I'm Finally Ashamed Of My Country

The Democrats finally did it. They made me ashamed of the United States.
I get where you are coming from, but as long as they are not the only kind of people here in this country, how much of our homeland do you really have to be ashamed of?

God bless you always!!!


P.S. As long as you don't give up with being the way that you are, at least one person here will still have some sense.
I hate to tell you this... but the 4th of July isn't about the military. It's about the Independence of the Country.

We have Veteran's Day. We have Memorial Day. We have V-Day. I'm sure I'm missing more to support troops, but that isn't what the 4th of July is about.
The founding fathers had to kill socialists to gain their freedom
Do you even think about this crap before you post it?

I mean that seriously. King George was not a socialist.
Socialism breeds dictatorships, it’s the best at it
Lol, England is a hereditary monarchy, not a dictatorship.
The Democrats finally did it. They made me ashamed of the United States.
I get where you are coming from, but as long as they are not the only kind of people here in this country, how much of our homeland do you really have to be ashamed of?

God bless you always!!!


P.S. As long as you don't give up with being the way that you are, at least one person here will still have some sense.

God Bless you too, Jo.

The Democrats finally did it. They made me ashamed of the United States. They made me ashamed that on the 4th of July celebrating the greatness of America, our many heroes and our magnificent military with not one word about himself or any actual politics:
  • That only one of five network channels in my area even covered it.
  • That every democrat panned the event as "political."
  • That many in the MSM claimed they "hated it."
  • That every Democrat candidate attacked our president for championing the history and greatness of our fine nation and many key historical turning points and battles on its birthday as being "political" and a "threat" or as an "ego trip" while they were actually out politically CAMPAIGNING to be president themselves and using the day for politics!
  • That I have to share my country with so many people filled with so much blind hatred, envy and contempt for a man, that they cannot even stop to celebrate their nation's birthday, put down the partisanship for just 5 minutes to unite as Americans in reveling in the glory of our country.
  • That the partisan Left was so afraid that Trump might actually look good to and score points with the voters holding this glorious event that they would rather lampoon it rather than celebrate it.
Joe Biden says Trump's July 4th event is designed 'to stroke his ego' - CNNPolitics

2020 Democrats use July 4 to storm early contest states

I'm ashamed that I have to breathe the same air as democrats who would effectively try to boycott a celebration of our nation's birthday and its history by its president paying homage to great astronauts, heroes of medicine and our branches of the military as they saluted our jets flying overhead to the Battle Hymn of the Republic.

It was enough to bring a tear to one's eye.

I'm sorry to have to share the same sky with loathsome mongrels who would call a mere 2 Bradley fighting vehicles and tanks almost lost in the crowd a "threat" to their Resistance aimed at "dictatorial suppression."

I'm shocked that on one CNN program, where a guest said he thought it was cool and great to see a showcase of all this great military weaponry as the best of all fireworks, that all he got back from his CNN anchors was cold glares.

I regret having to walk the same soil as a bunch of unpatriotic cowards who would try to spin the many great displays of our finest in the military, marching bands and others. For those who missed it, here are links to Trump's speech, the flyovers, the modest parades and other demonstrations as well as the fireworks later on:

SALUTE TO AMERICA: President Trump HISTORIC Lincoln Memorial speech

These are the terrible events that CBS, ABC, NBC, CNN and MSNBC were too ashamed and didn't want you to see because they feared it might score Trump brownie points. The place there was literally PACKED. Not one more person could squeeze in. What a fabulous welcome sight as thousands actually proudly cheered: USA! USA! USA! USA! One of my favorite parts was as the crowd was able to go right up to a Bradley tank and put their hands on it. One fellow had his baby on his shoulders so he could see it.

Donald Trump: A total win.

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The democrats didn't do anything.

People didn't watch that because they were way too busy celebrating the 4th of July. Just as we have done for over 200 years. We don't sit in our homes to watch TV. We go out to friends houses or to family and we celebrate the holiday. We go to beaches, parks and other places.

We don't sit in our homes to watch TV.

You seriously need a life and stop blaming everything on democrats who have absolutely nothing to do with why people didn't watch TV today.

We have lives.

Get one.
I hate to tell you this... but the 4th of July isn't about the military. It's about the Independence of the Country.

We have Veteran's Day. We have Memorial Day. We have V-Day. I'm sure I'm missing more to support troops, but that isn't what the 4th of July is about.
The founding fathers had to kill socialists to gain their freedom
Do you even think about this crap before you post it?

I mean that seriously. King George was not a socialist.
Socialism breeds dictatorships, it’s the best at it
Lol, England is a hereditary monarchy, not a dictatorship.
King George was your typical socialist, evil to the core.
Socialist can’t tolerate anybody that disagrees with them...
I hate to tell you this... but the 4th of July isn't about the military. It's about the Independence of the Country.

We have Veteran's Day. We have Memorial Day. We have V-Day. I'm sure I'm missing more to support troops, but that isn't what the 4th of July is about.
The founding fathers had to kill socialists to gain their freedom
Do you even think about this crap before you post it?

