I'm curious, why do USMB Republicans deny until the very end? And then beyond?

Republicans knew they couldn't block forever. So they did it until they went on vacation. This gave BP weeks it never would have had without Republican help to shred and destroy evidence. Even Republican deniers are finally admitting it. If only we could get them to look at all the bad things their leaders are doing. Things might get better.


Laugh Tiny Bits. Laugh hard. Give us the sound of "stupid". It fits you. It becomes you. It "defines" you.
Another in a very long unbroken streak of rdean fail threads.

Saying something untrue doesn't make it true. No matter how much you wish it.

If I said something untrue, you would have pointed that out.
Another in a very long unbroken streak of rdean fail threads.

Saying something untrue doesn't make it true. No matter how much you wish it.

If I said something untrue, you would have pointed that out.


You don't even have the mental capacity to understand the difference between truth in words and truth in intent.

I'll just keep on pointing at you and laughing at your stupidity.
Huh? When, and how, did the Democratic Senate stop the DOJ from issuing subpoenas? The Republicans might make noise about the Senate investigating it but they do not have enough votes on any committee to even slow down any subpoenas. Do you live in some type of alternate universe where complaining about something stops it from happening?

The Right has no problem believing the Democratic minority stopped the Republican majority from preventing Fannie and Freddie from winding down their portfolios in 2005, and often repeat that story, but you have a problem understanding how a GOP minority can stop a Senate bill from passing? Have you not been paying attention to the fillibuster situation there? It seems you are the one living in an alternate universe.
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Huh? When, and how, did the Democratic Senate stop the DOJ from issuing subpoenas? The Republicans might make noise about the Senate investigating it but they do not have enough votes on any committee to even slow down any subpoenas. Do you live in some type of alternate universe where complaining about something stops it from happening?

Figure it out slowpoke.

Senate GOP will lift block on subpoena power against BP

The Plum Line - Good: Senate GOP will lift block on subpoena power against BP


You asked how and when it was done. You were provided evidence of how and when it was done.

You got spanked and don't even know it.
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They are still saying either no one ever said "let him die" or it was one guy who was a Democratic Plant. How can that be?

The let-him-die meme goes like this, "The Republican health care plan is 'let them die'".

That is a lie. A total lie. It is a lie often repeated by people who never even saw the debate where that came up and are just parroting some meme they heard.

That meme was started during the GOP presidential primary debates. Ron Paul was asked a question.

It was this: "A healthy, 30-year-old young man has a good job, makes a good living, but decides: 'You know what? I'm not going to spend 200 or 300 dollars a month for health insurance, because I'm healthy; I don't need it.' But you know, something terrible happens; all of a sudden, he needs it. Who's going to pay for it, if he goes into a coma, for example? Who pays for that?"

Understand? The question was not about someone who has cancer. It was not about some indigent who is sick.

It was about someone who could afford insurance who chose not to buy it. This is not some indigent cancer patient.

So, if you wish to be accurate, the GOP plan is to let people choose whether or not to buy insurance for themselves, and suffer the consequences of the decisions they made under their own power.

After Ron Paul pointed this out, Blitzer then said, ““But Congressman, are you saying that society should just let him die?”

I want you to notice it was Blitzer, the left wing media whore, who said "let him die".

An audience member then shouted, "Yeah.”

But, and here comes the important part, RON PAUL DID NOT SAY THAT. In fact, he said society should NOT allow the man to die. He just said the answer to the healthcare problem was not a large government.

Some dickhead brainless fuck then started the meme that the GOP plan was to let sick people die, and rubes like you parrot it, rdean.

Blitzer's question reveals he plainly wants a single payer plan so you don't have to end up in a situation where you pay the price for your avoidable fuckups.

In Blitzer's mind, you should not have to depend on yourself to make the right decisions. You should let the goverment make those decisions for you. When you depend on the government, you can be as much of an irresponsible jackass as your heart desires. The government should always be there to catch you.

That's the Democratic plan for everything. Not just healthcare.
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Deany still living off his 15 minutes of fame when we got into a Republican Town Hall and shouted "Let them die!"
Huh? When, and how, did the Democratic Senate stop the DOJ from issuing subpoenas? The Republicans might make noise about the Senate investigating it but they do not have enough votes on any committee to even slow down any subpoenas. Do you live in some type of alternate universe where complaining about something stops it from happening?

