Illinnois hospital created comfort room for aborted babies to die in


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Illinois Hospital Created ‘Comfort Room’ For Aborted Babies to Die In
An eyewitness nurse revealed how a hospital in Illinois has a “comfort room” in which aborted babies who survive for hours outside the womb are left to die.


Reality cold hearted bitches!! Those who have no clue what goes on in the world you really are living in your own reality that's gonna really sink your metnal strength when you realize you were the idiots the entire time. They realized that right at the door of the gas chambers..
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Illinois Hospital Created ‘Comfort Room’ For Aborted Babies to Die In
An eyewitness nurse revealed how a hospital in Illinois has a “comfort room” in which aborted babies who survive for hours outside the womb are left to die.


Reality cold hearted bitches!! Those who have no clue what goes on in the world you really are living in your own reality that's gonna really sink your metnal strength when you realize you were the idiots the entire time. They realized that right at the door of the gas chambers..
That’s so nice! To die all alone, cold alone, and hungry. Aren’t fucking democrats nice people?
How barbaric. But the name is cute. The comfort room. Why not end their suffering with a knife to the heart? Then they could turn the comfort room back into the broom closet.
What an ugly country we have become...
Some Interesting Facts
Liberal love to maim, destroy and slaughter babies in the womb and recently aborted babies but will jail and fine you for destroying an eagle's egg or a sea turtle egg. Unbelievable!

Federal Laws that Protect Bald Eagles
Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act
The bald eagle will continue to be protected by the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act even though it has been delisted under the Endangered Species Act. This law, originally passed in 1940, provides for the protection of the bald eagle and the golden eagle (as amended in 1962) by prohibiting the take, possession, sale, purchase, barter, offer to sell, purchase or barter, transport, export or import, of any bald or golden eagle, alive or dead, including any part, nest, or egg, unless allowed by permit
(16 U.S.C. 668(a); 50 CFR 22). "Take" includes pursue, shoot, shoot at, poison, wound, kill, capture, trap, collect, molest or disturb (16 U.S.C. 668c; 50 CFR 22.3). The 1972 amendments increased civil penalties for violating provisions of the Act to a maximum fine of $5,000 or one year imprisonment with $10,000 or not more than two years in prison for a second conviction. Felony convictions carry a maximum fine of $250,000 or two years of imprisonment. The fine doubles for an organization. Rewards are provided for information leading to arrest and conviction for violation ofthe Act.

Federal Laws to Protect Bald Eagles

Sea turtle nests protected by state and federal law

There are signs common in Florida and other coastal areas warning of potential fines and imprisonment for various offenses related to endangered sea turtles and their nests. The provisions are fairly specific yet wide-ranging.

Florida state law provides protection against taking, possessing, disturbing, mutilating, destroying or causing to be destroyed, selling or offering for sale, transferring, molesting, or harassing any marine turtle or its nest or eggs at any time.

Federal law provides even greater protection (and criminal penalties as severe as $100,000 and a year in prison) if you “take, harass, harm, pursue, hunt, shoot, wound, kill, trap, or capture any marine turtle, turtle nest, and/or eggs, or attempt to engage in any such conduct.”

Sea turtle nests protected by state and federal law -

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