I'm A Non-Christian Who Love Jesus... Any Others In Here...?

By the way, how does "loving Jesus, but not following Him" work, exactly? This is quite possibly the stupidest thing I've ever heard in my life.

"I love Jesus. I think He's the Son of God. That being said, I'm going to ignore His teachings and leadership, and do whatever the Hell I want. But I love Him, really!"

The OP is a dumbass, and anyone who tries to take his bullshit seriously is a gullible dumbass.

There is one of you in every church, and that's why the rest of us leave.

You just keep setting that standard, sister.

Glad to know my purpose of weeding out the pretend Christians and keeping them from poisoning the church is being accomplished. It's always good to hear positive feedback on one's work.

Hater's gonna hate.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mSfa56tjBQo]King Missile- Jesus was way cool. - YouTube[/ame]
There is one of you in every church, and that's why the rest of us leave.

You just keep setting that standard, sister.

Glad to know my purpose of weeding out the pretend Christians and keeping them from poisoning the church is being accomplished. It's always good to hear positive feedback on one's work.

Hater's gonna hate.

You flatter yourself that I respect you enough to hate you.
Jesus spoke of unconditional love for one's fellow man...

posted elsewhere: Jesus said it best... “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” John 13:34-35 (NIV)

Jesus told the disciples to love fellow disciples. That is, loving one's fellow man, on the condition that they accept Christ. And, implied from vs. 33, another condition, that they also not be Jews.

If Jesus really wanted us to love everyone, you wouldn't distort scripture to make him say it. "A new command I give to you: Love all men, unconditionally."

I love you, Ariux... even though you give me many reasons not to...

As well you should. I give to society, not take. I speak the truth and keep God's commands.

Jesus said to love one another... he didn't set any conditions upon it... that's what's so awesome about the whole thing...
By the way, how does "loving Jesus, but not following Him" work, exactly? This is quite possibly the stupidest thing I've ever heard in my life.

"I love Jesus. I think He's the Son of God. That being said, I'm going to ignore His teachings and leadership, and do whatever the Hell I want. But I love Him, really!"

The OP is a dumbass, and anyone who tries to take his bullshit seriously is a gullible dumbass.

There is one of you in every church, and that's why the rest of us leave.

You just keep setting that standard, sister.

Glad to know my purpose of weeding out the pretend Christians and keeping them from poisoning the church is being accomplished. It's always good to hear positive feedback on one's work.

please define "pretend Christians"...

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