Illegals Murder Border Patrol Agent

Things are completely out of control, when you have to worry that an attempt will be made to free them.

This is the goddamned United States of America in 2014, not some two-bit third world fucking country, or Tombstone Arizona in 1860 !!! We shouldn't have to worry about an attempt to break someone out of jail, hell if anything they should be worried that they're not dragged out and hung !!

Goddamned mother fucking Mexicans !!!

And by the way, shame on every fucking one of us for allowing our borders to be treated like this !!


Hand the case to the DEFENSE, that is all your silliness will do; the victim's family must be clean witnesses to increase the chance of conviction. I note you presume guilt, it appears you are in a different nation, as you know nothing about the Constitution.

Outrage helped George Zimmerman get off, and outrage against the suspects only takes the focus off the victims. I see no grief over the lost lives, except from me, just hatred of the accused, with no evidence disclosed.

this is how cases are lost, the evidence is lost in the muddle of anger. More comments about the immgration status of the accused than the lives of those attacked, sickening. JUST ONCE, think of the HUMAN lives, not the idiotic 'Obama' mantra.

Rest in peace to the victim whose life was taken, prayers for recovery for the survivor.

Writing obscenities shows -0- respect for the victims.

My hatred is more directed at the reasons something like this happens in the first place, than it is at the accused. I am extremely saddened for the family, the border agent likely was a good man, and probably disgusted along with many of us with the frustrations of having his hands tied, and having to watch illegal after illegal slip into our country.

As Americans, all of us share some of the blame for this murder. We have remained quiet, and set back and allowed our border to be treated like nothing more than a line on a map.
All of us should have been hounding our lawmakers years ago to the point that we cannot be ignored. But we haven't, we have allowed this to happen.

As for your comments about the Constitution, there is nothing there that prevents us from having better secured borders.

I cannot argue with the above, it has been going for years, the influx must stop, and deportations begin.
Over the last decade the U.S. government has spent hundreds of billions of dollars and many soldier's lives sealing off and defending the Iraqi and Afghanistan borders by any means necessary.

Yet during that same time period the President and Congress for some unknown reason haven't been able to come up with the money or the political will to seal off and defend our southern border. ...... :evil:
Teaper hysteria. Nothing more.

Might be the most stupid thing you have ever said. Shameful.

I repeat, Teaper hysteria. Faux outrage. Lemming hysteria.

Yeah, the murders are bad...but this has nothing to do with Border Patrol agents getting killed while on the job. Teaper hysteria. Nothing more. It is actually quite pathetic!
Teaper hysteria. Nothing more.

Hysteria ? Really Nutz ? It's not okay for us that are already so fucking fed up with illegals flooding into our country, to not now be even more outraged that something like this has happened ?
Why aren't you on board ? Why do you just blow something like this off as no big deal ?

You must get pretty pissed and outraged every time an illegal commits a crime. Tough on your heart! Did you get this pisssed everytime a wetback committed a crime during Bush's administration. This was a robbery, not the targeting of a Border Patrol Agent.

Teaper faux outrage. Hysteria. This is trailer park news designed to get the natives all stirred up over a ****** President.
Teaper hysteria. Nothing more.

Might be the most stupid thing you have ever said. Shameful.

I repeat, Teaper hysteria. Faux outrage. Lemming hysteria.

Yeah, the murders are bad...but this has nothing to do with Border Patrol agents getting killed while on the job. Teaper hysteria. Nothing more. It is actually quite pathetic!

This post really lowers my opinion of you. I would have expected much better.
Might be the most stupid thing you have ever said. Shameful.

I repeat, Teaper hysteria. Faux outrage. Lemming hysteria.

Yeah, the murders are bad...but this has nothing to do with Border Patrol agents getting killed while on the job. Teaper hysteria. Nothing more. It is actually quite pathetic!

This post really lowers my opinion of you. I would have expected much better.

Teaper hysteria...nothing more. The victims status of being a border patrol agent is irrelevant. Faux hysteria at its best. Pathetic...the big bad wetback is coming to get you. :lmao:
I repeat, Teaper hysteria. Faux outrage. Lemming hysteria.

Yeah, the murders are bad...but this has nothing to do with Border Patrol agents getting killed while on the job. Teaper hysteria. Nothing more. It is actually quite pathetic!

This post really lowers my opinion of you. I would have expected much better.

Teaper hysteria...nothing more. The victims status of being a border patrol agent is irrelevant. Faux hysteria at its best. Pathetic...the big bad wetback is coming to get you. :lmao:

Yeah real funny there Nutz.

I'm really disappointed in you.
This post really lowers my opinion of you. I would have expected much better.

Teaper hysteria...nothing more. The victims status of being a border patrol agent is irrelevant. Faux hysteria at its best. Pathetic...the big bad wetback is coming to get you. :lmao:

Yeah real funny there Nutz.

I'm really disappointed in you.
It still doesn't change the fact that this is typical teaper propaganda and hysteria. How dare you people pervert this man's death into your political agenda. Let him rest in peace! Instead, this propaganda will probably incite the idiot teaper fringe to kill Mexicans in the name of this BPA...perverting his name even more as they kill and hate in his name.

This is teaper hysteria and propaganda, nothing more. Disgusting.
Teaper hysteria...nothing more. The victims status of being a border patrol agent is irrelevant. Faux hysteria at its best. Pathetic...the big bad wetback is coming to get you. :lmao:

Yeah real funny there Nutz.

I'm really disappointed in you.
It still doesn't change the fact that this is typical teaper propaganda and hysteria. How dare you people pervert this man's death into your political agenda. Let him rest in peace! Instead, this propaganda will probably incite the idiot teaper fringe to kill Mexicans in the name of this BPA...perverting his name even more as they kill and hate in his name.

This is teaper hysteria and propaganda, nothing more. Disgusting.

If you call being totally fed up with illegals by the millions getting into this country, over taxing our border patrol, our services, our courts, taking our jobs, committing crimes, demanding to be allowed to stay butting in front of those trying to become legal citizens, "hysteria", then yes I am hysterical, because I'm fucking fed up, and I am disgusted that a huge part of our populace not only doesn't care, but actually work to help these lawbreakers.
Yeah real funny there Nutz.

I'm really disappointed in you.
It still doesn't change the fact that this is typical teaper propaganda and hysteria. How dare you people pervert this man's death into your political agenda. Let him rest in peace! Instead, this propaganda will probably incite the idiot teaper fringe to kill Mexicans in the name of this BPA...perverting his name even more as they kill and hate in his name.

This is teaper hysteria and propaganda, nothing more. Disgusting.

If you call being totally fed up with illegals by the millions getting into this country, over taxing our border patrol, our services, our courts, taking our jobs, committing crimes, demanding to be allowed to stay butting in front of those trying to become legal citizens, "hysteria", then yes I am hysterical, because I'm fucking fed up, and I am disgusted that a huge part of our populace not only doesn't care, but actually work to help these lawbreakers.

Yeah, teaper hysteria....exploiting a tragedy for political gain.

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