I'm beginning to really HATE the people lined up against Trump. Is that wrong???

Pence is sane, yes.

Sane or crazy, his agenda is to own our personal, private lives. Own and control our every move.

Trump is unhinged and incompetent but Pence believes his own fundie righteousness.

But, Trump wants a "win", or something he can get his fans to call a win. He will be more than happy to okay any crazy scheme Pence comes up with, just so he can bray.

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Unsupported bullshit.
"Dugin was one of the first public figures in Russia to spot that Trump was a potential ally, and that his prospective presidency might unite the previously hostile nations in a joint crusade to eradicate “perversion” and to carve up the planet between them." See quote below.

Correll, post: 17817610
1. Leaking some emails is not a threat to liberal democratic institutions.

So you think that is all the they did and are doing.

You need to learn who Alexander Dugan is:

Steve Bannon knows - so you should know as a Bannon stooge.

The leaked emails you forgot to mention were illegally obtained. Very convenient.

All of which is alarming enough. But what makes Dugin so suddenly significant is his growing influence in the west. It has long been alleged that he acts as a covert intermediary between Moscow and far-right groups in Europe, many of which are believed to receive funding from the Kremlin.

The purpose of operations like the hacking of the US election has been to destabilise the Atlantic order generally, and America specifically. And on this great struggle, Dugin is positively millenarian: “We must create strategic alliances to overthrow the present order of things, of which the core could be described as human rights, anti-hierarchy, and political correctness – everything that is the face of the Beast, the anti-Christ.

Stand by for world war three, then? Not just yet, it seems. Dugin was one of the first public figures in Russia to spot that Trump was a potential ally, and that his prospective presidency might unite the previously hostile nations in a joint crusade to eradicate “perversion” and to carve up the planet between them.

In March 2016, he declared that the tweeting tycoon was the voice of “the real rightwing in America … which has found itself caught in the liberal globalist sect’s trap, obsessed with the new world order and focused on the interests of the world financial elite.” He ended his encomium thus: “In Trump we trust!”

So bonkers does all this sound that one is sorely tempted to tune out. But that would be a mistake. I seriously doubt that Trump has ploughed his way through Dugin’s 600-page Foundations of Geopolitics (1997), supposedly a standard textbook for Russian army officers. But the man who will be his chief strategist in the White House, Steve Bannon, is certainly aware of its author, and has spoken with apparent approval of “what I call Eurasianism. We, the Judeo-Christian West, really have to look at what [Putin] is talking about as far as traditionalism goes, particularly the sense of where it supports the underpinnings of nationalism.”

Look further, and it is clear that the virus of Duginism is now fizzing away in the bloodstream of the American “alt-right” and the digital nexus so important to Trump’s victory. Richard B Spencer, the white nationalist president of the National Policy Institute, is notorious for his post-election outburst at a Washington conference last month: “Hail Trump, hail our people, hail victory!” Less well-known are his close links with Dugin, who he invited to a conference on “European identity” in Budapest in 2014 (the Russian was denied a visa), having already published Dugin’s writings online.

Putin and Trump could be on the same side in this troubling new world order | Matthew d’Ancona

"Steve Bannon, is certainly aware of its (Dugan) author, and has spoken with apparent approval of “what I call Eurasianism. We, the Judeo-Christian West, really have to look at what [Putin] is talking about as far as traditionalism goes, particularly the sense of where it supports the underpinnings of nationalism.” The Guardian.

1. Leaks are often illegal, either the getting of the information or the release of it. THis never bothers lefties when it benefits them, see watergate.

2. So, what else exactly is "going on" redbaiter? hint "nationalism" is not a scary word.
Pence is sane, yes.

Sane or crazy, his agenda is to own our personal, private lives. Own and control our every move.

Trump is unhinged and incompetent but Pence believes his own fundie righteousness.

But, Trump wants a "win", or something he can get his fans to call a win. He will be more than happy to okay any crazy scheme Pence comes up with, just so he can bray.

