Illegals Murder Border Patrol Agent

Willacy County officials are blocking media access to the arraignment of two Mexican nationals arrested in connection with the fatal shooting of an off-duty Border Patrol agent.

The sheriff's department is citing security concerns.

Sheriff Larry Spence said the jail has received anonymous calls asking when the arraignment will be held.

He's concerned that an attempt will be made to help the men escape from custody.

The arraignment will be held inside the jail, and no one, including the family of the dead agent, is allowed inside that area, Spence said.

Things are completely out of control, when you have to worry that an attempt will be made to free them.

This is the goddamned United States of America in 2014, not some two-bit third world fucking country, or Tombstone Arizona in 1860 !!! We shouldn't have to worry about an attempt to break someone out of jail, hell if anything they should be worried that they're not dragged out and hung !!

Goddamned mother fucking Mexicans !!!

And by the way, shame on every fucking one of us for allowing our borders to be treated like this !!


Hand the case to the DEFENSE, that is all your silliness will do; the victim's family must be clean witnesses to increase the chance of conviction. I note you presume guilt, it appears you are in a different nation, as you know nothing about the Constitution.

Outrage helped George Zimmerman get off, and outrage against the suspects only takes the focus off the victims. I see no grief over the lost lives, except from me, just hatred of the accused, with no evidence disclosed.

this is how cases are lost, the evidence is lost in the muddle of anger. More comments about the immgration status of the accused than the lives of those attacked, sickening. JUST ONCE, think of the HUMAN lives, not the idiotic 'Obama' mantra.

Rest in peace to the victim whose life was taken, prayers for recovery for the survivor.

Writing obscenities shows -0- respect for the victims.

Peach, why don 't you set aside that bullshit public defendant mindset and gets some common sense. We don't have time for the courts to react to stop this. States must have the authority to do this and use deadly force. Fucking A man...the guy as murdered in cold blood today. Get some common sense!
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Things are completely out of control, when you have to worry that an attempt will be made to free them.

This is the goddamned United States of America in 2014, not some two-bit third world fucking country, or Tombstone Arizona in 1860 !!! We shouldn't have to worry about an attempt to break someone out of jail, hell if anything they should be worried that they're not dragged out and hung !!

Goddamned mother fucking Mexicans !!!

And by the way, shame on every fucking one of us for allowing our borders to be treated like this !!


Hand the case to the DEFENSE, that is all your silliness will do; the victim's family must be clean witnesses to increase the chance of conviction. I note you presume guilt, it appears you are in a different nation, as you know nothing about the Constitution.

Outrage helped George Zimmerman get off, and outrage against the suspects only takes the focus off the victims. I see no grief over the lost lives, except from me, just hatred of the accused, with no evidence disclosed.

this is how cases are lost, the evidence is lost in the muddle of anger. More comments about the immgration status of the accused than the lives of those attacked, sickening. JUST ONCE, think of the HUMAN lives, not the idiotic 'Obama' mantra.

Rest in peace to the victim whose life was taken, prayers for recovery for the survivor.

Writing obscenities shows -0- respect for the victims.

Peach, why don 't you set aside that bullshit public defendant mindset and gets some common sense. We don't have time for the courts to react to stop this. States must have the authority to do this and use deadly force. Fucking Asher's man...the guy as murdered in cold blood today. Get some common sense!

I am not taking a publc defender's stance, I am taking the side of the victims, which you are unable to do. I note Luddly also made this a political issue with a man's life so freshly and tragically cut short. Thank God the police, no doubt in concert with the prosecution are taking steps to obtain a conviction, and not please those who have no respect for the justice system, nor the victims.

Rick Perry seems of more interest to you than the victim's family, truly tragic.
Terrible TERRIBLE tragedy.

And typical of some posters to start in with the lies.

And a completely preventable tragedy if only we shut down our border and protect national security...oh, I'm sorry, liberals want the invasion to continue. If your so shaken by this then you agree we need to shut down the border?

And you have no frikken clue.

