I'm a Liberal and Herman Cain Scares Me

I am paralyzed with fear of a strong, black conservative voice.

Please don't nominate this him, nothing scares me and my fellow liberal cohorts more.

If he is nominated he will surely win all 57 states and Israel.

You're right and this country isn't ready to have its first black president, but whatcha gonna do? .. :dunno:


Whatcha gonna do, brother, when Herban Cain and the 9-9-9's run wild on you?!

Are you scared of 3Nines but not 4Nines?
You're right and this country isn't ready to have its first black president, but whatcha gonna do? .. :dunno:


Whatcha gonna do, brother, when Herban Cain and the 9-9-9's run wild on you?!

Are you scared of 3Nines but not 4Nines?

Ok....I have to ask.

What makes Cain a "truer conservative" than Romney? Please elaborate.

Romney is killed by ‘RomneyCare’ alone…

One of the hallmarks of Cain as the ‘true’ conservative is his admonishment of the lazy, cry-baby unemployed to get off their butts and get a job. The ignorant ‘boot strap’ motif goes over big-time with the right.

But again, it does pose something of a dilemma for the right: go with Cain, the perfect Trojan Horse for the attack on the hated Federal government, or nominate a Washington insider and professional politician who’s the same as Obama, just a republican.

I almost feel sorry for them.

The "ignorant 'boot strap' motif"? Gee, Clayton...what exactly is "ignorant" about admiring a man who personifies the American dream? A man like Herman Cain is the worst nightmare for a slick empty suit politician like Barack Obama because he has substance. Obama was and is...nothing more than a facade. He can't fix the country's problems because he never had any answers to those problems. He was elected President on vague promises of "Hope & Change" without ever having to be specific about what those words MEANT. It turns out that both were nothing more than campaign rhetoric...flowery turns of phrase by a gifted orator with nothing behind them. In case you hadn't noticed, Obama ran out of ways to fix our economy when the first stimulus didn't work. It's almost three years later and he's back trying for a second stimulus just like the first one because that's all he's got!
I am paralyzed with fear of a strong, black conservative voice.

Please don't nominate this man, nothing scares me and my fellow liberal cohorts more.

If he is nominated he will surely win all 57 states and Israel.
"Don't throw me in the briar patch!" :lol:

You know what? I seriously thought at first that these allegations about Herman Cain were designed by the RNC to get us to rally around the man! To get us to defend him against you evil liberals on some sort of tribal level.

Why does the system love Herman Cain so much? I can only guess that it's because he once belonged to the Kansas City Federal Reserve.
I am not afraid...

I am willing to put my faith in a pizza man turned radio commentator to fix what's wrong with this country

I love how you progressives constantly demean Cain's successful career in the food industry (one of the most competitive industries out there) as if being good at something is a negative. The REASON Cain was put in charge of Godfather's pizza was that he had record of turning around businesses that were floundering, having taken a Burger King region with the worst sales record and turning it into the region with the best sales record. You actually have to be SKILLED to do that. Contrast that to our present President. Barack Obama never LED anything. He never turned a struggling business around. He never made tough decisions. All of these things show themselves in how he performs his job today.

You wouldn't put your faith in a "pizza man" to fix the country but you were more than willing to do so with a man with zero executive experience? After three uninspiring years I'd think you'd have a pretty good idea of what you get with a community organizer/academic/politician at the helm. Do you really want another four years of zero leadership? Another four years of pointing fingers at others while he does nothing himself? This is a man who can't even come up with something as basic as a budget...yet you think he's the answer to our problems? If you don't like Cain or some other Republican then fine...get Hillary Clinton to run. The United States can't take another four years of Barack Obama.

Herman Cain ran a third rate pizza chain for a few years. He did not start it from scratch like Tom Monaghan at Dominos. He came in, closed some unprofitable stores, fired people and left. He is far from a financial genius, if he was, he would have moved up to run a Fortune 500 company rather than being a radio talk show host

You seem to have forgotten his stint as President of the National Restaurant Association and as head of the Kansas City Fed. Typical...

Cain was successful at Coca Cola...at Burger King...at Godfather's Pizza. His choice of getting into public service after a long career in the private sector is admirable. It's a stark change from a man who's made his money from politics.
I'd prefer to see the GOP run Palin, of course, but its up to the GOP to decide which of their candidates best represents their interests.
I love how you progressives constantly demean Cain's successful career in the food industry (one of the most competitive industries out there) as if being good at something is a negative. The REASON Cain was put in charge of Godfather's pizza was that he had record of turning around businesses that were floundering, having taken a Burger King region with the worst sales record and turning it into the region with the best sales record. You actually have to be SKILLED to do that. Contrast that to our present President. Barack Obama never LED anything. He never turned a struggling business around. He never made tough decisions. All of these things show themselves in how he performs his job today.