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Where has pence ever claimed to want to own your personal lives?
That is a hall mark of an evangelical Catholic.

more unsupported bullshit, with a hint of religious bigotry.
Pence is sane, yes.

Sane or crazy, his agenda is to own our personal, private lives. Own and control our every move.

Trump is unhinged and incompetent but Pence believes his own fundie righteousness.

But, Trump wants a "win", or something he can get his fans to call a win. He will be more than happy to okay any crazy scheme Pence comes up with, just so he can bray.

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Where has pence ever claimed to want to own your personal lives?
That is a hall mark of an evangelical Catholic.

So you have nothing
Correll, post: 17818970
hint "nationalism" is not a scary word.

Unless you are a freedom loving Russian rising in opposition to Putin's authoritarian nationalistic kleptocracy and you find yourself in prison, poisoned or dead. That would be scary, right? Putin wants the western democracies to turn toward his brand of nationalism. Look at Poland. The right wing nationalist government is trying to destroy the free press as it is in Russia. Look where Trump went before the G20. He never said anything against the Polish majority right wing lawmakers giving power to their right wing president to fire all the judges and appoint his own. All in the name of nationalism.

The polish people protested this time and saved the Supreme Court judges but not the lower courts.

Look at Trump's attacks against judges here. His attacks on the free press in in front of young moldable minds in the Boy Scouts.

Not scary to Trump Bannon nationalists I see.

It's said freedom isn't free. It's sad to know that there are people like you that would not fight to defend freedom for the love of a nationalist kleptocrat like Trump.
"I'm beginning to really HATE the people lined up against Trump. Is that wrong???"

Yes it's wrong, because Trump is wrong and those who oppose him are right.
Correll, post: 17818970
hint "nationalism" is not a scary word.

Unless you are a freedom loving Russian rising in opposition to Putin's authoritarian nationalistic kleptocracy and you find yourself in prison, poisoned or dead. That would be scary, right? Putin wants the western democracies to turn toward his brand of nationalism. Look at Poland. The right wing nationalist government is trying to destroy the free press as it is in Russia. Look where Trump went before the G20. He never said anything against the Polish majority right wing lawmakers giving power to their right wing president to fire all the judges and appoint his own. All in the name of nationalism.

The polish people protested this time and saved the Supreme Court judges but not the lower courts.

Look at Trump's attacks against judges here. His attacks on the free press in in front of young moldable minds in the Boy Scouts.

Not scary to Trump Bannon nationalists I see.

It's said freedom isn't free. It's sad to know that there are people like you that would not fight to defend freedom for the love of a nationalist kleptocrat like Trump.

Russia, Russia, RUSSIA! WHAAAAAAA!
It seems that everyone, EVERYONE, in the establishment is lined up against Trump, and that includes both Democrats and Republicans, the media (including FOX News), the billionaires who really pull the strings, the deep state (CIA, NSA, FBI), the State Department, the bureaucracy at all the agencies, the courts, the universities, Hollywood, etc.

The only people behind Trump are the ordinary folks who voted for him, as proven at the BSA Jamboree and the Youngstown rally.

And I'm beginning to feel HATE because of Trump can't overcome all this opposition, we Americans will have lost our last, best chance of getting our country back.

Intelligent people don't like silly snake oil salesman Trump...they also happen to occupy most prominent positions in media, gov, law and enforcement...etc etc etc.
Correll, post: 17818970
hint "nationalism" is not a scary word.

Unless you are a freedom loving Russian rising in opposition to Putin's authoritarian nationalistic kleptocracy and you find yourself in prison, poisoned or dead. That would be scary, right? Putin wants the western democracies to turn toward his brand of nationalism. Look at Poland. The right wing nationalist government is trying to destroy the free press as it is in Russia. Look where Trump went before the G20. He never said anything against the Polish majority right wing lawmakers giving power to their right wing president to fire all the judges and appoint his own. All in the name of nationalism.