I lived there for more than 25 years. I helped hundreds of illegals who needed water and more. President Obama has deported more than any other prez and he has put more Border Patrol on duty than ever before. He has built more of that ridiculous, waste of money fence than any before.

You fools whine that we should "shut down" our border because you have never been there.
That makes you a traitor and criminal and you should be arrested. BTW, I have lived there and been to Mexico several times. Your ass is a scumbag traitor who support invasion by a foreign country.
Hand the case to the DEFENSE, that is all your silliness will do; the victim's family must be clean witnesses to increase the chance of conviction. I note you presume guilt, it appears you are in a different nation, as you know nothing about the Constitution.

Outrage helped George Zimmerman get off, and outrage against the suspects only takes the focus off the victims. I see no grief over the lost lives, except from me, just hatred of the accused, with no evidence disclosed.

this is how cases are lost, the evidence is lost in the muddle of anger. More comments about the immgration status of the accused than the lives of those attacked, sickening. JUST ONCE, think of the HUMAN lives, not the idiotic 'Obama' mantra.

Rest in peace to the victim whose life was taken, prayers for recovery for the survivor.

Writing obscenities shows -0- respect for the victims.

Peach, why don 't you set aside that bullshit public defendant mindset and gets some common sense. We don't have time for the courts to react to stop this. States must have the authority to do this and use deadly force. Fucking Asher's man...the guy as murdered in cold blood today. Get some common sense!

I am not taking a publc defender's stance, I am taking the side of the victims, which you are unable to do. I note Luddly also made this a political issue with a man's life so freshly and tragically cut short. Thank God the police, no doubt in concert with the prosecution are taking steps to obtain a conviction, and not please those who have no respect for the justice system, nor the victims.

Rick Perry seems of more interest to you than the victim's family, truly tragic.

The rights of the murders seems to be of more importance to you...truly tragic.
JAVIER VEGA JR., an off duty border patrol agent was shot and killed today, his father, also shot, survived. The motive appears to have robbery; he was 36 and the father of three young sons, police do not believe the suspects knew he was a border patrol agent. His father was also injured. Funeral arrangements are not yet known, as the local news and FOXNews are concerned more with political issuses than the victims's lives; it is to be hoped the victims will be the focus of further reporting instead of the suspected killers.

Vega enjoyed fishing, with his sons, along with other outdoor activities with the three sons. He was married, and served with the Bordor Patrol for six years.
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Peach, why don 't you set aside that bullshit public defendant mindset and gets some common sense. We don't have time for the courts to react to stop this. States must have the authority to do this and use deadly force. Fucking Asher's man...the guy as murdered in cold blood today. Get some common sense!

I am not taking a publc defender's stance, I am taking the side of the victims, which you are unable to do. I note Luddly also made this a political issue with a man's life so freshly and tragically cut short. Thank God the police, no doubt in concert with the prosecution are taking steps to obtain a conviction, and not please those who have no respect for the justice system, nor the victims.

Rick Perry seems of more interest to you than the victim's family, truly tragic.

The rights of the murders seems to be of more importance to you...truly tragic.

The victim means -0- to you, you did not even post anything of his life; most Americans that got even a minimal education underatand convictions require strict rules, or they turn into acquittals. You do not care if the suspects are convicted, why it is impossible to tell. Nor does Vega's life interest you.

Javier Vega served in the US Marine Corps prior to joing the border patrol /
Illegals Murder Border Patrol Agent
This is getting way out of hand. When you have illegals entering the country, you're bound to have criminals who will try to sneak in as well. This needs to stop before more border agents are killed or through this mass confusion, terrorists manage to sneak in across the border.

Deny anyone who is not an American or who doesn't have a valid visa from entering the country, no exceptions. All illegals trying to enter need to be turned back at the border, let Mexico deal with it. Place the national guard in areas that are known for illegals sneaking across the border.

Yup. Build the damned fence and shoot at em if they try to cross. They WILL get the message.

