I'm doing some research on refugee immigration

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I am glad we didn't take them in. I hope we don't take Syrians in. It isn't worth it. There are other solutions if he wants to help them so bad. Ways that doesn't involve putting us at risk. His oath and all...
I was 5 months old at the time...but distinctly recall that survey...I was part of the 67%.

Had you been old enough, it does sound like you would have been one of the ones wanting to keep out the Jewish refugees.
I have nothing against Jews...I have everything against not defining the problem, not identifying a range of solutions, and not selecting the best solution. Something that a obabbles never learned in Community Organizer University.

Right, you have nothing against Jews today, but in 1938 you would have been saying "don't let them in" just like with the Syrian refugees. The more things change, the more they stay the same.
Yep.....them Joooze were blowing themselves up in Paris just like them Moozlums are doing, right?

Nope......back in the 40s.....Democrats ran America almost exclusively. So the bigotry back then can't be blamed on Republicans.

67% of the country wasn't Democrat in 1938 Muddy. Nice try, but the anti Jewish bigotry ran deep and was non partisan. Folks back then were saying the same things though...can't let them in 'cause they might be secretly German.

History repeats.
More than 67% of the country was Democrat back in 1938. I remember growing up seeing that Democrats had control of Congress for years, except for a few short periods. Most of the time, Democrats ran everything....and still do today. Even when they're out of power they still run things behind the scenes.

A whole lot of Jewish refugees tried to get in, but people like you shut that shit down and sent them back.
I didn't ask about Jews, Doc...another diversion from the obvious subject at hand. GFY.

Most of the German immigrants trying to come in at that time WERE JEWS.
For purposes of my question, they were Germans.

Which is why your question is dumb.

The refugees from Syria are the ones being persecuted by our enemies, not our enemies.
Three of the Paris killers moved about as refugees. You're a fucking idiot....or an active supporter of terrorists. Probably both.

As of this point, none of them were refugees.
I didn't ask about Jews, Doc...another diversion from the obvious subject at hand. GFY.

Most of the German immigrants trying to come in at that time WERE JEWS.
For purposes of my question, they were Germans.

Which is why your question is dumb.

The refugees from Syria are the ones being persecuted by our enemies, not our enemies.
Three of the Paris killers moved about as refugees. You're a fucking idiot....or an active supporter of terrorists. Probably both.

As of this point, none of them were refugees.
Had you been old enough, it does sound like you would have been one of the ones wanting to keep out the Jewish refugees.
I have nothing against Jews...I have everything against not defining the problem, not identifying a range of solutions, and not selecting the best solution. Something that a obabbles never learned in Community Organizer University.

Right, you have nothing against Jews today, but in 1938 you would have been saying "don't let them in" just like with the Syrian refugees. The more things change, the more they stay the same.
Yep.....them Joooze were blowing themselves up in Paris just like them Moozlums are doing, right?

Nope......back in the 40s.....Democrats ran America almost exclusively. So the bigotry back then can't be blamed on Republicans.

67% of the country wasn't Democrat in 1938 Muddy. Nice try, but the anti Jewish bigotry ran deep and was non partisan. Folks back then were saying the same things though...can't let them in 'cause they might be secretly German.

History repeats.
More than 67% of the country was Democrat back in 1938. I remember growing up seeing that Democrats had control of Congress for years, except for a few short periods. Most of the time, Democrats ran everything....and still do today. Even when they're out of power they still run things behind the scenes.


No Muddy, the Republicans were not the lone stand against anti Jewish immigrant rhetoric...and they are at the forefront of it today.

You're building a shelter of some sort in your back yard, aren't you...
So unruly soccer fans are now "terrorists" in your eyes.

It's amazing that you can sleep at night, being so pants-shitting afraid all the time.
Who's afraid, except for the cowards who side with bAby raping scrum? I encourage you to go to an American gathering and yell the terrorist war cry in shooting distance of some of our veterans when they're observing a moment of silence for innocents targeted and killed by greasy redheads. Go ahead.


I've never seen a group of people more devoted to being afraid all the time than modern American conservatives.
Modern American Liberals
Certain people...lets call them radical Islamic terrorist for clarity's sake, have forced Syrian people to become refugees. Rather than create programs to accommodate the terrorists and render the refugees status permanent, I move that we kill the terrorists..all of them...and return the refugees to their homeland. If the Syrian government leaders do not support this effort, replace them (as soon as we kill them) with Muslims of a broader perspective. Can I get an amen or an Allahu Akbar on this recommendation?
Most of the German immigrants trying to come in at that time WERE JEWS.
For purposes of my question, they were Germans.

Which is why your question is dumb.

The refugees from Syria are the ones being persecuted by our enemies, not our enemies.
Three of the Paris killers moved about as refugees. You're a fucking idiot....or an active supporter of terrorists. Probably both.