The polish people protested this time and saved the Supreme Court judges but not the lower courts.

Look at Trump's attacks against judges here. His attacks on the free press in in front of young moldable minds in the Boy Scouts.

Not scary to Trump Bannon nationalists I see.

It's said freedom isn't free. It's sad to know that there are people like you that would not fight to defend freedom for the love of a nationalist kleptocrat like Trump.

Any freedom loving Russian is just as likely to be a nationalist as not, and his problem(s) with Putin would probably not be nationalism based.

The judges here are being fucking assholes, violating their constitutional limits.

The media here are vile scum and the sooner those young scouts realize that, the better.

It is you anti-nationalists who are the primary threat to freedom here.
Correll, post: 17820664
Any freedom loving Russian is just as likely to be a nationalist as not, and his problem(s) with Putin would probably not be nationalism based.

Freedom loving Russians cannot support Putin's brand of nationalism. That is absurd. Nationalism can be good no doubt, but Putin's brand is opposed to freedom.
Correll, post: 17820664
Any freedom loving Russian is just as likely to be a nationalist as not, and his problem(s) with Putin would probably not be nationalism based.

Freedom loving Russians cannot support Putin's brand of nationalism. That is absurd. Nationalism can be good no doubt, but Putin's brand is opposed to freedom.
Vote blue, not red, Russian guys!
Correll, post: 17820664
Any freedom loving Russian is just as likely to be a nationalist as not, and his problem(s) with Putin would probably not be nationalism based.

Freedom loving Russians cannot support Putin's brand of nationalism. That is absurd. Nationalism can be good no doubt, but Putin's brand is opposed to freedom.

"Brand of nationalism"?

Putin is a Russian nationalist. Nothing in that requires him to be anti-freedom, especially for Russians.

If there is a conflict between Putin and some other russian over "freedom" that has nothing to do with Putin's russian nationalism.

YOu are against nationalism because you are a lefties with lefty ideas on Universality, and Fairness and Equality, that conflict with Nationalism.
Correll, post: 17824831
Putin is a Russian nationalist. Nothing in that requires him to be anti-freedom, especially for Russians.

Of course nothing is required. Putin is anti-freedom by choice. He has the Russian Orthodox Church and a large majority backing him. That is how you have in Russia the erosion of minority rights, freedom of the press, and a very powerful police state and court system, and the kleptocracy by Putin and his circle of Oligarchs.

Russian are free if they don't oppose Putin.

That is not how a free society is supposed to function.
Correll, post: 17820664
Any freedom loving Russian is just as likely to be a nationalist as not, and his problem(s) with Putin would probably not be nationalism based.

Freedom loving Russians cannot support Putin's brand of nationalism. That is absurd. Nationalism can be good no doubt, but Putin's brand is opposed to freedom.

"Brand of nationalism"?

Putin is a Russian nationalist. Nothing in that requires him to be anti-freedom, especially for Russians.

If there is a conflict between Putin and some other russian over "freedom" that has nothing to do with Putin's russian nationalism.

YOu are against nationalism because you are a lefties with lefty ideas on Universality, and Fairness and Equality, that conflict with Nationalism.
It only seems that way to the right wing, because the left believes in rational, nationalism.
Correll, post: 17824831
Putin is a Russian nationalist. Nothing in that requires him to be anti-freedom, especially for Russians.

Of course nothing is required. Putin is anti-freedom by choice. He has the Russian Orthodox Church and a large majority backing him. That is how you have in Russia the erosion of minority rights, freedom of the press, and a very powerful police state and court system, and the kleptocracy by Putin and his circle of Oligarchs.

Russian are free if they don't oppose Putin.

That is not how a free society is supposed to function.

I don't see anything in that supporting your spin that it is because of nationalism.
Correll, post: 17820664
Any freedom loving Russian is just as likely to be a nationalist as not, and his problem(s) with Putin would probably not be nationalism based.