We are overrun with illegals in this country. Build the fence to stop more from coming and then deal with those that are here.

They don't want to become Americans. They just want the US dollar to send home to thier families. Kick the lot of em out.
No comment. Too pissed.^ADAuxLxadmQzUwV7J7faR6d3mDfE.4-

The sheriff in Willacy County, Texas, refused access to media personnel and the family of a murdered border patrol agent at the suspects’ arraignment, according to The Monitor.

The arraignment, held inside the jail where the suspects are currently in custody, was completely off limits ”for security reasons.” Sheriff Larry Spence told The Monitor he received anonymous calls for details about the arraignment — like time and date — and feared a jailbreak.

Gustavo Tijernia, 30, and Ismael Hernandez, 40, were arrested Monday when they confessed to killing off-duty U.S. Border Patrol agent Javier Vega Jr., 36. Vega died of a gunshot wound to the chest, and his father Javier Vega Sr. was hospitalized for a gunshot wound to the hip. Tijernia and Hernandez, who are both Mexican nationals and illegal immigrants, face charges of capital murder, attempted capital murder, aggravated robbery and tampering with evidence.

It’s concerning enough that Mexican nationals have shot and killed an off-duty Border Patrol agent, but it’s doubly concerning that the media and Vega’s family were denied access to the arraignment.

I repeat. We need to start mowing down these criminals at the border. I will argue it would have a profound change on their decision making relative to becoming criminals. Need to insert a level of risk for these wetbacks

Terrible TERRIBLE tragedy.

And typical of some posters to start in with the lies.

And a completely preventable tragedy if only we shut down our border and protect national security...oh, I'm sorry, liberals want the invasion to continue. If your so shaken by this then you agree we need to shut down the border?

And you have no frikken clue.

I lived there for more than 25 years. I helped hundreds of illegals who needed water and more. President Obama has deported more than any other prez and he has put more Border Patrol on duty than ever before. He has built more of that ridiculous, waste of money fence than any before.

You fools whine that we should "shut down" our border because you have never been there.

Teaper hysteria. Nothing more.

Hysteria ? Really Nutz ? It's not okay for us that are already so fucking fed up with illegals flooding into our country, to not now be even more outraged that something like this has happened ?
Why aren't you on board ? Why do you just blow something like this off as no big deal ?
Willacy County officials are blocking media access to the arraignment of two Mexican nationals arrested in connection with the fatal shooting of an off-duty Border Patrol agent.

The sheriff's department is citing security concerns.

Sheriff Larry Spence said the jail has received anonymous calls asking when the arraignment will be held.

He's concerned that an attempt will be made to help the men escape from custody.

The arraignment will be held inside the jail, and no one, including the family of the dead agent, is allowed inside that area, Spence said.

Things are completely out of control, when you have to worry that an attempt will be made to free them.

This is the goddamned United States of America in 2014, not some two-bit third world fucking country, or Tombstone Arizona in 1860 !!! We shouldn't have to worry about an attempt to break someone out of jail, hell if anything they should be worried that they're not dragged out and hung !!

Goddamned mother fucking Mexicans !!!

And by the way, shame on every fucking one of us for allowing our borders to be treated like this !!


Hand the case to the DEFENSE, that is all your silliness will do; the victim's family must be clean witnesses to increase the chance of conviction. I note you presume guilt, it appears you are in a different nation, as you know nothing about the Constitution.

Outrage helped George Zimmerman get off, and outrage against the suspects only takes the focus off the victims. I see no grief over the lost lives, except from me, just hatred of the accused, with no evidence disclosed.

this is how cases are lost, the evidence is lost in the muddle of anger. More comments about the immgration status of the accused than the lives of those attacked, sickening. JUST ONCE, think of the HUMAN lives, not the idiotic 'Obama' mantra.

Rest in peace to the victim whose life was taken, prayers for recovery for the survivor.

Writing obscenities shows -0- respect for the victims.