As of this point, none of them were refugees.

The Boston Bombers Were Not Refugees -- Neither Was the Paris Attacker
Asylees and refugees share one thing in common: a fear of persecution in the their country of origin. But they differ in important ways. Most importantly, an asylee is self-selected--he arrives in the country from which he's seeking status and applies for asylum. Under international law, people with a well-founded fear of persecution cannot be returned to their country of origin.

By contrast, refugees undergo a much different process. First, they must receive designation as a refugee by U.N. officials, most often in refugee camps. The United States selects only the most vulnerable cases for resettlement, such as those with almost no hope of ever returning to their home country or those who have been tortured.

Were Syrian refugees involved in the Paris attacks? What we know and don’t know
THE PASSPORT IS FAKE: Authorities in multiple countries are pretty certain that the passport, found near the body of an unidentified attacker who died during his suicide assault of France's national soccer stadium, is fake. It carried the name of "Ahmad Almohammad," a 25-year-old Syrian. French officials have indicated that Almohammad was a loyalist soldier in the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and died a few months ago.

On Tuesday, Serbian police arrested another man at a refugee camp carrying a passport with the exact same details. It's not clear at all if he has any connection to the case, other than having used the same shadowy process of obtaining a forged Syrian passport. There is a great deal of precedent for migrants pretending to be Syrians to gain safer passage and sanctuary in Europe.

Thomas de Maiziere, Germany's interior minister, suggested on Tuesday that the fake passport found at the bombing site could have been part of an Islamic State attempt to create a "false trail."​
For purposes of my question, they were Germans.

Which is why your question is dumb.

The refugees from Syria are the ones being persecuted by our enemies, not our enemies.
Three of the Paris killers moved about as refugees. You're a fucking idiot....or an active supporter of terrorists. Probably both.

As of this point, none of them were refugees.

The Boston Bombers Were Not Refugees -- Neither Was the Paris Attacker
Asylees and refugees share one thing in common: a fear of persecution in the their country of origin. But they differ in important ways. Most importantly, an asylee is self-selected--he arrives in the country from which he's seeking status and applies for asylum. Under international law, people with a well-founded fear of persecution cannot be returned to their country of origin.

By contrast, refugees undergo a much different process. First, they must receive designation as a refugee by U.N. officials, most often in refugee camps. The United States selects only the most vulnerable cases for resettlement, such as those with almost no hope of ever returning to their home country or those who have been tortured.

Were Syrian refugees involved in the Paris attacks? What we know and don’t know
THE PASSPORT IS FAKE: Authorities in multiple countries are pretty certain that the passport, found near the body of an unidentified attacker who died during his suicide assault of France's national soccer stadium, is fake. It carried the name of "Ahmad Almohammad," a 25-year-old Syrian. French officials have indicated that Almohammad was a loyalist soldier in the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and died a few months ago.

On Tuesday, Serbian police arrested another man at a refugee camp carrying a passport with the exact same details. It's not clear at all if he has any connection to the case, other than having used the same shadowy process of obtaining a forged Syrian passport. There is a great deal of precedent for migrants pretending to be Syrians to gain safer passage and sanctuary in Europe.

Thomas de Maiziere, Germany's interior minister, suggested on Tuesday that the fake passport found at the bombing site could have been part of an Islamic State attempt to create a "false trail."​
You have a point there. Obama isn't a refugee and he has done more to harm the US than OBL.
The pro terrorists now are making the argument that we shouldn't close borders to Muslim refugees because the terrorists were only POSING as refugees.

They pose as refugees because it gives them unfettered mobility across borders. Refugee backgrounds can't be checked because the Whitehouse they claim to come from HAVE NO DATABASES. How fucking stupid can our traitorous progressives be? If I wanted to go to Germany today, I would claim to be a refugee.

When a group declares war on you, you close your border to their group. This is war strategies 101...how to protect your nation. The refugees we have are terrified of these people...Why are we allowing them in? We're currently supporting people who left their countries as real refugees to escape them.

For purposes of my question, they were Germans.

Which is why your question is dumb.

The refugees from Syria are the ones being persecuted by our enemies, not our enemies.
Three of the Paris killers moved about as refugees. You're a fucking idiot....or an active supporter of terrorists. Probably both.

As of this point, none of them were refugees.

The Boston Bombers Were Not Refugees -- Neither Was the Paris Attacker
Asylees and refugees share one thing in common: a fear of persecution in the their country of origin. But they differ in important ways. Most importantly, an asylee is self-selected--he arrives in the country from which he's seeking status and applies for asylum. Under international law, people with a well-founded fear of persecution cannot be returned to their country of origin.

