I'm beginning to really HATE the people lined up against Trump. Is that wrong???

Dupes/red necks/rubes stick together...good people except for their politics and racism...

Not according to actual studies.

Economic Anxiety Didn’t Make People Vote Trump, Racism Did
Yes, that's what the Left believes.

It's a shame they won't look in the mirror.
i detect a lot of tiredness from winning. chin up. according to you trumptards the winning will continue for another 7,5 years.
Dupes/red necks/rubes stick together...good people except for their politics and racism...

Not according to actual studies.

Economic Anxiety Didn’t Make People Vote Trump, Racism Did
Yes, that's what the Left believes.

It's a shame they won't look in the mirror.

It's a study not a belief. Climate change is science not a belief.
Great. I'll agree with this honest liberal, among others:
No they Hate you, hate America, hate the Constitution, hate Law Enforcement, hate the rule of law, hate immigration law, hate sovereignty, hate Christians & Jews, hate independence from Government, hate the free market, hate capitalism, hate individual liberties, hate Democracy, hate Conservatives, hate life & hate God.
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If it was a Science it would be measurable, predictable, observable and repeatable.

It isn't. It is based entirely on reading goat livers and divining chicken bones and making hysterical predictions.

Sadly your so called science and so called scientists and the video games we call simulations have not only been Wrong Wrong Wrong... (All 200 some models).., but they were Lies manufactured by people after grant money who manipulated & omitted data to achieve a false result which is something you can only achieve in a programmed computer model.

Lies in Lies out.

Perfect Liberal Lie to use to push a Lying Agenda! Globalism & The Culture of Death, a Religion of Earth Worship! It's Scientology on Steroids!

But worse yet it is a Mandated Money Making Ponzi Scheme to sell Snake Oil; to sell an Invisible Product to an Unwitting Gullible Public to make The Left Elite Obscenely more Wealthy!

Dupes/red necks/rubes stick together...good people except for their politics and racism...

Not according to actual studies.

Economic Anxiety Didn’t Make People Vote Trump, Racism Did
Yes, that's what the Left believes.

It's a shame they won't look in the mirror.

It's a study not a belief. Climate change is science not a belief.
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Talking to leftists is becoming increasingly like talking to a machine, a machine that has been programmed to say the most asinine things one could imagine.
No they Hate you, hate America, hate the Constitution, hate Law Enforcement, hate the rule of law, hate immigration law, hate sovereignty, hate Christians & Jews, hate Conservatives, hate independence from Governmant, hate the free market, hate capitalism, hate individual liberties, hate Democracy, hate Conservatives, hate life & hate God.
Exactly... I don't worry about hating progs because I know they hate me, and have since before I became so acutely aware of it.
They hated you for being born.

Humans are a Virus....so says Al Gore.

No they Hate you, hate America, hate the Constitution, hate Law Enforcement, hate the rule of law, hate immigration law, hate sovereignty, hate Christians & Jews, hate Conservatives, hate independence from Governmant, hate the free market, hate capitalism, hate individual liberties, hate Democracy, hate Conservatives, hate life & hate God.
Exactly... I don't worry about hating progs because I know they hate me, and have since before I became so acutely aware of it.
It's like my eyes have been opened to the fact that both parties are equally bad, and it's all just a show to fool us while billionaires suck the life out of our country.
You sound like a burgeoning Sanders/Warren devotee.

RW media has your head so tightly wound and muddled that you don't know what to think anymore. :laugh2:
Hating others is exactly what Trump wants you to do because it clouds your judgement and makes you susceptible to suggestion. By now you are probably addicted to the righteous outrage that runs though practically everything Trump says. Righteous outrage feels good doesn't it? What a rush to vent that shit on Trump's target of the day. Maybe fantasize a little about some hot-blooded mass-murder perhaps? Quit making your politics into a never-ending temper tantrum, it's unhealthy.
No, anyone who knows me knows that I was a really big opponent of Trump, all the way until way after he was nominated.

