I'm beginning to really HATE the people lined up against Trump. Is that wrong???

It seems that everyone, EVERYONE, in the establishment is lined up against Trump, and that includes both Democrats and Republicans, the media (including FOX News), the billionaires who really pull the strings, the deep state (CIA, NSA, FBI), the State Department, the bureaucracy at all the agencies, the courts, the universities, Hollywood, etc.

The only people behind Trump are the ordinary folks who voted for him, as proven at the BSA Jamboree and the Youngstown rally.

And I'm beginning to feel HATE because of Trump can't overcome all this opposition, we Americans will have lost our last, best chance of getting our country back.


well, it certainly makes you stupid

the "people" (and I use that term loosely) behind trump are approximately 36% of the country... there is a reason the smarter folk are appalled by him.

I'm sure it's then same reason smarter people are disgusted by you guys.

Wait, you weren't including yourself in that were you?
Chuz Life, post: 17808940
Are we more deplorable than those who deny children's rights, kill them for convenience and or sell their harvested body parts for the TOP dollar?

Liberals are not killing children. If they did they would be arrested. That's fake news. Your religion has made you nuts.

Oh so you don't advocating killing children in utero?

Then why do you scream so much when we want to defund planned parenthood? Especially since they her should have been funded in the first place.
Slowly but surely the promises of Trump are being fulfilled. Even as they throw everything but the kitchen sink at him.

The more they attack the more they show their true colors, and it has backfired and will continue to backfire against them.

The MORE the LOSERS WHINE means they are losing even more................Obama's agenda is being shredded everyday, and they are coming unhinged.

Forget the NOISE and see that the agenda continues..............and let them melt down.
It seems that everyone, EVERYONE, in the establishment is lined up against Trump, and that includes both Democrats and Republicans, the media (including FOX News), the billionaires who really pull the strings, the deep state (CIA, NSA, FBI), the State Department, the bureaucracy at all the agencies, the courts, the universities, Hollywood, etc.

The only people behind Trump are the ordinary folks who voted for him, as proven at the BSA Jamboree and the Youngstown rally.

And I'm beginning to feel HATE because of Trump can't overcome all this opposition, we Americans will have lost our last, best chance of getting our country back.
i can't think of any time pre-election by a year years or more we'd ever have thought trump was the last salvation for what this country used to be. a savior? 2+ years ago would any of us have put him in that situation or hold him in that light.

i still don't today.

but he is the president and he is the "businessman" i've always wanted to see in the white house. i'd just prefer one who wasn't acting the fool quite often and throwing his own tantrums on a constant basis. you know, trump.

but he is the president.

i'm more concerned with how "we the people" allowed to be so self-centered that all previous sacrifices for our country became expendable like rambo in first blood 2. our own I WANT I WANT became more important than "we need" how one section of our countries population became more important or persecuted than another. we've fought so long for individual rights we've lost sight of how rights are even ours to begin with.


we only have the rights we do because we agree to them. they are not inherent in man but a dream most men have we made possible 250 years ago by how we chose to work together to guarantee them for us all.

wow. for us all.

that does mean however those rights can and will change according to the times and like it or not the times have spoken up loudly in the last decade and those are seldom peaceful because it involves a huge shift in how we've done things. some love it, some hate it. some don't care, just get me pizza by 7pm with the extra pepperoni and cheese.

screw the mushrooms.

but to those who hate trump it's because he represents stopping the very changes they've been playing in for the last 8 years. never thought those kinds of culture clashes would be peaceful. we're just not that adult of a country yet or we'd not have to have chosen between these 2.

but all that said he is the president and while i think hating it is fine - i'm tired of the lies liberals use to justify the hate. i'm tired of how they don't give a flying fuck what *their* side does. they had to - the right made them. they called the right a bunch of negative names and that makes the hate and lies ok, you see.

unless done to them and then you didn't use the lie in a morally superior manner so you're wrong. still.