The Right has no problem believing the Democratic minority stopped the Republican majority from preventing Fannie and Freddie from winding down their portfolios in 2005, and often repeat that story, but you have a problem understanding how a GOP minority can stop a Senate bill from passing? Have you not been paying attention to the fillibuster situation there? It seems you are the one living in an alternate universe.

Not being "The Right," I could give a flying fuck what they believe.

Rdean claimed that the Senate prevented the Obama administration from issuing subpoenas. I found this to be mind bogglingly stupid since the authority to issue subpoenas does not come from Congress. I find myself totally blown out of the water by the thought that anyone could find my challenging rdean on this even remotely partisan.

Care to explain why you believe that the Republicans can block the administration from investigating something by not giving unanimous consent to a completely unrelated bill?

Didn't think so.

I suggest that the next time you feel a need to defend rdean you beat yourself senseless with a baseball bat, it will be less painful for you.

You asked how and when it was done. You were provided evidence of how and when it was done.

You got spanked and don't even know it.

Except that she wasn't. She was provided evidence that the Republicans did not allow the Senate to pass a bill by unanimous consent, they actually had to vote on it. Funny thing, when they voted, and everyone was sure it didn't contain a provision to allow Obama to declare war on Pakistan, it passed.

I rescind my advice about the baseball bat, I suggest you simply drive your car off a very high cliff, it would raise the IQ level of the entire universe by at least 2 points.
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They are still saying either no one ever said "let him die" or it was one guy who was a Democratic Plant. How can that be?

The let-him-die meme goes like this, "The Republican health care plan is 'let them die'".

That is a lie. A total lie. It is a lie often repeated by people who never even saw the debate where that came up and are just parroting some meme they heard.

That meme was started during the GOP presidential primary debates. Ron Paul was asked a question.

It was this: "A healthy, 30-year-old young man has a good job, makes a good living, but decides: 'You know what? I'm not going to spend 200 or 300 dollars a month for health insurance, because I'm healthy; I don't need it.' But you know, something terrible happens; all of a sudden, he needs it. Who's going to pay for it, if he goes into a coma, for example? Who pays for that?"

Understand? The question was not about someone who has cancer. It was not about some indigent who is sick.

It was about someone who could afford insurance who chose not to buy it. This is not some indigent cancer patient.

So, if you wish to be accurate, the GOP plan is to let people choose whether or not to buy insurance for themselves, and suffer the consequences of the decisions they made under their own power.

After Ron Paul pointed this out, Blitzer then said, ““But Congressman, are you saying that society should just let him die?”

I want you to notice it was Blitzer, the left wing media whore, who said "let him die".

An audience member then shouted, "Yeah.”

But, and here comes the important part, RON PAUL DID NOT SAY THAT. In fact, he said society should NOT allow the man to die. He just said the answer to the healthcare problem was not a large government.

Some dickhead brainless fuck then started the meme that the GOP plan was to let sick people die, and rubes like you parrot it, rdean.

Blitzer's question reveals he plainly wants a single payer plan so you don't have to end up in a situation where you pay the price for your avoidable fuckups.

In Blitzer's mind, you should not have to depend on yourself to make the right decisions. You should let the goverment make those decisions for you. When you depend on the government, you can be as much of an irresponsible jackass as your heart desires. The government should always be there to catch you.

That's the Democratic plan for everything. Not just healthcare.

(If he goes into a coma who pays for that?)
He should do whatever he wants to do and assume responsibility for himself. My advice to him would be to have a major medical policy.
(But he doesn't have that. Who pays?)
"That's what freedom is all about. Taking your own risks".

Those were Ron Paul's EXACT words. He wasn't saying we should help this guy out. He was saying "let him die" without saying those exact words. And he said that to strong applause and many people yelled out "yea" to let him die, not one.

Now this is where it get's really outrageous on so many levels.

First, Churches can't take care of people in comas. Not unless they are in a hospital of some kind. Now, where does that money come from?

Catholic Charities gets 3 billion from government

Way more than half of all their revenues.

See, the government is paying for it anyway. If the Catholic Charities get that much, how much do other religious charities get? Oops. Didn't see that coming, did you? Ron Paul is saying let the churches take care of it and keep government out of it when the churches are getting billions from the government. Duh! How could you not know that already! It's like saying "Keep government hands off my Medicare!" with a straight face.

But it doesn't stop there. Ron Paul goes on about heath care companies soaking it's clients. Which would explain why that guy didn't have health care.

