I'm beginning to really HATE the people lined up against Trump. Is that wrong???

Those with backbone do not spew hatred as the lifeblood of you movement behind such an ignorant crass unAmerican man
I don't see Trump supporters breaking windows at Starbucks and then going down the street to another Starbucks to get their latte's. Cmon Snowflake we have eyes we can see the real violent haters in our nation and it's the people you side with.
Those with backbone do not spew hatred as the lifeblood of you movement behind such an ignorant crass unAmerican man
I don't see Trump supporters breaking windows at Starbucks and then going down the street to another Starbucks to get their latte's. Cmon Snowflake we have eyes we can see the real violent haters in our nation and it's the people you side with.
Brainwashed with bs repeated a thousand times on the BS/hate GOP propaganda machine- one can actually see the innuendo/spin/brainwash working in your statement.. Those aren't Dems, they're a FEW Antifa punks and gangsta wannabees. The only ACTUAL surge in violence is against Muslims, gays, Jews, blacks etc...
Brainwashed with bs repeated a thousand times on the BS/hate GOP propaganda machine- one can actually see the innuendo/spin/brainwash working in your statement.. Those aren't Dems, they're a FEW Antifa punks and gangsta wannabees. The only ACTUAL surge in violence is against Muslims, gays, Jews, blacks etc...
Hey Franco the 60's called and they want their ideology back.
Is it wrong to be stopped at a red light and a panhandler with a trump hat comes begging for money and you blow his brains out? This just isn't healthy thinking in my opinion, but I have thought about it. Do you think I need help? Group therapy? Do I need to go on Dr Phil about my anger issues?
Those with backbone do not spew hatred as the lifeblood of you movement behind such an ignorant crass unAmerican man
I don't see Trump supporters breaking windows at Starbucks and then going down the street to another Starbucks to get their latte's. Cmon Snowflake we have eyes we can see the real violent haters in our nation and it's the people you side with.

Cause dipwad, due to strategic placement of fake news stories about Hillary, he won the electoral college. THAT is how you get a Putin approvef, illegitimate president.
It seems that everyone, EVERYONE, in the establishment is lined up against Trump, and that includes both Democrats and Republicans, the media (including FOX News), the billionaires who really pull the strings, the deep state (CIA, NSA, FBI), the State Department, the bureaucracy at all the agencies, the courts, the universities, Hollywood, etc.

The only people behind Trump are the ordinary folks who voted for him, as proven at the BSA Jamboree and the Youngstown rally.

And I'm beginning to feel HATE because of Trump can't overcome all this opposition, we Americans will have lost our last, best chance of getting our country back.

You should go rub shit on your shoes because plently people are lined up against that also and since people not liking things seems what drives you maybe you can rub it on your face as a sign of defiance.
Those with backbone do not spew hatred as the lifeblood of you movement behind such an ignorant crass unAmerican man
I don't see Trump supporters breaking windows at Starbucks and then going down the street to another Starbucks to get their latte's. Cmon Snowflake we have eyes we can see the real violent haters in our nation and it's the people you side with.

Cause dipwad, due to strategic placement of fake news stories about Hillary, he won the electoral college. THAT is how you get a Putin approvef, illegitimate president.

Do provide a detailed list of all the "fake news" stories about Hitlary , along with an estimate of how many votes she lost.

Then, please explain why the relentless "real" news stories about Trump did not cost him even MORE votes than the "fake" stories about Hitlary costed her.
Those with backbone do not spew hatred as the lifeblood of you movement behind such an ignorant crass unAmerican man
I don't see Trump supporters breaking windows at Starbucks and then going down the street to another Starbucks to get their latte's. Cmon Snowflake we have eyes we can see the real violent haters in our nation and it's the people you side with.

Cause dipwad, due to strategic placement of fake news stories about Hillary, he won the electoral college. THAT is how you get a Putin approvef, illegitimate president.

Do provide a detailed list of all the "fake news" stories about Hitlary , along with an estimate of how many votes she lost.

Then, please explain why the relentless "real" news stories about Trump did not cost him even MORE votes than the "fake" stories about Hitlary costed her.