screw that bullshit.

we are slowly getting back to 1 set of rules that should apply to all. if trump has in fact done something wrong and punishable by law, take his ass down and go. but do not pass all others who committed crimes of their own because you micro-justified it's defense at least in their own world.

so while i don't like trumps antics, i do think it's just what the left deserves. hell they deserve each other. the only thing i care about is who he appoints to oversee the laws of our land and that he works to rebuild our infrastructure and allow more manufacturing jobs to come back home. we used to build great things now we buy disposable stuff and it sucks. we're better than that.

we were long divided and piling bullshit on each other long before trump came along. trump just flings it back at them in the most obnoxious of ways and i'm choosing to find that entertaining vs. upsetting.
Slowly but surely the promises of Trump are being fulfilled. Even as they throw everything but the kitchen sink at him.

What fulfillment. Take the ACA repeal and replace. You know the easy one. Trump promised to provide a better plan, a beautiful plan that would provide better, cheaper health care for everybody.

Then last January Trump said he was putting the final touches on that beautiful universal coverage plan. Where is it? Why do you allow him to lie like that to you?
Slowly but surely the promises of Trump are being fulfilled. Even as they throw everything but the kitchen sink at him.

What fulfillment. Take the ACA repeal and replace. You know the easy one. Trump promised to provide a better plan, a beautiful plan that would provide better, cheaper health care for everybody.

Then last January Trump said he was putting the final touches on that beautiful universal coverage plan. Where is it? Why do you allow him to lie like that to you?
Correll, post: 17804340
They are demonizing us at every turn.

America has becomes more multicultural every single day. We've come a long way since the 80s. Senator Orrin Hatch yesterday had such kind and respectful words praising transgenders serving in the military and in general.

If Orin Hatch, a US Republican from Utah, can be a decent multicultural human being, but Trump and his haters cannot, you deserve being demonized. Quit the hate. You'll actually feel better.

Nothing in your post supports your conclusion.

SO, the US is getting more diverse. So what? That doesn't support your hatred.

SO, Hatch said something. Is he an Authority to you? He is not to me.

YOu are the one that started this hate.
Slowly but surely the promises of Trump are failing.
How so................


Less regulations...........done

End Obama actions............many done and more to follow

Travel ban.............done to a lesser degree but won in a Supreme Court decision

Keystone pipeline....................done

TPP dead in the water.............done

Paris Accord is now toast..............done

Wall............closer to being funded........

Behind the NOISE..............many things are getting done................
to be honest, trump was my 26th pick if there were 25 candidates. he has displayed thoughout the campaign and his administration many things that cause me concern both as an american and as a libertarian, BUT the sheer stupiudity, hysterics, and hate filled zeal of the majority of the anti's makes it so much harder to engage in real criticism of president Tannen.

So you have no fetal homicidal laws. Figures. Trying to fake news the rest of us. You made that doozy up. Doesn't your religion forbid lying?

The US Constitution is silent on fetal human rights. So the Supreme Court Settled it.

Abortion is matter left to a woman and her doctor. Perfectly legal.
if there isnt a constitutional amendment banning it or protecting it as a right, then its up to the states, period.
Slowly but surely the promises of Trump are being fulfilled. Even as they throw everything but the kitchen sink at him.

What fulfillment. Take the ACA repeal and replace. You know the easy one. Trump promised to provide a better plan, a beautiful plan that would provide better, cheaper health care for everybody.

Then last January Trump said he was putting the final touches on that beautiful universal coverage plan. Where is it? Why do you allow him to lie like that to you?

The Progressives have brought out the big guns and make up and use anything except the true. It use to be called the "Big Lie" and has been used since the beginning of time by both sides. The bug difference is Big Press is the messenger and they are owned by Progressives and big money. The are the same group and backs high drug prices, high priced medical cost and more. Follow the Money and you will find the Leaders.


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