Illiterate black Steve Harvey makes huge gaffe at Miss Universe pageant

Here's Harvey's apology to Miss Colombia and Philippines via Twitter.

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How does a monkey make a human mistake?
Well, somehow you were born, right?
Grow up and act mature! This is a serious subject being discussed here.
I'm being serious. When you were shit into the paw of your maker, and then thrown at zoo patrons, was it an accidental bowel movement, or a deliberate attempt on the part of the monkey to rid itself of poison?
Dude had only ONE job to do: Read the fvckin card!

EDIT: LOL at "Miss Phillipians". And judging by the extra space there, he fvcked it up a few times but never asked anyone to look at it. Does Twitter have Spell Check?
I saw a clip and was downright floored. He actually said it was his fault.

That won't last after he talks to his lawyer. He'll blame trump since trump used to own the miss universe pageant. Some white dood will get blamed somehow.
Misread the card and announced the wrong girl as winner!!! If a white did this, his career would be over but black privilege and affirmative action will no doubt save him.

Gotta give him credit though for accepting responsibility for the fiasco instead of blaming Bush or racism.
Dude had only ONE job to do: Read the fvckin card!

EDIT: LOL at "Miss Phillipians". And judging by the extra space there, he fvcked it up a few times but never asked anyone to look at it. Does Twitter have Spell Check?
At least he got Colombia almost right.

Maybe he can't spell, but he was a quick wit on Family Feud.
If the mistake wasn't staged it probably should have been. Why else would anybody be talking about the Miss Universe pageant today?
If the mistake wasn't staged it probably should have been. Why else would anybody be talking about the Miss Universe pageant today?

May have been though i doubt harvey was in on it. They prolly hired him for the job knowing he would screw up somehow and get the pageant a lot of coverage.
Misread the card and announced the wrong girl as winner!!! If a white did this, his career would be over but black privilege and affirmative action will no doubt save him.

Miss Universe pageant host Steve Harvey makes huge gaffe, names wrong winner

dec 21 2015 Miss Universe pageant host Steve Harvey announced the wrong winner at the end of Sunday night's big show in Las Vegas and was forced to make an embarrassing apology.

After announcing Miss USA, Olivia Jordan, as the third runner-up, Harvey initially named Miss Colombia, Ariadna Gutierrez Arevalo, as the night's big winner, relegating the remaining contestant, Miss Philippines, Pia Alonzo Wurzbach, to the second runner-up spot.

But after Arevalo received the crown and a bouquet of flowers, Harvey announced he had made an error and that Wurzbach was in fact the winner.

In addition to his on-air apology, Harvey expressed contrition on social media. However, he initially misspelled the home countries of both contestants before also fixing that.

And thanks to the colossal mistake, ingrates like you and the media are giving it the exposure it never received prior to this mistake, correct?....because very few people watch the shit, could give a shit about it and could care less who in a way, the dumb ass Harvey is the only fuck that loses in this mess.....
What made it worse was his tweets afterwards. filled with misspellings of the countries of the ladies.

how the hell did we get to this failure with all that money going into the government for EDUCATION? and all we hear is how they still don't HAVE ENOUGH
The whole thing is fixed anyway. No way was she near the best looking gals. It's probably down to which country forks up the most dough.
In my opinion at the end of the day both ladies are winners since they are the final two. Yeah only one can get the crown and everything else that goes with it, but being right behind the winner is the best place to be, to me, if you can't be the winner. :) :) :)

God bless you and them and Steve always!!! :) :) :)

I like Steve Harvey. He actually has morals and preaches good behavior. Too bad so few listen to him. But he's a good law abiding man and I have always liked his opinions.

But....dang...he screwed up.

Steve Harvey is a talentless hack.

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