I'm a Liberal and Herman Cain Scares Me

Herman Cain scares liberals?

Like I actually needed another reason to vote for him.
That kind of reasoning is why we have a candidate like Herman Cain under consideration for the Presidency. The sheer possibility that he could be elected should scare you, too.

Herman Cain is not a conservative. He has no idea what conservatism or liberalism are. He is best described as the most highly successful and fortuitously exalted Uncle Tom in history. And if he were elected President he would do whatever his masters tell him to do as long as he is allowed to live like a rajah.

Herman Cain is a Black George W. Bush and he would happily help to complete the transition of the United States into a plutocracy.
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Herman Cain scares liberals?

Like I actually needed another reason to vote for him.
That kind of reasoning is why we have a candidate like Herman Cain under consideration for the Presidency. The sheer possibility that he could be elected should scare you, too.

Herman Cain is not a conservative. He has no idea what conservatism or liberalism are. He is best described as the most highly successful and fortuitously exalted Uncle Tom in history. And if he were elected President he would do whatever his masters tell him to do as long as he is allowed to live like a rajah.

Herman Cain is a Black George W. Bush and he would happily help to complete the transition of the United States into a plutocracy.

Scares you too? Like I needed another reason to vote for him.

Your post is a pile of rotting garbage, pure and simple.
I hope you're right about that. But I find the very presence in the contest and the (supposed) popularity of Herman Cain somewhat intimidating.

Consider with whom he’s popular.

Are that many Americans really this stupid?

Yes, but that’s a sword that cuts both ways.

But if Cain is the creation of Koch influence over the media and the polling agents that is even worse.
Cain is his own creation, funded by the Kochs – the true barometer of Cain’s legitimacy is Karl Rove.
This has been an interesting phenomenon to watch.

I have yet to see a post from anybody who I know has been in management and/or who has run his/her own business and/or more especially has run or managed his/her own successful business who is unimpressed with Hermain Cain's resume or who thinks Cain lacks necessary leadership skills.

It seems to be only those with resumes as thin as rice paper who sneer and scorn Herman Cain as a 'third rate pizza guy' or something in that vein.

But racism IS a factor. They are honed in like razor beams to belittle, scorn, attack, demean, diminish, accuse, or ridicule Herman Cain as they did Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachmann when their stars were rising, but as they have done to none of the white guys.

Why? Because it is expected that a rich white guy will be a Republican or run on a conservatie platform.

No minority, most especially a BLACK mnority, and no woman must be allowed to get away with that though. They MUST stay on the Democratic/leftist plantation where they belong lest they inspire others to defect to common sense too.
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This past week proved that Cain is a liar.

Why would rightwingers want to elect a liar, after they made such a big deal over Clinton's "perjury"?

Would you be kind enough to post that proof?

It seems your compadres have been falling short all morning. Help them out.
Herman Cain scares liberals?

Like I actually needed another reason to vote for him.
That kind of reasoning is why we have a candidate like Herman Cain under consideration for the Presidency. The sheer possibility that he could be elected should scare you, too.

Herman Cain is not a conservative. He has no idea what conservatism or liberalism are. He is best described as the most highly successful and fortuitously exalted Uncle Tom in history. And if he were elected President he would do whatever his masters tell him to do as long as he is allowed to live like a rajah.

Herman Cain is a Black George W. Bush and he would happily help to complete the transition of the United States into a plutocracy.

Scares you too? Like I needed another reason to vote for him.

Your post is a pile of rotting garbage, pure and simple.

A little slow on the uptake, ain'tcha? :lol:
Herman Cain scares liberals?

Like I actually needed another reason to vote for him.
That kind of reasoning is why we have a candidate like Herman Cain under consideration for the Presidency. The sheer possibility that he could be elected should scare you, too.

Herman Cain is not a conservative. He has no idea what conservatism or liberalism are. He is best described as the most highly successful and fortuitously exalted Uncle Tom in history. And if he were elected President he would do whatever his masters tell him to do as long as he is allowed to live like a rajah.

Herman Cain is a Black George W. Bush and he would happily help to complete the transition of the United States into a plutocracy.

Scares you too? Like I needed another reason to vote for him.

Your post is a pile of rotting garbage, pure and simple.

Good news...

I may just vote for Cain in the primary too
I am paralyzed with fear of a strong, black conservative voice.

