I'm dying from the heat!

Jim, you are just getting the same furnace we just had... it was in the 90's all last week, and in the 100's this past weekend.

We now had rain all day today, which was desperately needed because the whole state was on a watering ban, and we are about 6" below normal rainfall.

It cooled off to about 75-80 today...ahhh....relief.
Mr. P said:
Just for all my pals. The reason it’s so hot in the north now is because the Jet stream has moved from its’ “normal” area of flow.

Keeping it simple, the Jet effects low level weather. The Jet this time of year usually flows from the Pacific Northwest to the Southeast toward northern Texas, and then curves northeast toward Maine. That brings cool air from the NW to you yanks, leaves us in the South hot.

The Jet stream is now so far off normal no one is getting cool air..
Simple charts below show what’s going on.



So how exactly did President Bush move that jetstream? We have been dealing with the 90s since March with dripping humidity of course, except when a cold front comes through and drops it down to 88. No different than any other year. It is always hot in the summer I think that is where the phrase "long hot summer" comes from. When I lived in Denver around 14 years ago, I remember a span of 6 weeks where the temperature was over 90 every day. I also remember 104 degrees there, even with no humidity that was warm. The big problem was the lack of AC in the houses. I moved into a new patio home when I first arrived there and it didn't have AC, I couldn't believe it. The car dealers even tried to sell me a truck without it, I told them that I hadn't just arrived and knew better. When I was a kid we called this a heat wave, how naive of us to not have known that it was the early stages of Global Warming. I'm sure we will hear about how El Ninio is caused by Global Warming too, what an inconvenient truth.

But seriously, I spent over 2 1/2 months working at a Boy Scout camp near Jasper Arkansas. It's just far enough from any significant body of water to keep it from cooling effects, just inland enough that it doesn't enjoy the sweep in from the gulf, and far south enough to, well, be really hot. For that entire time, the high was usually 102-105 with occasion cool days of 92-97 and about one rainy day a week where the low might drop as much as 75. The heat index on clear days ranged from 135-150. Heat affects me about as much as stiff breeze, so long as I have access to plenty of drinking water.



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sitarro said:
So how exactly did President Bush move that jetstream? We have been dealing with the 90s since March with dripping humidity of course, except when a cold front comes through and drops it down to 88. No different than any other year. It is always hot in the summer I think that is where the phrase "long hot summer" comes from. When I lived in Denver around 14 years ago, I remember a span of 6 weeks where the temperature was over 90 every day. I also remember 104 degrees there, even with no humidity that was warm. The big problem was the lack of AC in the houses. I moved into a new patio home when I first arrived there and it didn't have AC, I couldn't believe it. The car dealers even tried to sell me a truck without it, I told them that I hadn't just arrived and knew better. When I was a kid we called this a heat wave, how naive of us to not have known that it was the early stages of Global Warming. I'm sure we will hear about how El Ninio is caused by Global Warming too, what an inconvenient truth.
Man I don't know he's smart as hell though! But I think it was PFM.

I remember a takeoff from Denver one early summer, 0 flaps, at 25,000 lbs and 90 degrees F. The density altitude must have been 10,000 feet. I had my doubts about getting off the ground.
it is cold now in california....sleeping under my down quilt....global warming must be over...bush fixed it:sleepy1:
Mr. P said:
Man I don't know he's smart as hell though! But I think it was PFM.

I remember a takeoff from Denver one early summer, 0 flaps, at 25,000 lbs and 90 degrees F. The density altitude must have been 10,000 feet. I had my doubts about getting off the ground.

I know how that works....
I measured Bali Hai Golf Club in Vegas before they opened. It was 115 during the day so I put a small flashlight on my target and my lazer has l.e.d. read outs so I could measure it at night. Bali Hai is on Las Vegas Blvd. across from the runway at McCarren Field. It was easily over 100 degrees at 9pm and I was dodging sprinklers spraying nonpotable water while trying to measure the course. I was heading in the direction of the airport to pick up my target. I had headphones on and was looking down while driving my topless golf cart marking down some numbers when I noticed my shirt was lit up. I looked up to see the landing lights of a 727 about to part my hair. He was from a cargo company obviously with plenty on board and with those tiny wings did not get up fast at all. I bailed out of the cart and felt the heat of his jet blast. I don't know how he cleared the mountains.
I have been bumped off of flights out of Albuquerque while flying standby a few times during the summer.
Man, when I was five I used to jog doubletime to nursery school in 108 degree heat in Phoenix, Az UPHILL in both directions all to be taught how to color by a democrat.

Well you may be dying but im dead, I am communicating on the internet connection just established in the great beyond. It kinda sucks though cause im starving and without a body you cant really eat much.
jimnyc said:
After I made that first post I just jumped in for a quickie cold shower! Feels good now but lets see how long it lasts...
Get a basin, fill it with water, put your feet in it, you'd be surprised at how cool you'll feel
Central air conditioning.

It's worth every penny. I highly recommend it to anyone who can afford it. And if you can't afford, take out a loan and get it anyway. It will so improve the quality of your life, increase the value of your home, and just make life all that much better.

And you get to gloat on message boards. :dev3:
KarlMarx said:
Get a basin, fill it with water, put your feet in it, you'd be surprised at how cool you'll feel

Just did that and now my boss is looking at me funny...maybe I should have kept my clothes on?
sitarro said:
I know how that works....
I measured Bali Hai Golf Club in Vegas before they opened. It was 115 during the day so I put a small flashlight on my target and my lazer has l.e.d. read outs so I could measure it at night. Bali Hai is on Las Vegas Blvd. across from the runway at McCarren Field. It was easily over 100 degrees at 9pm and I was dodging sprinklers spraying nonpotable water while trying to measure the course. I was heading in the direction of the airport to pick up my target. I had headphones on and was looking down while driving my topless golf cart marking down some numbers when I noticed my shirt was lit up. I looked up to see the landing lights of a 727 about to part my hair. He was from a cargo company obviously with plenty on board and with those tiny wings did not get up fast at all. I bailed out of the cart and felt the heat of his jet blast. I don't know how he cleared the mountains.
I have been bumped off of flights out of Albuquerque while flying standby a few times during the summer.
I think it was 1991, it was so hot at the Phoenix airport we could not calculate takeoff data. Planes were stuck for 2-3 days waiting on a drop in temp and then departing at night.
Central went out. Have a window unit in the bedroom. But I can't spend ALL my time in there. I actually worked outside yesterday, sanding a drum down to it's bare skin, cause it was cooler out there than in the house. How come my house doesn't hold heat like this in the winter?!?
Barely 10:00 am and the temp is 90 degrees and rising...real feel is 101. I think it's gonna get hot soon!
Weather for Puyallup, WA

Currently (7:00 AM): 48°F
Shallow Fog
Wind: N at 0 mph
Humidity: 93%

74° | 52°

76° | 53°

78° | 55°

79° | 52°

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