You wouldn't put your faith in a "pizza man" to fix the country but you were more than willing to do so with a man with zero executive experience? After three uninspiring years I'd think you'd have a pretty good idea of what you get with a community organizer/academic/politician at the helm. Do you really want another four years of zero leadership? Another four years of pointing fingers at others while he does nothing himself? This is a man who can't even come up with something as basic as a budget...yet you think he's the answer to our problems? If you don't like Cain or some other Republican then fine...get Hillary Clinton to run. The United States can't take another four years of Barack Obama.

Herman Cain ran a third rate pizza chain for a few years. He did not start it from scratch like Tom Monaghan at Dominos. He came in, closed some unprofitable stores, fired people and left. He is far from a financial genius, if he was, he would have moved up to run a Fortune 500 company rather than being a radio talk show host

You seem to have forgotten his stint as President of the National Restaurant Association and as head of the Kansas City Fed. Typical...

Cain was successful at Coca Cola...at Burger King...at Godfather's Pizza. His choice of getting into public service after a long career in the private sector is admirable. It's a stark change from a man who's made his money from politics.

Any stint in running a fortune 500 company? He has been either a low level executive or CEO of third rate operations. NRA? He got fired for sexual harassment. The Kansas City Fed? Can you pick a smaller city?

There are only 100 US Senators, there are thousands of businessmen more qualified than Cain
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I am paralyzed with fear of a strong, black conservative voice.

Please don't nominate this man, nothing scares me and my fellow liberal cohorts more.

If he is nominated he will surely win all 57 states and Israel.

Do all Black conservatives scare you?
Herman Cain ran a third rate pizza chain for a few years. He did not start it from scratch like Tom Monaghan at Dominos. He came in, closed some unprofitable stores, fired people and left. He is far from a financial genius, if he was, he would have moved up to run a Fortune 500 company rather than being a radio talk show host

You seem to have forgotten his stint as President of the National Restaurant Association and as head of the Kansas City Fed. Typical...

Cain was successful at Coca Cola...at Burger King...at Godfather's Pizza. His choice of getting into public service after a long career in the private sector is admirable. It's a stark change from a man who's made his money from politics.

Any stint in running a fortune 500 company? He has been either a low level executive or CEO of third rate operations. NRA? He got fired for sexual harassment. The Kansas City Fed? Can you pick a smaller city?

There are only 100 US Senators, there are thousands of businessmen more qualified than Cain

Barack Obama was a Junior Senator...a man with so little legislative ability that he had to be "fed" bills to affix his name to both by Emile Jones when he was an Illinois state senator and by the Democratic powers that be when he was in the US Senate. There is a reason why Obama let Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi craft (and I use that word loosely!) the stimulus and Obamacare. That reason is that he's not capable of doing it himself.

So now Cain was fired for sexual harassment? Hey, if you're going to smear someone you might as well go for the BIG smear...right, buddy? You guys are pathetic.
You seem to have forgotten his stint as President of the National Restaurant Association and as head of the Kansas City Fed. Typical...

Cain was successful at Coca Cola...at Burger King...at Godfather's Pizza. His choice of getting into public service after a long career in the private sector is admirable. It's a stark change from a man who's made his money from politics.

Any stint in running a fortune 500 company? He has been either a low level executive or CEO of third rate operations. NRA? He got fired for sexual harassment. The Kansas City Fed? Can you pick a smaller city?

There are only 100 US Senators, there are thousands of businessmen more qualified than Cain

Barack Obama was a Junior Senator...a man with so little legislative ability that he had to be "fed" bills to affix his name to both by Emile Jones when he was an Illinois state senator and by the Democratic powers that be when he was in the US Senate. There is a reason why Obama let Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi craft (and I use that word loosely!) the stimulus and Obamacare. That reason is that he's not capable of doing it himself.

So now Cain was fired for sexual harassment? Hey, if you're going to smear someone you might as well go for the BIG smear...right, buddy? You guys are pathetic.

Barack Obama was elected as US Senator, only 100 Americans are. As a US Senator, he understands the operations of US Government, it's budget, foreign policy and the process of legislation.

Herman Cain has never been elected to anything. All he knows about government is that he hates it. He has never had to deal with the political process, knows nothing about legislation or political positioning. He has never dealt with a national budget and has an embarrassingly little knowledge of foreign affairs. There are tens of thousands of businessmen more qualified than Cain as well as thousands of politicians
Any stint in running a fortune 500 company? He has been either a low level executive or CEO of third rate operations. NRA? He got fired for sexual harassment. The Kansas City Fed? Can you pick a smaller city?

