Illegals Murder Border Patrol Agent


Diamond Member
Apr 20, 2012
Buzzard Gulch, NC
No comment. Too pissed.^ADAuxLxadmQzUwV7J7faR6d3mDfE.4-

The sheriff in Willacy County, Texas, refused access to media personnel and the family of a murdered border patrol agent at the suspects’ arraignment, according to The Monitor.

The arraignment, held inside the jail where the suspects are currently in custody, was completely off limits ”for security reasons.” Sheriff Larry Spence told The Monitor he received anonymous calls for details about the arraignment — like time and date — and feared a jailbreak.

Gustavo Tijernia, 30, and Ismael Hernandez, 40, were arrested Monday when they confessed to killing off-duty U.S. Border Patrol agent Javier Vega Jr., 36. Vega died of a gunshot wound to the chest, and his father Javier Vega Sr. was hospitalized for a gunshot wound to the hip. Tijernia and Hernandez, who are both Mexican nationals and illegal immigrants, face charges of capital murder, attempted capital murder, aggravated robbery and tampering with evidence.

It’s concerning enough that Mexican nationals have shot and killed an off-duty Border Patrol agent, but it’s doubly concerning that the media and Vega’s family were denied access to the arraignment.
Another obama success.

These criminals had been deported 4 times and still managed to be two of obama's dreamers
Are you shitting me ?

Like the OP, I am so fucking mad, I need to settle down, read more before I comment any further !!!!!!!!!
Please don't let the liberals know where this man is going to be buried...they will want to piss on his grave. Liberals will be more concerned with the rights of the accused.
Willacy County officials are blocking media access to the arraignment of two Mexican nationals arrested in connection with the fatal shooting of an off-duty Border Patrol agent.

The sheriff's department is citing security concerns.

Sheriff Larry Spence said the jail has received anonymous calls asking when the arraignment will be held.

He's concerned that an attempt will be made to help the men escape from custody.

The arraignment will be held inside the jail, and no one, including the family of the dead agent, is allowed inside that area, Spence said.

Things are completely out of control, when you have to worry that an attempt will be made to free them.

This is the goddamned United States of America in 2014, not some two-bit third world fucking country, or Tombstone Arizona in 1860 !!! We shouldn't have to worry about an attempt to break someone out of jail, hell if anything they should be worried that they're not dragged out and hung !!

Goddamned mother fucking Mexicans !!!

And by the way, shame on every fucking one of us for allowing our borders to be treated like this !!

Willacy County officials are blocking media access to the arraignment of two Mexican nationals arrested in connection with the fatal shooting of an off-duty Border Patrol agent.

The sheriff's department is citing security concerns.

Sheriff Larry Spence said the jail has received anonymous calls asking when the arraignment will be held.

He's concerned that an attempt will be made to help the men escape from custody.

The arraignment will be held inside the jail, and no one, including the family of the dead agent, is allowed inside that area, Spence said.

Things are completely out of control, when you have to worry that an attempt will be made to free them.

This is the goddamned United States of America in 2014, not some two-bit third world fucking country, or Tombstone Arizona in 1860 !!! We shouldn't have to worry about an attempt to break someone out of jail, hell if anything they should be worried that they're not dragged out and hung !!

Goddamned mother fucking Mexicans !!!

And by the way, shame on every fucking one of us for allowing our borders to be treated like this !!


I think it's time we have about a 20 mile strip between US and Mexico that is a death strip. We need to treatMexico the same way Israel deals with Hamas. Liberals hate America and want to destroy America.
Willacy County officials are blocking media access to the arraignment of two Mexican nationals arrested in connection with the fatal shooting of an off-duty Border Patrol agent.

The sheriff's department is citing security concerns.

Sheriff Larry Spence said the jail has received anonymous calls asking when the arraignment will be held.

He's concerned that an attempt will be made to help the men escape from custody.

The arraignment will be held inside the jail, and no one, including the family of the dead agent, is allowed inside that area, Spence said.

Things are completely out of control, when you have to worry that an attempt will be made to free them.

This is the goddamned United States of America in 2014, not some two-bit third world fucking country, or Tombstone Arizona in 1860 !!! We shouldn't have to worry about an attempt to break someone out of jail, hell if anything they should be worried that they're not dragged out and hung !!

Goddamned mother fucking Mexicans !!!

And by the way, shame on every fucking one of us for allowing our borders to be treated like this !!


I think it's time we have about a 20 mile strip between US and Mexico that is a death strip. We need to treatMexico the same way Israel deals with Hamas. Liberals hate America and want to destroy America.

Be fine with me !

I think more and more we're seeing what will be the true death of this country, and it's coming from the south !
The Governors have been saying that 25% of the illegals crossing have criminal records, which is one of the reasons Texas has called in the National Guard. In the stories I've read the Border Patrol was outgunned in border fights with the Cartels. Texas has built 3 patrol boats with 30 cals on board for the Reo Grande......and are building more.
Illegals Murder Border Patrol Agent
This is getting way out of hand. When you have illegals entering the country, you're bound to have criminals who will try to sneak in as well. This needs to stop before more border agents are killed or through this mass confusion, terrorists manage to sneak in across the border.

