I'm doing some research on refugee immigration

So unruly soccer fans are now "terrorists" in your eyes.

It's amazing that you can sleep at night, being so pants-shitting afraid all the time.
"unruly""? I see you come from the Obama /Kerry school of unoffensive speech. GFY.
I was up all night reviewing tape of Syrian people moving into European countries trying to identify who might be a refugee and who could be called a displaced person. It's not easy but it can be done. This nuance shit is fun.
I'm having trouble finding out how many German and Japanese refugees came to our shores during WW2. Anyone know the number?

"The day after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Roosevelt suspended naturalization proceedings for Italian, German, and Japanese immigrants, required them to register, restricted their mobility, and prohibited them from owning items that might be used for sabotage, such as cameras and shortwave radios. The curfews on Italian immigrants were lifted in October 1942, on Columbus Day."
Immigration Policy in World War II | The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History

"The United States admitted almost 1.3 million immigrants in 1907, 50,000 in 1937 when war broke out in China, and less than 24,000 in 1943.
With the bombing of Pearl Harbor in December 1941, the war was brought to the doorstep of the United States. In response to the outbreak of war in Europe in 1939, the U.S. Congress had already passed the Alien Registration Act (1940), requiring all non-naturalized aliens 14 and older to register with the government and tightening naturalization requirements. With the declaration of war against Germany, Italy, and Japan following the attack on Pearl Harbor, more than 1 million foreign-born immigrants from those countries became "enemy aliens.”"
World War II and immigration
I'm having trouble finding out how many German and Japanese refugees came to our shores during WW2. Anyone know the number?

i can tell you that you took a whole lot of nazis post-war.
One must overlook some tendencies in order to more quickly develop weapons of mass destruction...to protect ze fadderlant...
I'm having trouble finding out how many German and Japanese refugees came to our shores during WW2. Anyone know the number?

Well....a lot fewer than could have probably. Know why?


Hmmm.....history repeats...
The difference being is that Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan maintained ordered and largely civilised societies under rule of law, whereas the Brown horde slithering into Europe as we speak are attracted mostly by the prospect of free housing and shiny consumer goods and television. Except the ones who are already here don't understand that in order to maintain and encourage an economy and society that makes all the things they're coming here for possible is that they have to play ball, so there's little hope the latest invasion force will grasp such a simple, yet so fundamentally important concept.

Refugees from Nazi Germany[edit]
In the years before and during World War II the United States Congress, the Roosevelt Administration, and public opinion expressed concern about the fate of Jews in Europe but consistently refused to permit immigration of Jewish refugees.

In a report issued by the State Department, Undersecretary of State Stuart Eizenstat noted that the United States accepted only 21,000 refugees[Citation needed] from Europe and did not significantly raise or even fill its restrictive quotas, accepting far fewer Jews per capita than many of the neutral European countries and fewer in absolute terms than Switzerland.

According to David Wyman, "The United States and its Allies were willing to attempt almost nothing to save the Jews."[33] + There is some debate as to whether U.S. policies were generally targeted against all immigrants or specifically against Jews in particular. Wyman characterized Breckenridge Long as a nativist, more anti-immigrant than just antisemitic.

U.S. opposition to immigration in general in the late 1930s was motivated by the grave economic pressures, the high unemployment rate, and social frustration and disillusionment. The U.S. refusal to support specifically Jewish immigration, however, stemmed from something else, namely antisemitism, which had increased in the late 1930s and continued to rise in the 1940s. It was an important ingredient in America's negative response to Jewish refugees.

So much for never again...
I'm having trouble finding out how many German and Japanese refugees came to our shores during WW2. Anyone know the number?

Well....a lot fewer than could have probably. Know why?


Hmmm.....history repeats...
I was 5 months old at the time...but distinctly recall that survey...I was part of the 67%.

Had you been old enough, it does sound like you would have been one of the ones wanting to keep out the Jewish refugees.
I'm having trouble finding out how many German and Japanese refugees came to our shores during WW2. Anyone know the number?

Well....a lot fewer than could have probably. Know why?


Hmmm.....history repeats...
I was 5 months old at the time...but distinctly recall that survey...I was part of the 67%.
It doesn't surprise me that you'd keep Jews and Gypsies in the hands of the Nazis.
I'm having trouble finding out how many German and Japanese refugees came to our shores during WW2. Anyone know the number?

Well....a lot fewer than could have probably. Know why?


Hmmm.....history repeats...
I was 5 months old at the time...but distinctly recall that survey...I was part of the 67%.

Had you been old enough, it does sound like you would have been one of the ones wanting to keep out the Jewish refugees.
I have nothing against Jews...I have everything against not defining the problem, not identifying a range of solutions, and not selecting the best solution. Something that a obabbles never learned in Community Organizer University.
I'm having trouble finding out how many German and Japanese refugees came to our shores during WW2. Anyone know the number?

Well....a lot fewer than could have probably. Know why?


Hmmm.....history repeats...
I was 5 months old at the time...but distinctly recall that survey...I was part of the 67%.

Had you been old enough, it does sound like you would have been one of the ones wanting to keep out the Jewish refugees.
I have nothing against Jews...I have everything against not defining the problem, not identifying a range of solutions, and not selecting the best solution. Something that a obabbles never learned in Community Organizer University.

Right, you have nothing against Jews today, but in 1938 you would have been saying "don't let them in" just like with the Syrian refugees. The more things change, the more they stay the same.
Evidently FDR wasn't able to define the problem clearly enuf.
I'm having trouble finding out how many German and Japanese refugees came to our shores during WW2. Anyone know the number?

Well....a lot fewer than could have probably. Know why?


Hmmm.....history repeats...
I was 5 months old at the time...but distinctly recall that survey...I was part of the 67%.

Had you been old enough, it does sound like you would have been one of the ones wanting to keep out the Jewish refugees.
I have nothing against Jews...I have everything against not defining the problem, not identifying a range of solutions, and not selecting the best solution. Something that a obabbles never learned in Community Organizer University.

Right, you have nothing against Jews today, but in 1938 you would have been saying "don't let them in" just like with the Syrian refugees. The more things change, the more they stay the same.
Yep.....them Joooze were blowing themselves up in Paris just like them Moozlums are doing, right?

Nope......back in the 40s.....Democrats ran America almost exclusively. So the bigotry back then can't be blamed on Republicans.
Well....a lot fewer than could have probably. Know why?


Hmmm.....history repeats...
I was 5 months old at the time...but distinctly recall that survey...I was part of the 67%.

Had you been old enough, it does sound like you would have been one of the ones wanting to keep out the Jewish refugees.
I have nothing against Jews...I have everything against not defining the problem, not identifying a range of solutions, and not selecting the best solution. Something that a obabbles never learned in Community Organizer University.

Right, you have nothing against Jews today, but in 1938 you would have been saying "don't let them in" just like with the Syrian refugees. The more things change, the more they stay the same.
Yep.....them Joooze were blowing themselves up in Paris just like them Moozlums are doing, right?

Nope......back in the 40s.....Democrats ran America almost exclusively. So the bigotry back then can't be blamed on Republicans.

67% of the country wasn't Democrat in 1938 Muddy. Nice try, but the anti Jewish bigotry ran deep and was non partisan. Folks back then were saying the same things though...can't let them in 'cause they might be secretly German.

History repeats.
I hate to snap you liberals back into reality, but Democrats like Obama hate Jews with a passion. During Occupy-Wallstreet they were passing out anti-Semitic propaganda. Most of these paid agitators in Black Lives Matters hate Jews. The UN is anti-Semitic.

If anything, Democrats are still the same racists they've always been throughout our history.

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