I mean that seriously. King George was not a socialist.

Socialism didn't exist in the 1700s. Socialism didn't develop until the 1820s and 1830s.

king George wasn't a socialist. He was more of what we call a conservative.

His big tax break to the Walmart of the time, the East India Trading Company, was one of the last straws as far as the colonists were concerned. king George gave that company a huge tax break but increased the taxes on the colonists while also making it illegal for any colonist to sell tea independently.

Today's conservatives have no idea about the history of our nation. They are the most ill informed people I've ever encountered. They probably were the ones who didn't go to class to learn what most of us consider basic history of our nation. Those conservatives probably spent their time getting high instead of learning. Which is probably why they have such hate and contempt for education and anyone with intelligence.
I hate to tell you this... but the 4th of July isn't about the military. It's about the Independence of the Country.

We have Veteran's Day. We have Memorial Day. We have V-Day. I'm sure I'm missing more to support troops, but that isn't what the 4th of July is about.
The founding fathers had to kill socialists to gain their freedom

The day is to celebrate signing the Declaration of Independence... no one signed it with bullets. It's to celebrate freedom and the birth of the country, not the military.

The DOC wasn't actually signed on the 4th. It was signed only by John Hancock that day. The 4th of July is a celebration of our INDEPENDENCE, independence from what? England, won us by our fighting men and military. Trump's event wasn't a celebration of our military, it was a celebration of our great nation. The military were just the punctuation to it. Had you watched it, you would KNOW THAT.
The Democrats finally did it. They made me ashamed of the United States.
I get where you are coming from, but as long as they are not the only kind of people here in this country, how much of our homeland do you really have to be ashamed of?

God bless you always!!!


P.S. As long as you don't give up with being the way that you are, at least one person here will still have some sense.

God Bless you too, Jo.


Thank you! :) :) :)

Right back at you!!! :) :) :)

I hate to tell you this... but the 4th of July isn't about the military. It's about the Independence of the Country.

We have Veteran's Day. We have Memorial Day. We have V-Day. I'm sure I'm missing more to support troops, but that isn't what the 4th of July is about.
The founding fathers had to kill socialists to gain their freedom

The day is to celebrate signing the Declaration of Independence... no one signed it with bullets. It's to celebrate freedom and the birth of the country, not the military.

The DOC wasn't actually signed on the 4th. It was signed only by John Hancock that day. The 4th of July is a celebration of our INDEPENDENCE, independence from what? England, won us by our fighting men and military. Trump's event wasn't a celebration of our military, it was a celebration of our great nation. The military were just the punctuation to it. Had you watched it, you would KNOW THAT.

Are you still arguing this? For real? If it was about celebrating the true independence of the country after the close of the Revolutionary War, it would be September 3rd. Stop, you are making yourself look foolish.
The Democrats finally did it. They made me ashamed of the United States. They made me ashamed that on the 4th of July celebrating the greatness of America, our many heroes and our magnificent military with not one word about himself or any actual politics:
  • That only one of five network channels in my area even covered it.
  • That every democrat panned the event as "political."
  • That many in the MSM claimed they "hated it."
  • That every Democrat candidate attacked our president for championing the history and greatness of our fine nation and many key historical turning points and battles on its birthday as being "political" and a "threat" or as an "ego trip" while they were actually out politically CAMPAIGNING to be president themselves and using the day for politics!
  • That I have to share my country with so many people filled with so much blind hatred, envy and contempt for a man, that they cannot even stop to celebrate their nation's birthday, put down the partisanship for just 5 minutes to unite as Americans in reveling in the glory of our country.
  • That the partisan Left was so afraid that Trump might actually look good to and score points with the voters holding this glorious event that they would rather lampoon it rather than celebrate it.
Joe Biden says Trump's July 4th event is designed 'to stroke his ego' - CNNPolitics

2020 Democrats use July 4 to storm early contest states

I'm ashamed that I have to breathe the same air as democrats who would effectively try to boycott a celebration of our nation's birthday and its history by its president paying homage to great astronauts, heroes of medicine and our branches of the military as they saluted our jets flying overhead to the Battle Hymn of the Republic.

It was enough to bring a tear to one's eye.

I'm sorry to have to share the same sky with loathsome mongrels who would call a mere 2 Bradley fighting vehicles and tanks almost lost in the crowd a "threat" to their Resistance aimed at "dictatorial suppression."

I'm shocked that on one CNN program, where a guest said he thought it was cool and great to see a showcase of all this great military weaponry as the best of all fireworks, that all he got back from his CNN anchors was cold glares.