Deny anyone who is not an American or who doesn't have a valid visa from entering the country, no exceptions. All illegals trying to enter need to be turned back at the border, let Mexico deal with it. Place the national guard in areas that are known for illegals sneaking across the border.
If Rick Perry responds like I know a Texan would...he has my vote in 2016.
Seems the loudmouth liberals are kinda quite on this one. Hmmmmm.
No comment. Too pissed.^ADAuxLxadmQzUwV7J7faR6d3mDfE.4-

The sheriff in Willacy County, Texas, refused access to media personnel and the family of a murdered border patrol agent at the suspects’ arraignment, according to The Monitor.

The arraignment, held inside the jail where the suspects are currently in custody, was completely off limits ”for security reasons.” Sheriff Larry Spence told The Monitor he received anonymous calls for details about the arraignment — like time and date — and feared a jailbreak.

Gustavo Tijernia, 30, and Ismael Hernandez, 40, were arrested Monday when they confessed to killing off-duty U.S. Border Patrol agent Javier Vega Jr., 36. Vega died of a gunshot wound to the chest, and his father Javier Vega Sr. was hospitalized for a gunshot wound to the hip. Tijernia and Hernandez, who are both Mexican nationals and illegal immigrants, face charges of capital murder, attempted capital murder, aggravated robbery and tampering with evidence.

It’s concerning enough that Mexican nationals have shot and killed an off-duty Border Patrol agent, but it’s doubly concerning that the media and Vega’s family were denied access to the arraignment.

I am saddened, everything that lends even a hint of bias must be avoided. Though the facts are not yet known, this is most likey a DP case. The family need not see them, that could only increase the pain, they will be part of all the process, a Victim's Advocate should assure that. Their loss is the focus, and now I feel cold, and calculating; I do not believe in the death penalty......................yet can see no other option in some cases, life w/o parole endangers those working in Correctional Facilities. The SA better dot every i & cross every t. It matters not who took their lives, their lives were cut short(.) No less short had the killers been US citizens.
Terrible TERRIBLE tragedy.

And typical of some posters to start in with the lies.

And a completely preventable tragedy if only we shut down our border and protect national security...oh, I'm sorry, liberals want the invasion to continue. If your so shaken by this then you agree we need to shut down the border?

It’s concerning enough that Mexican nationals have shot and killed an off-duty Border Patrol agent, but it’s doubly concerning that the media and Vega’s family were denied access to the arraignment.
The likely reason for that obstruction is those cops probably beat those guys so bad they don't want any witnesses to the fresh, bloody bruises. They also don't want to risk some family member of friend going off on them.
Terrible TERRIBLE tragedy.

And typical of some posters to start in with the lies.

And a completely preventable tragedy if only we shut down our border and protect national security...oh, I'm sorry, liberals want the invasion to continue. If your so shaken by this then you agree we need to shut down the border?

And you have no frikken clue.

I lived there for more than 25 years. I helped hundreds of illegals who needed water and more. President Obama has deported more than any other prez and he has put more Border Patrol on duty than ever before. He has built more of that ridiculous, waste of money fence than any before.

You fools whine that we should "shut down" our border because you have never been there.
Willacy County officials are blocking media access to the arraignment of two Mexican nationals arrested in connection with the fatal shooting of an off-duty Border Patrol agent.

The sheriff's department is citing security concerns.

Sheriff Larry Spence said the jail has received anonymous calls asking when the arraignment will be held.

He's concerned that an attempt will be made to help the men escape from custody.

The arraignment will be held inside the jail, and no one, including the family of the dead agent, is allowed inside that area, Spence said.

Things are completely out of control, when you have to worry that an attempt will be made to free them.

This is the goddamned United States of America in 2014, not some two-bit third world fucking country, or Tombstone Arizona in 1860 !!! We shouldn't have to worry about an attempt to break someone out of jail, hell if anything they should be worried that they're not dragged out and hung !!

Goddamned mother fucking Mexicans !!!

And by the way, shame on every fucking one of us for allowing our borders to be treated like this !!


Hand the case to the DEFENSE, that is all your silliness will do; the victim's family must be clean witnesses to increase the chance of conviction. I note you presume guilt, it appears you are in a different nation, as you know nothing about the Constitution.

Outrage helped George Zimmerman get off, and outrage against the suspects only takes the focus off the victims. I see no grief over the lost lives, except from me, just hatred of the accused, with no evidence disclosed.

this is how cases are lost, the evidence is lost in the muddle of anger. More comments about the immgration status of the accused than the lives of those attacked, sickening. JUST ONCE, think of the HUMAN lives, not the idiotic 'Obama' mantra.

Rest in peace to the victim whose life was taken, prayers for recovery for the survivor.

Writing obscenities shows -0- respect for the victims.

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