Illinois Gun Law Dead On Arrival


Translation -- "I've got nothing. Quit picking on me".

Get your booster.

actual translation

Your tiny mind is incapable of processing how my being vaccinated protects unvaccinated morons from the disease they so rightly deserve.

Your tiny mind is welcome.
actual translation

Your tiny mind is incapable of processing how my being vaccinated protects unvaccinated morons from the disease they so rightly deserve.

Your tiny mind is welcome.

Just don't forget your shots.

Simple request.

Don't forget your shots.

You can understand that, can't you?

I don't think it's too much to expect of you.

Last edited:

Just don't forget your shots.

Simple request.

Don't forget your shots.

You can understand that, can't you?

I don't think it's too much to expect of you.

you just keep on reminding me.
it gives me pleasure to bring meaning to your life.
Screw dividing the states, I say we should divide the country. Make a line north to south giving equal square mileage on each side. Have a national vote which side is Democrat and which side is Republican. I say make the west side of the country Democrat so they can control the southern border where they can let as many third worlders into their country as they desire.

Then we build a huge Trump wall on the border to keep the Democrats from sneaking to our side of the country. We can still buy and sell goods over the border, allow for visitation, but no living on the side opposite of your political affiliation.

Then everybody is happy. The Democrat country can have no guns, and the Republican country will allow as many guns as we like. Problem solved.

The democrats won't be their side goes into Mad Max level break down, they will attack our side...
Patiots need to start thinking about the sacredness of state borders. That is, why should they be sacred? We would all get along much better if the 'Blue' areas of a state -- like the west coast of the West Coast states -- could separate from the 'Red' areas -- like the eastern counties of these states.

We ought to start talking about a 'realignment of states' -- resulting in states that were more 'Blue' and states that were more 'Red'. Then, let the states enact laws supported by the great majority of people within them.

But that includes firearms legislation. Let the Blue states disarm their populations. (A liberal with a gun should make everyone nervous!)

If we want the states to determine the legality of abortion, then we should also support their determining the legality of firearms ownership. Realign the states, so that the overwhelming majority in realigned 'Blue' states are for banning firearms in the possession of private citizens, and everyone's happy!

AND there is another benefit: if the population of 'Blue' states have to get rid of their firearms, this will increase their supply on the used firearms market. Therefore, prices will come down. Patriots can buy the guns liberals have to give up! Again, the magic of the market will make everyone happy.

And yet another benefit: in the new 'pure Blue' and 'pure Red' states, people who find themselves living in the 'wrong' state will move. Liberals will be happy to see their 'semi-fascist' Trump-supporting neighbors leave; and vice versa. Everybody's happy!
I think we should expand the electoral college from the state level to the county level. That would reduce the power of the blue cities to dominate local and national politics.
sheriffs do not decide what is or is not "constitutional."
That is why we have courts.

These elected officials are refusing to uphold their oath of office.
The governor should remove them from office.
Those sheriffs are directly elected and responsible to the voters in their counties. What they are doing reflects the will of the voters they are responsible to.
Those sheriffs are directly elected and responsible to the voters in their counties. What they are doing reflects the will of the voters they are responsible to.
No, they are elected as LEO.
Law enforcement is part of their duty. Sworn duty.
Despite the court halting enforcement the governor would be well within his responsibilities to remove them from office.


Say the majority in a county in a Red state decides it wants to permit abortions the sheriff of that county would be obligated to enforce that position despite whatever their own opinion or state law may dictate?
Of course you can't.
And bringing your life meaning is a good thing.

At the risk of sounding redundant -- although such considerations never held you back --

As if.

I noted you had an inappropriate post knocked off just a while ago.

Cool, huh?

But I did save it on a screenshot. Want me to share it? Or do you want me to not share it and save you the embarrassment?

The democrats won't be their side goes into Mad Max level break down, they will attack our side...

They may, but they'll have to do it with no guns that we all have. Good luck to them on that one. :auiqs.jpg:

The problem is they can't live without us. That's why when they ruin their cities and states, they come to live in ours.
actual translation

Your tiny mind is incapable of processing how my being vaccinated protects unvaccinated morons from the disease they so rightly deserve.

Your tiny mind is welcome.

How does you getting the vax protect anybody? All the vaccine does is allow you to cope with it better. It doesn't stop you from getting covid and it certainly doesn't stop you from spreading it.

At the risk of sounding redundant -- although such considerations never held you back --

As if.

I noted you had an inappropriate post knocked off just a while ago.

Cool, huh?

But I did save it on a screenshot. Want me to share it? Or do you want me to not share it and save you the embarrassment?

You think...
You actually think...
No wait. We know that's impossible...

You have the impression your tiny mind can threaten me?

Please toss your droppings.
How does you getting the vax protect anybody? All the vaccine does is allow you to cope with it better. It doesn't stop you from getting covid and it certainly doesn't stop you from spreading it.

COVID-19 Vaccines Protect Against COVID-19 Infections and Hospitalizations​

Vaccines reduce the risk of COVID-19, including the risk of severe illness and death among people who are fully vaccinated. In addition to data from clinical trials, evidence from real-world vaccine effectiveness studies show that COVID-19 vaccines help protect against COVID-19 infections, with or without symptoms (asymptomatic infections). Vaccine effectiveness against hospitalizations has remained relatively high over time, although it tends to be slightly lower for older adults and for people with weakened immune systems.

COVID-19 Vaccines Protect Against COVID-19 Infections and Hospitalizations​

Vaccines reduce the risk of COVID-19, including the risk of severe illness and death among people who are fully vaccinated. In addition to data from clinical trials, evidence from real-world vaccine effectiveness studies show that COVID-19 vaccines help protect against COVID-19 infections, with or without symptoms (asymptomatic infections). Vaccine effectiveness against hospitalizations has remained relatively high over time, although it tends to be slightly lower for older adults and for people with weakened immune systems.

Glad to see your direct TV-to-brain DNC talking point download cable is working well.


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