I’m Donald Trump and I Approve This Message

Clinton & Obama Deported More than Trump!
What does that say about Trump?
Trump Lies!
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Bill Clinton warns of “the large number of illegal aliens” coming into America, and explains his crackdown during his 1995 State of the Union address:

I had no idea Bill Clinton was such a racist Nazi.

It’s only racist when it is a Republican who says it....duh.
Clinton & Obama Deported More than Trump!

Your chart only goes to 2011, Nothing about Trump deporting at all. We have no idea how many Trump has deported, you have a link to back your post up?
If they were not returned, they are still here! Returns plummeted under Bush!
Didn’t say anything about Bush, you were comparing Clinton, Obama and Trump, I was asking for Trump’s numbers.
Bill Clinton warns of “the large number of illegal aliens” coming into America, and explains his crackdown during his 1995 State of the Union address:

I had no idea Bill Clinton was such a racist Nazi.

And yet.....another example of the hypocrisy of the Left.

At every turn, everywhere, always.....there it is in front of you.....THE HYPOCRISY OF THE LEFT!

Makes you sick!:mad-61:
fncceo said:
Unless, of course, a Republican supports secure borders. Then they become xenophobic, racist, and cruel to children.
(And They Hate Kittens)

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