Illinois Gun Law Dead On Arrival


Diamond Member
Mar 31, 2009
When those that are tasked with enforcement of laws know it's unconstitutional you should probably realize you you created an unconstitutional law.

Dozens of Illinois sheriff's offices vow to defy governor's assault weapons ban

When those that are tasked with enforcement of laws know it's unconstitutional you should probably realize you you created an unconstitutional law.

Dozens of Illinois sheriff's offices vow to defy governor's assault weapons ban

I'm dying to see how this plays out. The governor made threats against these 9/10 sheriffs if they don't do their jobs. Yeah, just what we need, defunding the police all over the state. That oughta help the crime rate.
Patiots need to start thinking about the sacredness of state borders. That is, why should they be sacred? We would all get along much better if the 'Blue' areas of a state -- like the west coast of the West Coast states -- could separate from the 'Red' areas -- like the eastern counties of these states.

We ought to start talking about a 'realignment of states' -- resulting in states that were more 'Blue' and states that were more 'Red'. Then, let the states enact laws supported by the great majority of people within them.

But that includes firearms legislation. Let the Blue states disarm their populations. (A liberal with a gun should make everyone nervous!)

If we want the states to determine the legality of abortion, then we should also support their determining the legality of firearms ownership. Realign the states, so that the overwhelming majority in realigned 'Blue' states are for banning firearms in the possession of private citizens, and everyone's happy!

AND there is another benefit: if the population of 'Blue' states have to get rid of their firearms, this will increase their supply on the used firearms market. Therefore, prices will come down. Patriots can buy the guns liberals have to give up! Again, the magic of the market will make everyone happy.

And yet another benefit: in the new 'pure Blue' and 'pure Red' states, people who find themselves living in the 'wrong' state will move. Liberals will be happy to see their 'semi-fascist' Trump-supporting neighbors leave; and vice versa. Everybody's happy!
Patiots need to start thinking about the sacredness of state borders. That is, why should they be sacred? We would all get along much better if the 'Blue' areas of a state -- like the west coast of the West Coast states -- could separate from the 'Red' areas -- like the eastern counties of these states.

We ought to start talking about a 'realignment of states' -- resulting in states that were more 'Blue' and states that were more 'Red'. Then, let the states enact laws supported by the great majority of people within them.

But that includes firearms legislation. Let the Blue states disarm their populations. (A liberal with a gun should make everyone nervous!)

If we want the states to determine the legality of abortion, then we should also support their determining the legality of firearms ownership. Realign the states, so that the overwhelming majority in realigned 'Blue' states are for banning firearms in the possession of private citizens, and everyone's happy!

AND there is another benefit: if the population of 'Blue' states have to get rid of their firearms, this will increase their supply on the used firearms market. Therefore, prices will come down. Patriots can buy the guns liberals have to give up! Again, the magic of the market will make everyone happy.

And yet another benefit: in the new 'pure Blue' and 'pure Red' states, people who find themselves living in the 'wrong' state will move. Liberals will be happy to see their 'semi-fascist' Trump-supporting neighbors leave; and vice versa. Everybody's happy!

I'd have lived forever in beautiful red Eastern Washington. Unfortunately, the WHOLE state is governed by the foul blue city dwellers on the Western side of the state.

I'm so glad that my tax dollars no longer pay for abortions, illegals and CRT.

Yes, by all means, take any firearms the leftists are ineffectually trying to use and give them to us who know how.

Patiots need to start thinking about the sacredness of state borders. That is, why should they be sacred? We would all get along much better if the 'Blue' areas of a state -- like the west coast of the West Coast states -- could separate from the 'Red' areas -- like the eastern counties of these states.

We ought to start talking about a 'realignment of states' -- resulting in states that were more 'Blue' and states that were more 'Red'. Then, let the states enact laws supported by the great majority of people within them.

But that includes firearms legislation. Let the Blue states disarm their populations. (A liberal with a gun should make everyone nervous!)

If we want the states to determine the legality of abortion, then we should also support their determining the legality of firearms ownership. Realign the states, so that the overwhelming majority in realigned 'Blue' states are for banning firearms in the possession of private citizens, and everyone's happy!

AND there is another benefit: if the population of 'Blue' states have to get rid of their firearms, this will increase their supply on the used firearms market. Therefore, prices will come down. Patriots can buy the guns liberals have to give up! Again, the magic of the market will make everyone happy.

And yet another benefit: in the new 'pure Blue' and 'pure Red' states, people who find themselves living in the 'wrong' state will move. Liberals will be happy to see their 'semi-fascist' Trump-supporting neighbors leave; and vice versa. Everybody's happy!

Screw dividing the states, I say we should divide the country. Make a line north to south giving equal square mileage on each side. Have a national vote which side is Democrat and which side is Republican. I say make the west side of the country Democrat so they can control the southern border where they can let as many third worlders into their country as they desire.

