I'm angry and disgusted by CNN

Since the election of Donald Trump CNN has not stopped speaking against him and his government but there now they have become Antis Americans always take the side of your enemies like Iran at this very moment, good god you can not do Something to make them stop ? they give you very bad publicity which creates Anti America all over the world.
Don't watch.

'Problem' solved.
Again with this CNN mewling. Deal with real news or go back to your safe spaces called Fox News or Breitbart. Leave CNN to the adults.
Hello traitor.
Hello Dimwit.
It's funny how you bastards call people who refuse to believe the lying media derogatory names.
LOL..Coming from someone that started it all by calling me a derogatory name.:flameth:
I know it's early, but have you had your CNN enema today? If not hurry and get it so you can spew some more "facts".
Another example....

Swalwell: Why Trump can't be trusted on Iran (opinion) - CNN

Iran owned media couldn't write it better.
It basically outlines Trump as an untrustworthy, dangerous rogue creating havoc on the world stage - with not one single word saying what Iran has done themselves to cause this.
At the same time, no such articles of restraint ran when Obama ran 573 drone attacks, bombed 5 countries resulting between 1,200 and 3,400 civilian deaths (depends on how you count civilians, the Obama administration routinely counted male deaths near a target area as military)
Since the election of Donald Trump CNN has not stopped speaking against him and his government but there now they have become Antis Americans always take the side of your enemies like Iran at this very moment, good god you can not do Something to make them stop ? they give you very bad publicity which creates Anti America all over the world.
Don't watch.

'Problem' solved.

Great answer if the OP was the only one watching it.
The problem is not the OP watching, the problem is the entire world is watching.
Folks, we have an American owned global media company running dozens of articles and hours on television that is unquestionably supporting the enemies position.
This is a huge problem.
They are systematically turning the world against America, all only because they hate Trump so much.
And another....
AGAIN - Iran state ran media could do no better. This one states (without any proof) that the Trump White House is in utter disarray and chaos trying to keep up with Trumps rogue military decisions.
AGAIN - painting the picture to the world that it is "Trump vs. the world". Trump crazily endangering everything with unpredictable mad man mentality.

Donald Trump presidency: Chaos and surprises emerge as twin crises - CNNPolitics
Again with this CNN mewling. Deal with real news or go back to your safe spaces called Fox News or Breitbart. Leave CNN to the adults.

Problem is CNN is not for the adults either.

MSNBC, CNN, and FOX all are for partisan nutters that spin their opinion based news for their viewership...

Now you will ignore I grouped in FOX or get upset that I made my opinion that CNN is trash like MSNBC and FOX but the reality cable news is just Propaganda News sources for the political party they support...

Read Al-Jazeera, BBC, and CBC is you want a better view what the World think of us or stay clueless and watch your CNN...

Maybe Don Lemon will ask if a Black Hole swallowed up that Iranian General...
CNN has its opinion shows as do all networks. When it comes to real reporting CNN does a good job as does MSNBC and FOX at times. The problem is too many FOX viewers look at what Hannity and Carlson say as news when it is opinion and fake news. Give me Anderson and Chris any day of the week. They may have their biases but are far fairer than the Cerberus of fake news, Carlson. Hannity and Ingraham.

They may have their bias?

They are clearly bias as can be and bo doubt about it!

CNN, MSNBC and FOX are pathetic jokes in my eyes and anyone that think their reporting of the news is worth watching is either a partisan hack or well just retarded!
CNN has little to no effect. I do not buy into people not being able to see through the bias that CNN, CBS, MSNBC, and Fox regurgitate. There's not one person on TV or radio that comments on politics that I am not a ton smarter than.
Most Americans don't support him.
Rubbish! Most of the Americans I talk to think highly of him.
You aren't talking to many people.
I take it you are one of these Democrat liberal lovey dovey types then?
Nope, I'm one of those left leaning meanies who persists in tell you the truth, whether you waant to hear it or not.

good luck with that.
Unfortunately for you I’m one of these hairy arsed Republican supporting Trump loving Brits.
Well, I keep trying.
Most Americans don't support him.
Rubbish! Most of the Americans I talk to think highly of him.
You aren't talking to many people.
I take it you are one of these Democrat liberal lovey dovey types then?
Nope, I'm one of those left leaning meanies who persists in tell you the truth, whether you waant to hear it or not.

good luck with that.
Unfortunately for you I’m one of these hairy arsed Republican supporting Trump loving Brits.
Oh? Are you a British subject and an American citizen?
Since the election of Donald Trump CNN has not stopped speaking against him and his government but there now they have become Antis Americans always take the side of your enemies like Iran at this very moment, good god you can not do Something to make them stop ? they give you very bad publicity which creates Anti America all over the world.
CNN is the leading anti-American news channel. They pay airports so they are on non-stop. That is the modern day Big Brother.
They way they talk about trump is slap in the face of most Americans that support him.
Most Americans don't support him.
Rubbish! Most of the Americans I talk to think highly of him.
You aren't talking to many people.
I take it you are one of these Democrat liberal lovey dovey types then?
Nope, I'm one of those left leaning meanies who persists in tell you the truth, whether you waant to hear it or not.
It's Rather you who don't want to hear the truth that Trump won
Rubbish! Most of the Americans I talk to think highly of him.
You aren't talking to many people.
I take it you are one of these Democrat liberal lovey dovey types then?
Nope, I'm one of those left leaning meanies who persists in tell you the truth, whether you waant to hear it or not.

good luck with that.
Unfortunately for you I’m one of these hairy arsed Republican supporting Trump loving Brits.
Oh? Are you a British subject and an American citizen?

“Do me a favour governor” (cockney accent)
No! I am an entirely an English subject “me old cockney sparrow”
Rubbish! Most of the Americans I talk to think highly of him.
You aren't talking to many people.
I take it you are one of these Democrat liberal lovey dovey types then?
Nope, I'm one of those left leaning meanies who persists in tell you the truth, whether you waant to hear it or not.

good luck with that.
Unfortunately for you I’m one of these hairy arsed Republican supporting Trump loving Brits.
Oh? Are you a British subject and an American citizen?
He's British so are you going to tell him he's not entitled to his opinion on CNN?

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