But Trump has opened my eyes to the real enemy of our country is the billionaires who have been pushing the agenda of cultural corruption, population control, unlimited immigration, and outsourcing of American jobs to other countries. We are a nation that is literally under attack by our own ruling class, and only Trump, because he is a billionaire himself, can't be bought by them.
Trump, because he is a billionaire himself, can't be bought by them.

He is one of them, fool.
Watch the give-aways coming down the pike for your billionaires.
It seems that everyone, EVERYONE, in the establishment is lined up against Trump, and that includes both Democrats and Republicans, the media (including FOX News), the billionaires who really pull the strings, the deep state (CIA, NSA, FBI), the State Department, the bureaucracy at all the agencies, the courts, the universities, Hollywood, etc.

The only people behind Trump are the ordinary folks who voted for him, as proven at the BSA Jamboree and the Youngstown rally.

And I'm beginning to feel HATE because of Trump can't overcome all this opposition, we Americans will have lost our last, best chance of getting our country back.
Only the blind, unstable and truly deranged still support this insecure, thin skinned whiny little bitch.
He's an embarrassment to humanity.
What pleases me is that there are a lot more of us than there are of you.
Your experiment of hate, racism and incompetence is losing support faster than DT is losing his sanity.

You are a damn idiot. Your same old lies, same old labels same old push to make the people of this country subservient to a ruling class are PURE SHIT. As I have posted before It didn't work before With King George and if we have to kill every one of you ignorant piles pf shit to remain free WE WILL. Then we will just push you in a burial trench with all of your messiahs, pour lime on you and Cover you with an inch of dirt to keep the smell down, well maybe you wont stink as much as you do now, so it may smell better.

Dupes/red necks/rubes stick together...good people except for their politics and racism...

Not according to actual studies.

Economic Anxiety Didn’t Make People Vote Trump, Racism Did

ah..the Race Card Card.....doesn't get old.

Well, the libs seem to think that they can make the same bullshit accusations again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again,

without it getting old, and boring, and annoying and offense, and revealing them to be nothing but vile assholes.

But I would have to strongly disagree.
So you hate 65% of Americans? What a Patriot! You and the Comrade should be proud.
The establishment obviously wants to push us into war with Russia. I have no idea why they want to do that, but this new sanctions bill proves it.

It is possible that they are so fucking stupid that they think that RUssia is a defeated power that can be safely pushed around, without risk.

The end result would be the same, of course.

Bot number please..,
And I'm beginning to feel HATE...
My guess is that you've been conditioned to look at things in a very binary, black & white, us vs. them way.

You're not obligated to hate those who dare to disagree with you. Hate is something you choose to do.

There will always be people who disagree with you. That's just a part of life we all have to accept.

You poor little minded snowflake.... do you really think you leftardz are loathed just because some of us Conservatives have opinions that differ from yours?

If you think that is so, I really have to wonder what you think our reaction to your actual policies, parades and agendas are?

This shit doesn't play out in a fucking vacuum, you know.

If all we ever have is a difference of opinions, no-one would have reason to hate on you tards at all.

It's not your libtarded "opinions" where anyone finds reason to hate on you. It's the ACTIONS you take and have been taking, that results in your (much deserved) retaliation.
I think you hate because you have been taught to hate. You've been taught to think on a very binary, simplistic, hyperbolic, reactionary level.

You've been conditioned to explode with anger and attack at the slightest perceived provocation, as we see here.

The Division Pimps have done their job well. They appreciate your obedience, no doubt.

Let's either agree to disagree.... or at least, agree that the word "hate" is being used very loosely.

I am a former Marine. Trained to kill (in defense of our country, constitution and out people INCLUDING THOSE WHO HAVE A DIFFERENCE OF OPINIONS WITH) when I am justifiably ordered to do so, or when certain other conditions make it necessary to do so. Hate, like any other emotion, impairs perception, judgment and decision making ability.

So, Hate has NOTHING to do with it. If I did actually HATE someone, ANYONE to the full meaning of the word?

There would be no evidence to be found about it in a public forum.
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