I'm beginning to really HATE the people lined up against Trump. Is that wrong???

Trump's your last great white hope. But he is toxic with the vast majority of Americans.

You don't have but a splinter of the youth and non-white and non-evangelical RWNJ Pat Robertson Christians in this country.

You and Trump can Go nowhere but down. Hope Trump takes the entire GOP down with him
Just think...Trump is the worst but he is more exceptable to millions of Americans than Obama and Clinton. That is amazing don't ya think?
Chuz Life, post: 17806450
Then, please explain why the relentless "real" news stories about Trump did not cost him even MORE votes than the "fake" stories about Hitlary costed her.

Trump voters don't care about truth in news. As is obvious by Trump bragging about sexually assaulting women on tape. Trump supporters don't care because they themselves are deplorable people.

More deplorables turned out to vote in Michigan Wisconsin and Pennsylvania where many white nationalists lurk than did decent Americans. That is the shame of the 2016 election.

Are we more deplorable than those who deny children's rights, kill them for convenience and or sell their harvested body parts for the TOP dollar?
It seems that everyone, EVERYONE, in the establishment is lined up against Trump, and that includes both Democrats and Republicans, the media (including FOX News), the billionaires who really pull the strings, the deep state (CIA, NSA, FBI), the State Department, the bureaucracy at all the agencies, the courts, the universities, Hollywood, etc.

The only people behind Trump are the ordinary folks who voted for him, as proven at the BSA Jamboree and the Youngstown rally.

And I'm beginning to feel HATE because of Trump can't overcome all this opposition, we Americans will have lost our last, best chance of getting our country back.

Hate, real hate, should be reserved for true evil....most of those on the left here in this country are just uninformed people who don't pay attention to politics and history.......the real evil ones....the ones who support mass murderers around the world.....hate that support, but pity the fools who don't understand truth, facts and reality......

My advice.....I won't even charge you 2 cents....
They have no defense of Trump, the only thing that drives them is hatred of others. No positives to speak of
There is not an unfilled storefront in my town. Everyone I work with is booked solid. That is a huge positive. The courts will be conservative and constitution supporting again. That is also a good thing. We don't hate, we discard what we dislike.

We have finally done what we promised and that was to stand up and take our country back from progressive outdated people. We have the youth on our side we have minority people on our side we have former democrats on our side.

You all had better wake up and smell the coffee, this nation will never go back to Obamaisim...never. The democrat party will need to change big time to ever win a national election again and they are incapable of that kind of change.

Nice wall of text but the polls, the people, the actions and everything that is reality based says differently. Just because you look at a pile of shit and say it's tasty doesn't mean anything to anyone.
Nice wall of text but the polls, the people, the actions and everything that is reality based says differently. Just because you look at a pile of shut and say it's tasty doesn't mean anything to anyone
You said something very close to that to me when Trump decided to run and then again when I said he would beat Hillary and then when I said there is no there there with Russian collusion and now you doubt me again. Not very smart of you. Some people just need to be kicked in the head I guess.
Nice wall of text but the polls, the people, the actions and everything that is reality based says differently. Just because you look at a pile of shut and say it's tasty doesn't mean anything to anyone
You said something very close to that to me when Trump decided to run and then again when I said he would beat Hillary and then when I said there is no there there with Russian collusion and now you doubt me again. Not very smart of you. Some people just need to be kicked in the head I guess.

No I didnt, but your stories make you feel warm. BTW, Theyve admitted to meeting with Russians after saying they didn't and you still think their admission doesn't count. Lol..how can anyone make you accept reality?

That's not on anyone but yourself. It'd like Mike Tysons saying he never boxed before and you seeing video of him boxing and yelling "there's no boxing going on there!"
It seems that everyone, EVERYONE, in the establishment is lined up against Trump, and that includes both Democrats and Republicans, the media (including FOX News), the billionaires who really pull the strings, the deep state (CIA, NSA, FBI), the State Department, the bureaucracy at all the agencies, the courts, the universities, Hollywood, etc.

The only people behind Trump are the ordinary folks who voted for him, as proven at the BSA Jamboree and the Youngstown rally.