I regret having to walk the same soil as a bunch of unpatriotic cowards who would try to spin the many great displays of our finest in the military, marching bands and others. For those who missed it, here are links to Trump's speech, the flyovers, the modest parades and other demonstrations as well as the fireworks later on:

SALUTE TO AMERICA: President Trump HISTORIC Lincoln Memorial speech

These are the terrible events that CBS, ABC, NBC, CNN and MSNBC were too ashamed and didn't want you to see because they feared it might score Trump brownie points. The place there was literally PACKED. Not one more person could squeeze in. What a fabulous welcome sight as thousands actually proudly cheered: USA! USA! USA! USA! One of my favorite parts was as the crowd was able to go right up to a Bradley tank and put their hands on it. One fellow had his baby on his shoulders so he could see it.

Donald Trump: A total win.

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The democrats didn't do anything.

People didn't watch that because they were way too busy celebrating the 4th of July. Just as we have done for over 200 years. We don't sit in our homes to watch TV. We go out to friends houses or to family and we celebrate the holiday. We go to beaches, parks and other places.

We don't sit in our homes to watch TV.

You seriously need a life and stop blaming everything on democrats who have absolutely nothing to do with why people didn't watch TV today.

We have lives.

Get one.

FO idiot. If you can't bother to even read a thread to know what it's about, stay home and don't bother us commenting about it. You just made yourself look like an even bigger idiot.
I hate to tell you this... but the 4th of July isn't about the military. It's about the Independence of the Country.

We have Veteran's Day. We have Memorial Day. We have V-Day. I'm sure I'm missing more to support troops, but that isn't what the 4th of July is about.
The founding fathers had to kill socialists to gain their freedom

The day is to celebrate signing the Declaration of Independence... no one signed it with bullets. It's to celebrate freedom and the birth of the country, not the military.

true---but the fact is that we are already in the midst of a war. During a war----
war pep rallies ----should be done
Here's some fun. I thought of some more important military dates. Let's see how many these civics dounces can get.

November 11th?
December 7th?
September 11th? :eek:
Last Monday in May?
May 8th?
November 10th?
June 14th?

Have at it. Notice July 4th isn't on there.
The Democrats finally did it. They made me ashamed of the United States. They made me ashamed that on the 4th of July celebrating the greatness of America, our many heroes and our magnificent military with not one word about himself or any actual politics:
  • That only one of five network channels in my area even covered it.
  • That every democrat panned the event as "political."
  • That many in the MSM claimed they "hated it."
  • That every Democrat candidate attacked our president for championing the history and greatness of our fine nation and many key historical turning points and battles on its birthday as being "political" and a "threat" or as an "ego trip" while they were actually out politically CAMPAIGNING to be president themselves and using the day for politics!
  • That I have to share my country with so many people filled with so much blind hatred, envy and contempt for a man, that they cannot even stop to celebrate their nation's birthday, put down the partisanship for just 5 minutes to unite as Americans in reveling in the glory of our country.
  • That the partisan Left was so afraid that Trump might actually look good to and score points with the voters holding this glorious event that they would rather lampoon it rather than celebrate it.
Joe Biden says Trump's July 4th event is designed 'to stroke his ego' - CNNPolitics

2020 Democrats use July 4 to storm early contest states

I'm ashamed that I have to breathe the same air as democrats who would effectively try to boycott a celebration of our nation's birthday and its history by its president paying homage to great astronauts, heroes of medicine and our branches of the military as they saluted our jets flying overhead to the Battle Hymn of the Republic.

It was enough to bring a tear to one's eye.

I'm sorry to have to share the same sky with loathsome mongrels who would call a mere 2 Bradley fighting vehicles and tanks almost lost in the crowd a "threat" to their Resistance aimed at "dictatorial suppression."

I'm shocked that on one CNN program, where a guest said he thought it was cool and great to see a showcase of all this great military weaponry as the best of all fireworks, that all he got back from his CNN anchors was cold glares.

I regret having to walk the same soil as a bunch of unpatriotic cowards who would try to spin the many great displays of our finest in the military, marching bands and others. For those who missed it, here are links to Trump's speech, the flyovers, the modest parades and other demonstrations as well as the fireworks later on:

SALUTE TO AMERICA: President Trump HISTORIC Lincoln Memorial speech

These are the terrible events that CBS, ABC, NBC, CNN and MSNBC were too ashamed and didn't want you to see because they feared it might score Trump brownie points. The place there was literally PACKED. Not one more person could squeeze in. What a fabulous welcome sight as thousands actually proudly cheered: USA! USA! USA! USA! One of my favorite parts was as the crowd was able to go right up to a Bradley tank and put their hands on it. One fellow had his baby on his shoulders so he could see it.

Donald Trump: A total win.

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Democrats smoke too much.
Here's some fun. I thought of some more important military dates. Let's see how many these civics dounces can get.

November 11th?
December 7th?
September 11th? :eek:
Last Monday in May?
May 8th?
November 10th?
June 14th?
Have at it. Notice July 4th isn't on there.

Hey idiot. Quit trying to hijack my thread. If you can't stay on the topic, get lost. They have jet flyovers during many public events like the Super Bowl. That doesn't mean the event is about the military nor is it political.

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