There are only 100 US Senators, there are thousands of businessmen more qualified than Cain

Barack Obama was a Junior Senator...a man with so little legislative ability that he had to be "fed" bills to affix his name to both by Emile Jones when he was an Illinois state senator and by the Democratic powers that be when he was in the US Senate. There is a reason why Obama let Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi craft (and I use that word loosely!) the stimulus and Obamacare. That reason is that he's not capable of doing it himself.

So now Cain was fired for sexual harassment? Hey, if you're going to smear someone you might as well go for the BIG smear...right, buddy? You guys are pathetic.

Barack Obama was elected as US Senator, only 100 Americans are. As a US Senator, he understands the operations of US Government, it's budget, foreign policy and the process of legislation.

Herman Cain has never been elected to anything. All he knows about government is that he hates it. He has never had to deal with the political process, knows nothing about legislation or political positioning. He has never dealt with a national budget and has an embarrassingly little knowledge of foreign affairs. There are tens of thousands of businessmen more qualified than Cain as well as thousands of politicians

So what? It was Illinois. It is more fair to say Obama was selected Senator than elected, since elections there are all fixed in advance.
Obama obviously knows nothing, even after 3 years, of how legislation works. He is unable to work with anyone who opposes him, and undercuts his own appointees, like Simpson/Bowles and now the debt commission.
Cain at least knows what running a large enterprise is like.
I am paralyzed with fear of a strong, black conservative voice.

Please don't nominate this man, nothing scares me and my fellow liberal cohorts more.

If he is nominated he will surely win all 57 states and Israel.

List your top 5 most liked policies of Cain! Looking forward to your stuttering!

Cain, strong…? lol... Cain is the Rights version of Obama, he stands for nothing and the zombies hoard calls him master.
Barack Obama was a Junior Senator...a man with so little legislative ability that he had to be "fed" bills to affix his name to both by Emile Jones when he was an Illinois state senator and by the Democratic powers that be when he was in the US Senate. There is a reason why Obama let Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi craft (and I use that word loosely!) the stimulus and Obamacare. That reason is that he's not capable of doing it himself.

So now Cain was fired for sexual harassment? Hey, if you're going to smear someone you might as well go for the BIG smear...right, buddy? You guys are pathetic.

Barack Obama was elected as US Senator, only 100 Americans are. As a US Senator, he understands the operations of US Government, it's budget, foreign policy and the process of legislation.

Herman Cain has never been elected to anything. All he knows about government is that he hates it. He has never had to deal with the political process, knows nothing about legislation or political positioning. He has never dealt with a national budget and has an embarrassingly little knowledge of foreign affairs. There are tens of thousands of businessmen more qualified than Cain as well as thousands of politicians

So what? It was Illinois. It is more fair to say Obama was selected Senator than elected, since elections there are all fixed in advance.
Obama obviously knows nothing, even after 3 years, of how legislation works. He is unable to work with anyone who opposes him, and undercuts his own appointees, like Simpson/Bowles and now the debt commission.
Cain at least knows what running a large enterprise is like.

Godfathers Pizza is not a large enterprise. It is a third rate pizza chain with no international dealings. At least a CEO from a major corporation understands the US position in an international marketplace. Cain still makes fun of names like Uz beck beki beki Stan

Even the failed Governor from Texas is eminently more qualified than talk show host Cain
Hermie just don't underget it! Somehow his (where there is smoke there is fire) campaign manager has convinced him that he is in charge and running things already. His little caniption fit about telling the press that he will not answer any more kwestions and he would only "stay on message" from here on out will leave him with nothing to talk about because nobody is going to axe him about his retarded message until this thing is cleared up....which it won't be if he is a man of his word which he is not.

Skwirmy Hermie's poll #'s will fall faster than Clinton's trousers in the next two weeks which will only help the unelectable two Mormans standing at the end of all of this.

Just sayin...

PS..Ya I KNOW!!! I gotta get around to fixing my "Kew" button! It's complicated! The re-PC store where all the good old parts are is located right in the heart of the construction going on around our viaduct deconstruction/reconstruction. Getting there and back which used to be a ten minute trip could take over an hour.
Barack Obama was elected as US Senator, only 100 Americans are. As a US Senator, he understands the operations of US Government, it's budget, foreign policy and the process of legislation.

Herman Cain has never been elected to anything. All he knows about government is that he hates it. He has never had to deal with the political process, knows nothing about legislation or political positioning. He has never dealt with a national budget and has an embarrassingly little knowledge of foreign affairs. There are tens of thousands of businessmen more qualified than Cain as well as thousands of politicians

About the part in red, Just because he is 1 out of 100 doesn't mean he is good (or best) or better informed or more qualified than anybody else. There are plenty of good senators and house representatives that would not make good presidents.
There are only 32 starting NFL quarterbacks, how many of them are qualified to be starting running backs?
Any stint in running a fortune 500 company? He has been either a low level executive or CEO of third rate operations. NRA? He got fired for sexual harassment. The Kansas City Fed? Can you pick a smaller city?