Please don't nominate this man, nothing scares me and my fellow liberal cohorts more.

If he is nominated he will surely win all 57 states and Israel.

He will scare you more after he became 45th potus.
Opposition to Cain is the epitome of equal rights advocacy.

It indicates the fact that African Americans are no better or worse than anyone else; and in the case of Cain, worse.

Why would rightwingers want to elect a liar, after they made such a big deal over Clinton's "perjury"?
For conservatives it’s not a ‘lie.’ It’s ‘withholding accurate information for the benefit of the Nation, to save it from the evil liberals.’ In essence it’s the old Nixonian ‘the ends justify the means.’
This past week proved that Cain is a liar.

Why would rightwingers want to elect a liar, after they made such a big deal over Clinton's "perjury"?
Was Cain a LIAR when he sent Clinton scrambling for answers during a townhall meeting? question regarding Hillarycare in the 90's? :lol:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CNgdioKtZ3k]Herman Cain Educates Clinton on Govt Healthcare & Economics 17 Years Ago! - YouTube[/ame]
He's a failed businessman, pure BS radio talker, actually- BSing Clinton too...
Radio & TV Talk
Herman Cain’s WSB Radio show on hiatus; Erick Erickson takes over
9:31 am February 2, 2011, by Rodney Ho

AJC file photo
Herman Cain, after three years on AM750 and now 95.5FM News/Talk WSB, aired his final show Tuesday night so he could pursue a possible presidential bid.

Program Director Pete Spriggs dubs it a “hiatus.”

“Depending how it goes and what he decides and how successful he is,” Spriggs said, ” it could be a very long-term hiatus from the air. He has the exploratory committee to explore the possibility of running for president. It’ s been impossible to do that as it needs to be done across the country and do his talk show.”

Beginning Thursday, Cain will be replaced in the 7 to 10 p.m. time slot by Erick Erickson, who joined WSB Radio last month and whose show had been airing from 9 p.m. to midnight.

Financial expert Dave Ramsey, who left 640/WGST-AM at the end of 2010 and joined WSB Radio, will cover 10 p.m. to 1 a.m. He had been airing from midnight to 3 a.m.

Cain, a conservative businessman who also subbed for Neal Boortz over the years, will talk with Erickson from 6 to 8 p.m. Wednesday night, according to Erickson on his website Conservative Blog & Conservative News Source for Right of Center Activists | RedState.

Erickson has been contributing to CNN’s “John King, USA” for the past few months from 7 to 8 p.m. Erickson did not say how he will reconcile that responsibility but said he will remain with CNN, as well as run his website.

Because of Federal Communications Commission equal-time provisions, if Cain runs for office, it would complicate his ability to air a radio show because an opponent would have the right to request “equal time.”

Spriggs said that is not an issue yet since Cain has not officially declared he was running for office.

Join my Facebook fan page and Twitter.

By Rodney Ho, [email protected], AJCRadioTV blog

183 comments Add your commentJames

February 2nd, 2011
9:59 am
Who didn’t see this coming when Savage was dumped and Ramsey put on at midnight. Ramsey’s agreement probably hinged on the fact that eventually he would get pushed up after Cain started his bid for the White House.
Now at least I get to hear Dave at a more reasonable time.

Link Report this comment Jay

February 2nd, 2011
10:40 am
So now in WSB am you can get opinions from both sides. You know, conservatives and ultra conservatives.

Link Report this comment Steve

February 2nd, 2011
10:43 am
I can’t believe this guy is serious.

Link Report this comment Damon Evans

February 2nd, 2011
10:44 am
Is he running for dogcatcher, because that is the only office he can win. Herman you should have called me and I would have told you the truth. You don’t have a chance buddy.

Link Report this comment Bryan G.

February 2nd, 2011
10:46 am
I suppose if you can’t win a statewide race in Georgia, the natural thing to do is run for President. I’m a conservative, but Cain is insane if he thinks he can get the nomination much less win.

Link Report this comment No shot

February 2nd, 2011
10:46 am
He has no chance to win anything—save the millions and stay on the radio with the blowhard boortz.

Link Report this comment NH

February 2nd, 2011
10:48 am
I was taught at a very early age, if don’t have anything good to say about anyone, be quiet!
I will press my mute button concerning Mr Cain.

