I'm betting Democrats won't try to impeach Trump beyond the House.


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
Remember, Republicans impeached Bill Clinton in the House over lying about getting a BJ.

Trump's crimes are actually serious.

I suspect he might get impeached in the House, but not in the Senate. No matter how big a criminal Trump is or the crimes he has committed, Republicans will defend him.


I hope they do.

Because the GOP has 22 seats up in the Senate in 2020.

Republicans are going to be known as the Prison Party because so many Republicans are going to be in jail or defending GOP criminals.

It will be the job of the Democrats to lay out all the GOP criminality in front of the American people in a way they can understand.

We saw a Blue Wave in 2018.

In 2020, we are going to see a Blue Tsunami.


This list will be more than doubled by 2020.

Remember when Republicans thought Hillary was going to win?


All we want is equality. We aren't asking for anything more. But we won't settle for anything less.

[I'm betting Democrats won't try to impeach Trump beyond the House.]

I suspect he might get impeached in the House, but not in the Senate.

How often did you fail civics 101? You are an embarrassment.
Remember, Republicans impeached Bill Clinton in the House over lying about getting a BJ.

Trump's crimes are actually serious.

I suspect he might get impeached in the House, but not in the Senate. No matter how big a criminal Trump is or the crimes he has committed, Republicans will defend him.


I hope they do.

Because the GOP has 22 seats up in the Senate in 2020.

Republicans are going to be known as the Prison Party because so many Republicans are going to be in jail or defending GOP criminals.

It will be the job of the Democrats to lay out all the GOP criminality in front of the American people in a way they can understand.

We saw a Blue Wave in 2018.

In 2020, we are going to see a Blue Tsunami.


This list will be more than doubled by 2020.

Remember when Republicans thought Hillary was going to win?


All we want is equality. We aren't asking for anything more. But we won't settle for anything less.



Only in California, New York State and Chicago do they buy the load of nonsense you are peddling.

1. You would not have the votes to convict and remove even if you had won in 2018.

2. If the Senate Falls to the Democrats in 2020 means Trump lost the election, so Impeachment will be moot as can be...
Remember, Republicans impeached Bill Clinton in the House over lying about getting a BJ.

Trump's crimes are actually serious.

I suspect he might get impeached in the House, but not in the Senate. No matter how big a criminal Trump is or the crimes he has committed, Republicans will defend him.


I hope they do.

Because the GOP has 22 seats up in the Senate in 2020.

Republicans are going to be known as the Prison Party because so many Republicans are going to be in jail or defending GOP criminals.

It will be the job of the Democrats to lay out all the GOP criminality in front of the American people in a way they can understand.

We saw a Blue Wave in 2018.

In 2020, we are going to see a Blue Tsunami.


This list will be more than doubled by 2020.

Remember when Republicans thought Hillary was going to win?


All we want is equality. We aren't asking for anything more. But we won't settle for anything less.

Wow! No flies on you, deany.
If the country can hold on, it's better voters throw him out in a landslide.

There just aren't enough white racists to get him elected.

Look at what Republicans think is fine:


You're going to see this stuff everywhere.

Republicans will be bewildered. They don't understand the big deal. That's why they will lose.
Remember, Republicans impeached Bill Clinton in the House over lying about getting a BJ.

Trump's crimes are actually serious.

I suspect he might get impeached in the House, but not in the Senate. No matter how big a criminal Trump is or the crimes he has committed, Republicans will defend him.


I hope they do.

Because the GOP has 22 seats up in the Senate in 2020.

Republicans are going to be known as the Prison Party because so many Republicans are going to be in jail or defending GOP criminals.

It will be the job of the Democrats to lay out all the GOP criminality in front of the American people in a way they can understand.

We saw a Blue Wave in 2018.

In 2020, we are going to see a Blue Tsunami.


This list will be more than doubled by 2020.

Remember when Republicans thought Hillary was going to win?