There are only 100 US Senators, there are thousands of businessmen more qualified than Cain

Barack Obama was a Junior Senator...a man with so little legislative ability that he had to be "fed" bills to affix his name to both by Emile Jones when he was an Illinois state senator and by the Democratic powers that be when he was in the US Senate. There is a reason why Obama let Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi craft (and I use that word loosely!) the stimulus and Obamacare. That reason is that he's not capable of doing it himself.

So now Cain was fired for sexual harassment? Hey, if you're going to smear someone you might as well go for the BIG smear...right, buddy? You guys are pathetic.

Barack Obama was elected as US Senator, only 100 Americans are. As a US Senator, he understands the operations of US Government, it's budget, foreign policy and the process of legislation.

Herman Cain has never been elected to anything. All he knows about government is that he hates it. He has never had to deal with the political process, knows nothing about legislation or political positioning. He has never dealt with a national budget and has an embarrassingly little knowledge of foreign affairs. There are tens of thousands of businessmen more qualified than Cain as well as thousands of politicians

Is that why he voted 'Present', and went on the campaign trail for the majority of his tenure in the US Senate?:lol:
You seem to have forgotten his stint as President of the National Restaurant Association and as head of the Kansas City Fed. Typical...

Cain was successful at Coca Cola...at Burger King...at Godfather's Pizza. His choice of getting into public service after a long career in the private sector is admirable. It's a stark change from a man who's made his money from politics.

You’ve got to be kidding – if anything this demonstrates why Cain is unqualified to be president.

Barack Obama was a Junior Senator...
And it’s your position that because the democrats got to elect someone unqualified to be president the republicans get to do so as well?

This makes no sense, and is indicative of partisan idiocy.
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Barack Obama was a Junior Senator...a man with so little legislative ability that he had to be "fed" bills to affix his name to both by Emile Jones when he was an Illinois state senator and by the Democratic powers that be when he was in the US Senate. There is a reason why Obama let Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi craft (and I use that word loosely!) the stimulus and Obamacare. That reason is that he's not capable of doing it himself.

So now Cain was fired for sexual harassment? Hey, if you're going to smear someone you might as well go for the BIG smear...right, buddy? You guys are pathetic.

Barack Obama was elected as US Senator, only 100 Americans are. As a US Senator, he understands the operations of US Government, it's budget, foreign policy and the process of legislation.

Herman Cain has never been elected to anything. All he knows about government is that he hates it. He has never had to deal with the political process, knows nothing about legislation or political positioning. He has never dealt with a national budget and has an embarrassingly little knowledge of foreign affairs. There are tens of thousands of businessmen more qualified than Cain as well as thousands of politicians

So what? It was Illinois. It is more fair to say Obama was selected Senator than elected, since elections there are all fixed in advance.Obama obviously knows nothing, even after 3 years, of how legislation works. He is unable to work with anyone who opposes him, and undercuts his own appointees, like Simpson/Bowles and now the debt commission.
Cain at least knows what running a large enterprise is like.

What? Fucking amazing.
You seem to have forgotten his stint as President of the National Restaurant Association and as head of the Kansas City Fed. Typical...

Cain was successful at Coca Cola...at Burger King...at Godfather's Pizza. His choice of getting into public service after a long career in the private sector is admirable. It's a stark change from a man who's made his money from politics.

You’ve got to be kidding – if anything this demonstrates why Cain is unqualified to be president.

Barack Obama was a Junior Senator...
And it’s your position that because the democrats got to elect someone unqualified to be president the republicans get to do so as well?

This makes no sense, and is indicative of partisan idiocy.

Interesting choice in the word "unqualified". It really depends on if you(being a power broker) behind the scenes in the GOP want someone who is easily controlled. The Koch brothers and the ghouls on K-Street will not support anyone that will not do their bidding. Cain has already openly shown he is a Koch brother stooge.
Barack Obama was elected as US Senator, only 100 Americans are. As a US Senator, he understands the operations of US Government, it's budget, foreign policy and the process of legislation.

Herman Cain has never been elected to anything. All he knows about government is that he hates it. He has never had to deal with the political process, knows nothing about legislation or political positioning. He has never dealt with a national budget and has an embarrassingly little knowledge of foreign affairs. There are tens of thousands of businessmen more qualified than Cain as well as thousands of politicians

About the part in red, Just because he is 1 out of 100 doesn't mean he is good (or best) or better informed or more qualified than anybody else. There are plenty of good senators and house representatives that would not make good presidents.
There are only 32 starting NFL quarterbacks, how many of them are qualified to be starting running backs?

It absolutely does.

And politicians are not athletes..it's an entirely different discipline.

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