of migrants traveling together, leaving San Pedro Sula, Honduras’s second-largest city, which was hit by both storms. The first caravan is scheduled to leave in the coming days and the second in mid-January.

I have read that one reason for President Trump's loss is that many people in the so-called "suburbs" voted for Mr. Biden.

Okey dokey!

I assume that they will have the class not to complain if some of the Dems' policies eventually bite them or their loved ones in the posterior.

You are confused.

Trump didn't lose.

The Democrats used fraud to give that shithead Biden more votes.

Fuck the Illegals. Fuck the welfare queens. Fuck the stupid uneducated Useful Idiot Moon Bats. Fuck the Democrats that stole the election from the American people.


I bet that in 2024, many Biden voters in the suburbs will regret voting for him and look back on the Trump years as those halcyon days!

Everybody always regrets what happens when Democrats have power. Of course the Democrats always blame the problems they cause on somebody else and the stupid uneducated Moon Bats believe it. They ain't the brightest bulbs in the chandelier.
This is what you stupid Useful idiots got with your Democrat voter corruption. All these third world shitheads will come here and sign up for welfare. On top of this there will be hundreds of thousands of filthy ass Muslim refugees coming from places like Syria and Somalia.

How could you Moon Bats be so stupid? You don't one ounce of brains in your body, do you?

Two ruinous hurricanes that wrecked and flooded swathes of Central America last month have increased the number of families planning a risky journey northward. And after a year of travel bans and soaring unemployment, demand to reach the U.S. was already high.

“There are going to be caravans, and in the coming weeks it will increase,” said Jose Luis Gonzalez, coordinator of the Guatemala Red Jesuita con Migrantes, a non-governmental organization. “People are no longer scared of the coronavirus. They’re going hungry, they’ve lost everything, and some towns are still flooded.”

Joe Biden has pledged to abolish many of the migration policies of Donald Trump, including prolonged detention and separation of families, which were designed to deter illegal migration. This encourages more impoverished Central Americans to make the trip and test the Biden administration, said Gonzalez.

"When there is a change in government in the U.S. or Mexico, caravans start to move because they are testing the waters to see how authorities respond,” he said. “What they see is that the one who said he was going to build a wall and hated Latinos is on his way out.”

Newsmax has not called the election for Biden, citing the numerous legal complaints mounted by the Trump campaign.

On social media, announcements are circulating for caravans, groups of migrants traveling together, leaving San Pedro Sula, Honduras’s second-largest city, which was hit by both storms. The first caravan is scheduled to leave in the coming days and the second in mid-January.
It's not gonna happen. There are now protocols in place to defeat their attempts at claiming amnesty. They have to apply in Mexico and be denied before they can make a claim here. We haven't opened the doors to temporary residents as we did with Haiti, have we?

Why would caravans come? If they want to apply to immigrate, they can do it from home.
Biden has already stated he will open the border and help them when they get here. Obama's attempt to turn us into a third world shithole is starting up again.

Oblama deported more than Trump.
This is what you stupid Useful idiots got with your Democrat voter corruption. All these third world shitheads will come here and sign up for welfare. On top of this there will be hundreds of thousands of filthy ass Muslim refugees coming from places like Syria and Somalia.

How could you Moon Bats be so stupid? You don't one ounce of brains in your body, do you?

Two ruinous hurricanes that wrecked and flooded swathes of Central America last month have increased the number of families planning a risky journey northward. And after a year of travel bans and soaring unemployment, demand to reach the U.S. was already high.

“There are going to be caravans, and in the coming weeks it will increase,” said Jose Luis Gonzalez, coordinator of the Guatemala Red Jesuita con Migrantes, a non-governmental organization. “People are no longer scared of the coronavirus. They’re going hungry, they’ve lost everything, and some towns are still flooded.”

Joe Biden has pledged to abolish many of the migration policies of Donald Trump, including prolonged detention and separation of families, which were designed to deter illegal migration. This encourages more impoverished Central Americans to make the trip and test the Biden administration, said Gonzalez.

"When there is a change in government in the U.S. or Mexico, caravans start to move because they are testing the waters to see how authorities respond,” he said. “What they see is that the one who said he was going to build a wall and hated Latinos is on his way out.”

Newsmax has not called the election for Biden, citing the numerous legal complaints mounted by the Trump campaign.

On social media, announcements are circulating for caravans, groups of migrants traveling together, leaving San Pedro Sula, Honduras’s second-largest city, which was hit by both storms. The first caravan is scheduled to leave in the coming days and the second in mid-January.
It's not gonna happen. There are now protocols in place to defeat their attempts at claiming amnesty. They have to apply in Mexico and be denied before they can make a claim here. We haven't opened the doors to temporary residents as we did with Haiti, have we?

Why would caravans come? If they want to apply to immigrate, they can do it from home.
Biden has already stated he will open the border and help them when they get here. Obama's attempt to turn us into a third world shithole is starting up again.

Oblama deported more than Trump.

You confused stupid unedcated Moon Bat.

Trump didn't have to deport that many because he didn't let the assholes flood in like that shithead Obama did.

Obama let millions come in and deported a few and stupid uneducated Moon Bats like yourself think he did a great job.

Exactly what I was talking about. You Moon Bats are dumber than a door knob.
This is what you stupid Useful idiots got with your Democrat voter corruption. All these third world shitheads will come here and sign up for welfare. On top of this there will be hundreds of thousands of filthy ass Muslim refugees coming from places like Syria and Somalia.

How could you Moon Bats be so stupid? You don't one ounce of brains in your body, do you?

Two ruinous hurricanes that wrecked and flooded swathes of Central America last month have increased the number of families planning a risky journey northward. And after a year of travel bans and soaring unemployment, demand to reach the U.S. was already high.

“There are going to be caravans, and in the coming weeks it will increase,” said Jose Luis Gonzalez, coordinator of the Guatemala Red Jesuita con Migrantes, a non-governmental organization. “People are no longer scared of the coronavirus. They’re going hungry, they’ve lost everything, and some towns are still flooded.”

Joe Biden has pledged to abolish many of the migration policies of Donald Trump, including prolonged detention and separation of families, which were designed to deter illegal migration. This encourages more impoverished Central Americans to make the trip and test the Biden administration, said Gonzalez.

"When there is a change in government in the U.S. or Mexico, caravans start to move because they are testing the waters to see how authorities respond,” he said. “What they see is that the one who said he was going to build a wall and hated Latinos is on his way out.”

Newsmax has not called the election for Biden, citing the numerous legal complaints mounted by the Trump campaign.

On social media, announcements are circulating for caravans, groups of migrants traveling together, leaving San Pedro Sula, Honduras’s second-largest city, which was hit by both storms. The first caravan is scheduled to leave in the coming days and the second in mid-January.
It's not gonna happen. There are now protocols in place to defeat their attempts at claiming amnesty. They have to apply in Mexico and be denied before they can make a claim here. We haven't opened the doors to temporary residents as we did with Haiti, have we?

Why would caravans come? If they want to apply to immigrate, they can do it from home.
Biden has already stated he will open the border and help them when they get here. Obama's attempt to turn us into a third world shithole is starting up again.

Oblama deported more than Trump.

You confused stupid unedcated Moon Bat.

Trump didn't have to deport that many because he didn't let the assholes flood in like that shithead Obama did.

Obama let millions come in and deported a few and stupid uneducated Moon Bats like yourself think he did a great job.

Exactly what I was talking about. You Moon Bats are dumber than a door knob.
I simply stated the truth and you fall to pieces get a grip dude.

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