All we want is equality. We aren't asking for anything more. But we won't settle for anything less.

Lol you should hold your reaction to the 2020 election on payperview, you crying will be worth 50 Bucks haha
Democrats aren’t going to impeach; removing Trump through the impeachment process gains them nothing – Pence being as bad as Trump, if not worse.

Indeed, the attempt could likely backfire on Democrats resulting in Trump getting reelected.

The ongoing threat of impeachment is a better strategy, allowing the people to vote Trump out of office next year.
Democrats aren’t going to impeach; removing Trump through the impeachment process gains them nothing – Pence being as bad as Trump, if not worse.

Indeed, the attempt could likely backfire on Democrats resulting in Trump getting reelected.

The ongoing threat of impeachment is a better strategy, allowing the people to vote Trump out of office next year.
Go ahead, dickweed....Do it.
There will be no impeachment of Trump.

Impeachment requires a coherent set of charges that are at least arguably tied to verifiable facts. If you listen closely to the Democrats, it's all smoke and mirrors. Their best shot is "obstruction of justice," but the couple of Executive acts they refer to (e.g., firing Comey) are ENTIRELY within the President's legal authority, and are fully justified by facts having nothing to do with the pointless "Russia-collusion" meme. Further, the President could have done dozens of other things to impede the Russia circus, all quite legal, and he declined to do them. How many times have Congresspersons and their minions in the Media breathlessly claimed that Trump was going to FIRE MUELLER???? Which he could have done with the stroke of his pen.

And yet he didn't do it. No need to do it.

This is one of those items mentioned elsewhere where I would gladly place a money wager on the outcome. Trump will NOT be impeached. Period.
There aren’t enough white racist to reelect Trump.

He lost by 3 million last time.

What happens when Democrats ask is your life better now than it was before he was elected? The answer is no.

If Trump caused this much damage in just his first two years, imagine what the next two years are going to be like. The guy is incapable of being better.
If the country can hold on, it's better voters throw him out in a landslide.

There just aren't enough white racists to get him elected.

Look at what Republicans think is fine:


You're going to see this stuff everywhere.

Republicans will be bewildered. They don't understand the big deal. That's why they will lose.
Why would Democrats make stuff up? When Republicans give them such a rich material to work with?
I would be happy if the Democrats investigated Trump for the next 15 years. Half of how long Republicans investigated Hillary Clinton.
The way Republicans wanted to investigate Hillary and don’t want to investigate Trump pretty much proves that they’re misogynist and don’t believe in equality.
There will be no impeachment of Trump.

Impeachment requires a coherent set of charges that are at least arguably tied to verifiable facts. If you listen closely to the Democrats, it's all smoke and mirrors. Their best shot is "obstruction of justice," but the couple of Executive acts they refer to (e.g., firing Comey) are ENTIRELY within the President's legal authority, and are fully justified by facts having nothing to do with the pointless "Russia-collusion" meme. Further, the President could have done dozens of other things to impede the Russia circus, all quite legal, and he declined to do them. How many times have Congresspersons and their minions in the Media breathlessly claimed that Trump was going to FIRE MUELLER???? Which he could have done with the stroke of his pen.

And yet he didn't do it. No need to do it.

This is one of those items mentioned elsewhere where I would gladly place a money wager on the outcome. Trump will NOT be impeached. Period.
They won't impeach him because the GOP Senate won't do it.

There are a couple of dozen GOP senators up for re election in 2020.

We need for them to continue to protect Trump's criminality for the next election.

Republicans, including Trump, are giving us tons of fresh and new material to work with.
If the country can hold on, it's better voters throw him out in a landslide.

There just aren't enough white racists to get him elected.

Look at what Republicans think is fine:


You're going to see this stuff everywhere.

Republicans will be bewildered. They don't understand the big deal. That's why they will lose.
Wow! Working without a net, deantard?? That's awfully bold of you.


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