Freedom loving Russians cannot support Putin's brand of nationalism. That is absurd. Nationalism can be good no doubt, but Putin's brand is opposed to freedom.

"Brand of nationalism"?

Putin is a Russian nationalist. Nothing in that requires him to be anti-freedom, especially for Russians.

If there is a conflict between Putin and some other russian over "freedom" that has nothing to do with Putin's russian nationalism.

YOu are against nationalism because you are a lefties with lefty ideas on Universality, and Fairness and Equality, that conflict with Nationalism.
It only seems that way to the right wing, because the left believes in rational, nationalism.

Says the mexican who sides with the mexican illegal alien rapist over his child victim.

That is not rational. YOu are not rational. YOu are full of hate.
Correll, post: 17820664
Any freedom loving Russian is just as likely to be a nationalist as not, and his problem(s) with Putin would probably not be nationalism based.

Freedom loving Russians cannot support Putin's brand of nationalism. That is absurd. Nationalism can be good no doubt, but Putin's brand is opposed to freedom.

"Brand of nationalism"?

Putin is a Russian nationalist. Nothing in that requires him to be anti-freedom, especially for Russians.

If there is a conflict between Putin and some other russian over "freedom" that has nothing to do with Putin's russian nationalism.

YOu are against nationalism because you are a lefties with lefty ideas on Universality, and Fairness and Equality, that conflict with Nationalism.
It only seems that way to the right wing, because the left believes in rational, nationalism.

Says the mexican who sides with the mexican illegal alien rapist over his child victim.

That is not rational. YOu are not rational. YOu are full of hate.
Says the Euro guy who only understands unitary forms of government and not our very own, federal form of government. We have a federal republic, to our immediate South.
Correll, post: 17820664
Any freedom loving Russian is just as likely to be a nationalist as not, and his problem(s) with Putin would probably not be nationalism based.

Freedom loving Russians cannot support Putin's brand of nationalism. That is absurd. Nationalism can be good no doubt, but Putin's brand is opposed to freedom.

"Brand of nationalism"?

Putin is a Russian nationalist. Nothing in that requires him to be anti-freedom, especially for Russians.

If there is a conflict between Putin and some other russian over "freedom" that has nothing to do with Putin's russian nationalism.

YOu are against nationalism because you are a lefties with lefty ideas on Universality, and Fairness and Equality, that conflict with Nationalism.
It only seems that way to the right wing, because the left believes in rational, nationalism.

Says the mexican who sides with the mexican illegal alien rapist over his child victim.

That is not rational. YOu are not rational. YOu are full of hate.
Says the Euro guy who only understands unitary forms of government and not our very own, federal form of government. We have a federal republic, to our immediate South.

1. Your use of "Euro" is dismissed as irrelevant static.

2. Thank you for not playing stupid and pretending not to remember that time you sided with the mexican illegal alien rapist over his child victim.

3. YOur citing of "federal" is out of context and meaningless, is as much of what you say.

4. My point about why lefties are anti-nationalism stands, as you have barely maybe addressed it, but certainly not challenged it.

Lefties have lefty ideas on Universality, and Fairness and Equality, that conflict with Nationalism.
It seems that everyone, EVERYONE, in the establishment is lined up against Trump, and that includes both Democrats and Republicans, the media (including FOX News), the billionaires who really pull the strings, the deep state (CIA, NSA, FBI), the State Department, the bureaucracy at all the agencies, the courts, the universities, Hollywood, etc.

The only people behind Trump are the ordinary folks who voted for him, as proven at the BSA Jamboree and the Youngstown rally.

And I'm beginning to feel HATE because of Trump can't overcome all this opposition, we Americans will have lost our last, best chance of getting our country back.

Did you really honestly think that one guy could change Washington?

Also, he's doing almost everything the Republican establishment wants.

The fact that he has appointed more rich people from Wall Street should make you rethink your original premise.

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