Then he goes on about cost, inflation, the health care companies costing too much. HE IS MAKING THE ARGUMENT FOR OBAMACARE!!!!


“Republicans approve of the American farmer, but they are willing to help him go broke. They stand four-square for the American home--but not for housing. They are strong for labor--but they are stronger for restricting labor's rights. They favor minimum wage--the smaller the minimum wage the better. They endorse educational opportunity for all--but they won't spend money for teachers or for schools. They think modern medical care and hospitals are fine--for people who can afford them. They consider electrical power a great blessing--but only when the private power companies get their rake-off. They think American standard of living is a fine thing--so long as it doesn't spread to all the people. And they admire of Government of the United States so much that they would like to buy it.”
― Harry S. Truman
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Senate GOP will lift block on subpoena power against BP

The Plum Line - Good: Senate GOP will lift block on subpoena power against BP


You asked how and when it was done. You were provided evidence of how and when it was done.

You got spanked and don't even know it.

Except that she wasn't. She was provided evidence that the Republicans did not allow the Senate to pass a bill by unanimous consent, they actually had to vote on it. Funny thing, when they voted, and everyone was sure it didn't contain a provision to allow Obama to declare war on Pakistan, it passed.

I rescind my advice about the baseball bat, I suggest you simply drive your car off a very high cliff, it would raise the IQ level of the entire universe by at least 2 points.

It doesn't take months to read a bill. It wasn't a couple of votes in one day. What is wrong with you? Get it through your head. Republicans are on the side of oil companies over middle class Americans. Admit it. It's the truth.
Deano you are really whacked out. RP (Who was never a front runner for the republicans) said specifically that he never turned anyone down when he was a practicing physician, even before medicaid. No where in his statement can you twist it to "let him die".......
Why don't you enlist?


Besides, I'm too old.

3rd Battalion, 16th Field Artillery, 8th Infantry Division

Hmmm ... You're the real thing. Not like the wannabes and/or never wuz bunch.


The 3rd Battalion 16th Field Artillery is a field artillery battalion in the United States Army. The unit's nickname is "Rolling Thunder" and their motto is "Macte Nova Virtute" (Go Forth With New Strength).

And, you're from my neck of the woods.
Thank you for your service.
They are still saying either no one ever said "let him die" or it was one guy who was a Democratic Plant. How can that be?

The let-him-die meme goes like this, "The Republican health care plan is 'let them die'".

That is a lie. A total lie. It is a lie often repeated by people who never even saw the debate where that came up and are just parroting some meme they heard.

That meme was started during the GOP presidential primary debates. Ron Paul was asked a question.

It was this: "A healthy, 30-year-old young man has a good job, makes a good living, but decides: 'You know what? I'm not going to spend 200 or 300 dollars a month for health insurance, because I'm healthy; I don't need it.' But you know, something terrible happens; all of a sudden, he needs it. Who's going to pay for it, if he goes into a coma, for example? Who pays for that?"

Understand? The question was not about someone who has cancer. It was not about some indigent who is sick.

It was about someone who could afford insurance who chose not to buy it. This is not some indigent cancer patient.

So, if you wish to be accurate, the GOP plan is to let people choose whether or not to buy insurance for themselves, and suffer the consequences of the decisions they made under their own power.

After Ron Paul pointed this out, Blitzer then said, ““But Congressman, are you saying that society should just let him die?”

I want you to notice it was Blitzer, the left wing media whore, who said "let him die".

An audience member then shouted, "Yeah.”

But, and here comes the important part, RON PAUL DID NOT SAY THAT. In fact, he said society should NOT allow the man to die. He just said the answer to the healthcare problem was not a large government.

Some dickhead brainless fuck then started the meme that the GOP plan was to let sick people die, and rubes like you parrot it, rdean.

Blitzer's question reveals he plainly wants a single payer plan so you don't have to end up in a situation where you pay the price for your avoidable fuckups.

In Blitzer's mind, you should not have to depend on yourself to make the right decisions. You should let the goverment make those decisions for you. When you depend on the government, you can be as much of an irresponsible jackass as your heart desires. The government should always be there to catch you.

That's the Democratic plan for everything. Not just healthcare.

He was saying "let him die" without saying those exact words.

:lol: yup, that's what he was saying alright! :cuckoo:

Not! .54 second mark, he says NO!
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