By contrast, refugees undergo a much different process. First, they must receive designation as a refugee by U.N. officials, most often in refugee camps. The United States selects only the most vulnerable cases for resettlement, such as those with almost no hope of ever returning to their home country or those who have been tortured.

Were Syrian refugees involved in the Paris attacks? What we know and don’t know
THE PASSPORT IS FAKE: Authorities in multiple countries are pretty certain that the passport, found near the body of an unidentified attacker who died during his suicide assault of France's national soccer stadium, is fake. It carried the name of "Ahmad Almohammad," a 25-year-old Syrian. French officials have indicated that Almohammad was a loyalist soldier in the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and died a few months ago.

On Tuesday, Serbian police arrested another man at a refugee camp carrying a passport with the exact same details. It's not clear at all if he has any connection to the case, other than having used the same shadowy process of obtaining a forged Syrian passport. There is a great deal of precedent for migrants pretending to be Syrians to gain safer passage and sanctuary in Europe.

Thomas de Maiziere, Germany's interior minister, suggested on Tuesday that the fake passport found at the bombing site could have been part of an Islamic State attempt to create a "false trail."​
They claimed to be refugees. They crossed multiple borders. . They posed as refugees to gain access. Therefore, STOP TAKING REFUGEES until the problem I s resolved.
Does anyone REALLY believe liberals care about the plight of these refugees?

I don't.
The pro terrorists now are making the argument that we shouldn't close borders to Muslim refugees because the terrorists were only POSING as refugees.

They pose as refugees because it gives them unfettered mobility across borders. Refugee backgrounds can't be checked because the Whitehouse they claim to come from HAVE NO DATABASES. How fucking stupid can our traitorous progressives be? If I wanted to go to Germany today, I would claim to be a refugee.

When a group declares war on you, you close your border to their group. This is war strategies 101...how to protect your nation. The refugees we have are terrified of these people...Why are we allowing them in? We're currently supporting people who left their countries as real refugees to escape them.

Which is why your question is dumb.

The refugees from Syria are the ones being persecuted by our enemies, not our enemies.
Three of the Paris killers moved about as refugees. You're a fucking idiot....or an active supporter of terrorists. Probably both.

As of this point, none of them were refugees.

The Boston Bombers Were Not Refugees -- Neither Was the Paris Attacker
Asylees and refugees share one thing in common: a fear of persecution in the their country of origin. But they differ in important ways. Most importantly, an asylee is self-selected--he arrives in the country from which he's seeking status and applies for asylum. Under international law, people with a well-founded fear of persecution cannot be returned to their country of origin.

By contrast, refugees undergo a much different process. First, they must receive designation as a refugee by U.N. officials, most often in refugee camps. The United States selects only the most vulnerable cases for resettlement, such as those with almost no hope of ever returning to their home country or those who have been tortured.

Were Syrian refugees involved in the Paris attacks? What we know and don’t know
THE PASSPORT IS FAKE: Authorities in multiple countries are pretty certain that the passport, found near the body of an unidentified attacker who died during his suicide assault of France's national soccer stadium, is fake. It carried the name of "Ahmad Almohammad," a 25-year-old Syrian. French officials have indicated that Almohammad was a loyalist soldier in the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and died a few months ago.

On Tuesday, Serbian police arrested another man at a refugee camp carrying a passport with the exact same details. It's not clear at all if he has any connection to the case, other than having used the same shadowy process of obtaining a forged Syrian passport. There is a great deal of precedent for migrants pretending to be Syrians to gain safer passage and sanctuary in Europe.

Thomas de Maiziere, Germany's interior minister, suggested on Tuesday that the fake passport found at the bombing site could have been part of an Islamic State attempt to create a "false trail."​
They claimed to be refugees. They crossed multiple borders. . They posed as refugees to gain access. Therefore, STOP TAKING REFUGEES until the problem I s resolved.
Agree...change their status back to citizen of Syria by killing every last motherfucker who is terrorizing them. Why is that so hard to do?
Does anyone REALLY believe liberals care about the plight of these refugees?

I don't.

Of course they don't. It's political to them, liberals care nothing about anything or anyone other themselves
They care about it about as much as they care about Starbucks paying their employees a living wage.

Yep, liberals need a "cause" in their lives. They are not happy without one...no matter how utter ridiculous or wrong it is. They are petulant children with the need to have attention paid to them
Does anyone REALLY believe liberals care about the plight of these refugees?

I don't.

Of course they don't. It's political to them, liberals care nothing about anything or anyone other themselves
They care about it about as much as they care about Starbucks paying their employees a living wage.

Yep, liberals need a "cause" in their lives. They are not happy without one...no matter how utter ridiculous or wrong it is. They are petulant children with the need to have attention paid to them
They don't even need a cause. Just DNC approved talking points.
it is clear that you petulant children have found a cause in your lives. whine about liberals. you should find another cause. this one is not making you happy.

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