Link Report this comment William

February 2nd, 2011
10:48 am
I am surprised that this didn’t happen months ago. I don’t know if this was a sack of ol’ Uncle Humon by WSB or not, but I do know that he had the most boring, predictable, ‘always the same topic’ show in the annals of talk radio. I am by no means a political conservative, but at least Ericson is not boring.

Of course, anyone with even half a brain knows that what ol’ Herm is really doing is not running for President, but rather making a move to get more publicity so that he can jack up his speaker fees and gt more speaking engagements. (’Herman, you sly dog you. Just like Sarah Palin, really’). All I can say is that if one is going to be the biggest Uncle Tom around, you might as well get paid for it. See ya Humon.

Link Report this comment bob from account temps

February 2nd, 2011
10:53 am
cain, like palin, could be a great fund raising force for the repubs, however, cain could not even carry georgia for any office .

Link Report this comment edinatlanta

February 2nd, 2011
10:53 am
He needs to start his campaign now. He talks so slow that if he starts his declaration speech today, he should have it completed by Feb. 2012.

Talk about lack of experience, the big blowhard- and not being vetted:lol::lol::lol:
He's a failed businessman, pure BS radio talker, actually- BSing Clinton too...
Radio & TV Talk
Herman Cain’s WSB Radio show on hiatus; Erick Erickson takes over
9:31 am February 2, 2011, by Rodney Ho

AJC file photo
Herman Cain, after three years on AM750 and now 95.5FM News/Talk WSB, aired his final show Tuesday night so he could pursue a possible presidential bid.

Program Director Pete Spriggs dubs it a “hiatus.”

“Depending how it goes and what he decides and how successful he is,” Spriggs said, ” it could be a very long-term hiatus from the air. He has the exploratory committee to explore the possibility of running for president. It’ s been impossible to do that as it needs to be done across the country and do his talk show.”

Beginning Thursday, Cain will be replaced in the 7 to 10 p.m. time slot by Erick Erickson, who joined WSB Radio last month and whose show had been airing from 9 p.m. to midnight.

Financial expert Dave Ramsey, who left 640/WGST-AM at the end of 2010 and joined WSB Radio, will cover 10 p.m. to 1 a.m. He had been airing from midnight to 3 a.m.

Cain, a conservative businessman who also subbed for Neal Boortz over the years, will talk with Erickson from 6 to 8 p.m. Wednesday night, according to Erickson on his website Conservative Blog & Conservative News Source for Right of Center Activists | RedState.

Erickson has been contributing to CNN’s “John King, USA” for the past few months from 7 to 8 p.m. Erickson did not say how he will reconcile that responsibility but said he will remain with CNN, as well as run his website.

Because of Federal Communications Commission equal-time provisions, if Cain runs for office, it would complicate his ability to air a radio show because an opponent would have the right to request “equal time.”

Spriggs said that is not an issue yet since Cain has not officially declared he was running for office.

Join my Facebook fan page and Twitter.

By Rodney Ho, [email protected], AJCRadioTV blog

183 comments Add your commentJames

February 2nd, 2011
9:59 am
Who didn’t see this coming when Savage was dumped and Ramsey put on at midnight. Ramsey’s agreement probably hinged on the fact that eventually he would get pushed up after Cain started his bid for the White House.
Now at least I get to hear Dave at a more reasonable time.

Link Report this comment Jay

February 2nd, 2011
10:40 am
So now in WSB am you can get opinions from both sides. You know, conservatives and ultra conservatives.

Link Report this comment Steve

February 2nd, 2011
10:43 am
I can’t believe this guy is serious.

Link Report this comment Damon Evans

February 2nd, 2011
10:44 am
Is he running for dogcatcher, because that is the only office he can win. Herman you should have called me and I would have told you the truth. You don’t have a chance buddy.

Link Report this comment Bryan G.

February 2nd, 2011
10:46 am
I suppose if you can’t win a statewide race in Georgia, the natural thing to do is run for President. I’m a conservative, but Cain is insane if he thinks he can get the nomination much less win.

Link Report this comment No shot

February 2nd, 2011
10:46 am
He has no chance to win anything—save the millions and stay on the radio with the blowhard boortz.

Link Report this comment NH

February 2nd, 2011
10:48 am
I was taught at a very early age, if don’t have anything good to say about anyone, be quiet!
I will press my mute button concerning Mr Cain.