My hatred is more directed at the reasons something like this happens in the first place, than it is at the accused. I am extremely saddened for the family, the border agent likely was a good man, and probably disgusted along with many of us with the frustrations of having his hands tied, and having to watch illegal after illegal slip into our country.

As Americans, all of us share some of the blame for this murder. We have remained quiet, and set back and allowed our border to be treated like nothing more than a line on a map.
All of us should have been hounding our lawmakers years ago to the point that we cannot be ignored. But we haven't, we have allowed this to happen.

As for your comments about the Constitution, there is nothing there that prevents us from having better secured borders.
No comment. Too pissed.^ADAuxLxadmQzUwV7J7faR6d3mDfE.4-

The sheriff in Willacy County, Texas, refused access to media personnel and the family of a murdered border patrol agent at the suspects’ arraignment, according to The Monitor.

The arraignment, held inside the jail where the suspects are currently in custody, was completely off limits ”for security reasons.” Sheriff Larry Spence told The Monitor he received anonymous calls for details about the arraignment — like time and date — and feared a jailbreak.

Gustavo Tijernia, 30, and Ismael Hernandez, 40, were arrested Monday when they confessed to killing off-duty U.S. Border Patrol agent Javier Vega Jr., 36. Vega died of a gunshot wound to the chest, and his father Javier Vega Sr. was hospitalized for a gunshot wound to the hip. Tijernia and Hernandez, who are both Mexican nationals and illegal immigrants, face charges of capital murder, attempted capital murder, aggravated robbery and tampering with evidence.

It’s concerning enough that Mexican nationals have shot and killed an off-duty Border Patrol agent, but it’s doubly concerning that the media and Vega’s family were denied access to the arraignment.

I repeat. We need to start mowing down these criminals at the border. I will argue it would have a profound change on their decision making relative to becoming criminals. Need to insert a level of risk for these wetbacks


And how do you think that would go over with the populace ? And how many do you think would be "mowed down" before the shooters were dragged away to jail ?

Come on, you know as well as I you could never do such a thing in the civilized world.
The solution has to be a legal one. It's out there, we just have to have most Americans get behind it.
The problem is, this country is hopelessly divided, so it's unlikely we'll see any real long lasting solution.
Seems the loudmouth liberals are kinda quite on this one. Hmmmmm.

This is not a liberal/conservative subject. No one is happy that this man was killed, but you are sure willing to use it as an excuse to bash liberals. You are the despicable one here.
Terrible TERRIBLE tragedy.

And typical of some posters to start in with the lies.

And a completely preventable tragedy if only we shut down our border and protect national security...oh, I'm sorry, liberals want the invasion to continue. If your so shaken by this then you agree we need to shut down the border?

Bush did not shut down the border. Is he the liberal that you are speaking of?
No comment. Too pissed.^ADAuxLxadmQzUwV7J7faR6d3mDfE.4-

The sheriff in Willacy County, Texas, refused access to media personnel and the family of a murdered border patrol agent at the suspects’ arraignment, according to The Monitor.

The arraignment, held inside the jail where the suspects are currently in custody, was completely off limits ”for security reasons.” Sheriff Larry Spence told The Monitor he received anonymous calls for details about the arraignment — like time and date — and feared a jailbreak.

Gustavo Tijernia, 30, and Ismael Hernandez, 40, were arrested Monday when they confessed to killing off-duty U.S. Border Patrol agent Javier Vega Jr., 36. Vega died of a gunshot wound to the chest, and his father Javier Vega Sr. was hospitalized for a gunshot wound to the hip. Tijernia and Hernandez, who are both Mexican nationals and illegal immigrants, face charges of capital murder, attempted capital murder, aggravated robbery and tampering with evidence.

It’s concerning enough that Mexican nationals have shot and killed an off-duty Border Patrol agent, but it’s doubly concerning that the media and Vega’s family were denied access to the arraignment.

I repeat. We need to start mowing down these criminals at the border. I will argue it would have a profound change on their decision making relative to becoming criminals. Need to insert a level of risk for these wetbacks


And how do you think that would go over with the populace ? And how many do you think would be "mowed down" before the shooters were dragged away to jail ?