Ask someone in the NSA, I am sure they have it documented. Or better yet, ask the Comrade's buddy Vlad. He certainly knows.
You know why we have Trump?

Because the Republican Party sucks, the Democrat Party sucks & the media sucks.

It's ALL broken. That's why.
I'm beginning to really HATE the people lined up against Trump. Is that wrong???
You're BEGINNING to hate?

Who do you think you are kidding?

Hate is who and what you are.

Hate and Fear are what the GOP preach.

please explain why the relentless "real" news stories about Trump did not cost him even MORE votes than the "fake" stories about Hitlary costed her.
I'm beginning to really HATE the people lined up against Trump. Is that wrong???
You're BEGINNING to hate?

Who do you think you are kidding?

Hate is who and what you are.

Hate and Fear are what the GOP preach.

please explain why the relentless "real" news stories about Trump did not cost him even MORE votes than the "fake" stories about Hitlary costed her.

Putin really, wanted Comrade, his puppet in the WH. He probably has a line item in the Kremlin budget.

They have no defense of Trump, the only thing that drives them is hatred of others. No positives to speak of
Chuz Life, post: 17806450
Then, please explain why the relentless "real" news stories about Trump did not cost him even MORE votes than the "fake" stories about Hitlary costed her.

Trump voters don't care about truth in news. As is obvious by Trump bragging about sexually assaulting women on tape. Trump supporters don't care because they themselves are deplorable people.

More deplorables turned out to vote in Michigan Wisconsin and Pennsylvania where many white nationalists lurk than did decent Americans. That is the shame of the 2016 election.
Cause dipwad, due to strategic placement of fake news stories about Hillary, he won the electoral college. THAT is how you get a Putin approvef, illegitimate president.
Yeah right...Hillary was a great candidate with a winning message and a progressive liberal agenda for the ages that we all wanted but the Russians fooled us into voting for Trump.

Don't you see how idiotic that is? On the one hand Trump is a dopey orange clown but on the other he is an evil master mind that stole the election away from Hillary. That is stupid. Bone crushing stupid. The kind of stupid that you even know is stupid but you type and say it anyway. Now that is dumb.
Every same person sees that Trump is a conman a liar and morally an ass. Maybe it's time for you to wake up.

It seems that everyone, EVERYONE, in the establishment is lined up against Trump, and that includes both Democrats and Republicans, the media (including FOX News), the billionaires who really pull the strings, the deep state (CIA, NSA, FBI), the State Department, the bureaucracy at all the agencies, the courts, the universities, Hollywood, etc.

The only people behind Trump are the ordinary folks who voted for him, as proven at the BSA Jamboree and the Youngstown rally.

And I'm beginning to feel HATE because of Trump can't overcome all this opposition, we Americans will have lost our last, best chance of getting our country back.
Correll, post: 17804340
They are demonizing us at every turn.

America has becomes more multicultural every single day. We've come a long way since the 80s. Senator Orrin Hatch yesterday had such kind and respectful words praising transgenders serving in the military and in general.

If Orin Hatch, a US Republican from Utah, can be a decent multicultural human being, but Trump and his haters cannot, you deserve being demonized. Quit the hate. You'll actually feel better.
They have no defense of Trump, the only thing that drives them is hatred of others. No positives to speak of
There is not an unfilled storefront in my town. Everyone I work with is booked solid. That is a huge positive. The courts will be conservative and constitution supporting again. That is also a good thing. We don't hate, we discard what we dislike.

We have finally done what we promised and that was to stand up and take our country back from progressive outdated people. We have the youth on our side we have minority people on our side we have former democrats on our side.

You all had better wake up and smell the coffee, this nation will never go back to Obamaisim...never. The democrat party will need to change big time to ever win a national election again and they are incapable of that kind of change.
Rambunctious, post: 17808397,
We have the youth on our side we have minority people on our side we have former democrats on our side.

Trump's your last great white hope. But he is toxic with the vast majority of Americans.

You don't have but a splinter of the youth and non-white and non-evangelical RWNJ Pat Robertson Christians in this country.

You and Trump can Go nowhere but down. Hope Trump takes the entire GOP down with him.

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