Illinois passes a bill to change the word "offender" to "justice-impacted individual"

The latest in the Lefts Orwellian Newspeak.
Democrats: always working on the tough issues Americans are facing.

Proposal to change the term "elected Democrat" to "intellectually-stunted reprobate."

Duh Dum.

These are the stories of the Police who arrest the suspects and the district attorneys who prosecute the justice- impacted individuals.
Classic Dem SPIN. Abortion becomes reproductive rights, there's nothing they don't spin because their positions on the issues are unpopular. Tax increases become 'fair share' and so on.
When it comes to abortion, they actually refer to it as health care or reproductive rights, like the right are denying them decisions regarding their health care or reproductive decisions. The last time I checked the science out, reproduction is different than murder, in fact, it is the opposite of murder. No one is being denied reproductive rights.
Absolutely, if the same is applied to the other half of the duopoly.
When it comes to abortion, they actually refer to it as health care or reproductive rights, like the right are denying them decisions regarding their health care or reproductive decisions. The last time I checked the science out, reproduction is different than murder, in fact, it is the opposite of murder. No one is being denied reproductive rights.
Getting aborted isn’t all that “healthy” for the preborn human.
When it comes to abortion, they actually refer to it as health care or reproductive rights, like the right are denying them decisions regarding their health care or reproductive decisions. The last time I checked the science out, reproduction is different than murder, in fact, it is the opposite of murder. No one is being denied reproductive rights.
California allows a baby to be murdered as it’s born.

Thats murder.
When it comes to abortion, they actually refer to it as health care or reproductive rights, like the right are denying them decisions regarding their health care or reproductive decisions. The last time I checked the science out, reproduction is different than murder, in fact, it is the opposite of murder. No one is being denied reproductive rights.
Ina few years they will be handing out long prison sentences if you do not know all of the new politically correct terms.

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