I'm a Good Person

Hunting squirrels isn't crazy, nor is it an irrational prejudice. Growing up in the Western part of Montana, there where LOTS of gray and brown squirrels running around my foster families property. Spent many a summer hunting them down with a slingshot and pellet gun. Left the ones I killed in the woods for other critters to eat, sometimes fed them to the dog. Kept the tails as trophies and collected a sizeable number several summers (over 50).
"Self-praise stinks." -Old, time-honored saying.

I am reluctant to bring attention to the many great things that I do because it makes everyone else look bad. :biggrin:

Dunno if I consider any of the things I do "great" or not...............some have said they were, some have said they weren't, depends on who you talk to.

But....................I do try to help if I see someone with a problem (such as the dude I wrote about helping in this thread), always keep a couple of bucks in my pocket to help out the occasional beggar/homeless person I see on the street, as well as other things. But, like you, I don't see any reason (other than occasional participation in discussions like this on an anonymous message board) to talk about what I did. I have the belief that if I do good things for people, good will come back to me, but if I brag about it, the good that could return to me will evaporate because I tried to brag about it.

I find that Karma finds me much quicker if I don't talk much about it.
Not a lecture, just a simple observation. And, just out of curiosity, what is "fun" about rape jokes?

Much less a school-boy name boasting of his genitalia. I can scarcely believe the owner of this thread permits such a vulgar screen name, while asking for donations from members. Utterly crass. OPs should be permitted to ban individuals from threads that the OPs created.
I live in a Florida subdivision that use to be an oak forest. Many of the trees were left and homeowners planted more. Because of all the oak trees the area has a squirrel infestation. They are a real pain in the ass. I had to pay a company $900 to get them out of my attic. They do a lot of damage running over the screened in swimming pools.

My good deed for the last week was to not to take my pellet gun and kill a couple dozen of the little shits.

One of my good deeds was to capture and terminate six red squirrels in my back yard who had been eating oranges from my tree, preventing me from picking them for my neighbor and friends who like them very much. It is illegal to relocate them so they were euthanized in accordance with stupid local laws.

If you look for something kind or good to do, you will find it everywhere. Talk to strangers. Find something to compliment them on. If they were obviously born in a foreign country, try to guess which one and guess the capital city, unless it's India. Too many big cities for the capital to work well. Stories, I got stories.

Here's one most men avoid. Women get flat tires on the freeway and aren't remotely as good at changing them as the average man. I have probably changed 50 to 75 flat tires for ladies on freeways, added a gallon of gas for a lady stranded in the center divider with her hungry baby for 4 1/2 hours as thousands of men passed her by. Too busy, they were. Didn't want to "get involved." What if it was your wife or daughter?

Removing traffic hazards from streets and freeways is another very easy but important one. Even leaned out my driver's door in a left turn to pick up a 3 inch circular hole driller from the middle of the intersection, because I was the only one in the intersection and it was a safe move.

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One of my good deeds was to capture and terminate six red squirrels in my back yard who had been eating oranges from my tree, preventing me from picking them for my neighbor and friends who like them very much. It is illegal to relocate them so they were euthanized in accordance with stupid local laws.

If you look for something kind or good to do, you will find it everywhere. Talk to strangers. Find something to compliment them on. If they were obviously born in a foreign country, try to guess which one and guess the capital city, unless it's India. Too many big cities for the capital to work well. Stories, I got stories.

Here's one most men avoid. Women get flat tires on the freeway and aren't remotely as good at changing them as the average man. I have probably changed 50 to 75 flat tires for ladies on freeways, added a gallon of gas for a lady stranded in the center divider with her hungry baby for 4 1/2 hours as thousands of men passed her by. Too busy, they were. Didn't want to "get involved." What if it was your wife or daughter?

Removing traffic hazards from streets and freeways is another very easy but important one. Even leaned out my driver's door in a left turn to pick up a 3 inch circular hole driller from the middle of the intersection, because I was the only one in the intersection and it was a safe move.

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I try to stop to move road kill off the highway, unless it's a skunk. We get a lot of flattened skunks and I can't even bring myself to stop for them. Somebody does, because most of the time I'll be driving home and a skunk that was in the road is moved by the time I make the return trip home.

Finding a kind word and a compliment for a stranger is a small deed but it always warms me when someone does it for me.

Having been quite poor, I know how the needy appreciate a good meal, and there's a great program in the town close to me that feeds three meals a day! I need to sign up to volunteer the next time there's a group going from the church I go to. It's a pretty large program and they feed MANY people.

Finding a kind word and a compliment for a stranger is a small deed but it always warms me when someone does it for me.

Eighteen months ago, I saw a family of eight nearby at our outdoor tables near restaurants where we go every morning after tennis. They were obviously from India, so I started over. My dear Vietnamese friends said, "Leave them alone John. Don't bother them!"

Are you talkin' to me? Are you talkin' to me!

At their table:

"I have traveled the world and been to many countries so I know this family is from Ireland."
They laughed heartily.
Then I put my hands together as if in prayer: "Namaste."
Instant friendship. Instant.
"Satyameva jayate." This is the national motto of India, meaning "Truth always prevails."
Now we're tight.

"Did you know that Miss Universe is also Miss India?"
No, they did not.

"Now let me guess what city you are from."
My wife and I saw "Last Train to Chennai" years ago so just for fun I guessed "Chennai?"

"We are from Chennai!" they exclaimed excitedly. Tell me they didn't have fun with me, formerly a stranger.
I took their photograph and a week later, noticed three Indian girls in the post office. I told them my story and they said, "We are from Chennai!"

Months later there were five or six Indian men at our same outdoor tables. "We are from Chennai!"

Big city, I tell ya.

Now when I go to talk to strangers, my tennis buddies don't bug me. They know better.
You'll get better at this with practice. I have been doing it for thirty years.

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"I never smoke more than three cigars at a time, not only to be an example for others, but to prove that I'm not a slave to the habit." -Mark Twain

I try to set an example of hard work, honesty, service, health, good cheer, thrift, humility, and moderation in all things so that others have the best available pattern to follow for successful living.

(Just kidding about the humility.) :biggrin:
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Very often I engage in behavior which is both ethical and socially unacceptable. Now mostly online, during years 1996-2002 in person.

I mean I state opinions which are ethical and absolutely unacceptable by Society.

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