And I'm beginning to feel HATE because of Trump can't overcome all this opposition, we Americans will have lost our last, best chance of getting our country back.


well, it certainly makes you stupid

the "people" (and I use that term loosely) behind trump are approximately 36% of the country... there is a reason the smarter folk are appalled by him.
Chuz Life, post: 17808940
Are we more deplorable than those who deny children's rights, kill them for convenience and or sell their harvested body parts for the TOP dollar?

Liberals are not killing children. If they did they would be arrested. That's fake news. Your religion has made you nuts.
It's not just George Soros, it's all the billionaires lined up to buy the politicians and media personalities, and Hollywood types as well. Look at all the money they've poured into buying up all the scientists to back global warming. You can't trust anyone any more, because they're all bought and paid for by the billionaires who want to grow big government, because it's easier that way to control us, and strangle us, and knock us out of the workforce.

What does Soros have to do with it? I read a thread here that Soros loans money to Kushner. Looks like Kushner is the only one who get all their money from Russia.

But you're right that the Republicans are owned by big money. Right now, tonight, they're voting to raise insurance premiums 20%+ and take coverage away from 19 million people. Trump is so desperate for a "win", he won't hesitate to sign in it.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com
2aguy, post: 17808964
.most of those on the left here in this country are just uninformed people who don't pay attention to politics and history...

You must be worse than what you perceive as the uninformed left. That is assuming that you do pay attention and politics. What makes you think you are more informed about than I am.
It seems that everyone, EVERYONE, in the establishment is lined up against Trump, and that includes both Democrats and Republicans, the media (including FOX News), the billionaires who really pull the strings, the deep state (CIA, NSA, FBI), the State Department, the bureaucracy at all the agencies, the courts, the universities, Hollywood, etc.

The only people behind Trump are the ordinary folks who voted for him, as proven at the BSA Jamboree and the Youngstown rally.

And I'm beginning to feel HATE because of Trump can't overcome all this opposition, we Americans will have lost our last, best chance of getting our country back.
Same assholes backing Trump backed bush. I hate you people too.

Please by all means pass your bad laws that will hurt many Trump supporters like Bruce jenner
Chuz Life, post: 17808940
Are we more deplorable than those who deny children's rights, kill them for convenience and or sell their harvested body parts for the TOP dollar?

Liberals are not killing children. If they did they would be arrested. That's fake news. Your religion has made you nuts.

It is our fetal HOMICIDE laws (not religion) where I get that conclusion from.

Wanna try again?
Those with backbone do not spew hatred as the lifeblood of you movement behind such an ignorant crass unAmerican man
I don't see Trump supporters breaking windows at Starbucks and then going down the street to another Starbucks to get their latte's. Cmon Snowflake we have eyes we can see the real violent haters in our nation and it's the people you side with.

Cause dipwad, due to strategic placement of fake news stories about Hillary, he won the electoral college. THAT is how you get a Putin approvef, illegitimate president.

Do provide a detailed list of all the "fake news" stories about Hitlary , along with an estimate of how many votes she lost.

Then, please explain why the relentless "real" news stories about Trump did not cost him even MORE votes than the "fake" stories about Hitlary costed her.

Ask someone in the NSA, I am sure they have it documented. Or better yet, ask the Comrade's buddy Vlad. He certainly knows.

Which, by implication, indicates that you don't know and thus knowingly lied
Every same person sees that Trump is a conman a liar and morally an ass. Maybe it's time for you to wake up.

It seems that everyone, EVERYONE, in the establishment is lined up against Trump, and that includes both Democrats and Republicans, the media (including FOX News), the billionaires who really pull the strings, the deep state (CIA, NSA, FBI), the State Department, the bureaucracy at all the agencies, the courts, the universities, Hollywood, etc.

The only people behind Trump are the ordinary folks who voted for him, as proven at the BSA Jamboree and the Youngstown rally.

And I'm beginning to feel HATE because of Trump can't overcome all this opposition, we Americans will have lost our last, best chance of getting our country back.

Funny. Every honest and rational person said the same thing about Hillary.

Yet somehow that was alright.

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