Come on, you know as well as I you could never do such a thing in the civilized world.
The solution has to be a legal one. It's out there, we just have to have most Americans get behind it.
The problem is, this country is hopelessly divided, so it's unlikely we'll see any real long lasting solution.

Drastic times require drastic measures. Civilians can and should be targeted in war when the intent is to win the war. Simple projection actually.

Illegals Murder Border Patrol Agent
This is getting way out of hand. When you have illegals entering the country, you're bound to have criminals who will try to sneak in as well. This needs to stop before more border agents are killed or through this mass confusion, terrorists manage to sneak in across the border.

Deny anyone who is not an American or who doesn't have a valid visa from entering the country, no exceptions. All illegals trying to enter need to be turned back at the border, let Mexico deal with it. Place the national guard in areas that are known for illegals sneaking across the border.

Yup. Build the damned fence and shoot at em if they try to cross. They WILL get the message.

We are overrun with illegals in this country. Build the fence to stop more from coming and then deal with those that are here.

They don't want to become Americans. They just want the US dollar to send home to thier families. Kick the lot of em out.

They bring drugs in through tunnels, the same can be done with people.
No comment. Too pissed.^ADAuxLxadmQzUwV7J7faR6d3mDfE.4-

The sheriff in Willacy County, Texas, refused access to media personnel and the family of a murdered border patrol agent at the suspects’ arraignment, according to The Monitor.

The arraignment, held inside the jail where the suspects are currently in custody, was completely off limits ”for security reasons.” Sheriff Larry Spence told The Monitor he received anonymous calls for details about the arraignment — like time and date — and feared a jailbreak.

Gustavo Tijernia, 30, and Ismael Hernandez, 40, were arrested Monday when they confessed to killing off-duty U.S. Border Patrol agent Javier Vega Jr., 36. Vega died of a gunshot wound to the chest, and his father Javier Vega Sr. was hospitalized for a gunshot wound to the hip. Tijernia and Hernandez, who are both Mexican nationals and illegal immigrants, face charges of capital murder, attempted capital murder, aggravated robbery and tampering with evidence.

It’s concerning enough that Mexican nationals have shot and killed an off-duty Border Patrol agent, but it’s doubly concerning that the media and Vega’s family were denied access to the arraignment.

I am saddened, everything that lends even a hint of bias must be avoided. Though the facts are not yet known, this is most likey a DP case. The family need not see them, that could only increase the pain, they will be part of all the process, a Victim's Advocate should assure that. Their loss is the focus, and now I feel cold, and calculating; I do not believe in the death penalty......................yet can see no other option in some cases, life w/o parole endangers those working in Correctional Facilities. The SA better dot every i & cross every t. It matters not who took their lives, their lives were cut short(.) No less short had the killers been US citizens.

It damn sure does matter who killed him. Had the illegals not been here he would be alive today.
It's insane how the U.S. government applauds Israel's 2 mile DMZ zone with Gaza and the destroying of a couple of dozen tunnels for public safety.

Yet we allow a completely porous southern border littered with thousands of drug smuggling tunnels.

Go figure....... :cuckoo:
Terrible TERRIBLE tragedy.

And typical of some posters to start in with the lies.

And a completely preventable tragedy if only we shut down our border and protect national security...oh, I'm sorry, liberals want the invasion to continue. If your so shaken by this then you agree we need to shut down the border?

And you have no frikken clue.

I lived there for more than 25 years. I helped hundreds of illegals who needed water and more. President Obama has deported more than any other prez and he has put more Border Patrol on duty than ever before. He has built more of that ridiculous, waste of money fence than any before.

You fools whine that we should "shut down" our border because you have never been there.

obamas numbers include those turned back at the border to inflate the actual numbers.
I've been there plenty of times. In fact I've lived near the border almost twice as long as you. And if you dont live here anymore you have no current information.

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