Then we build a huge Trump wall on the border to keep the Democrats from sneaking to our side of the country. We can still buy and sell goods over the border, allow for visitation, but no living on the side opposite of your political affiliation.

Then everybody is happy. The Democrat country can have no guns, and the Republican country will allow as many guns as we like. Problem solved.
Screw dividing the states, I say we should divide the country. Make a line north to south giving equal square mileage on each side. Have a national vote which side is Democrat and which side is Republican. I say make the west side of the country Democrat so they can control the southern border where they can let as many third worlders into their country as they desire.

Then we build a huge Trump wall on the border to keep the Democrats from sneaking to our side of the country. We can still buy and sell goods over the border, allow for visitation, but no living on the side opposite of your political affiliation.

Then everybody is happy. The Democrat country can have no guns, and the Republican country will allow as many guns as we like. Problem solved.

Exceptional idea!

Except the cross border buying and selling. Democratland will never produce anything worth buying and they will never produce enough money to buy what we have for sale.

Well, I basically agree with you. However, it would involve a lot less turmoil if we had some sort of 'county option' -- or perhaps an even finer geographical unit than the county -- to allow the people living in that unit to decide which America they wanted to be part of, Red or Blue. Even then, there would probably be a lot of population transfers.

But ... we have a problem. If we were a little no-account country, we could do this. But we are a world power, like it or not. So ... who gets the Nukes, and all the other defense apparatus? Given the way the world is going, we probably don't want to beat them all into plowshares or nuclear power plants. Even if we come home from our 400 military bases overseas and let the rest of the world sort itself out, we'll probably still want to be safe from Russian or Chinese or Iranian or North Korean nuclear blackmail, via 'Mutually Assured Destruction' (what a wonderfully appropriate acronym that makes!).

So, what to do? A somewhat esoteric example is, or was, the Austro-Hungarian Empire. It held together disparate nations, but had a common military/foreign policy. However, there is a better example, close to home: NORAD. That's the 'North American Aerospace Defence Command' which is a joint US/Canadian operation. [ NORAD - Wikipedia] We would need something like that -- Blue America, Red America, and Canada.

As for dividing the other assets -- the Smithsonian Museum, the National Parks, etc -- we should probably just let them become the property of whichever country they're in. It's the liabilities that will cause a headache -- our ginormous, and ever-growing national debt, assuming we haven't gone all Argentina and defaulted on it by then. And then there is the question of currency. Do we have a sort of 'American Euro', or does each new country have its own currency? Oh yes -- should we divide up Fort Knox? I predict work for lawyers for years and years here.

Okay, right now, we're just funning. BUT ... far-sighted patriots who are living in a Blue state ought to start planning to move, if at all possible. Of course, most won't. Most Jews remained in Germany until they left in cattle cars. Normalcy bias is very powerful.

In any case, patriots should take some minimal steps right now, ie start 'prepping' if they haven't. And of course acquire the appropriate defensive kinetic tools. (A note here: in a 'SHTF' situation, the more of you -- your relatives, friends, like-minded neighbors -- who have the appropriate tools, the better. But they may not have done what they should have when they could. So patriots with some spare income should take advantage of opportunities at garage/yard sales, etc to buy the tools they'll need. And here, something is better than nothing, and we must not let the best be the enemy of the better-than-nothing. A decent kinetic tool plus auxiliary bits will cost you something in the neighborhood of a thousand dollars. But a single-shot bolt-action .22 is infinitely better than nothing at all, and can probably be bought used for much less. So far-sighted patriots will have a few such tools in their closet, ready to be distributed to the Johnny-come-latelies. )

And don't think our Lefty friends are all gun-hating wimps. Have a look here: About - Socialist Rifle Association

And, we should recall Trotsky's observation, that a revolution is not a struggle WITH the army, but a struggle FOR the army. So all patriots who have not yet done their military service, and who are under 36 years of age, should enlist in the National Guard. [ Army National Guard ] You'll have to put up with a lot of 'woke' bullshit, but just smile and concentrate on learning what they have to teach (not the PC crap, but how to clear a stoppage, how to adjust windage and elevation, how to deal with a sucking chest wound, etc).
I always laugh when Democrats think passing a gun control law will make things safer. Just imagine how many of the gang and black-on-black members will sacrificially lay down their arms because it's illegal now or line-up to register their weapons.
Yes, this is so obvious. AND ... although there is little about it in the press, the Mexican cartels have been moving into the US. The brothers-on-the-block will be no match for them, and the cartels are certainly not going to give up their weapons. [13 US Cities That Are Crowded By Mexican Drug Cartels] But liberals don't care about that. They want to take away our weapons.

So, if you've got a scary-looking 'assault rifle', it might be a good idea to take it with you on a boating trip, and lose it overboard, letting it be known that it has been lost.

And, if you've got a bit of time on your hands, why not save up a few dozen tin cans, crush them into a three-foot long rod, and take to burying them in various place: your back yard, vacant lots, National Forests. Just in case they get serious.
It looks like only three counties in the whole state said they would enforce the despicable law.


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