Link Report this comment William

February 2nd, 2011
10:48 am
I am surprised that this didn’t happen months ago. I don’t know if this was a sack of ol’ Uncle Humon by WSB or not, but I do know that he had the most boring, predictable, ‘always the same topic’ show in the annals of talk radio. I am by no means a political conservative, but at least Ericson is not boring.

Of course, anyone with even half a brain knows that what ol’ Herm is really doing is not running for President, but rather making a move to get more publicity so that he can jack up his speaker fees and gt more speaking engagements. (’Herman, you sly dog you. Just like Sarah Palin, really’). All I can say is that if one is going to be the biggest Uncle Tom around, you might as well get paid for it. See ya Humon.

Link Report this comment bob from account temps

February 2nd, 2011
10:53 am
cain, like palin, could be a great fund raising force for the repubs, however, cain could not even carry georgia for any office .

Link Report this comment edinatlanta

February 2nd, 2011
10:53 am
He needs to start his campaign now. He talks so slow that if he starts his declaration speech today, he should have it completed by Feb. 2012.

Talk about lack of experience, the big blowhard- and not being vetted:lol::lol::lol:

still havent got your crayons back from Cousin Shamen i see.....just think how this post would have looked all Colored up....Shamens laughing at ya Frankie....

:lol:<<<<Shamen.......>>>>> frankie :(......
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That kind of reasoning is why we have a candidate like Herman Cain under consideration for the Presidency. The sheer possibility that he could be elected should scare you, too.

Herman Cain is not a conservative. He has no idea what conservatism or liberalism are. He is best described as the most highly successful and fortuitously exalted Uncle Tom in history. And if he were elected President he would do whatever his masters tell him to do as long as he is allowed to live like a rajah.

Herman Cain is a Black George W. Bush and he would happily help to complete the transition of the United States into a plutocracy.

Scares you too? Like I needed another reason to vote for him.

Your post is a pile of rotting garbage, pure and simple.

A little slow on the uptake, ain'tcha? :lol:

Perhaps, why don't you enlighten me. Or are you just talking out of your ass?
Herman Cain scares liberals?

Like I actually needed another reason to vote for him.

you're not embarrassed to vote for someone who's running for president as a practical joke??


please, please, please make him your candidate.

a normal person would vote for huntsman. he'd win. he can't get your party, but if you gave him the top spot i think you'd take the election.



yeah, i'm afraid of someone who quotes the pokemon song and got his economic plan from the Sims. :cuckoo:

what's really scary is that people like you don't get the joke.
This has been an interesting phenomenon to watch.

I have yet to see a post from anybody who I know has been in management and/or who has run his/her own business and/or more especially has run or managed his/her own successful business who is unimpressed with Hermain Cain's resume or who thinks Cain lacks necessary leadership skills.

It seems to be only those with resumes as thin as rice paper who sneer and scorn Herman Cain as a 'third rate pizza guy' or something in that vein.

But racism IS a factor. They are honed in like razor beams to belittle, scorn, attack, demean, diminish, accuse, or ridicule Herman Cain as they did Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachmann when their stars were rising, but as they have done to none of the white guys.

Why? Because it is expected that a rich white guy will be a Republican or run on a conservatie platform.

No minority, most especially a BLACK mnority, and no woman must be allowed to get away with that though. They MUST stay on the Democratic/leftist plantation where they belong lest they inspire others to defect to common sense too.

Totally agree. A Cain nomination would free all the slaves from the Democratic Plantation.

OMG please don't nominate Cain and make the left's worst fears come true.
That kind of reasoning is why we have a candidate like Herman Cain under consideration for the Presidency. The sheer possibility that he could be elected should scare you, too.

Herman Cain is not a conservative. He has no idea what conservatism or liberalism are. He is best described as the most highly successful and fortuitously exalted Uncle Tom in history. And if he were elected President he would do whatever his masters tell him to do as long as he is allowed to live like a rajah.

Herman Cain is a Black George W. Bush and he would happily help to complete the transition of the United States into a plutocracy.

Scares you too? Like I needed another reason to vote for him.

Your post is a pile of rotting garbage, pure and simple.

A little slow on the uptake, ain'tcha? :lol:

'Bout as sharp as a bag of wet hair.

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